Libya's Muammar el-Qaddafi is dead, discuss
Response to
comment [from other]: Originally Posted by MrRadish: [It's a shame that
he's dead - he was, after all, just a man, and the death of a person is never
something to be happy about - and also a shame that he couldn't stand trial.
Hopefully it will help put a swift end to any remaining resistance to the new
government, though, so that Libya can get on with recovering peacefully.
I still think that the UN's claims that they were only trying to protect
civilians and had no interest in regime change were disingenuous, though. It
should have either been open about trying to install a new government or not got
involved at all, since constantly abusing the 'peacekeeping' excuse is going to
make it much harder to get involved if there really is a situation where they
only want to protect people.] "You do make good points."
No, he usually
does not.
Too bad he does not know his Bible.
Pr 11:10
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Vengeance is repulsive."
Evil is
repulsive. "Vengeance is sweet." ~ William Painter Jer 46:9
There's more to come.
"[T]he day of the Lord. While this phrase often refers to an eschatological
judgment on earth (such as in Joel 1:15; Zeph. 1:7; Mal. 4:5; 1 Thess. 5:2; 2
Pet. 3:10), it also may refer to a historical day. In this case it refers to the
Egyptian defeat (cf. Lam. 2:22)..."
MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word
Pub., 1997, c1997, S. Je 46:10
"...Ezekiel says a nation called “Put” will be part of the alliance. Josephus
identifies “Put” as “ancient Lybios” — the territory that today we call Libya
and Algeria. Interestingly, both countries today are deeply hostile to Israel
and closely allied with Russia..." Full text:
What is the "War of Gog and Magog"? Pt. I Joel
Rosenberg Blog
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Killing a murderous monster like Qaddafi is no load on anyone's conscience. But killing him after he has given up, without trial, that should be on everyone's conscience."
It's true (Ezek.
Heb. 10:30). Vengeance
belongs to God (Psa.
94:1; Rom.
12:19). But Qaddafi is not coming back (Ga
"That's all I
have to say about that."
~ Forrest Gump
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[B]arbie's reputation for being a racist."
You weren't supposed to notice that because he calls you
a racist (Isa
With Christ's presence, one can overcome racism (Ac
17:26). If Barbie ever humbles himself before
God, he'll get over it (Eze
Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots
John Woolman: Quaker mystic and abolitionist
John Newton: Reformed slave trader
William Wilberforce: Antislavery politician
Sidebar: Bob Enyart is our William Wilberforce of today continuing the good
against the wicked practice of abortion.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "[T]he people who murdered Gaddafi are just outplaying the exact same consciousness as he had. Seriously[,]who wants to live in a world like this? I don't."
Solomon thought this.