Law Changers
Response to comment [from Messianic Jew]: [Keep law, keep feasts]
It is my understanding that the little horn will change laws and customs (Dan 7:25). He will reign during the last 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 11:2–3; 12:6; 13:5).
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all (Jas 2:10).
For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision (Ro 2:25).
If we keep the law, we should keep the whole law. I think the point is, we are all lawbreakers. Circumcision must be of the heart (Deut 10:16). Ronald L. Dart does a lot of educating about feasts and holidays. I would say, it is a good thing to know about these things, as it is to know about OT types and shadows (e.g. vessels [Ex 27:19]) but Christ fulfilled the law. The types and shadows pointed to him. We should rest on his work not our own. Still, the law is perfect (Ps 19:7).
Response to comment: "The law is spiritual".
The universe was made for man. The Sabbath was made for man, not the other way around. It is my understanding that that law of God which is perfect was meant to draw men nearer to God-- we see that we don't measure up. It seems that the whole universe is planned for man's redemption.
The universe will pass. Our savior is Lord of the Sabbath. And not one jot or titte of the law will pass until all things are accomplished (Mt 5:18). We have secured our place in heaven (1 Jn 5:13). We have rest in Jesus and we have everything necessary to live a holy life in our walk with the Lord.
I do not think that we can spiritualize the law. We do not return to the law (Ga 5:1). Rather, we were delivered from it. If we were to return to the law, we would have to keep it perfectly and we already know that we cannot do that. But Christ did.
Our freedom is not a license to sin. It is freedom to obey.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I don't think the universe was made for man."
You may be right. I used to think that Aristotle was arrogant to believe that the universe revolved around us (e.g. a celestial sky with earth as center). But now, I tend to think that earth is a special planet. The Bible says "He made the stars also (Ge 1:16)," as if they are a backdrop, tossed in for good measure.
Incidentally, Jesus identified with man not Martians. I don't think Martians can be saved. I had never intended to think about that, but Ken Ham posed the question.
"Ro 7:14"
I understand this passage to mean that the law is given to us but men are flesh (inert). We use the mind and the body for good or bad.
Response to comment [from a Messianic Jew] "[Ga 5:1] We are set free from sin not the law."
We are saved by faith not by the law. The law never saved anybody. It merely showed man who he is (like a mirror, J. Vernon McGee used to say). We do not live by keeping the law. Since we were saved by grace, we live by God's grace--daily being filled with the spirit. In Christ we have all that we need. In love, we do not murder, do not steal, etc. As we do not need a manual to love our spouse, we do not need the Ten Commandments or the rest of the hundreds of laws in scripture to love and obey the Lord. Christ is liberty not bondage so we do not return to legalism. Our calling is higher not lower (Ps 61:2).
We are freed from sin's domination in our lives. But while we are in the flesh, we will still sin.
"Gods Law does not change and nether does His appointed times. That is why He
is Lord of the Sabbath. It is the day of memorial for He created the heavens and
the earth in six days and rested on the seventh."
I understand this as God did not need rest but rather he
set a pattern for us to live by.
"After that we still need to avoid living in sin."
Do you believe we sin if we do not keep appointed times?
"Jesus still has things to fulfill so whole law stands."
The apostle Paul asked us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together (He 10:25).
"I am learning what I can about Messiah by being a doer of His Word and not just a hearer. I don't do everything because of circumstance (no temple). I don't keep the law to be saved but to bring glory to my savior Yeshua."
Being indwelled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, he goes where we go. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Co 6:19).
"Paul never taught the circumcision to put away the law."
We should keep our eye on Christ (1 Co 6:12, Ga 5:2) and not loose sight of the bigger picture. Jesus still has a plan in mind. He is concerned for lost souls (2 Pe 3:9). We should ask ourselves if we are doing what the Lord would have us do.
We may be asked in heaven one day, "Where are your disciples?" Shouldn't we take our Great Commission more seriously considering the times we live in? (Mt 28:19). In Christ there is neither Jew or Gentile (Ga 3:28) [Rosenberg].