Linkage: DIA "Bombshell" Assessment that North Korea May Now Have Nuclear Missiles...
[Linkage: DIA "Bombshell"
Assessment that North Korea May Now Have
Nuclear Missiles Could Accelerate Israeli
Calculus for Hitting Iran by Joel C.
"* U.S. intel: Assad's days numbered. "We
just don't know the number."
* Damascus Countdown hits NYT list for 5th
(Washington, D.C., April 12, 2013) -- The
news that the U.S. Defense Intelligence
Agency now believes North Korea may be able
to miniaturize its nuclear warheads and fit
them on ballistic missiles means the crisis
on the Korean Peninsula involves not just
one but two dangerous scenarios.
First, that Kim Jung Un -- the Pyongyang
man-child dictator -- will trigger a nuclear
war in East Asia, either purposefully or
accidentally. The last Korean war cost more
than 2.5 million lives. The next one could
cost many multiples of that. Seoul alone is
a city of some 12 million people.
Second, that Benjamin Netanyahu -- the
Israeli Prime Minister -- will feel
compelled to launch a massive preemptive
strike against Iran's nuclear facilities
sooner rather than later. Why? Because the
rapid advancement of North Korea in building
nuclear warheads capable of fitting on
ballistic missiles means Iran is not far
behind from accomplishing the same if North
Korea is selling their research to the
mullahs in Tehran.
This could accelerate the Israeli calculus
for taking decisive action since neither the
Obama administration nor other world powers
appear to be taking decisive steps of their
own to neutralize the Iranian nuclear
This is what I call "linkage."
While on the surface North Korea is creating
a crisis that is unique to the Pacific
theater, the sober truth is that the crisis
actually has direct and immediate
implications for the Middle East. Israeli
leaders are monitoring the North Korean
developments very closely. They are also
watching equally closely how the White House
is handling the Korean situation.
At this point, Netanyahu and his advisors
are likely drawing the following
1. Pyongyang either has or nearly has not
just an operational nuclear warhead, but one
that can be fitted on a ballistic missile;
2. Therefore, because Iran and North Korea
are working so closely together, it must be
assumed that Iran is even closer to having
deliverable nuclear missiles than previously
3. The U.S. intends to take no decisive
action to stop Pyongyang from becoming a
nuclear weapons power;
4. Therefore, it can be assumed that the
U.S. is not going to take decisive action to
stop Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons
5. In the cases of both North Korea and
Iran, the Obama administration talks tough,
but carries a little stick - the U.S. merely
intends to contain and deter these two
countries from using nuclear weapons, not
really prevent them from building them;
6. Thus, Israel is on its own, and may need
to move hard and fast to keep Iran from
crossing the red line, after which Israel
won't have an effective military option.
"The results of a classified Defense
Intelligence Agency report indicate that..."
Full text:
Linkage: DIA “bombshell” assessment that
North Korea may now have nuclear missiles
could accelerate Israeli calculus for
hitting Iran
DIA "Bombshell" Assessment that North Korea
May Now Have Nuclear Missiles...