Massachusetts town weighs nation's 1st tobacco ban
[Massachusetts town weighs nation's 1st tobacco ban by
Amy Crawford] "Westminster, Mass. (AP) -- The cartons of Marlboros, cans of
Skoal and packs of Swisher Sweets are hard to miss stacked near the entrance of
Vincent's Country Store, but maybe not for much longer: All tobacco products
could become contraband if local health officials get their way.
This sleepy central Massachusetts town of 7,700 has become an improbable
battleground in America's tobacco wars. On Wednesday, the Board of Health will
hear public comment on a proposed regulation that could make Westminster the
first municipality in the United States to ban sales of all tobacco products
within town lines.
"To my knowledge, it would be the first in the nation to enact a total ban,"
said Thomas Carr, director of national policy at the American Lung Association.
"We commend the town for doing it"..." Full text:
Massachusetts town weighs nation's 1st tobacco ban Jn
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "There is nothing immoral about smoking/using tobacco products."
Our bodies are not our own: You were bought at a price (1 Co 7:23).
Response to comment [from other]: "The Bible says your body is God's holy temple. I'm curious how smoking (vandalism of the body) is justified, unless you don't find vandalism of God's holy temple to be a problem."
That's true (1 Co 6:19). But, I'd rather be a smoker
than a
Nicorette gum chewing buffoon.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Our bodies are not our own: You were bought at a price (1 Co 7:23).] "I'm aware of that. Is there something in Holy Scripture that says or even indicates that partaking in tobacco products is wrong..."
Just the general principle (same with alcohol).
What is sin for me may not be sin for you and vice versa. What is sin for
you may not be sin for me (Jas 4:17). We should run these decision
by the Master and not cause each other to stumble (1 Co 8:13).
"Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not
be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men
who have sex with men..."
True (1 Jn 2:19 , Heb 10:28-29, Jn 15:6).
"[N]or those who put a big nasty cigar in their mouth..."
Enjoy your big, ol' stogie
in good health.
I used to smoke (no longer do). Maybe I should take it up again? Alas, I
wouldn't be able to get through my cardio program though.
"Do you mind if I don't smoke?" (right click, open)
~ Groucho Marx
"That sounds rather....relative (not absolute). Alcohol consumption in and of itself isn't immoral, getting intoxicated is."
We'll all give an account (1 Pe 4:5). It's wise to stay
sober-minded especially in these last days (1 Pe 4:7).
"The trouble with a living sacrifice is it keeps crawling off the alter.~ Helen
Cripps Ro 12:1
Pima County may vote to refuse to hire smokers
"Give me health or give me death?"
~ Dennis Prager
town weighs nation's 1st tobacco ban