Nationalizing your 401(k)
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "In February, the White House released its “Annual
Report on the Middle Class” containing new regulations favored by Big Labor
including a bailout of critically underfunded union pension plans through
“retirement security” options.
The radical solution most favored by Big Labor is the seizure of private 401(k)
plans for government disbursement -- which lets them off the hook for their
collapsing retirement scheme. And, of course, the Obama administration is eager
to accommodate their buddies..."
Republicans Sound Alarm on Administration Plan to Seize 401(k)s
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Nationalizing Your 401(k)]
If it's a noun, regulate it.
"Big government makes for a small citizen (Prager)."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Trying to think with slogans instead of reason is what gets you in trouble here, Serpent."
love 'im, don't you?
Slogans? How fun.
I'm game:
Don't Blame Me. I voted for the American.
We Sow. They Reap.
Spread Your Own Wealth.
Obama Ain't Your Mama
Free Markets Not Free Loaders
Keep Extending Unemployment Benefits...You're Going to Need Them.
"The wheels seem to have fallen off your latest story."
The sautéed mushrooms seem to have fallen off your meat