MMS Exempts BP: BP/Obama Relationship
An excerpt from the Glenn Beck
Program, 5 May 2010: "In 2006, the Minerals Management Service exempted
B.P. and other oil companies from implementing a safety shut-off switch. That's
the next thing they did. They exempted them.
Damn that evil George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Halliburton in bed with big
oil. It is all their fault. Yes. Yes.
Except B.P. got another pass from the MMS on the detailed environmental impact
analysis after three reviews of this area concluded that the massive oil spill
was unlikely. Really? Hmmm.
Now, the question is: why? Why would MMS give them a pass? We asked.
Congressman Issa told us that interior inspector general report says that MMS, a
government agency, gave preferential treatment in awarding contracts. What? They
received improper gifts and kickbacks from industry personnel in exchange for
lucrative contracts.
Crime Inc. -- what? They have used drugs with coworkers and, yes, had sex with
subordinates. The only thing missing here is a tickle party. But I bet we could
find it.
They are so busy doing favors and getting high, the MMS still can't accurately
account on how much oil and natural gas is even being pumped out of our federal
land and if the royalties are being paid to you, the U.S. taxpayer. But there is
your federal government regulation!
Oh, by the way, the exemption last time, that wasn't Dick Cheney or Halliburton
or George W. Bush, no, no, no. That exemption was awarded on April 6th, 2009, by
the Obama administration.
Oh, and another thing -- according to Politico, B.P. and its employees have
given more than $3.5 billion to federal candidates over the last 20 years, with
the largest chunk of their money going to Barack Obama." Full text:
Crime Incorporated: The Next Chapter - Part 1 by Glenn Beck Associated Press Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "[H]e [Beck] fails to mention what campaign donations were for the Republican tickets in that same time period."
Beck said: "...[A]ccording to Politico, B.P. and its employees have given more than $3.5 billion to federal candidates over the last 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Barack Obama."
Beck is not an apologist for either party. He's a Libertarian (an immoral conservative). If you are interested in more specific details, what is stopping you from looking it up? His point was that the largest chunk of money went to Obama.
"I'm not sure where Politico or Beck are looking, but those are the numbers from the source they quoted. Clearly, Obama did not receive the largest chunk of money from BP."
Your links [] are the same as Politico? If you believe Beck misspoke. Why don't you email him and ask him to retract?
"Yup, go read the article that Beck cited."
Why don't you link it directly?
"I don't know if he misspoke or not; perhaps he's looking at a different set of numbers than I am."
I think that's probably the case.
"Either way, it appears the majority of campaign money from BP went Republican..."
That cannot be the case "either way". He's either
right or he's wrong. He cannot be both.
I assume both sides are corrupt. Did you have another point?
"My point...was that the corruption transcends presidential administrations..."
I agree.
"...and it seems a bit odd that Beck would really strive to point out Obama's over any other."
I think Beck points out corruption from both sides.
My point for linking this bit was to demonstrate the way
Leftists make an accusation (e.g. Bush/Cheney big oil, etc.
when their candidate does the same thing, they are silent.
I don't care for Bush or Obama so I have no dog in this
Exempts BP: BP/Obama Relationship