Megan Kelly on Chaz Bono
Megan Kelly from Fox News, seemingly still hormonal
coming off her maternity leave, is upset with Dr. Keith Ablow who said that
children should not have been permitted to watch the cross-dresser Chaz Bono on
Deut 22:5,
Mt 19:4
Do you agree?
God...Fox News?...
1 Cor 6:9
Note to self, when raising children keep them out of the Hollyweird scene.
Don't Let Your Kids Watch Chaz Bono On 'Dancing With the Stars'
by Dr. Keith Ablow
Response to comment [from a Christian]: I'm so disconnected from media and Hollywood that I don't even know who Megan Kelly and Chaz Bono are. And no, I'm not going to Google to research them."
Your life will be full not knowing either of them
Are you posting
from jail? Mt 6:34
Amish jailed by Kentucky judge over warning triangle fine non-payment
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Anything to maintain your blissful ignorance."
Look what living the world (1
Jn 2:15,
1 Cor 6:9) has done for
Deut 22:5,
Mt 19:4
"I see nothing wrong with Chaz Bono..."
You are in rebellion toward God (Ro 1:32). Chaz Bono is
an ugly female.
"You're one ugly..."
Dutch, Predator
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "So, following the advice of Dr. Keith Ablow, we shelter the kids from all that may be objectionable. Neato. They grow up in a rosy friendly Disney bubble ..."
No (Pr 7:1). Disney is pro-homo, too. Ro 1:32
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I live a pretty good life."
For now (Heb 11:25). You are short sighted (Ho 4:17).
"One that I am quite proud of and satisfied with."
Know thyself (Ezek. 16:28, 29).
"How can I be in rebellion toward something that is not real?"
You've found a way to delude yourself
(Psa 49:18).
"Chaz could stand to lose a few pounds..."
Her weight is the problem
Mt 19:4).
"You...are a foul, hideous beast..."
You're projecting
again (Ro 1:28, Isa 29:15,16).
"I just live in the real world."
You are a man who dresses like a woman.
Deut 22:5,
Mt 19:4
"I know myself quite well."
Believe God's assessment (Re 3:17).
"If there is anyone deluded in this conversation it's you..."
You're projecting
again (Ro
Isa 29:15,16).
[Her weight is not the problem (Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4).] "He doesn't appear to have any other real problems."
Insisting that she has a different gender is additional
proof that God made them male and female (Mt
"Prove God exists."
Prove he doesn't exist. You have internal evidence (Ro 2:15) external evidence (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures. You are without excuse (Ro 1:20).
Response to comment [from other]: "[W]ait a minute the P66 person is a guy who dresses like a woman?..."
It's sad and revolting but true (Deut
Mt 19:4).
"I have to pay more attention."
No one would think less of you if you repressed it all.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I just realized something. Seeing drag queens and transsexuals on the Phil Donohue show when I was a kid in the early 80's is totally to blame for how I turned out today. Or was it listening to Twisted Sister?"
"...[S]in, through desire and pride, alienates the life in us (the soul) from the life that is in God and leaves us in the turmoil of a soul struggling with life on its own. Those who go so far as to abandon themselves to evil--consciously choosing evil as their goal (the "wicked" of Proverbs 21:10)--will be totally abandoned by God. Arrogant wrongdoing is the deepest possible wound people can inflict on their soul (pg. 211, Willard)."
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "Ablow needs his license revoked."
Give him the Larry Summers treatment?
"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Put Left-wing Speech Control in the Cross Hairs by
Dennis Prager