Mark of the Beast?
[Drudge: Mark
of the beast? Electronic tattoo has medical, gaming, spy uses..."]
Full text
13:16 a mark. In the Roman Empire, this was a
normal identifying symbol, or brand, that slaves and soldiers bore on their
bodies. Some of the ancient mystical cults delighted in such tattoos, which
identified members with a form of worship. Antichrist will have a similar
requirement, one that will need to be visible on the hand or forehead.
Re 13:17 buy or sell.
Antichrist’s mark will allow people to engage in daily commerce, including the
purchase of food
and other necessities.
Without the identifying mark, individuals will be cut off from the necessities
of life. number of his name. The beast (Antichrist) will have a name inherent in
a numbering system. It is not clear from the text exactly what this name and
number system will be or what its significance will be."
MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word
Pub., 1997, c1997, S.
Re 13:16
An actual mark or just the will?
How computers will soon get under our skin
"Sounds like an actual mark, to me."
Now I know why
I don't like tattoos.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Better safe than sorry, don't get it or support it and refuse when it is given. Non-violently of course."
Don't worry. Be happy (Jude
"In chapter 8 we have the opening of the seventh seal which introduces the seven
angels blowing seven trumpets. Four of the trumpets will be dealt with in this
chapter. After the parenthetical matter of chapter 7, the sealing of two
companies, we now have the opening of the seals resumed. Only the seventh seal
remains to be opened. This is the pattern that John sets for the remainder of
the Book of Revelation so that we cannot be led astray. There will be series of
sevens and, in fact, there are four such series which relate to the Great
Tribulation Period. John will give the first six of whatever the series is. Then
he will present parenthetical material that contributes to the understanding of
that particular series. Finally, the opening of the seventh of the series will
introduce the next series of seven, which means that these series are
interrelated, tied together, and actually belong to the same period.
There is no reason to get bogged down or to be sensational at this point. To
begin with, we have said that everything from chapter 4 on is future—“the things
that shall be after these things” (see
Rev. 1:19). We are living
in the things that are present, the church age, and in one sense these things do
not concern us. Many people say, “Oh, it frightens me to study the Book of
Revelation!” I will admit that, beginning with the riding of the four horsemen
of the Apocalypse, these are terrible, terrific judgments that are coming on
this earth. They are so tremendous that they boggle the mind just to read about
them. But we can at least know where we are: these are things that will take
place after the church has left the earth. If you are a child of God, you have
been sealed by the Holy Spirit to be delivered to Christ when the church goes
out of the world before the Great Tribulation Period. This is what is called
“the blessed hope” of the church.
These seven trumpets will bring us to the full intensity of the Great
Tribulation. The seven seals bring judgments which are the natural results of
the activities of sinful man apart from God. The sixth seal brings the judgment
of nature. The seven trumpets reveal that God is directly and supernaturally
judging a rebellious race."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas
Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 5:957-958
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Hate to drop the bomb but the Rapture theory was invented by the Jesuits..."
So you've said.
Study Revelation more closely.
Outline Revelation by J Vernon McGee