Merkel: multiculturalism has 'failed utterly'


Chancellor Angela Merkel says multiculturalism in Germany has 'failed utterly'. She tells a conference of the youth wing of her Christian Democratic Union..." Full text: Angela Merkel: Multiculturalism has failed in Germany

They get it. Why don't we?




Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "I'm not sure how it applies to the US..."


It has failed here, as well. Are you interested in Americanism: "In God we Trust", Liberty and E pluribus unum, Latin for 'out of many, one' (Prager) or European socialism?


American Trinity


Response to comment [from other]:  "We're down a slippery slope towards either left or right wing fascism."


The fight is Leftism vs. Americanism (Eph. 6:12). Ultimately, we win (Col. 2:15).


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "What does wanting "European Socialism" have to do with multi-culturalism?"


The left stands for: secularism, equality and multiculturalism. The right stands for (The American Trinity: found on any coin in your pocket): 'In God we Trust', Liberty and E pluribus unum, Latin for 'out of many, one' (Prager).


Liberty vs. Tyranny

The great U-turn: how demographic shifts and regulatory arbitrage turned the United States away from European socialism


Response to comment [from :  "It only works in countries with the right social history of tolerance, which was never a strong point for Germany."


We knew that was coming.


"Jonah Goldberg reminds us that the original fascists were really on the Left, and that liberals from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to Hillary Clinton have advocated policies and principles remarkably similar to those of Hitler's National Socialism and Mussolini's Fascism.

Contrary to what most people think, the Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term "National Socialism"). They believed in free health care and guaranteed jobs. They confiscated inherited wealth and spent vast sums on public education. They purged the church from public policy, promoted a new form of pagan spirituality, and inserted the authority of the state into every nook and cranny of daily life. The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported abortion, euthanasia, and gun control. They loathed the free market, provided generous pensions for the elderly, and maintained a strict racial quota system in their universities--where campus speech codes were all the rage. The Nazis led the world in organic farming and alternative medicine. Hitler was a strict vegetarian, and Himmler was an animal rights activist... (Sleeve of his book, Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg)."




Tactics of the Left


Response to comment [from other]:  "serpentdove, stop scrambling for a link..."

Stop misquoting me. [ textbook Godwin Tue, 19 Oct 2010 22:20:14] A little Barbi'esk, don't you think?


[Stop misquoting/lying] "Why should I?"


Ex 20:16, Ro 3:13, Jn 8:44, 55.

Want to answer the question now?





Please re-read the thread.


Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "In some ways, she's [serpentdove's] already assimilated in traditional German values."


Aren't you the one who believes that certain people groups developed differently? Do you believe some people groups are "more evolved" than others as Hitler did? Hitler believed Darwin. Do you still believe the lie of evolution?


Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots


Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "...a genetic character [Morris]..."


Still don't understand the difference between character and color? Ethics and ethnicity?


"...[T]he kind of ideas Morris espouses."


That we are one blood, one race?  Ac 17:26. Is that more terrifying than your monkey superiority theory.


"blatantly racist"


You're projecting again. What is racist about teaching that we are one blood, one race (Ac 17:26)--the human race?

You can always ask a person if he is a racist instead of assuming he is. Card's gettin' a little worn out, hmm? You do have other cards in the deck?



"Morris and the Nazis claimed that certain "races" were inferior to others."


You misrepresent his position (what else is new ).  Morris' position is a biblical one--we are one blood and one race--the human race (Ac 17:26).


"I restored the context you removed..."


...which does not help your argument.  I'm addressing your claim that Morris is a racist.  He is not.  I quoted you correctly. 


"I restored Morris' words, too."


He's still right and you're still wrong.  


[Morris a racist] "We'll just have to disagree on that."


Perhaps it's you (Tit 1:15). Examine yourself (Mt 7:5, 2 Cor 13:5). Morris left a godly legacy (Ps 112:2). Will you?


"...[T]he problem of racism that is so often found among creationists."


Aren't you the one who claims to be a Christian yet promotes the story of molecules-to-man evolution? Heb 11:1.  Did man evolve from ape-like ancestors or was Adam created from dust and Eve from his side? If people groups are equal what is your basis for saying so?


[Was Adam created from dust and Eve from his side?]  "...[T]hat is in allegory..."


What reason does scripture provide for you to believe that?  Your eisegetical treatment of scripture allows you to interpret it any way you'd like.


Ge 1-11 is foundational to all biblical doctrines (e.g. marriage, the gospel).  If the history of the Bible is not true, then biblical foundations have no foundation in literal history.


"I accept scripture as it is."


Can men live 900 years?  Can virgin women have babies?  Can people be raised from the dead?  Do you believe the historicity of the Bible (Ge 1-11)?  Who determines truth about origins?  Man or God?  Do you believe that fossil layers were laid down over long periods of time before man appeared?  The fossil record is one of death, disease, animals eating each other and thorns.  These beliefs are incompatible with the Bible which teaches that death is an "enemy" (1 Cor 15:26), animals were vegetarian before sin (Ge 1:30), and that thorns came after Adam's sin and the curse (Ge 3:18).


Which do you believe?


[Fossil record laid down slowly over time] "That is a fact...The 'death' God speaks of in Genesis is a spiritual one...[I]t doesn't say all animals were vegetarians...[Thorns came after sin and the curse (Ge 3:18).] It doesn't say that, either...[Which is it?] Not much of a choice, is not an historical account."


If the history and science of Ge 1-11 is not true, can we interpret biblical doctrines any way we'd like? Do you go to God or science for answers?

Are man's opinions subordinate to God's? Who determines the truth about origins and therefore life--man or God? Do you use man's opinion to interpret God's word?

If man makes up history can man make up morality, too?

You are a humanist cloaked in Christianity (2 Pe 3:5, Mt 15:14, Heb 11:1).


"Genesis 1-11 isn't history and science."


It is not historically accurate?  It is not scientifically accurate?


Your religion of naturalism is anti-God.  Believing that humanity can explain origins and life is darkness (Acts 13:8–11).  Like a good  Laodicean, you are neither hot nor cold.  You are:  wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.  Repent or God will :vomit: spit you out (Rev. 3:14–22).


[Truth] "It's not even in the same time zone with you."


Morris left a godly legacy.  He taught the Bible and "kept the way of the Lord" (Ge 18:19).  Some forget the works of God (Ps 78, Ps 1:1-2). 


Response to comment [from other]:  "...[C]an plants live without the sun? Because, it had not yet been created as of Genesis 1:11-13. Therefore, how could Genesis be a linear narrative?  No sun, no plants."

"On the first day, He had said: “Let there be light!” (Hebrew or). On the fourth day, He said: “Let there be lights” (or light-givers, Hebrew ma-or). Intrinsic light first, then generators of light later, is both the logical and the Biblical order.
The chief purpose of both the light of the first three days and the light-givers of all later days was to “divide the light from the darkness” (verses 4, 18), and this can only mean that the two regimes were essentially identical. The duration of the days and nights was the same in each case, and the directions of light emanation on the earth from space must have been the same in each case.
In other words, light rays were impinging on the earth as it rotated on its axis during the first three days of essentially the same intensities and directions as those which would later emanate from the heavenly bodies to be emplaced on the fourth day. Light was coming during the day as though from the sun and during the night as though from the moon and stars, even though they had not yet been made...
...The lights were set in “the firmament of heaven,” but this was not the same firmament as formed on the second day. The latter is the “open firmament of heaven” where birds were to fly (verse 20). As noted above, the term “firmament” may apply to any particular region of space, as determined by context. In verse 8, we were told that “God called the firmament Heaven.” Evidently “firmament” is the common term and “heaven” is the formal name for any firmament (or space) which has been designated as a particular sphere of God’s creative or purposive activity.
The fact that both sun and moon are called “light-givers” does not suggest that they are of the same substance. One actually generates light, whereas the other only reflects light; but both “give light” as far as their functions relative to the earth are concerned."
Morris, Henry M.: The Genesis Record : A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings. Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books, 1976, S. 65

Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "Cafeteria Christian"

Trite "Christian" cliché.

Response to comment [from other]:  ""You prove that you are a cafeteria Christian by cutting and pasting...It's pathetic."

Letters bother you? Or could it be the ideas behind them? The Bible is offensive because it says God (not the earth ) made you and you are responsible to him (
Pr 16:4; Re 4:11). Queue the Avatar Smurfs (Ro 1:25).

Appearance of age: "In Genesis 1–2 we are clearly told that God made a mature creation right from the beginning. On Day 1 God made the earth as a sphere in space covered with water. Though its surface was not in its final form until day 3, it was the earth, not some cloud of gas and dust slowly cooling and condensing by the laws of physics and chemistry. On Day 3 He made the various kinds of plants with fruit already on their branches. He did not create the plants as seeds or seedlings in the ground. On Day 4 the sun, moon and stars were fully formed and immediately functioned as time markers. On Day 5 and Day 6, He made the sea creatures, birds and land animals as mature adults instantly capable of obeying His command to be fruitful and multiply and fill the oceans, atmosphere and land. Also, on Day 6 God supernaturally created Adam and Eve as mature adults ready to communicate with God and each other, tend a garden and procreate.

If God had not made a mature, fully functioning creation, He would have needed to constantly use miracles to sustain and perfect His creation, which would not reflect well on either His power or His creativity or His wisdom. What would we think of an engineer who designed and made a machine that he constantly had to tinker with to make it work, to keep it functioning and to eventually be what he originally designed and intended it to be? He would certainly be considered a incompetent engineer.

When God made this mature creation, it had an appearance of age that it did not actually have. Immediately after Adam’s creation he looked like he had been alive for perhaps 20 years, presumably the son of a mom and dad, when in fact he had only been made a few seconds earlier directly from dust. But God did not create a mature man (or plants or animals or heavenly bodies) for the purpose of making an appearance of age. Appearance of age was simply an inevitable characteristic of a mature, fully functioning creation. In fact, even if God had made the first plants as seeds in the ground or the first animals or man as fertilized eggs, it would still imply a history that never was (i.e., implying a tree that bore the seeds or parents that produced the fertilized eggs).

If we had been observers at the end of Creation Week, we would only be misled about the age of things if we ignored God’s own Word when it says how He made those creatures [emphasis mine] and how long it took (and if we forgot that they were the result of God’s supernatural activities instead of natural processes). So there was no deception on God’s part in making a mature creation..." Full text:

Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "Serpent doesn't like being reminded that she objects to parts of scripture."


God (not the earth ) made plants (Gen. 1:11, 12).

In the beginning awas the Word, and the bWord was cwith God, and the Word was dGod.  eHe was in the beginning with God. fAll things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. gIn Him was life, and hthe life was the light of men. And ithe light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

a Gen. 1:1; [Col. 1:17]; 1 John 1:1
b [John 1:14]; Rev. 19:13
c [John 17:5; 1 John 1:2]
d [1 John 5:20]
e Gen. 1:1
f Ps. 33:6; [Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16, 17; Heb. 1:2]
g [1 John 5:11]
h John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46
i [John 3:19]
1 Or overcome
The New King James Version. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1982, S. Jn 1:1-5


Why do you take the Bible literally?


[God (not the earth ) made plants] "Let's take a look and see what it says..."


Are we speaking about the Holy Bible or The Origin of Species?

God (not the earth) is the creator of all things (Heb. 11:3, Col. 1:16, 17, Ps. 104:30).  God created:  the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1–10), vegetation (Gen. 1:11, 12). animals (Gen. 1:21–25), man (Gen. 1:26–28), and the stars (Is. 40:26).


Creation is an expression of:  God's deity (1:20), power (Is. 40:26, 28), glory (Ps. 19:1), goodness (Ps. 33:5, 6), wisdom (Ps. 104:24), and sovereignty (Rev. 4:11).  It is illustrative of:  the new birth (2 Cor. 5:17), renewal of believers (Ps. 51:10), and the eternal world (Is. 65:17; 2 Pet. 3:11, 13), Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nelson's Quick Reference Topical Bible Index. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995 (Nelson's Quick Reference), S. 159


Merkel: multiculturalism has 'failed utterly'