Failed attempt to blow up NWA plane
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I feel much better now."
"DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said that the thwarting
of the attempt to blow up the Amsterdam-Detroit flight this week demonstrated
that 'the system worked.'
Obama will not use the word "Islamic" in conjunction with the word "terrorist".
He says "violent terrorist" instead. FYI...When you elect a Muslim for
President, don't be surprised if his loyalties are elsewhere. Sure, the system
worked--for them!
We get to see an increase in security. So far, no blue-haired little old ladies have attempted to blow up a plane. The government still refuses to profile. FYI...double-checking men with "Ham" in their name--like "Mohammad" is a good idea if you would like to reach your final destination (Enyart, Ge 9:18).
According to Eric Holder, loosing our "diversity" would be worse than an airplane being blown into pieces. Obama is "...doing everything in [his] power"--except: 1. naming the enemy and 2. stopping him from boarding our airplanes.
"I've got news for you! I am a little white-haired old lady of Anglo-Saxon heritage. The last two times I have flown I have been singled out for thorough frisking, patting and poking in front of God and everybody. Even a cop isn't allowed to assault a suspect in such a fashion! Believe me under any other circumstances I'd have beaten my assailant witless with my purse!!! Needless to say if I can't drive there I'm not going there! My hair is still standing on end in righteous indignation!"
I have too. Body scans have been available for some time but the ACLU fights against the use of them. God knows the ACLU wants the terrorists to win. The scans are non-invasive and the picture is deleted immediately (if we don't mind security personnel giggling at pictures of our body parts). This type of body scan likely would have revealed the bomb parts that this passenger got on the plane.
Another measure is profiling. But this administration refuses to profile the people who are most likely to blow up airplanes.
God is merciful. We've been warned many times. There were warnings before Columbine. There were warnings before 9-11. We are being warned again now. We know the enemy but we still refuse to do anything to stop him.
There is no excuse for a man like this to get on an airplane in this day and age, headed for US airspace. The administration is just now beginning to look into what to do? We will no doubt try this man as a criminal (not an enemy combatant) because he is a "world citizen". These terrorists laugh at our political correctness. It will mean death to more Americans. Do you remember when terrorists were fearful to hold an American citizen hostage?
If people feel comfortable because they witnessed people being searched and padded in airports, fine. The fact is--security measures are still totally inadequate. Everyone knows it. Some entrepreneur should start "Judeo-Christian" airlines. Board only passengers who hold Judeo-Christian values. We could bring Christmas and Hanukkah presents (snow globes and dreidels) onboard again during the holidays. We could check in like the old days and "take any open seat".
In the meantime while we board Muslims named Mohammad, we must expect to take our chances. We must know where every person sits (not so that people are safe--so that people believe they are safe). We will act as the enemy says we should act. We will sit in our seats (no blanket, no use of the lavatory, no getting up 1 hour prior to landing [which may turn into 2 hours for air traffic control delays]). Sit down, shut up, talk right, and hope to land in one piece--all thanks to the "religion of pieces (Savage)."
If we do all that, the enemy should love us.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "But while those body scans can see inside clothing, they can't see inside the body. A large quantity of explosives could be hidden in places where the sun don't shine, places that can only be accessed by surgical instruments."
I guess we will all have to submit to body cavity searches.
"How would one go about checking whether one has 'Judeo-Christian values'?"
We know a good Muslim will lie to the infidel so to protect our Judeo-Christian airline (say Infidel Air) we could hook all passengers up to lie detector tests. This may sound inconvenient, but it couldn't be worse than current travel security procedures. :idunno: We could interview passengers every ten years (like a passport) asking questions such as: "Do you believe Muhammad was a true prophet of God?" "Do you believe one must refer to Muhammad as 'the prophet Muhammad' or may one just say 'Muhammad' and call it a day?"
"They'd never be able to tell that I'm not a believer."
You would not have to be a believer to fly Infidel Air. You would vote with your dollar--capitalism at its best. Do you wish to fly with shoe bombers and find foot baths in the lavatory?--coming soon to an airline near you no doubt--or, do you merely want some peanuts, maybe a blanket, and the ability to get up once in a while? Your biggest inconvenience might be a person wishing to tell you about the love of Jesus.
Let's do this. We're going to be big!
Joel Rosenberg Flash Traffic Update:
"A Decade of Radical Islam: Will the West wake up to the threat in time?...
...By the
grace of God, and the brave action of fast-thinking passengers over the skies of
Detroit last week, Americans were spared a massive terrorist attack that was
planned for Day. Chilling details are now emerging of a wider plot, with
possibly hundreds of suicide bombers coming to the U.S. Yemens foreign minister
told a British paper, Of course there are a number of al-Qaeda operatives in
Yemen and some of their leaders. We realise this danger. They may actually plan
attacks like the one we have just had in Detroit. There are maybe hundreds of
them 200, 300.
Dozens of similar terror plots have been foiled over the last eight years, as I
document in Inside The Revolution. But overall, the West is still asleep to the
danger posed by adherents of Radical Islam.
The U.N. is doing nothing to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. Europe is doing
nothing to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. Asia is doing nothing to stop Iran
from getting the Bomb. President Obama refuses to recognize that his diplomatic
overtures to the Radical regime in Iran are being laughed at in Tehran, while
the mullahs race for nuclear weapons continues unabated. The President refuses
to fully support the pro-democracy Reformers in the streets of Iran, even though
they are willing to die to bring about true, peaceful change in their country.
The President, to his credit, has committed more U.S. troops to fight al Qaeda
and the Taliban in Afghanistan. But he dithered for much of the year and let
many Americans die on the battlefield in the process. Meanwhile, Washington is
doing everything it can to restrain Israel from dealing decisively with Iran..."
"Would you have separate
seating sections for charismatics/cessationists and Settled View/Open View
Are charismatics/cessationists, settled viewers, and open viewers folks trying to kill every last Jew and Christian? People need to understand that Islam is a perverted faith. Study it. Get to know who Muhammad was.
We should be in the Middle East now killing the leaders of these nations that train and harbor terrorists. Note: the terrorist's plans are escalating (See Flash Traffic Update above). Are you prepared to live as a victim?
Maybe you should ditch Bruce Lee as your avatar and choose a Precious Moments baby doll.
In Israel, they profile by behavior. We should do the same. "...[N]o flight leaving Ben Gurion has ever been hijacked...." Full text: What Israelite Security Could Teach Us
Flying is a privilege not a right. How do you think the US will respond to the Christmas attack on our country, our faith, and our way of life?
Obama will not say "jihad". His faith teaches him to lie to the infidel (Prov 22:6). He will not call acts of terror "acts of terror". Rather, they are now "man made disasters". He is a man-made disaster.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "So, what do you plan to do when Obama announces that Christians will not be rounded up and sent to secret FEMA camps...?"
Being an atheist, you are totally unaware of the world and the war going on around you (Eph 6:12). Be as fat and happy as you like. Meanwhile, Christians will occupy until Jesus' return (Lk 19:13).
Obama is not a Christian. He is a Muslim. Watch YouTube to clarify this point ("My Muslim faith"). Being a good Muslim, that means he will lie to the infidel. He does not work for your best (1 Jn 4:3) but you don't know that. You are a leftist and therefore lack wisdom (Eccl 10:2).
"Given that this alleged war is totally undetectable by any sensory or technological means, I lack any compelling reason to believe it exists."
Of course you do (1 Cor 2:14).
"I repeatedly advocate the systematic extermination of Muslims as the best solution to The Muslim Problem and you have the unmitigated gall to call me a leftist?"
Murders can be left of center or right of center. You need Christ to think straight. Morals are not mere outward appearance (Is. 1:14, 15).
"Do you think I'm joking about that or something?"
No. We are not free to kill all Muslims. We are free to die to ourselves (Ro 6:2-11, Ga 5:24, 1 Pe 2:24-25) and love our enemy (Mt 5:44). Loving our enemy means sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with him (Mk 16:15).
"At the same time, you fail to disagree with me about it..."
We are at war. Certainly, we are permitted to defend ourselves (so is Israel by the way) [Ec 3:8]. It is the job of our government to protect us. We should have wise leaders but we don't (2Sa 22:35). That is why only Christians are qualified to lead.
This country was founded as a Judeo-Christian nation. The liberal will try to change history of course, but the facts remain. We are headed downward because we have turned our backs on God. God is gracious. When a nation asks him to leave, he will.
"I can only conclude that if such a campaign was actually undertaken, you would not speak out against it."
I would speak out against killing all Muslims. Muslims are coming to Christ daily and that's a good thing. There is revival going on in key places. It's very exciting.
"I'd be quite happy if the entire Middle East and everyone populating it was turned into a glass parking lot."
Bob Enyart spoke about disrupting governments if we can recently on his radio program (Bob Enyart Live). The worst thing we could do is adopt a victim mentality. But, that is exactly what we are doing. This is why we now see an increase in terror plots and and pirates at sea. The media will never say "Islamic pirates" because they are cowards.
[1. Are you a terrorist? 2. Are you planning on blowing up this plane?] "...Now where's that bomb you've hidden?"
You'll have to hire people to inspect underwear to be sure. The FAA may have to approve underwear for travel as is now done with infant car seats, for example. It's a little difficult keeping up with Islamic terrorists but if we are determined to obey their rules, I know we can do it.
Underwear inspection may seem intrusive, but loosing our diversity would be worse.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "How anyone can take a Muslim's conversion seriously escapes me, given that to lie about that conversion is exactly what a Muslim is expected to do. I suppose you'll say that such converts should be given the benefit of the doubt, because only God can see into men's hearts."
I wouldn't trust a Muslim. They are commanded to lying to the infidel. Their faith is a perversion of Christianity. Their founder was a rapist, pedophile. We continue to share the truth with Muslims in the hope that they will repent and receive Christ as their savior. Some do.
"Well, go right ahead and make yourself vulnerable to liars who should be treated with utmost suspicion, and watch folks like me laugh when you get played for a chump. Again."
We trust men but tie up our camel. Of course we will assume we are
being lied to if a Muslim's lips are moving. You and I are infidels to
them. Isn't it fun when the atheist and the Christian can agree on
"How does one know they aren't lying about such repentance?"
They might be lying. It takes Christian decrement.
After electing a Muslim for president we can expect that immigration laws will favor immigrants from Muslim lands. This has not been the case historically. Liberals never think of the consequences of their actions--elect a black man because--he's black (there can't be any other reason) and who cares that he's a Muslim. Have a nice day. We will go the way of Europe.
Don't blame me. I voted for the good black guy--Alan Keyes.
[Trust men but tie up our camel.] "Speak for yourself; I trust no one."
Not even your mommy?
[We know a Muslim is lying because his lips are moving] "Than you accept that any Muslim who claims repentance is lying?"
I'd have to ask them a few questions, like: Who do you say Jesus is? How does a person get saved? It's not rocket science.
"[Y]ou always seek to love the enemy while I seek to destroy the enemy."
I like destroying the enemy. :idunno:
Perhaps I can break it down a little for clarity. Love is volitional. Enyart just spoke about this on his radio program today (a "best of" BEL). God describes our love for him like a marriage. He does not insist that we love him. He is a healthy God. Love must be freely given. He will not drag a person into heaven kicking and screaming. For some, that would be hell.
Look at the Muslim mind. Muslims are taught that others are to convert or die (their words not mine). If you don't convert to Christianity, no one is going to come to your house and kill you.
Enyart spoke about a Muslim man who asked a woman to marry him. She refused. He attempted to murder her by strangled her with wire. The man thought she was dead. Then, he proceeded to cut off her ears and nose to set an example to anyone who would say "no" to him. The woman didn't die. Her encounter with this Muslim man will affect her for a lifetime.
Christians share their faith with Muslims. Often, that puts them at risk. Individually, we should do all we can to reach out to Muslims. Our government's job is to protect us and instill laws. That is government's God-given role (not healthcare).
Alliances: Ex. 23:32, 33; 34:1215; Deut. 7:2; Judg. 2:2; 2 Chr. 19:2; 20:37; Isa. 30:2; 31:1; Hos. 4:17; 5:13; 12:1; Ezek. 17:15. Constitution: Deut. 17:1820; 2 Sam. 5:3; 2 Chr. 23:2, 3; Jer. 34:811; Dan. 6:1215 Swanson, J., & Nave, O. (1994). New Nave's. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems.
"Destruction is the correct path."
"The enemy isn't worth loving."
God says he is (2 Pe 3:9). None of us are very lovable (Ps 53:3).
"The enemy isn't even human."
He is not unlike us. We cannot approach God with our stinky righteousness (Isa 64:6). We have none.
attempt to blow up NWA plane