My "Fake Catholic" List
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Expose Catholics Jud 11
"Start with mean people."
"The only sin in America is to call sin sin." Tit 2:15 ~ Adrian Rogers
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [My "Fake Catholic" List] "...Rubio is a big liar..."
False premise
Do you assume that CathOlics
are good
people? Ro 3:12
That's not God's opinion of you. Eze 35
[Nancy Pelosi] "Thanks for adding another one..."
You have it backward.
Catholic means universal church. Do you mean Romanism?
That's evil (Ge 27:38–41, 36:43, 1 Ki 11:16-19, Dan 9:26, Ob 1:1-21, Mal 1:4, Is
14:13, 63:1-4, Ps 83:1-6, Eze 35:1-3, 9-10, 13-14, Re 17:5).
is a good
Roman CathOlic
(Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Jud 11