My job as moderator on TOL
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Things that I will give an infraction include...implied or direct profanity..."
But not
[Small grievance with moderator] "Sky, if you have a problem with me, please send me a PM."
Why did you start this thread?
1 Co 2:2
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I think if Knight made me a moderator no one would complain about any of the other moderators ever again."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Just goes to illustrate the old, "If you can't say something nice about someone, you're probably serpentdove".
to control
that too?
"So in Serpentdovia a suggestion in a thread that asks for them considering the possibility of non subscribers being unable to delete posts is controlling."
Let the reader decide.
"Sure thing. You don't contribute to the website..."
As a reminder, instant e-mail notification is inop.
"...[Y]our "go to" way of hiding from an inability to defend a thing rationally, logically."
I could tell you but that would be unnecessarily disruptive.
"...When confronted with argument you rush to pull up the "let the reader decide" nonsense."
Do you want to control the reader's decision as well?
"See, "as well" presumes a point you won't argue to establish."
I'd tell you but that would be thread hijacking.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I think he's just in a nasty mood and needs someone to slap around."
Argument is supposed to be his specialty?
Isa 1:18
"Like most lawyers he's an unpleasant sort, best avoided."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "My only frustration with the moderation here (not yours) is the lack of warning."
She doesn't
as she claims.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Queen of the grudge. This was how many years ago--three?"
Are we forgiven for sins by the passage of time? Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Moderators: ebenz47037, Inzl Kett]
"Let it go."
The Satanist and the pagan are right. The moderators here are hysterical.