Myths About Liberals And Liberalism
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Myths About Liberals And Liberalism
1. Liberals are moral relativists. They don't believe that there is any such
thing as right or wrong. They think that there are no standards of morality,and
anything is acceptable.
Wrong. Liberals are no more immoral than conservatives. They just realize that
while some things are obviously right or wrong, other things are not black and
white and that different people disagree on these things.
2. Liberals are permissive ,morally lax and sexually licentious.
Not necessarily. What they disapprove of is the government in our bedrooms, and
arbitrarily censoring and banning things based on the
opinions of those in control.
3. Liberals hate America, blame it for all the world's ills, and hate the
military and our troops. Again, not necessarily. There are some left-wing
extremists who scapegoat America and blame it, but they do not necessarily
represent liberals as a whole.
4. Liberals are atheists, hate Christians and Christianity, and want to
persecute Christians. They hate religion in general.
Not necessarily. Only some liberals are atheists, and many
attend church or synagogue etc.
They are not opposed to Christianity or any other religion per se; what they
oppose is religion getting too much power and becoming theocracy.
5. Liberals hate Israel and don't want America to defend it from
Muslim nations such as Iran, which want to destroy it and kill as many Israeli
citizens as possible.
Alan Dershowitz , for example, is nothing if not a liberal, but you certainly
can't accuse him of this.
Liberals are politically correct and want to censor the speech of conservatives.
This is true only of some left-wing extremists. Most liberals believe absolutely
in free speech for every one, especially those they disagree with.
6. Liberals want the government to take money away from those who work hard and
to support people who are too lazy to work for themselves.
Wrong. Liberals believe that there MUST be a secure safety net for the
unfortunate, and to weaken or destroy it would be catastrophic for society.
7. Liberals are socialists, Marxists and or communists.
Not necessarily. Many liberals do not subscribe to these philodsophies at all.
8. Liberals admire such communist dictators as Stalin, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Pol
Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and
Hugo Chavez.
Not necessarily. True liberals are opposed to tyranny whether it is
tyranny of the left or right wing kind.
9. Liberals want the government to take a lot of money from hard-working
Americans to support "Obscene" art through the National Endowment For The Arts.
The NEA supports much more than artists whose work is considered obscene or
offensive by some.
It supports music, dance, drama, poetry etc. And furthermore, the government
currently takes less than a dollar from each taxpayer per year to support the
NEA, which is far too little.
And many of the same people who object to the NEA and don't even want to
contributes pennies to it apparently don't mind the government
taking a lot more money from them for things such as the futile and catastrophic
Iraq conflict, faith-related projects, and ineffective programs such as
abstinence only education.
10. Liberals want schools to "indoctrinate" children to be immoral, godless, and
permissive, to become homosexuals, and believe in socialism and Marxism.
Poppycock. They want schools to educate students and prepare them for life.
11. Liberals want to undermine morality in America. Again, poppycock.
12. Liberals love abortion, want as many as possible to happen,
think that people should have all the sex they want any time and with any one,
with no regard for the consequences. They support partial birth abortion.
They don't mind if children who are born live from failed abortions are left to
More poppycock. Pro-choice people want to prevent as many unwanted pregnancies
as possible, so that far fewer women will seek and obtain abortions. They also
realize that if the government did more to provide for poor pregnant women,
married or single, there would be far fewer abortions.
No pro-choice person wants infants who are born to be left to die, and certainly
not Obama. Furthermore, situations like this, where an abortion for a late term
pregnancy ends in a live birth, are extremely rare.
They don't support "partial birth abortion" because no such thing exists. It's
just a nasty-sounding term invented by the anti-choice movement, and is not even
an officially recognized medical term."
"Liberals of today are different from JFK liberals (for example).
JFK Liberals | The Left |
Create wealth | Redistribute wealth |
Open-mindedness | Close-mindedness (to that which is not left) |
Lower taxes (JFK cut taxes) | Raise taxes |
Believe in American exceptionalism | Loathe American exceptionalism |
Liberalism was killed in the 60s. Liberal
professors in the universities should have fought the left but they gave in.
They said the young know better."
Edited notes from Dennis Prager's radio program 2 Apr 10. Eccl 10:2.
By the way, Prager also argues that Leftism is a religion. Most Jews are secular. They abandon Judaism for Leftism.
In religion, if there is a conflict between:
Judaism and Leftism or Catholicism and Leftism--Leftism
wins. Mr 7:5-8.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Serpentdove has redefined "liberal" to mean "the boogyman."
That's right. Wicked people do not exist.
We've never seen them. You can't prove anything. Edited notes from
Bart Simpson episode 26.
Eph 5:11.
Let's just call you Queen of Da'Nile.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Only 144,000 of them are not hosed when Jesus comes back, right?"
They become like little Billy Grahams. In my view, people will still be saved during the Millennium. 2 Cor 6:2.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "You realize that yours is the minority view, right?"
"Bad doctrine must be rooted out of Christianity. When scripture reveals that God predestined a people to be conformed to the image of his Son (Ro 8:29), in is a revelation of God’s plan (determined will) to save a people (those will come) to be conformed to the image of his Son—God has a plan to call out a people. J. Vernon McGee said, “Prophecy is the mold into which history is filled.” Christ is our “mold” reaching from east to west without man-made limitations. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made (emphasis mine, Ps 145:9). God still runs this universe no matter what the Calvinist says...
...Jesus said: “Those who are well
have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” We can never do enough or
be beautiful enough for the Lord to desire us. God wishes to be merciful to the
humble. Jesus said: “I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to
repentance.” (Mt 9:12, 13).
J. Vernon McGee said, “If you’ve come to the place where you have said, ‘I can’t
live the Christian life.’ Halleluia. You’ve got it!” Full text:
Does God Elect Everyone?
"Why are you so focused on mercy?"
I don't know
a: broken, bankrupt, cursed, crushed and excluded woman named Ruth was shown
mercy by God. She was a young widow, a Moabite, who was condemned and
cursed; yet, she was brought into God's family and in the ancestry of Jesus
Law excluded. Grace includes.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "You said that..."
I did not say that Dick Cheney is a
liberal. If you believe I did, please provide the link.
Barbarian Quote: "You think Dick Cheney is a liberal?!"
SD: "Who said that?"
Barbarian quote: "You said
Barbarian chuckles:
Serpentdove has redefined "liberal" to mean "the boogyman."
Barbarian asks:
You think Dick Cheney is a liberal?!"
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "As a pro-choicer, I'm sick of anti-choicers calling abortion "killing babies...""
Of course you are sick of it.
You want to kill babies in tranquility (Enyart). If you want people to
stop calling you a child killer stop killing children. Stop your promotion
of sexual sin (Matt. 15:19), repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30) and believe (Mk
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "You quote this J. Vernon Magee an awful lot."
I love him.
I just finished his five-year Bible study.
I'm back on the bus for another go around (Amos, etc...).
"That's reason enough for me to dismiss out of hand anything he says."
"How rude (Jar Jar)."
If you can't stand the rude, get
outta the forum!
It's full-contact debate around here
I'm teasing you, silly.
Response to comment [from a Jew]: [Myth] "Liberals are moral relativists."
Do you believe in moral absolutes?
Myths About
Liberals And Liberalism