Man: the image of God
[Man: the image of God by Prof. J. Rendle-Short] "Evolutionists suggest that evolution is a meaningless, undirected process and that humans are a mere accident with no purpose or meaning in the universe. If humans evolved, then there is no eternal life and no God. This obviously flies in the face of Christian beliefs; we were created in the image of God. This view of creation gives our life meaning and purpose. Without God, there is no foundation for morality and each person can do what seems right at the time with no real consequences regarding eternity— eternity does not exist. Man shares characteristics with both animals and God. The Bible equates man and animals on a certain level, but the presence of a spirit and the ability to communicate ideas are attributes man shares with God. We also see God’s attributes in human creativity, reasoning, and the ability to express love and pursue the holiness that existed before sin entered the world. The impulse to survive seen in every living thing cannot be described in biological terms; a divine Creator must have instilled this desire in each organism. Evolutionists suggest that the hope of an afterlife is a coping mechanism that has developed as a response to the bleakness of our existence, but God says it is a promise to all. Some will be in the presence of God and others will be cast into Hell." Evolution Exposed, Second Ed. Man: the image of God, Rendle-Short.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "You really don't have a single original thought in your head."
The "Satanists" identity isn't workin' out for ya?
Granitheart, I thought I was on your "ignore" list?
2 Tim. 4:4
Response to comment [from other]: "Is it a creationist prediction that you will find the same job done the same way in different species because of common design?"
Answered. This thread is about a Creator that
you are responsible to.
You'll have a body fit for
heaven or
hell. Your choice.