Liberal Church Elites Attack Backers of New Arizona Immigration Law
"Liberal Church Elites Attack Backers of New
Arizona Immigration Law (emphasis mine)...
...'Instead of thoughtfully critiquing the law, these religious elites instead
disparage the law's supporters.' -- Mark Tooley, IRD President...
Washington, April 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Calling attempts by state and local
authorities to address illegal immigration "misguided and divisive," liberal
religious elites are slamming the supporters of a new immigration enforcement
law in Arizona...
...IRD President Mark Tooley commented:
"Instead of thoughtfully critiquing the law, these religious elites instead
disparage the law's supporters.
"If they bothered to survey members of their own churches, religious officials
would discover a wide spectrum of belief about immigration policy with many
thoughtful and legitimate concerns. Instead, some church elites would rather
condescendingly lecture down to those they caricature as advocating 'fear and
"These church leaders are unclear, or unconcerned, about how liberalized
immigration and eventual amnesty might affect America's unemployed, legal
immigrants, law enforcement, or how a virtually open border only undermines
attempts at economic and political reforms south of America's borders.
"Traditional Christian and Jewish teaching does not specifically offer an
immigration policy for nations.
"Divine commands for fairness and justice do not automatically equal liberalized
immigration, any more than they equate to socialized medicine, global warming
alarmism, or American disarmament." Full text:
Liberal Church Elites Attack Backers of New Arizona Immigration Law
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "The law does essentially allow for racial profiling..."
They've already made some revisions.
Keep up feather problem. Church
Elites Attack Backers of New Arizona Immigration Law
"Those 'liberal church leaders' are right."
When you get your theology from a box of Fruit Loops,
of course they are.
Liberal Church
Elites Attack Backers of New Arizona Immigration Law