Lying is no big deal... ask Brian Williams
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Yeh, Brian Williams, Man of a thousand Pinocchios. That man should be fired. Of course, maybe he basically is fired... Why would NBC have him back when his 6 months vacation... Oops... "leave" is up? But he should be officially fired..."
Now you know how much NBC values the truth.
"Truth is not a value of the Left--global warming,
equality--these are values of the Left." ~ Dennis Prager Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
'Riding Shotgun With OJ' And Other Hilarious 'Brian Williams Memories'
"Liars, lies, lying—manifestation of untruth. Defined
as: Nature of the devil (John 8:44), Denial that Jesus is Christ (1 John 2:22),
Not keeping Christ’s commandments (1 John 2:4), Hating one’s brother (1 John
4:20), All that is not of the truth (1 John 2:21, 27). Those who speak: Wicked
(Ps. 58:3), False witnesses (Prov. 14:5, 25), Astrologers (Dan. 2:9), Israel
(Hos. 7:3, 13), Judah (Jer. 9:1–5). Attitude of the wicked toward: Are always
(Titus 1:12), Forge against the righteous (Ps. 119:69), Change God’s truth for
(Rom. 1:25). Attitude of the righteous toward: Keep far from (Prov. 30:8), Shall
not speak (Zeph. 3:13), Pray for deliverance from (Ps. 120:2), “Put away” (Eph.
4:25). Attitude of God toward: Will not (Num. 23:19), Is an abomination (Prov.
6:16–19), Will discover man’s (Is. 28:15, 17), Is against (Ezek. 13:8).
Punishment of, shall: Not escape (Prov. 19:5), Be stopped (Ps. 63:11), Be
silenced (Ps. 31:18), Be short lived (Prov. 12:19), End in lake of fire (Rev.
21:8, 27). The evils of: Produces error (Amos 2:4), Increases wickedness (Prov.
29:12), Destruction (Hos. 10:13–15), Death (Prov. 21:6; Zech. 13:3)." Thomas
Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (pp.
380–381). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
"I always knew lefties were liars... but this about takes the freaking cake."
To the Leftist mind, the end justify the means
(Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).
They knew he was a compulsive liar--sorry--that he
stories from time to time.
"Yeh, that level of lying is pretty hard to not see."
Now it's PornO'Reilly:
O'Reilly Facing Barrage of Media Attacks
Bill O'Reilly's Own Video From Falklands Protest Contradicts His "War Zone"
Harry Reid doesn't regret accusing Mitt Romney of not paying taxes
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Evidence of Bill O'Reilly's tall tales: Link, link, link, and FOX "News" does not care about being fair or balanced: link."
Was this is his
Back of the Book section?
"Lying is almost always connected to other sins."
~ Darrell Ferguson
Defeating Sin Through Preference by Darrell
NBC Inquiry of Brian Williams Said to Expand: half-dozen instances thought fabricated
Tom Brady lied; only the consequences are open to debate
Ethics: George Staphylococcus (Savage) discloses $75,000 contribution to Clinton Foundation
Williams: 'I Told the Story Correctly for Years Before I Told it Incorrectly'
'Bad Urge Inside of Me'
Jn 8:44, Jas 4:8
Dan Rather movie still insists Bush-National Guard documents were real
Vid: Little Boy Denies Eating Cupcake
Brian Williams Will Return to MSNBC Primetime for Iowa Caucuses Prov. 13:5
We all lie, scientists say, but politicians even more so
The Collapse of a Permissive Society by Michael