Near Death Experiences and the Afterlife
Response to comment [from other]: [Near Death]
There is no "near death". There is alive or dead--no
"mostly dead" (Princess Bride).
See: Natural Death ("[T]he soul coming back into body/brain consciousness after the experience..."
Sorry. You have no
proof for your claims. When a person dies he is with or without Christ (2
Cor 5:8).
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "No one cares about what you have to say."
Who cares what I have to say?
You should care what God has to say (Ro 1:21).
Response to comment [from an "atheist"]: [No one cares about what you have to say.] "[H]arsh, yes, but so true."
Oh Taikoo, don't be like that.
Response to comment [from other]: "What is wonderful, is the prospect of eternal life, the eternal progression of the soul, for physical death is not the end, but only a 'transition' of the soul's journey into eternity, in the Love of God. Research and education provided in this thread, substantiates this. I find that very empowering."
Tell us about this
love force. Can this force grieve? Eph 4:30. Does this Love
Being™ (to borrow from Gerald'o) judge sin at all? De 32:39; Job
12:23; Am 3:6; Mic 6:9. What about its holiness? Does
it like that word--holy? Ps 99:9; Isa 5:16.
"I see your just taking pot shots now, instead of doing the actual research on NDE's and the Afterlife, the subject of the thread."
I've done the research (2 Cor 5:8).
"...[S]ubstance of God."
Does this Substance-being™ grieve?
Eph 4:30. Does Substance-being™ judge sin? De
32:39; Job 12:23; Am 3:6; Mic 6:9. Is Substance-being™
holy? Ps 99:9; Isa 5:16.
"...'[A]ssuming' you know what my conception of 'God'
You're making Substance-being™ up as you
go along, aren't you?
"This life is only one chapter in an endless succession
of infinite potential and eternal life, there being worlds
without end..."
Proof please.
[Does this Substance-being™ grieve? Eph 4:30. Does Substance-being™ judge sin? De 32:39; Job 12:23; Am 3:6; Mic 6:9. Is Substance-being™ holy? Ps 99:9; Isa 5:16.] "Irrelative"
What is Substance-being's™ name? Let's
call him "Fuzz"™ for now because he's: energy, light, oneness,
yada, yada, yada...Is Fuzz™measurable? How big is he? One inch,
the size of the universe? Is he part of the universe or did he
create the universe?
Rom. 1:25.
Does he hold you accountable for sin?
1Jo 3:4.
Is he a good energy or a bad energy?
Does he have values? How can we know them? If others wanted to
get to know Fuzz™, how would they go about doing this? Give us
five words to describe
[What is your god's name?] "'God' has many 'names', and is beyond name as well. God is the One Supreme Reality..."
Can't give a name. Let's stick with Fuzz™ I suppose.
[Can you measure Fuzz™?] "God is Infinite."
If you pray to it in a room; say--is he above the light bulb, or below the light bulb? He isn't the light bulb is
[Separate from creation?] "All is in God and God is in all."
What is pantheism? What religions today are considered to be
What is panentheism? What religions today are considered to be
Isa 45:16,18; Ac 17:24,27.
[Does he hold you accountable for sin?] "[T]he universal law of karma takes care of itself."
What does the Bible say about karma? Is the concept of you reap
what you sow the same thing as karma?
[Does he have values? How can we know them?] "One knows these by
the rational principle of intellect and spirit within their own
being, thru the faculties of perception and knowledge."
Man's great need is for more knowledge? Not for a savior? Ro 5:9, Jn 1:29, Jn 11:25, 26.
[If others wanted to get to know Fuzz™, how would they go about doing this? Give us five words to describe] "God's Reality exists without description. God _is_ (before, behind and beyond all language). The indescribable cannot be described, only realized. God is all that is Real."
That would be in which section of the
Are you sure it's name isn't Freeli'-god?
[Give us a name for your static, energy-Oneness
"'I Am' is a good enough..."
Sorry. That one's taken ( Ex. 3:14; Rev. 1:4, 11, 17). We'll just call it ~*~*~™
"Now.....If you have something to share on topic relative to the subject of the thread, you may. If your not interested in doing so, please leave as not to waste anyone's time."
Here's my contribution
--you're a liar (2
Tim. 4:3,
1 Tim. 6:3–5,
1 Tim. 1:6,
Eph. 4:14). But
you know that.
Near Death Experiences
and the Afterlife