No Muslims in the Military?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [No Muslims in the Military?]
If we don't recognize the problem, we can't fix it.
There is no "nation of Islam" any more than there is a "nation of Christianity" - it's just an idea that a number of the extremist elements latched onto to justify their ridiculous actions
Punisher1984, do you not even recognize the enemy?
It is an excellent question. You do not invite the enemy into your base camp as we have done. It is only a matter of time until the fruits of his faith are manifested. Muslims live among us plotting, planning and fundraising until the day that they can kill every last infidel Christian or Jew. Listen to them. They say it.
Our government knows that there are sleeper cells in every major U.S. city. But we have elected a Muslim as president. He pretends to be a Christian of course--lie to the infidel remember? Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is older he will not depart from it (Prov 22:6). Obama acts as he was raised. His first response was to seek to understand them. Now we must "understand" evil not destroy it?
We are post Christian according to our president: "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation." That makes us a part of the axis of evil. The last best hope is fading.
Response to comment [from other]: "All of them? I thought that one of the goals of Christianity is witnessing to all in hopes that we heathens will see the light and convert."
Christians do share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Missionaries go into all the world as Christ commanded. It often puts them in great danger.
"How is it possible to breed anything but contempt if you consider a whole group of people as the enemy."
All who are not found in Christ are God's enemies. That is not just Muslims. It includes all cults and 'isms. Christians are commanded to have charity toward the enemy (Ex. 23:4–5; Prov. 24:17) and even love our enemy (Matt. 5:44; Rom. 12:20) until the Lord puts all of them under his feet (1 Cor. 15:25). We live in an age of grace. Anyone can receive forgiveness in Christ when they repent of their sin and turn to him.
"If an individual gives a plausible reason for suspecting they are a terrorist, no doubt that it is better to be cautious than ignore the possible danger."
There were many warnings with this murderer. He should never have remained in the military.
"However, what about someone who is born into a Muslim family and turns his/her back on any part of their religion that would be considered extreme?"
Trust in God but tie up your camel.
Response to comment [from other]: "Obama is not a Muslim."
(Pr 22:6).
"Bonus reminder.....we are at "war" with "terror", not Islam."
In this country we are in a religious war between secularists and theists whether you realize it or not (2 Cor 10:4).
"The mission in Afghanistan, for example, is highly contingent on making friends with the local Islamic community."
That's worked so well for us in the past.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith." - Obama
There you go.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Like the "fruits of the faith" of Christianity is all love, peace and happiness - right?"
In 6000 years of recorded history in religious wars about 3 million people died and that's regrettable.
Hitler and Stalin, who rejected God, alone are responsible for the deaths of 57 million people.
We are talking about all religious wars: Muslims, Hindus and oriental religions. If you talk about religious wars that involve "Christians", it's about 1.8 million. If you are talking about those who are Bible-believing, what we call Evangelical Christians, it is less than 1/4 million.
Those who reject God--57 million and the number is growing (Rogers, Can An Intellectual Believe in God?).
"A little paranoid, are we?"
Don't misunderstand, we are on the winning team. The ones who are not found in Christ have reason to be paranoid (Isa 48:22).
"Hate to break it to you, but this isn't a Christian nation and never was."
The future is assured, it's the past that keeps changing.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...if this country is a Christian nation, it is a pretty terrible one. We don't worship Christ Jesus."
We know you do not worship Jesus. Didn't you volunteer your own name at Satan Inc. TOL Heretic List?
Would you please re-identify yourself with whatever work-based cult or 'ism you are in?
"How exactly is one supposed to react to this kind of [please insert the obscenity of you choice]?"
Do you find it hard to respond without an ad hominem attack? The left usually does.
You, being a Jew, of all people should be willing to name the enemy and fight against him. Are you ready for another holocaust? What about Islamic jihadists living among us is so hard to understand?
Wake up. Stop living in denial.
"You don't. Let the children play."
Move over Sophocles (Ingraham). What pearls of passivity do you have for us today?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I don't make a distinction between faith and works. Faith is something that should be practiced, and works are the fruit of that."
The Bible makes a distinction. We are saved by grace through faith, not of works, lest anyone should boast (Eph 2:8).
"Paul spoke about the root of faith (Eph 2:8). James spoke about the fruit of faith (Jm 2:17-18). ~ Adrienne Rogers
Please clarify over at Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List) I've submitted your name for consideration. link
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Awlaki said the only way a
Muslim can justify serving in the U.S. military is if he intends to "follow in
the footsteps of men like Nidal."
We need a full sweep of the military. We must know
if these men and women are Americans first. It is naive to think that just
because the rest of them have not attacked, they won't. These are very
patient people.
The media seems concerned that this man was not hugged as a child. They are calling it a mental disorder. There are millions of people with mental disorders who do not set out to kill those who do not bow the knee to the false god, Allah.
We are Americans. Stop yielding to
political correctness. If the liberals want to give you one of their
favorite titles (sexist, Islamophobe, xenophobe, homophobe, racist, bigot) let
them. We know we are not. They want to dismiss us so that they can
dismiss our argument.
Recommended Reading: The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran by Robert Spencer
(Paperback - Sep 21, 2009)
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I am a Christian first, not an
American. I hope you feel the same."
I am a Christian first and an American second. That is a good thing. If Muslims are Muslims first and Americans second, that is a bad thing. If you believe the Bible, then you understand that bad roots will produce bad fruits (Mt 7:20). When you plant an orchard full of bad fruit in your nation, you will loose to the enemy.
Our commander in chief will not even name our adversary. Read the book of Daniel. A strong military moves swiftly. Have you noticed this president dragging his feet in Afghanistan? Leaving our men to die without support? He has no interest in destroying the enemy because he is the enemy. He is beginning to cozy up to Arabs (a wild ass of a people [Ge 16:12]) and distancing himself from Israel. It does not take a genus to realize that this president stands for everything that God stands against.
Islam is a perversion of Christianity. We need to stop pretending that all religions are equally good. This nation was founded by Christians and the founders wanted that fact to be remembered. You can see why. If we give our country up to the political correctness idol we have made, America's greatness will come to an end.
Response to comment [from an athiest]: "Nice racism you've got there."
See, the terrorists have you trained like a puppy. I bet they read these sites and laugh.
You are getting your liberal labels mixed up. Didn't you mean to call me "Islamophobe"? C.A.I.R. would be disappointed in your training progress. Get it right next time when you select from: sexist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, bigot. It is helpful for all who bow to the PC god.
Thing is, you've got it backward (as leftists tend to do). The liberal projects his own hatred onto the conservative. You know how they call things the opposite of what they are (Isa 5:20).
"You referred to a race, the Arabs, and described them as "a wild *** of a people". That's racism."
I don't even think Cattyfan will have a problem with your *** comment (but you never know). At any rate, God calls them a wild ass of a people. That does not mean they are asses. That means they are wild and warlike (see, always the leftist's projection). Have you noticed this about Arabs? God said it would be so and it just so happens that it is so. If you have a problem with this fact, take it up with God.
Even Arabs admit that Jews love life more than they do. Denial is not helpful. If you doubt God's word, I would suggest that you research a little on the history of the descendants of Ham.
I'll try to quote the Bible while it is
still legal. By the way,
still does not understand the nickname given
to Hitler which is why I got an infraction (Titus 1:15). "Hitler had been in
such a maniacal mood over the Czechs the last few days that on more than one
occasion he had lost control of himself completely, hurling himself to the floor
and chewing the edge of the carpet. Hence the term "carpet eater." The evening
before, while talking with some of the party leaders at the Dreesen, I had heard
the expression applied to the Fuehrer -- in whispers, of course..."
Full text:
L. Shirer.
The Bible verse (if there is an infraction, give it to God not me): "And he shall be as a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell over against all his brethren (Ge 16:12, ASV)." This describes a warlike people who will be against the nation Israel.
A little like Nebuchadnezzar! (Dan 4:32).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Blame America First Crowd] "The lists given so far are pretty decent. We allied ourselves with Saddam Hussein, we overthrew the Iranian government to install the Shah, we've armed the groups that later became Al Qaeda. Our support for Israel is virtually unconditional, even when the do really bad things. We have a long history of supporting various thugs and tyrants in Middle and South America. We allowed the Kurds to be murdered by Saddam Hussein."
When the enemy murders 14 (one woman was pregnant) of our citizens, why is it the liberal's first instinct to psychoanalyze him? Is the murder now the victim in all of this? Why can't you call evil evil?
[Psychoanalyze] "I haven't even tried to do that so far."
Were you getting to it soon? You stated: "...[T]here are nations and peoples out there that have legitimate grievances against us?"
It sounds like you just got a page from the Obama play book from his apology for America tour. Do grievances justify murder of our citizens? Why does this come up on the very day that we bury our dead?
Love how you justify the enemy. In this "clash of civilizations" (Ingraham), who do you side with?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Hitler/Stalin] "Christianity is still a very young faith compared to most others (various forms of Paganism pre-date you guys by countless millennia), so the fact that you have fewer total casualties to your name simply indicates you haven't been around long enough to match the masters of religious killing yet."
You won't be pinning that charge on Christians today. Facts are facts, men who reject God are overwhelmingly the mass murders of the world.
I am sure you are aware, Christ is the fulfillment of the Jewish law and the creator of the world. His first follower was Adam in the garden of Eden.
The future is assured. It's just the past that keeps
--Russian joke
General Casey said, "If diversity becomes a causality, that is worse."
As one said, the military is about loosing your diversity (E Pluribus Unum).
In boot camp that is why they shave your head. That is why they break you down to build you up again. That is why men and women wear one uniform.
In the military, it is important to be of one mind (1 Pe 3:8). We became a great nation because of our Judeo-Christian roots. If we will not identify the enemy, we will loose the war (Eph 6:12).
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Take it easy. Chair lives in Israel, and doesn't need a lecture from you."
Most Jews in Israel are secular. What is your point?
"My religion good, your religion bad" is a fine, simple way of looking at things but it doesn't really amount to much."
Our culture and founding was Judeo-Christian. Islam did not make this nation great. Christians and Jews did. Jews and Christians embrace the God of Israel. Muslims do not. They worship a left-over, pagan, war god who never existed. Are you willing to give your country over to Muslims? Are you ready for the women you know to wear a dehumanizing burka? Are you ready to submit to Sharia law? You'd better be prepared to fight or submit and get your prayer rug.
We need to address political correctness in this country head on--starting in the military (that of course will not happen because we have elected a Muslim as president). Nevertheless, a cleaning of house would be in order at this point. We must know exactly what these men and women believe.
"Many Muslims are decent patriotic people and to disparage them as you just did is, plainly put, disgusting and unconscionable."
Ye shall know them by their fruits (Mt 7:16). Bad roots, bad fruits. This country will not benefit by people pretending that Islam is a good religion. It is a wicked and perverse religion. Can't you tell?
"Your comments about Arabs are just as despicable."
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness (Isa 5:20). Are there fine Arab people who have come to faith in Christ? Of course there are. They are our brethren and we love them. By the way, they would be the first to tell you that Arabs are very different than Jews. A little trip across the Israeli boarder would prove that to you.
It is only Christ who can change the heart of an individual (2 Cor 5:17). An Arab wrapped his arms around Joel Rosenberg, a Messianic Jew. The man told Joel that had he met him at an earlier date, he would have slit his throat where he stood. Today, he embraces him as a brother in Christ.
You do yourself a great disservice when you fail to understand the difference between Christianity and Islam. You make yourself and the rest of us pray for the enemy. You are ignorant. I am not calling you stupid. Ignorance means uninformed. You are uninformed of the spiritual battle going on around you (2 Cor 10:4).
You may worship the god of "diversity" but what men call diverse, God calls perverse. Islam is a perversion of Christianity. Christians share the gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims like anyone else (Mt 16:15). They want to kill us. We are to love them (Mt 5:44).
Today, we are post-America and post-Christianity. Our president said so.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...Actually, that was a direct quote of you. I believe you (and the Bible you're quoting) are being censored by the TOL demons. I take it you meant literally a synonym for donkey."
You understand the point. I've been kicked off so many sites. Frankly, everyday I expect to be banned. I think TOL is a step above for sure.
It is the left who silences the critic. Here--this is a Bible quote for goodness sake! :bang: Anyway, I don't make the rules. They have their reasons. I am grateful for a place to share ideas.
"I really don't care whether the racism is of your own authorship, or the Bible's..."
Rexlunae, forgive me but aren't you the one who believes in Darwinian evolution? Aren't you the one who believes that we descended from monkeys and some of those monkeys are more evolved than other monkeys? Evolution is the foundation of racism. The Bible says that we are one blood (Ac 17:26).
" seem to have adopted it [racism] willingly."
You are upside down again. I adopt a biblical worldview. I could care less what skin color a person is.
"I don't accept scriptural excuses for racism."
You do not accept scripture at all. Anyone who believes the word of God believes that men are one blood (Ac 17:26). There are no races as the evolutionist claims. We are one race, the human race, with a variety of people groups. Christ transforms lives (Col 3:11). Get yourself some wisdom from a black leather book and you will come to understand this.
"I'm certain that any number of your fellow Christians or Jews could give you a number of other ways to read that passage that don't involve assuming that Arabs are somehow inherently violent."
Read it for yourself: "He will be a wild *** [oy!] of a man, His hand will be against everyone, And everyone’s hand will be against him; And he will live to the east of all his brothers.” [emphasis mine]. New American Standard Bible : 1995 update. 1995 (Ge 16:12).
Is God wrong?
"He doesn't need anyone here talking to him about danger or living with the enemy."
He should receive Christ and adopt a biblical worldview. Christians are friends of Israel. Jews are coming to understand this more and more. Leftist like you will leave the Jew high and dry when the enemy comes. Christians won't.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Muslims" are not the enemy in this 'war on terror'."
What group is guilty of committing acts of terror?
Where are all the outraged Muslims, marching in the
streets, horrified at these acts of terror against Jews and Christians?
Did they march down your street in protest for the
perversion of their faith? They didn't march down my street.
Is it a perversion of their faith?
Ah, no--The murder was just being a good Muslim killing the infidel.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "I'm half-Jewish, you flipping idiot."
So. You work for the enemy.
You call yourself a Satanist. Satan is an enemy of the Jewish people (1 Pe
5:8). Didn't you know that?
"You actually have much in common with Muslims. More than you care to admit, I would think."
The atheist dismiss all religions, as if they are all equal. That is not true. Christianity is not a religion. It is a person (Jn 14:6). It would be more accurate to say that Jews, Roman Catholics and Muslims have more in common than historical, biblical Christianity.
"All do respect, but what are you talking about? This sounds like rotgut Internet paranoia."
First, receive Christ (Mt 6:33). Then, understand the coming one world
government. Listen to us while you can.
He who has
ears to hear, let him hear (Mt 11:15).
[Obama a Muslim] "[Y]ou're sounding like a bigger and bigger fool lately."
"You're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith." ~ Barack Obama link
"This little statement of yours is painful. 'Some of my best friends are' and all that..."
A Satanist is not going to understand Christian fellowship (Pro 18:24).
[Failure to understand Christianity and Islam] "What the world makes you think I don't?"
The statement: "You actually have much in common
with Muslims."
"Same rapture you guys been predicting for about 150 years."
Longer (1 Thess. 4:17). And your mocking is fulfillment of prophecy (2 Pe 3:3-4).
"I was a Christian for 23 years before leaving the faith."
Then you were never a Christian (1 Jn 2:19). Let me guess, a legalistic faith?
"Please, for the last time: stop making assumptions and guesses about me. It's a waste of time and you haven't been right once. I'd appreciate an apology at some point, although I'm not expecting one."
I've got you pegged (1 Cor. 2:14).
"I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry in response to this."
As the greatest foreign observer of America, the Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville, noted in his Democracy in America, "Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power." Or, as the great British historian Paul Johnson has just written: "In [George] Washington's eyes, at least, America was in no sense a secular state," and "the American Revolution was in essence the political and military expression of a religious movement."
In fact, the Founders regarded America as a Second Israel, in Abraham Lincoln's words, the "Almost Chosen" People. This self-identification was so deep that Thomas Jefferson, today often described as not even a Christian, wanted the seal of the United States to depict the Jews leaving Egypt at the splitting of the sea. Just as the Jews left Egypt, Americans left Europe.
There has been a concerted, and successful, attempt over the last generations to depict America as always having been a secular country and many of its Founders as deists, a term misleadingly defined as irreligious people who believed in an impersonal god.
It is also argued that the values that animated the founding of America were the values of the secular Enlightenment, not those of the Bible -- even for most of the Founders who were religious Christians..." Full text: America Was Meant to Be Free, Not Secular by Dennis Prager
"First you have the gall to accuse me of not supporting Jews..."
Granite. You seem nice enough. But here are the facts:
Satan is an enemy of the Jewish people.
You identify yourself as a Satanist.
Am I missing something? Are you a supporter of Jews living freely in their land? Do Jews have the right to exist?
"...then you don't have the decency to apologize for that crass little lie of yours."
Tell me where I am wrong? Does Satan exist? Do you have a problem with him because he hates the people that you claim to love?
Wrong: the pre-trib rapture's a recent development. Not surprised you don't know that.
"For 2000 years people have wondered about the events of the end times and when Jesus will return...[emphasis mine]" Full text: Four Views of the End Times: The End Times Intrigue
Here is a little church history that you may be unaware of:
"[T]he rapture wasn't talked about anywhere in Christianity until 1830, when a man named John Derby tried to reinvent the way we read the Bible. A man named Cyrus Scofield took Derby's platform and wrote the most popular Bible sold today (pg. 261, Duplicate This! Showing Your Friends How to Live Like Jesus, Braner)."
"You're extremely good at missing the point."
Would you like to retract your statement: "[T]he pre-trib rapture's a recent development. Not surprised you don't know that."
"No, because on this one, I'm right. Pre-trib eschatology is a modern development. If you have any questions you'd like to fire my way, again, start another thread."
You are welcomed to start a new thread "Minor Disputes with Granite" I guess. On this point, we'll just pretend that Irenaeus never existed then. We'll make him go away like all other things that leftists don't like in history.
"I already invited you to start one thread so as to avoid hijacking it (the hoteliers one, I think). You didn't. I'd really rather you didn't sidetrack this thread, either, and I apologize for indulging you as long as I have."
You have a pattern of pulling the "hijacking card" when a question comes up that you don't like. Fine, move on then.
"For my part, I'm finished here with this thread until/unless it gets back on topic. Sorry folks."
No answer to the question of Zionism.
No surprise there.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"Service in the military is a privilege, not a right. And exclusion
of Muslims would be a strategic issue, not a moral issue. I would be
entirely in favor of such an exclusion for similar reasons we did
that sort of thing in WWII.
Sadly, in this country anti-discrimination laws are rampant. There
such be no such laws. It is wrong to force someone to associate or
do business with someone else against their will."
The problem is, this nation is skittish after the Japanese internment camps. But we should not over-correct due to political correctness. Dennis Prager says that to be on the left is to be immoral. They really do not appreciate the concepts of good and evil. He said you can be kind, you can be sincere, you can be bright--but not morally clear. The moment you become morally clear, you move to the right (Eccl 10:2).
Political Correctness is cowardice in the face of truth (Prager).
"And how is it right to disbar a group of people from government service because their creed happens to be one of the creeds used by terrorists?"
You call yourself a Christian (but admitted that you believe salvation is work-based). Do you think a Christian should support any Islamic creed? Do you think we should have elected a man to the presidency--who has his thumb on a nuclear weapon--who comes from a faith that shouts: "Allahu Akbar" when they murder innocence? Obama said that people sometimes "crack". Should that give a reasonable person pause?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Just because some people commit acts of violence in the name of God doesn't mean all of Islam should be seen in that light."
All people must be saved (Col 2:6). Muslims are no different than any other lost people (Matt. 18:12, 13; Luke 15:4–7).
"I think you are getting way off topic here."
The root of the problem is Islam. Bad roots, bad fruits (Mt 7:20). If we are interested in survival, we will listen when they tell us that they want to kill us (Jn 16:2).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "The terrorist acts are done by Muslims. That doesn't mean we are at war with Islam, or Muslims in general."
They say we are. Why won't be believe them? We have been at war against this enemy since the founding of our nation:
"The first countries to declare war on the newly formed United States were the Muslim Barbary States of North Africa....From 1783, until the Presidency of George Washington in 1789, the newborn Republic had no strong central authority, and that is when the Barbary pirates struck..." Full text: Islam vs. The United States
"I haven't seen any Muslims marching, but I haven't seen anyone else marching either..."
You won't see them marching because they
know what their faith teaches. Murder is encouraged (Mt 7:20).
Fight against such of those to whom the Scriptures were given as
believe neither in God nor the Last Day, who do not forbid what God
and His apostle have forbidden, and do not embrace the true Faith,
until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued. (Sura
When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their
heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly.
Then grant them their freedom or take ransom from them, until War
shall lay down her burdens. (Sura 47:1).
They would have you disbelieve as they themselves have disbelieved,
so that you may be all alike. Do not befriend them until they have
fled their homes for the cause of God. If they desert you, seize
them and put them to death wherever you find them. (Sura 4:87)...
Full text:
Islam vs. The United States
"And some Muslims have come out with statements against the act by Hassan..."
If these people are willing to: pour boiling oil down throats; remove children's faces with piano wire in front of their parents; or saw off heads; you know that they are willing to fib, right? Muslims are permitted and commanded to lie to the infidel.
Do you love to be lied to? (Eze 13:19).
“The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslims make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: ‘Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!’” (Sahih Bukhari 004.52.176)
Response to comment [from other]: "Stop living in fear serpentdove, not all Muslims want to kill you."
I don't live in fear (Lk 11:21, Jn 16:33, Isa 26:4). I am sending a message of warning.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Racism is older than the theory of evolution."
The theory of evolution goes back to ancient Greece.
"You typified Arabs (a race) as being "a wild donkey of a people". That's racism by definition."
God said that this people group would be trouble. Each nation and culture contributes something on the world stage for God's plan and purpose. Was he wrong about the descendants of Ishmael? They admit themselves that Jews love life and they love death. You'll have to tell them that they are wrong about themselves.
"Sorry, but the Bible is full of racial claims, starting with the notion that the Jews are God's chosen people."
God does not apologize for choosing a people for his namesake. Jews often ask if he could choose someone else.
"That's a pretty good reason not to accept scripture-based excuses for racism...[One blood (Ac 17:26]...Do you not see how your statements about Arabs contradict that?"
If you misunderstand they do. Racism is believing that one group of people is superior to another. Who claimed that?
I quoted scripture: ""He will be a wild *** of a man, His hand will be against everyone, And everyone’s hand will be against him; And he will live to the east of all his brothers (Ge 16:12, NASB)." That is a truth claim. It is either true or it is false. Maybe you do not like stereotypes. People do not like stereotypes because they tend to be true. I love stereotypes.
The fact is--it is true and history proves it.
None of us have anything to boast about by the way. Most American's, myself included, descend from tree-worshippers and horse thieves.
"...[T]he Bible that I read that used the word at all literally said "donkey"..."
Same thing. It must be the word ***
--honestly, we're going to have to bring this absurd conversation to
a close--that bothers you.
"...[N]othing changes the fact that your interpretation of that verse is racist."
You may claim that but I reject it. A person with a biblical worldview knows that men are made in God's image (Ge 1:27). We are one race, the human race (Ac 17:26).
"The rapture as a systematic belief system didn't come along until 150 years ago. It's really new."
"For 2000 years people have wondered about the events of the end times and when Jesus will return....
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [Tree worshippers and horse thieves] "Speak for yourself."
Not you Granite. I bet you
descended from royalty.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Theory of Evolution] "Um, no."
Charles Darwin did not come up with the theory of evolution. Aristotle and others had already toyed with the idea of evolution.
"By "people group" you mean "race". Just to be clear."
By people group, I mean people group. There is one race, the human race (Ac 17:26). We are all descended from one man, Adam.
"You seem to believe that there's someone who can speak for all Arabs."
There is someone who predicted that they would be savage and predatory--God (Ge 16:12).
"There are plenty of Arabs that are on our side..."
That's true. There are plenty of Christian Arabs who are terrorized by Muslims. Read any book by Brigitte Gabriel. She was one of them.
Recommended Reading:
They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It by Brigitte Gabriel
Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America by Brigitte Gabriel
"...[Y]ou're the one who seems to think that there's no racism in the Bible."
God could care less what color a person is. He cares very much about what a person believes.
"[R]acism is the belief that humanity is divided by race."
A product of Darwinian evolution. One with a biblical worldview is not a racist (Ac 17:26).
"You don't seem to have a problem seeing Arabs as all one way, which they aren't. That's what I object to."
Christian Arabs have hope. Islamic Arabs need hope.
Responose to comment [from a Satanist]: What's
wrong with going off topic?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Because a small group doesn't speak for the entire religion."
You claim to be a Christian. Jesus said there is one way (Jn 14:6). Do you believe that Islam a false way? What do you think Genesis 16:12 means for us today?
"As if we have been in a 200 year long war with Islam..."
They believe we have. Why won't you believe them?
"So now any Muslim who speaks out against such acts is lying?"
Islam teaches to lie to the infidel (Taqiyya). I guess the infidel should be suspicious. You disagree?
Do you seek to believe the truth or what you wish were the truth?
"I don't think I am being lied to."
"Lying and cheating in the Arab world is not really a
moral matter but a method of safeguarding honor and status, avoiding shame, and
at all times exploiting possibilities, for those with the wits for it, deftly
and expeditiously to convert shame into honor on their own account and vice
versa for their opponents. If honor so demands, lies and cheating may become
absolute imperatives.” [David Pryce-Jones, “The Closed Circle” An interpretation
of the Arabs, p4]
“No dishonor attaches to such primary transactions as selling short weight,
deceiving anyone about quality, quantity or kind of goods, cheating at gambling,
and bearing false witness. The doer of these things is merely quicker off the
mark than the next fellow; owing him nothing, he is not to be blamed for taking
what he can.” [David Pryce-Jones, “The Closed Circle”, p38]
The word "Taqiyya" literally means: "Concealing, precaution, guarding.” It is
employed in disguising one's beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings,
opinions or strategies. In practical terms it is manifested as dissimulation,
lying, deceiving, vexing and confounding with the intention of deflecting
attention, foiling or pre-emptive blocking. It is currently employed in fending
off and neutralising any criticism of Islam or Muslims.
Falsehoods told to prevent the denigration of Islam, to protect oneself, or to
promote the cause of Islam are sanctioned in the Qur'an and Sunna, including
lying under oath in testimony before a court, deceiving by making distorted
statements to the media such as the claim that Islam is a “religion of peace”. A
Muslim is even permitted to deny or denounce his faith if, in so doing, he
protects or furthers the interests of Islam, so long as he remains faithful to
Islam in his heart..." Full text: Islam
Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims: Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying
for the Sake of Allah by Warner MacKenzie
"The sweeping generalizations you are making show an irrational fear of Islam, clouding your judgment and ability to put together a coherent argument against it."
Show me where I said that I fear Islam. I stated what Islam teaches and God's description of the descendants of Ishmael (wild, savage, warlike and predatory [Ge 12:12]). If you have a problem with that, take it up with God.
"Objectivity lacking."
Am I a journalist? A politician? No. That is why I can tell you the truth about Islam. If you would like the opinions of people who agree with you, watch ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN and listen to National Public Radio.
If you would like the truth, read scripture. Islam is a false religion. It is a perversion of Christianity. Muhammad was demon-possessed. If you prefer to dismiss these facts, you will.
"Will you or anyone else who is anti-Muslim tell me what the war strategy should be, since you're obviously not for making friends with the native Muslims in the nations in which we wage our war against extremists."
If we enter into war, it should be to win (1 Sam. 15:8, 33). Obama's meandering in Afghanistan only emboldens the enemy. Obama is no "friend" to the American soldier.
The greatest weapon we have to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims.
"Had our military personnel been armed, as they
should be, the response to a lone psychopath attempting to inflict mayhem would
have been swift and sure! One dead terrorist, hit multiple times from multiple
armed soldiers...
...Police coming to the rescue on a military base? Wake up people! We are
no longer safe from attack by militant organizations, criminals on the streets,
terrorists wishing to take that which we have sacrificed countless lives to
protect, etc. etc.!"
And you'll notice that the shooters never stop until they
are taken down by someone who is armed. Liberal first-stage thinking is
dangerous. Liberals want to take away guns, but they never consider the
consequences of their actions.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Which liberals?"
Not classical liberals. Leftists.
Why after several threads do you fail to clarify what you meant by: "Is "1+1=2" the same kind of truth as "I had a burrito for lunch"? Is "the capitol of France is Paris" the same kind of truth as "entropy increases in closed systems"? Is "Circles aren't square" the same kind of truth as "Christ is the Son of God"?" 3 Oct 09, 11:20 PM
Is this a denial of Jesus' deity?
Response to comment [from a "PlastikBuddha"]: "I clarified it ages ago, moron. How could that possibly be read as a denial of Christ's deity? Do you have absolutely no reading comprehension? Which part of those statements says anything to that effect at all?"
You clarified that Jesus is the savior of the world. The demons believe that and they are going to hell (James 2:19). Is he your Savior? Do you claim to be born again? I ask this because you do not have a biblical worldview.
"What leads you to that conclusion? The fact that I accept ToE?"
You lead me to that conclusion. Because you do not have a biblical worldview, I would like to know why you continue to call yourself a Christian? If you were born again, I am sure you would clarify.
We can pretty much tell who is a Christian and who is not based on:
What you believe about Jesus
Do you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God?
What must you do to be saved?
It's not brain surgery.
"[N]ot based on things like, "Do you believe in science," and "Do you agree
with Serpent
on everything?" Glad you clarified that.
It does not matter if we agree. What matters is what you believe about scripture. Do you give a damn what God has to say? You don't seem to. A Christian would gladly answer the following:
What do you believe about Jesus?
Do you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God?
What must a person do to be saved?
You are very argumentative.
"Then why do you keep bringing it up?...I don't have to prove anything to you. I have, more than once, affirmed my faith for you. I'm done jumping through hoops."
You are not even a Christian. I don't know why you continue to deceive others here at TOL.
Response to comment [from other]: "[W]ho in the world are you to judge him?"
Who are you "other"? I am a Christian. You are not. Christians are to judge and judge rightly (Prov 31:9).
"Seriously, don't you have your hands full with rebuking we evil nonbelievers without having to resort to going after your fellow Christians."We share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We also mark out make-believers.
[Show me where I said that I fear Islam.] "I am telling you, you do."
Wrong. I fear God not man (Ps 56:11). And I have lots of amo (Lk 11:21).
Wrong verse maybe?
Ge 16:12
"Your truth about Islam."
We all get our own truth? Why should be believe your truth? What I believe is irrelevant. What God has said is all-important (Ge 16:12).
"How is Islam a perversion of Christianity?"
I suggest you study both. Muhammad was rejected by the Jews. He sniveled and turned his prayer rug from Jerusalem to Mecca.
"Plenty of Jews think Christianity is perversion of Judaism. Do you have a response to them?"
There are plenty of Muslims and Jews coming to Christ everyday. I have many responses for Muslims or Jews.
"What would Obama have to do in order to be a friend to the soldiers?"
Repent and believe in the name of Jesus.
"What would your war strategy be? Having soldiers walk around with bibles preaching the gospel?"
That would be better than our current war strategy, yes.
"Preaching the gospel is not a soldier's job. A soldier's job is to kill people and break things."
He should kill evil people, too.
"You are a worm. You have nothing to back that up with but bluster."
Just someday please explain "Is "1+1=2" the same kind of truth as "I had a burrito for lunch"? Is "the capitol of France is Paris" the same kind of truth as "entropy increases in closed systems"? Is "Circles aren't square" the same kind of truth as "Christ is the Son of God"?" 3 Oct 09, 11:20 PM.
Maybe you do believe that Jesus is the savior of the world. I just wonder in he is your savior. That's all. Sometime people think they are Christians and they are not. If we deceive ourselves, we are headed for trouble (2 Cor 13:5). You don't like me, so as I have said a thousands times, please don't make me the issue.
"[W]hat are you basing your judgment on?"
Your worldview. It's not biblical. When the farmer turns the light on in the barn, the birds fly and the rats scurry. Christians respond like birds when exposed to the truth of God's word. The gospel is not one thing. It is scripture from cover to cover.
"Don't put on airs. You don't know the hearts or minds of men."
Only God knows people's hearts. Other Christians however, get a good idea about who people are based on:
What do they believe about Jesus?
What do the believe about the Bible?
How is a person saved?
Answer those questions and we can pretty much figure it out. We spot wolves and smell rats.
"Who are you "other"? I am a Christian. You are not.
Christians are to judge and judge rightly (Prov 31:9).
Response to comment [from other]: "I am a nonbeliever and couldn't care
less about your judgment towards me."
Ok (Re 22:11).
"You have certainly done a magnificent job in sharing. I know that with every post you make, I am certainly encouraged to run out and purchase a Bible."
I'm not selling used cars. I speak about the truth of scripture. You may not get that new car smell, but you will get life found in a black leather book (Jn 10:10).
[Judge rightly (Prov 31:9).] "Judging rightly is something you appear to be incapable of doing, because of your belief in supernatural entities and phenomena."
Who limits himself?
“(A) A supernatural explanation is wrong because (B) it is not explained by
natural causes.” Since (B) is essentially synonymous with (A), the argument is
circular. It concludes that all things must be explained by natural causes (A)
by simply assuming that all things must be explained by natural causes (B). This
is not a good argument. So, my assertion that such an argument is ridiculous is
valid..." Full text: Must
Science Exclude the Supernatural?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "He says a soldier "should kill evil people". Are Muslims evil people, serpentdove? All of them? The men, the women, the children, the little babies? Should the heads of Muslim little ones be dashed against the rocks?"
The Bible is a black and white book. God considers people positionally either "righteous" or "wicked" based on their relationship with Jesus Christ. There are two types of people in this world--those who have hope and those who need hope (Geraci).
And you bring up on of the critic's favorite, Ps 137:9. To answer your real question--no God is not unjust. He is a just.
Response to comment [from PB]: "You lack discernment and spot only your own shadow and smell only your only unwashed stench."
Always loving to those who are supposedly your fellow brethren, aren't you? (1 Pe 3:8, Jn 13:16). PB, you are so charming on the Lord's day. Did you just get back from church?
"Are you paying attention to what you are writing, nitwit?"
Response to comment [from other]: "PB is a Christian, not your brethren. By the way, every time he exposes you for the error of your ways, he is showing you love."
You are not a Christian so we would expect you to agree with PB (Jn 15:19).
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Like many Christians you dodge
taking personal responsibility for your opinions and mask them (or equate them)
as what "God thinks."
P.S. Having spent some childhood years on a farm I'm also familiar with what
barn swallows leave in their wake..."
I'm more interested in what God thinks based on scripture. One would expect the Satanist to defend the make-believer (Eccl 10:2).
Response to comment [from other]: "You are in no position to decipher who is evil and who is not."
Judge rightly (Prov 31:9).
Response to comment [from PB]: [Your interpretation of scripture] "Fixed that for ya."
You do not have a biblical worldview (1 Pe 3:8). Stop saying the same thing. This thread is not about you.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "...[A]s always what "God thinks" coincides with what you do."
What God says affects what we do. We have marching orders. Satanists (and make-believers) are not privy to our orders by the way. You have a different command--believe (Mt 6:33).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Judge rightly (Prov 31:9).] "Something you never do."
You expect a Christian and an atheist to agree? Perhaps you cannot see--that would be a bad thing.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: ""God" in this case is just your way of reinforcing and justifying your decisions and opinions."
It's a baseless charge. You'll see that I give biblical responses here. You won't like them but they are biblical nonetheless.
"Stop acting like you belong to a secret society, smart guy."
Don't know what you're talking about. You do not really have to respond to people if you have nothing to say. You don't like me, fine. But if you have no point to make, move on.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [Agreeing with atheists] "I see, in every instance?"
I can't speak to other's experiences but in my experience, the atheist tends to be more intellectually honest than the super-pious, religious type.
The Islamic terrorists who used our airplanes as bombs on 9-11 went to strip clubs the night before. They are taught, that such an act is prohibited. But if they kill say, a thousand infidels the next day--Allah will forgive them. This is similar to the Catholic who will plan to go to get drunk and go to a strip club on a Friday night but be sure to back it up with confession on Saturday morning.
I would guess that you could see this religious hierocracy better than the Muslim or the Catholic could. In this case, the Muslim and the Catholic are closer in their faith than the historical, biblical Christian (2 Ti 3:5).
The atheist dismisses all religion and I can understand that. He must know that they are not all the same. All religions of the world are work-based. Christianity is faith-based (Jn 14:6).
Response to comment [from PB]: "You should speak for yourself and not pretend to be the voice of others."
You'd have to give an example.
"How many times have said that?"
Then you know the answer. You do not need to ask the same thing over and over. There are plenty of others to dialogue with at TOL. Avail yourself of them.
Response to comment [from other]: "Why have you sidestepped the questions regarding who is 'evil'? and more to the point how a soldier is supposed to discern it?"
Soldiers are evaluated as they move up the chain of command. It was well-known that this man was a fundamental Muslim. We know that Muslims will lie to the infidel of course, but if these views come to light, appropriate actions should be taken. This man had no business being in our military. Can you tell?
Response to comment [from a Wiccan]: "Fear your God if you wish, but in the mean time fear man as well regardless of how much ammo you have, for man may grant your wish to see your God earlier than you may have planned. This is not a threat from me, just advice that some do not feel as you do and have just as strong of a belief in a different way and are willing to go to almost any length to convince others, read the news!"
Fear = Reverence and awe. Yes, Christians are well aware of that. That is why we take Jesus' good advice (Lk 22:36). We have a Bible in one hand a gun in the other, like that new Lynard Skynard song. :AoO:
We will never give up our country.
“Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” John Quincy Adams.
"Why is your truth any more relevant than someone else?"
Truth only has value by what it is based on. My source of truth is scripture (Jn 14:6).
"If you kill all the evil non-believers, how will your Christ feel about all those that will not come to repentance and believe in him?"
We were speaking of the soldier killing bad guys on the battlefield. Christians die to self. They do not murder others (unless they are headquartered in Rome [Rev. 3:14–22]). Here, however, I am speaking of true, blue believers in the Lord Jesus.
"[Y]ou are a strange bird indeed!"
I know (Heb 11:13).
[Share gospel] "War strategy? What you preach is not War Strategy, it is subjugation and death!"
We occupy until Jesus' return (Lk 19:13). Of
course we continue to blow up things.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "This doesn't have a thing to do with what I asked."
I am offering you my answer to your question: Do I agree with atheists? sometimes? never? You had a hard time making a point today anyway--so back on the thread topic of wacko religions and how to stop them from ruling the world.
Response to comment [from PB]: "You haven't backed up anything you've said."
Is there some reason that you try to make every thread about yourself? If anyone is interested (though I could not imagine why they would be), they may see yet another review at
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "You've turned into a gigantic waste of time."
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: "Quote in the Holy Qur'an, where it says that all is forgiven if one kills 100 infidels. Find me one Surah or verse that mentions something such as this. If it is not in the Holy Qur'an, then it is not a testament from Allah SWT to the Prophet (SAW)."
That is how suicide bombers are advised. That is why they were in strip bars the night before murdering our citizens.
Let the reader decide how "loving" the teachings of Islam are (Mt 7:16).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "[I]f an atheist says that child molesting is evil you're not going to agree?"
A broken clock is right twice a day. Do you have a point?
"How would a soldier on the battlefield know that those he is fighting against are evil? Were all the Japanese evil in WWII? All the Germans? Care to answer the question now?"
A soldier needs to trust his commanders. When you elect a Muslim for president, don't be surprised when your nation fails to stand for what is right (Mt 7:16).
"You must have a very different definition of "clarity", because you keep answering yes-or-no questions with web links and word salad."
Response to comment [from a Wiccan]: "I know that was silly....they will continue to stay in the dark ages until all this stupid prejudice is finally over come with strict enough penalties to make them shut up."
It is the left that wishes to silence the critic.
Response to comment from a Wiccan: [From a Satanist: "Should we go about kicking out Sikhs as well? How about people who look Middle Eastern, or people who are Middle Eastern but who aren't Muslims? Where does this asininity stop?] "It never will as long as there are two or more nationalities!"
Our nation's motto is E Pluribus Unum. We are supposed to be Americans. The Christian and the Jew can live peacefully. The Muslim cannot. They want to bring their family troubles here (Ge 16:12). Did you notice when those buildings came down on 9-11 that they had arrived?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Mister, you're coming across as a pettier and sillier man than usual. I'm surprised to see this kind of racism on TOL; normally, people try to sugar coat. If your spine touched your skull, you'd be ashamed of yourself."
I am not a racist. The Bible says we are one race, the human race (Ac 17:26). Do you understand the difference between race and religion?
You said "...normally, people try to sugar coat." Do you sugarcoat racism? The racists of this country are on the left not the right.
"No, I don't. But considering you keep disparaging an entire group with some offensive and ridiculous rhetoric, I don't think you have a leg to stand on when it comes to the topic."
I disparage the wicked. Scripture makes it clear that there are two types of people in this world--the saved and the lost. God does not care what nationality or ethnicity a person is. He cares about what they believe.
We are in a spiritual battle. You are on the loosing side.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "You seem to care about race and nationality. Why don't you stop acting and sounding so ignorant and knock individuals and not an entire group?"
That is because you do not understand or care about scripture. You must not have read the link. Alright, believe what you will. There is nothing to discuss if you love to believe lies.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Do you understand that "Arab" is not a religion? It's that other thing..."
That's right, we love and pray for Christian Arabs (Ga 3:28).
Response to comment [from an athiest]: "Ok, you have now been relieved of any credibility you probably didn't have anyway. Racism has got nothing to do with being on the 'left'. It's rooted in prejudice and bigotry. Do you think the average white supremacist is a liberal?! Get a clue!"
You believe a common myth. I am not an Ann Coulter fan but Dennis Prager explains, for example, that Jew's fears from Christians on the right is misplaced:
"There is also a move to boycott Ann Coulter, so dangerous are her words. Of course, there is no such Jewish or liberal boycott of former President Jimmy Carter, who has done real damage to the Jewish people by describing Israel as an "apartheid" state in the very title of his anti-Israel book. In fact, Carter was invited to speak on his loathsome book at Brandeis University, an ostensibly Jewish university. But for many Jews and liberals, real hatred, real damage to Jewish security can only come from the right, especially from Christians on the right. So Ann Coulter, who has done nothing in her life to compromise Jewish welfare, is to be boycotted, but Jimmy Carter is worthy of invitations to speak. Jewish groups even invite John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, the authors of "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," which is essentially a tempered modern-day version of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." But Ann Coulter is beyond the pale..." Full text: Ann Coulter Wants Jews to Become Christian -- So What?
The Difficulty of Intellectually Engaging the Left
Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Racism has zero to do with being 'left'."
Do you believe in the theory of evolution?
"I believe in an old earth and hold theistic evolutionary beliefs. Spare me the 'heresy' malarkey at least on this thread. Right, answer given. Any chance of you reciprocating?"
Alright. I disagree with you and I believe that it affects one's worldview (see: War of the Worldviews) but if you believe in theistic evolution, do you also believe that some people groups are more "evolved" than other people groups?
"I'm still waiting for you to answer my own question in regards to racism and the 'left'..."
If you believe in theistic evolution, then maybe you also believe that some people groups are more "evolved" than other people groups? Can you see how belief in evolution and leftist thinking can lead to racism? The Bible says that the fool's heart is on his left (Eccl 10:2). The French word for "left" is "sinistre" or sinister. Suffice it to say, bad thinking comes from the left.
Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots
There are not "evolved" people groups. God made us in his image (Ge 1:27). Theistic evolution undermines the Bible's teaching about our origins.
10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution
Response to comment [from Freelight]: "This kind of mentality is arrogant, divisive and elitist."
The mentality of believing that you can life a life apart from God is arrogant, divisive, and elitist. God hates it (Pr 6:17).
"Who would even want to be a 'Christian' with this presentation?"
Truth is truth independent from me. You are a slick salesmen. You may have a clever presentation that appeals to people, but God's testimony in the heart is greater than your testimony in the mouth (1 Jn 5:10).
"...[Y]our self-absorbed dogma..."
Some men's dogmatism is grown up puppyism.
"...[T]hat God is not limited to the narrow-confines of your 'conception' of 'Him'."
The road is narrow indeed (Mt 7:13). There is one way to heaven's gate (Jn 14:6). Your way (Gnosticism) leads to death (Pr 16:25).
"[L]et's get off that high horse of yours bucko."
There is one coming on a high horse and you'd better get ready (Re 19:11). He'll be your savior or he'll be your judge.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I don't offer the enemy the opportunity to repent and/or surrender."
Under Obama's direction Attorney General Eric Holder decided to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in federal civilian court rather than in a military tribunal. Now, the US government will be on trial, not the mastermind of 9-11. Now, terrorists know that if they want a world stage just attack America. Her president is friendly to their cause. Mohammed will have every right to US national secrets. It's an upside down world.
Recommended Reading:
Willful Blindness: Memoir of the Jihad by Andrew C. McCarthy (Hardcover - April 14, 2008)
Response to comment [from an athiest]: "How is the government possibly going to be on trial?"
In the military system, an enemy combatant gets a military lawyer. In the civil system, he can 1. defend himself and 2. request national defense secrets. We may as well give Bin Laden his copy of our secrets now before the discovery phase.
"I'd like an actual attorney's take on this..."
It will be quite a show. The blame America first crowd will be so happy that the former administration will be on trial.
"Frankly the first administration should be, if for anything straight up negligence."
Well, everyone is happy. Do you admit that the people we are fighting are evil? One thing that people need for wisdom, is to be able to recognize patterns in this world. If we don't call the Muslim a terrorist when the Muslim is a terrorist, it is unlikely that we can defeat them.
I'm glad we minimally agree on that. Not all do.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Name someone here who doesn't."
Many in the media suggested that Hasan was mentally ill or they attempted to justify his actions because they say he was bullied. No--the man is evil. His theology is evil. I do not wish to name names, but a few here at TOL responded in the same way.
If we do not accept who these Muslims are and realize that they will never stop murdering in the name of their perverted faith, we can't solve the problem. We must have the courage to name the enemy (Mt 7:16).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Sharing that love will accomplish nothing but getting your throat slit, because the Muslim interprets such actions as weakness."
I'm sure you're right. But Christians are commanded to share the good news with others (Mk 16:15). God is doing good things in the Middle East.
Response to comment [from a Wiccan]: "There may be a revival coming but it won't be to allow any single religious faction to be in control."
Christian revival is not about control. It is about freedom (Jn 8:32).
Response to comment [from other]: [Left-handedness] "It was ignorance that led to people being victimized for it and it's ignorance to presume that all those who aren't 'right wing' are evil in their views by the same token..."
If you don't notice the vast difference between right and left thinking, I have nothing to offer. To have wisdom, people must recognize patterns in this world.
Left and right handedness physical differences are irrelevant. No one is arguing that.
"Given that you now know that there's no such thing as 'right and left' in political terms..."
I reject your claim.
"...biblically you should be able to accept that as a reasonable proposition. Fair?"
The Bible states the exact opposite (Eccl 10:2).
"Or do all right wingers like rhubarb? That would be just as asinine a
Now you jump into another realm--the five senses. There are things that go beyond your five senses, like conscience. Your sense of smell does not tell you it is wrong to lie. Your sense of taste does not tell you that it is wrong to steal. God has written a conscience on the heart of every man (Ro 2:15). That is why men are without excuse (Ro 1:20).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Some people are human, and some aren't. The barbarians infesting and spreading from the Middle East aren't. It's not that difficult, you know."
The Bible says no one is good--no not one (Ro 3:12). That includes you and me and Mother Theresa. Man's heart is wicked (Jer 17:9). If we admit it, given the right surroundings and circumstances, we can be just as barbaric as another. But in Christ, even a terrorist can become an evangelist like the apostle Paul (2 Cor 5:17). All of us are in need of a Savior (Col 3:11).
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Why is my being an agnostic funny?"
You said: "Stop ignoring the facts you
ignoramus..." (typical ad hominem from the left). You called me what you
admittedly identify yourself to be. That is what an "agnostic"
is--literally, it means--to be "without knowledge". I thought that was
"Do you accept, that politically, the 'left' have only existed since 1789?"
No. Compare to Nimrod, the first democrat.
"Nimrod founded Babylon. He realized if the people would look to the government,
they would no longer look to God (Enyart)."
“The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s
money.” –Margaret Thatcher
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I don't want the terrorist to repent and "become an evangelist like the apostle Paul". I want him to remain unrepentant so I can gleefully rip out his heart and eat it."
Ok, so you're like Jonah (Jon 4:2). This is
nothing new under the sun.