Nessie, Our Underwater Ally

Would you be shocked to learn that there are still dinosaurs in the world? As a young earth creationist, I would not.


Proof that the Loch Ness Monster Exists?


I Want to Believe


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "[I]f you want to "prove" that the Loch Ness Monster exists, you'll have to do better than that..."

When men said that they saw black and white bears (which turned out to be Panda bears [1869]) and dragons with yellow tongues (which turned out to be Komodo Dragons [1910]),  people were shocked. 

Now, the man in the rubber ape suit pretending to be Bigfoot was one thing, but Nessie?  You never know.  


Komodo Dragon Background

Panda Bear Facts

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "[W]e can ascertain the likelihood of an extant breeding population based on the evidence."

I do not argue for the authenticity of this photo.  I submit that it would not be shocking to find supposedly extinct animals today. 

There is much of the ocean still to explore. 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Are you trying to say that any of this would be a problem for someone that accepts evolution."

Finding a dinosaur today would be a big problem (among many) for the evolutionist. 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [Finding a dinosaur today would be a big problem (among many) for the evolutionist.] "Can you please explain the logic behind this claim? 
The idea that natural processes are responsible for biodiversity is not threatened by evidence of extant species that were believed to be extinct. The coelecanth is a prime example of this. The vast majority of lobe finned fishes have become extinct. The fact that one or a few species are still extant does not negate the idea of evolution through natural processes or common ancestry.  You really need to brush up on your logic skills."

God made "kinds" of animals (Ge 1:25).  No one debates micro-evolution.  Christians debate macro-evolution.  T-Rex never became a bird, for example (as the illustrator of my son's dinosaur book draws him with feathers).

I will agree with your "common ancestry" to the extent that a dog came from a dog "kind" not from something that crawled out of the ocean.  

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "We already have plenty of living fossils, they don't impact evolutionary theory in the slightest. In fact they can become helpful to scientists, by providing genetic information for looking at evolution."

We find plenty of clams.  We do not find transitional fossils in the fossil record. 

"Natural selection is not an onward-upward process with new information added in order to get entirely new organisms. Natural selection cannot create totally new characteristics that were not possible from the information already in the particular gene pool. It can only select from what already exists in that gene pool. It causes changes that take place within a species or within a kind by weeding out certain characteristics that are not advantageous in a specific environment. It can’t cause one kind to change into another. Natural selection does not cause reptiles to evolve into birds—reptiles don’t have the information for feathers; only birds do. You’d have to have brand-new information to get something brand new that never previously existed or was possible from the information available. That’s not what’s happening; natural selection is basically a downhill process (or a conserving process). Natural selection results in a loss of genetic information and/or redistribution of pre-existing information...."  Full text:  Darwin's Plantation by Ken Ham Chapter 3 True Origins of Species

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Would you be shocked to learn that the Loch Ness Monster is not only not a dinosaur, but just a legend?  Would it surprise you to know that a living dinosaur, if such a thing actually existed, wouldn't impact the [theory of evolution] at all?"

Could be. 

Many who say they are Christians do not accept the creation account as given in Genesis.  It is important to believe God from Genesis 1:1: 

"...[T]he only “evidence” we need that dinosaurs and man lived together is Scripture—just as we would accept the Resurrection of Christ or creation ex nihilo without any independent “evidence.” (The root of this mistaken clamor over “evidence” is that people fail to recognize how their presuppositions actually shape how they interpret the evidence.) We who start from the Bible as our foundation accept the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs even before we ever consider the possibility that there was or is a Loch Ness Monster (for instance). (That said, we do believe that the many stories of “dragons” in cultures worldwide—stories that are eerily similar to what we know about dinosaurs—likely represent societal recollections of real human encounters with dinosaurs, perhaps as recently as a thousand years ago; the same goes for artistic depictions of dinosaurs hundreds of years before they were discovered—or, actually, “re-discovered”!)

Next, the carbon-14 dating that L.B. mentions might be one piece of evidence that we would have to interpret through our presuppositions. Some presuppose that the atmospheric production rate of carbon-14 has always been constant (though there’s no evidence for this), and then date certain items based on that presumption. We instead presuppose the age of the earth (based on the Bible) and, as a result, conclude carbon-14 production must have been different in the past. Note that the difference in views is not about the evidence, though; it’s about what one presupposes."  Full text:  Dinosaurs, Man, and the Bible.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Of course t-rex never became a bird, but his relatives likely did.  And we do find them with feathers."

We find birds with feathers.

"According to evolutionists: Dinosaurs first evolved around 235 million years ago, long before man evolved.1 No human being ever lived with dinosaurs. Their history is recorded in the fossil layers on earth, which were deposited over millions of years. They were so successful as a group of animals that they eventually ruled the earth. However, around 65 million years ago, something happened to change all of this—the dinosaurs disappeared. Most evolutionists believe some sort of cataclysmic event, such as an asteroid impact, killed them. But many evolutionists claim that some dinosaurs evolved into birds, and thus they are not extinct but are flying around us even today.2

There is no mystery surrounding dinosaurs if you accept the Bible’s totally different account of dinosaur history.

According to the Bible: Dinosaurs first existed around 6,000 years ago.3 God made the dinosaurs, along with the other land animals, on Day 6 of the Creation Week (Genesis 1:20–25, 31). Adam and Eve were also made on Day 6—so dinosaurs lived at the same time as people, not separated by eons of time.

Dinosaurs could not have died out before people appeared because dinosaurs had not previously existed; and death, bloodshed, disease, and suffering are a resultof Adam’s sin (Genesis 1:29–30; Romans 5:12, 14; 1 Corinthians 15:21–22).

Representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals, including the dinosaur kinds, went aboard Noah’s Ark. All those left outside the Ark died in the cataclysmic circumstances of the Flood, and many of their remains became fossils.

After the Flood, around 4,300 years ago, the remnant of the land animals, including dinosaurs, came off the Ark and lived in the present world, along with people. Because of sin, the judgments of the Curse and the Flood have greatly changed earth. Post-Flood climatic change, lack of food, disease, and man’s activities caused many types of animals to become extinct. The dinosaurs, like many other creatures, died out. Why the big mystery about dinosaurs?

Why Such Different Views?

How can there be such totally different explanations for dinosaurs? Whether one is an evolutionist or accepts the Bible’s account of history, the evidence for dinosaurs is the same. All scientists have the same facts—they have the same world, the same fossils, the same living creatures, the same universe.

If the “facts” are the same, then how can the explanations be so different? The reason is that scientists have only the present—dinosaur fossils exist only in the present—but scientists are trying to connect the fossils in the present to the past..." Full text:  What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Response to comment [from other]:  "Did you know that the word gullible is not in the dictionary?"

People have been gullible for some time. 

"Ultimately, there are only two ways of thinking: starting with the revelation from God (the Bible) as foundational to all thinking (including biology, history, and geology), resulting in a Christian worldview; or starting with man’s beliefs (for example, the evolutionary story) as foundational to all thinking, resulting in a secular worldview.

Most Christians have been indoctrinated through the media and education system to think in a secular way. They tend to take secular thinking to the Bible, instead of using the Bible to build their thinking (Romans 12:1–2; Ephesians 4:20–24).

The Bible says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7) and “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10).

If one begins with an evolutionary view of history (for which there were no witnesses or written record), then this way of thinking will be used to explain the evidence that exists in the present. Thus, we have the evolutionary explanation for dinosaurs above.

But if one begins with the biblical view of history from the written record of an eyewitness (God) to all events of history, then a totally different way of thinking, based on this, will be used to explain the same evidence..."  Full text:
 What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "It is important to use our reason and evaluate the evidence honestly, not shut off our brains and stick with an absurdly literal creation account that matches the actual evidence not at all."

Then you do not believe the creation account as given in Genesis? 


Evolution vs. Creation.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "And 'we' as in paleontologists also find dinosaurs with fossil feather impressions and quill knobs--bony protrusions that are attachments for feathers."

That could be.  It certainly does not mean that dinosaurs evolved into birds. 

Does one have to be a paleontologist to have a theory about what happened to the dinosaurs?  Can men not have an opinion about babies because they have not had one? 

"The Bible says nothing about 'dinosaurs'..."

The Bible does not use the word "dinosaur".  The word "dinosaur" did not come into our language until 1842.  But the Bible does mention large animals that sound very much like dinosaurs (See:  Dinosaurs & the BibleLiviathan, for example is mentioned in the book of Job (Job 3:8) which scholars believe may have been the first written book of the Bible. 

"Your idea of the age of the earth is only based on adding up genealogical lists. The evidence we see in the world around us does not match these ideas."

My idea is irrelevant.  What God says is all-important.  The Grand Canyon is good evidence for a worldwide flood (as given in scripture).  If we believe the genealogy as given in scripture, we come up with 6,000 to 10,000 years.  It's always best to believe God since he was there and he has never been proven wrong.  I happen to believe the correct number is 6,000 years for the age of the earth.

"[W]hy do we never find human, or modern mammal fossils of any kind intermixed with dinosaur fossils."

We find human fossils in layers that most creationists consider post-Flood. Most of these were probably buried after the Flood and after the scattering of humans from Babel. So it is true that human and dinosaur fossils have yet to be found in the same layers, but does that mean that long-age believers are correct?

What Do We Find in the Fossil Record?

The first issue to consider is what we actually find in the fossil record.

  • ~95% of all fossils are shallow marine organisms, such as corals and shellfish.
  • ~95% of the remaining 5% are algae and plants.
  • ~95% of the remaining 0.25% are invertebrates, including insects.
  • The remaining 0.0125% are vertebrates, mostly fish. (95% of land vertebrates consist of less than one bone, and 95% of mammal fossils are from the Ice Age after the Flood.)1

The number of dinosaur fossils is actually relatively small, compared to other types of creatures. Since the Flood was a marine catastrophe, we would expect marine fossils to be dominant in the fossil record. And that is the case..." Full text:  Why Don’t We Find Human & Dinosaur Fossils Together?

"The idea that animal death did not exist before the fall is biblically unsubstantiated..."

Were you there?

"Both humans and animals were vegetarians at the time of creation. In Genesis 1:29–30 the Lord said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food.

This passage shows clearly that in God’s very good creation, animals did not eat each other (and thus, there was no animal death), as God gave Adam, Eve, and the animals only plants to eat. (It was was not until after the worldwide Flood of Noah’s Day—1,600 years later—that man was allowed to eat meat, according to Genesis 9:3.)"  Full text:  Why Does God's Creation Include Death and Suffering?

[AIG not credible]

Is Dr. Walt Brown credible?  He received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)?  He's rather brainy.  You can read his entire book online (

Why not address the issues instead of attacking people personally as leftist tend to do?

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Say there sport...don't suppose you could give us a working definition of transitional fossil."

Transitional fossils are sometimes referred to as "missing links".

"[Y]ou don't mention the mechanism by which a genotypical change may provide code for new phenotypical characteristics."

How can a mutation correcting mechanism evolve by natural selection?

Natural selection is supposed to work by favoring certain traits that provide a selective advantage and eliminating those that are even slightly deleterious over the generations. The raw material of evolution is supposed to be the spontaneous mutations that will impact effective reproductive success. These so-called “beneficial mutations” will be selected for in future generations.

Cells have several mechanisms and methods for DNA repair—fixing various types of damage to DNA before it causes irreparable damage. While DNA repair mechanisms could be considered irreducibly complex, it can still be argued that natural selection would favor an organism with better DNA repair. This means that, however unlikely, evolutionists can still argue that natural selection could provide for DNA repair to evolve. Cells with mutations that improved DNA repair would be favored.

The mutation repair mechanism found in Arabidopsis is different. How do you select for the ability to fix a mutation that you don’t have? This may be the ultimate biological catch 22. A mutation repair mechanism can only provide a selective advantage to those individuals that have the mutations and get them fixed. It does nothing for any that lack the mutations and therefore would potentially be lost through mutation to itself or just by genetic drift (assuming the trait is coded somehow on the chromosomal DNA).


  1. In incomplete penetrance, not all of the individuals who carry a particular gene will have the phenotype.
  2. An epigenetic change is one that affects the expression of a gene without changing the sequence. DNA methylation is an example of a way genes can be turned off without altering the sequence. A masking epigenetic change would cover over a mutant gene, changing the phenotype but not the DNA sequence.  Full text:   Startling plant discovery presents problems for evolution  How can a mutation correcting mechanism evolve by natural selection?

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Where does evolution require dinosaurs to have died out?"

It doesn't.  Maybe secular scientist will revise their long-held assumptions about the theory of evolution and "millions of years". 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "[M]echanical engineering.  My father is a mechanical engineer, he has 7 patents, he's highly intelligent but he doesn't know much about evolution..."

Are you suggesting because your father does not know much about evolution, Dr. Brown does not know much about young earth creation?  Why don't you forget ad hominem attacks on the scientists themselves and take a look at the data?  We all have the same data (by "we" I mean people--secular and religious scientists and the people who read their work).  How we interpret the data is what matters. 

Let me tell you what Dr. Brown does address in his book In the Beginning.  You are free to argue him point by point or dismiss the book in its entirety (this is a typical trait on the left--dismiss a person so that you do not have to address the science or the issues).   

Dr. Brown discusses:

Part I of In the Beginning discusses, in quick overview, 136 categories of evidence from biology, astronomy, and the physical and earth sciences. More technical discussions and documentation are found in the author’s extensive endnotes.

Does the scientific evidence support evolution or creation?
What insights do genetics and the fossil record provide?
What discoveries in outer space relate to our beginnings?
How old is the earth?
Does Noah’s Ark exist? What is the CIA’s "Ararat Anomaly"?
Part II introduces and describes the hydroplate theory - a new theory developed after more than 30 years of study by Dr. Walt Brown, a former evolutionist. This theory explains a catastrophic event in earth’s history and answers a host of previously unexplained questions raised by physical observations. For decades, evolutionists complained that creationists only criticized evolution and did not have sound scientific theories of their own. The hydroplate theory ends that complaint and explains, with overwhelming evidence, earth’s defining geological event - a worldwide flood.
If there was a global flood, where did all the water come from? Where did it go?
How did the Grand Canyon form?
How did submarine canyons, mountains, and oceanic trenches form?
What suddenly froze and buried mammoths in Siberia and Alaska? How could they live at polar latitudes?
How did rock strata and fossils form?
How did comets, asteroids, and meteoroids form?
Thirty frequently asked questions from those attending seminars by Dr. Brown fill a fascinating Part III, including:
Have physical traces of Adam and Eve been detected within us?
How can the study of creation be scientific?
Is Archaeopteryx a fraud?
How accurate is radiocarbon dating?
What about the dinosaurs?
Because galaxies are billions of light-years away, isn’t the universe billions of years old?
Is there life in outer space?

"You can be incredibly smart and yet know nothing about particular areas of study, there's simply too much to know to 'know it all'..."

Did Dr. Brown suggest that he "knew it all"?  He merely gives evidence for creation and the flood.  He is not the only scientist to believe the biblical account. 

"It takes a good deal of study to become knowledgeable on a new study.  Certainly it can be done but I've seen zero evidence of this from creation 'scientists'."

Because you've seen zero evidence does that mean there is zero evidence?  Do you automatically dismiss the work of secular scientists?  Must one be godless to understand the data?  This is what we call a bias.  

"It only takes a cursory glance at Dr. Brown's book (which I've looked at before) to be able to tell he doesn't know what he's talking about and hasn't done anything more than an extremely cursory glance at the state of natural science."

You would want to take another look to be correct. 

"When I was very young I was reading creation science books. When I went to college and on into graduate school it became painfully obvious to me the authors knew very little about their subject matter.  I wasn't willing to accept evolution in full at that point, but 'creation science' was clearly wrong."

Your evidence?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Tell us what your theory..."

I think that many animals (including dinosaurs) died in worldwide flood just as the Bible says. 


What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "By the way, that story is from The Sun..."

I noticed that too.  Not exactly The Financial Times or The Independent.    

Response to comment [from an athiest]:  "And how does a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering legitimize Brown's opinion on questions relevant to biology?"

Dr. Brown's bio says, "...Dr. Brown has been the Director of the Center for Scientific Creation and has worked full time in research, writing, and teaching on creation and the flood." 

There are plenty of creation scientists:

  ■Gerald E. Aardsma (physicist and radiocarbon dating)

■Louis Agassiz (helped develop the study of glacial geology and of ichthyology)

■Alexander Arndt (analytical chemist, etc.) [more info]

■Steven A. Austin (geologist and coal formation expert) [more info]

■Charles Babbage (helped develop science of computers / developed actuarial tables and the calculating machine)

■Francis Bacon (developed the Scientific Method)

■Thomas G. Barnes (physicist) [more info]

■Robert Boyle (helped develop sciences of chemistry and gas dynamics)

■Wernher von Braun (pioneer of rocketry and space exploration)

■David Brewster (helped develop science of optical mineralogy)

■Arthur V. Chadwick (geologist) [more info]

■Melvin Alonzo Cook (physical chemist, Nobel Prize nominee) [more info]

■Georges Cuvier (helped develop sciences of comparative anatomy and vertebrate paleontology)

■Humphry Davy (helped develop science of thermokinetics)

■Donald B. DeYoung (physicist, specializing in solid-state, nuclear science and astronomy) [more info]

■Henri Fabre (helped develop science of insect entomology)

■Michael Faraday (helped develop science of electromagnetics / developed the Field Theory / invented the electric generator)

■Danny R. Faulkner (astronomer) [more info]

■Ambrose Fleming (helped develop science of electronics / invented thermionic valve)

■Robert V. Gentry (physicist and chemist) [more info]

■Duane T. Gish (biochemist) [more info]

■John Grebe (chemist) [more info]

■Joseph Henry (invented the electric motor and the galvanometer / discovered self-induction)

■William Herschel (helped develop science of galactic astronomy / discovered double stars / developed the Global Star Catalog)

■George F. Howe (botanist) [more info]

■D. Russell Humphreys (award-winning physicist) [more info]

■James P. Joule (developed reversible thermodynamics)

■Johann Kepler (helped develop science of physical astronomy / developed the Ephemeris Tables)

■John W. Klotz (geneticist and biologist) [more info]

■Leonid Korochkin (geneticist) [more info]

■Lane P. Lester (geneticist and biologist) [more info]

■Carolus Linnaeus (helped develop sciences of taxonomy and systematic biology / developed the Classification System)

■Joseph Lister (helped develop science of antiseptic surgery)

■Frank L. Marsh (biologist) [more info]

■Matthew Maury (helped develop science of oceanography/hydrography)

■James Clerk Maxwell (helped develop the science of electrodynamics)

■Gregor Mendel (founded the modern science of genetics)

■Samuel F. B. Morse (invented the telegraph)

■Isaac Newton (helped develop science of dynamics and the discipline of calculus / father of the Law of Gravity / invented the reflecting telescope)

■Gary E. Parker (biologist and paleontologist) [more info]

■Blaise Pascal (helped develop science of hydrostatics / invented the barometer)

■Louis Pasteur (helped develop science of bacteriology / discovered the Law of Biogenesis / invented fermentation control / developed vaccinations and immunizations)

■William Ramsay (helped develop the science of isotopic chemistry / discovered inert gases)

■John Ray (helped develop science of biology and natural science)

■Lord Rayleigh (helped develop science of dimensional analysis)

■Bernhard Riemann (helped develop non-Euclidean geometry)

■James Simpson (helped develop the field of gynecology / developed the use of chloroform)

■Nicholas Steno (helped develop the science of stratigraphy)

■George Stokes (helped develop science of fluid mechanics)

■Charles B. Thaxton (chemist) [more info]

■William Thompson (Lord Kelvin) (helped develop sciences of thermodynamics and energetics / invented the Absolute Temperature Scale / developed the Trans-Atlantic Cable)

■Larry Vardiman (astrophysicist and geophysicist) [more info]

■Leonardo da Vinci (helped develop science of hydraulics)

■Rudolf Virchow (helped develop science of pathology)

■A.J. (Monty) White (chemist) [more info]

■A.E. Wilder-Smith (chemist and pharmacology expert) [more info]

■John Woodward (helped develop the science of paleontology)

A more thorough list of current (and past) Creationist scientists is not provided for two reasons: (1) A complete list would be extremely lengthy, and (2) Some scientists would rather not have their name made public due to justified fear of job discrimination and persecution in today's atmosphere of limited academic freedom in Evolutionist-controlled institutions...Full text: 
Do Real Scientists Believe in Creation?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "...Evolution is well supported by the evidence, this is not bias, it is simply the world as we observe it."

We observe the same world yet come up with different conclusions.  Christians come from an informed perspective.  

Today we were able to peer into a single molecule more closely than ever before.  To believe that design does not have a designer is foolishness.  "Never been seen before. It remains one of the incomprehensible, paradoxical mysteries of life that the universe is both infinitely large and infinitely small []":  The delicate inner structure of a pentacene molecule has been imaged with an atomic force microscope.  See:  molecule.

"I have yet to see any positive evidence for young earth creationism, if there were any discovered, I suspect it would make front page news."

You really think it would make front page news? 

"I read the Genesis flood around the age of 12, it seemed to make sense at the time until I began to run into real evidence and real science.  You do not need to fear evidence, you do not need to hang your faith on Christian folk-science, it will fail you..."

It has not failed yet--nor will it.  We have overwhelming evidence for young earth creation.  You should examine the evidence without bias.   

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Theory, in science, is a good thing - and evolution is amongst the most powerful.  But I don't expect you to know what one is and how one works..."

A theory is a guess.  I thought scientists never stopped asking questions.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "That's how science works."

Science works like this: 

Ask a Question
Do Background Research
Construct a Hypothesis
Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
Communicate Your Results

Is creation repeatable?  This is why secular scientists use the word "theory".   

Response to comment [from other]:  "[A] transitional between a bird and a non-avian dinosaurs would have a number of traits that dinosaurs have (and only dinosaurs) and a number of traits that are only found in birds..."

"A Quick Summary

We have covered a lot of material about Darwinism in this chapter. Let me briefly summarize and then show why this is so important in our discussion about racism.

  1. Natural selection can only operate on the information that exists in the gene pool.
  2. Most students in evolutionary-biased education come to believe that mutations and natural selection result in one kind of creature changing into a totally different kind over long periods of time. The fact that mutations do not add new information to the gene pool is rarely mentioned. All we have ever observed is variation within a kind. Science has never observed a change from one kind to another kind.
  3. Over time, mutations and natural selection lead to a loss of genetic information. Biophysicist Dr. Lee Spetner (who was a fellow at Johns Hopkins University) stated: “All mutations that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce the genetic information and not to increase it . . . not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the genome.”5
  4. There are no natural mechanisms by which new information can be added into the gene pool. For a reptile to change into a bird, vast amounts of new information would have to be introduced to the gene pool (for example, information on how to make feathers).
  5. Natural selection and mutations lead to physical diversity, not increased genetic information. Dr. Gary Parker, in chapter 2 of the book Creation: Facts of Life, stated it this way:
Any real evolution (macroevolution) requires an expansion of the gene pool, the addition of new genes and new traits as life is supposed to move from simple beginnings to ever more varied and complex forms (“molecules to man” or “fish to philosopher”). Suppose there are islands where varieties of flies that used to trade genes no longer interbreed. Is this evidence of evolution? No, exactly the opposite. Each variety resulting from reproductive isolation has a smaller gene pool than the original and a restricted ability to explore new environments with new trait combinations or to meet changes in its own environment. The longterm result? Extinction would be much more likely than evolution.

The changes observed with both natural selection and mutations are the opposite of those needed for evolution to work. Scientists know this is true, but sadly it is not widely published nor is it usually explained to students in schools or colleges.


Darwin was correct about natural selection. We do observe small changes in living things. However, now that we understand more about genetics and biochemistry, we know that the process of natural selection and mutation can never form new kinds of animals and plants. They can only cause more diversity and varieties within the same kind. Dogs always reproduce dogs, cats reproduce cats, elephants reproduce elephants, apes reproduce apes . . . and humans have always reproduced humans. Period.

This revelation destroys the possibility of Darwinian evolution and uproots the weeds of racism. A proper interpretation of the evidence makes it clear that humanity (and all living communities) thrive on diversity and unity but are weakened by forced uniformity. When we unnaturally select out certain traits as being more valuable than others, we ignore the necessity for diversity within our culture, gene pool, society, and world. Think about it. We are all of one kind (one biological race), just as the Bible says, no matter the shade of our skin, the length of our bones or the contours of our face. We always have been and always will be brothers and sisters with a common heritage and ancestry. In a following chapter we will explain, using the basic genetic principles outlined in this chapter, how different people groups exist within the one race of humans—thus showing conclusively there are no different biological human races, just different groups within the one race.

Did you know that Darwin studied theology, Stalin studied for the priesthood, and Hitler was a member of the Church until the day he died? Even Mao lived in China during a period of great Western missionary activity. Yet tragically, all these men rejected truth—they rejected Scripture—and that led to the greatest ethnic cleansing policies in all of history. They attempted to unnaturally select certain arbitrary characteristics that they found desirable and tried to eliminate those who appeared to be different. They used their own criteria to sift out what they thought was valuable and invaluable in the human gene pool . . . and in the process millions and millions died.

How different things might have been had these men simply believed the only source for all truth and that our common origin is from a wise and powerful Creator. They would have adopted a different, biblical philosophy for living together as one kind—just as we can, when we embrace the scientific and biblical reality that we are all “one blood...” Full text:  Darwin's Plantation Chapter 3:  The True Origin of the Species

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Care to provide a biological definition of this term? Or are you intentionally keeping it vague so it can be redefined as necessary for your apoligetics to remain culturally relevant?"

I used the word "kinds" intentionally as it is a biblical word.  Ken Ham explains this concept using his own dog, Mintie as an example:

"Mintie is a bichon frise, a variety of dog that was bred over time like all the other domestic varieties of dogs (probably in France or Germany, up to 700 or more years ago).2 We could say that God created the original dogs and bichons and poodles were developed by man from that original—but only using the information God put there in the first place. So in a sense one could say God made bichons and poodles—but only in the sense that God created all the original perfect information for these breeds of dogs which existed in the Garden of Eden. But let’s be honest, this cute little fuzzy thing that rules my home is no genetic improvement—it’s a mutant suffering from the effects of the Fall and sin. Our dog has to have her hair cut each month (because of a mutation affecting the shedding of hair) and is susceptible to bladder stones (it had to have a very expensive operation). Mintie now lives on pricey prescription food and needs estrogen tablets regularly. I’m thinking about health insurance for the dog! The list of physical problems due to mutations is extensive in domestic breeds. See the following for some problems in poodles, for instance.

Miniature poodle problems: congenital (and acquired defects)

  • Achondroplasia (bone cartilage problem producing abnormal short limbs)
  • Adult onset GH deficiency
  • Amaurotic idiocy
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Atypical pannus
  • Behavior abnormalities
  • Cancer
  • Cerebrospinal demyelination
  • Congenital deafness
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Cystinuria (Heart valve incompetence)
  • Distichiasis (two rows of eyelashes)
  • Ear infections
  • Ectodermal defects (skin problems)
  • Ectopic ureters
  • Entropion (eyelid turning inward)
  • Epilepsy
  • Epiphora (excessive tearing)
  • Epiphyseal dysplasia (hindleg joints of puppies sag)
  • Glaucoma
  • Hairlessness
  • Hemeralopia (day blindness)
  • Hemophilia A, Factor VIII deficiency (prolonged bleeding, hemorrhagic episodes)
  • Hypospadia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Intervertebral disc degeneration (spine problem)
  • Juvenile cataracts
  • Lacrimal duct atresia
  • Legg-Perthes disease
  • Lens-induced uveitis
  • Microphthalmia
  • Missing teeth
  • Narcolepsy
  • Nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia
  • Optic nerve hypoplasia
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta
  • Patellar luxation
  • Patent ductus arteriosus (aorta and pulmonary artery problem)
  • Persistent penile frenulum
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (sluggish retinas, leads to blindness)
  • Progressive rod-cone degeneration
  • Pseudohermaphroditism
  • Pyruvate kinase deficiency
  • Renal dysplasia
  • Retinal atrophy
  • Retinal detachment
  • Robertsonian translocation
  • Trichiasis
  • Von Willebrand’s disease (prolonged bleeding, reduced platelet adhesiveness)

Bichons and poodles (like all domestic varieties) are the result of a downward process. They have not just developed from dog genes, but from cursed copies of dog genes! Sorry about that—but it is true that dogs like Mintie are the result of the Curse! Each time I arrive home and our pet bichon races to the door to meet me, I am reminded of my sin—that I, in Adam, sinned and ushered in the Fall. (Now my wife may think I’m nuts, but I’m trying to illustrate an important point here.) After God pronounced every created thing as “very good,” Adam sinned, resulting in the whole of creation being cursed. Everything began to run down, no longer upheld perfectly by the sustaining power of an infinite Creator. When we unnaturally select out certain traits and create “pure breeds,” we aren’t creating anything new. We are actually filtering out diversity that God created in the original kind and passing on mutations that are detrimental. When one breeds poodles with poodles (why people do this is hard to come to grips with), only poodles will be produced, sadly! In a sense, a poodle is near the end of the line for a dog—there is not enough variety left for anything different to develop. (At least nothing of value, in my opinion!) If one were to start with wolves and breed generations of dogs, breeding the right combinations together with all the same sorts of mutations occurring all over again in the right sequence, then one could theoretically breed a dog with poodle characteristics. But one could never breed a wolf from a poodle, because the necessary information for wolves has been corrupted or deleted..." Full text:  Darwin's Plantation Chapter 3:  The True Origin of the Species

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Christians that deny the age of the earth and the evidence for evolution are not informed. They've blinded themselves to the truth because of a misunderstanding of scripture. I find it very sad."

I come up with a different conclusion based on the data.  Instead of pitying those who believe differently than you, concentrate on the issues.  It is best to get your eye off of those who make a claim and get your eye on the claim itself.  Fine people can disagree.  What matters is trust in the word of God and the resulting worldview.  

[Intelligent design]  "Huh? Are you saying you believe that [the] molecule had to be directly designed by God?  You can make it yourself . . . burn some wood . . . PAHs like pentacene form from standard, normal processes."

I am saying if a person sees the amazing picture of the molecule, he would have to be a fool to believe it was not designed by God.  Design (clearly seen in the molecule) implies a designer.  I think we agree on this point.

"Are you sure it is not you who is biased by what you have been taught, that evolution and the Bible are in conflict?"

We all have biases.  It is best to be aware of them.  The scientist is supposed to remove all biases from research.    

Response to comment [Kinds] "[I]t's not a term accepted in biology."

Wayne Spencer writes:

"The Biblical term “Kind” and modern Biology Any biology course would teach about the Linnaean Classification system.  This is a hierarchical system that places all living things in various groups based on important characteristics they have. The Linnaean system, from the largest category grouping down to the smallest, includes the following: Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Genesis 1 says that living things multiplied “according to their kind.” The implication of Genesis is that living things cannot cross the boundary of “kind.” Living things can change and adapt to their environment to some degree, but there is a limit to how far this change can go.  Just where is this limit?...

...In a creationary view of biology as I see it, there are positives and negatives. The positives are creationist attempts to reinterpret the facts from a creationary framework. The negatives are issues in which creationists point out scientific problems with some aspects of biological evolution. I will briefly mention three positives, four negatives, and one special
issue that represents both a negative for evolution and a positive for creation. I am only providing a brief introduction to these ideas here. Of all creationist books and articles related to the life sciences, most of them would fall into one of the following subject areas.  For the positives, where creationists are working to provide a better way of understanding the facts, the first would be intelligent design. 1) In the last few years there has arisen what is now called the Intelligent Design Movement, which is influencing scientific circles more and more. This is the general idea that there is a Creator-God who has created things for a purpose and that there is a complexity in how things are made that demands that a Creator deliberately planned and arranged things to be as they are in nature.  2) Another major subject area of creationist research is in the subject of classification. How should we classify living things? Creationists are trying to develop a new classification scheme known as Baraminology, which attempts to avoid following evolutionary concepts. 3) A third major area of creationist work is a Biblical and scientific issue, about how to understand life before Noah’s Flood and at the time of Creation. This is about the question of how is life different now than when it was originally created. This is a very important question; a number of other questions about understanding biology depend on how you answer this question.  There is not currently a consensus among creationists on many questions in this area.  4) The last issue is called homology, which from the evolutionary view is about arguing for evolution based on the similarities between organisms. Creationists have shown this can be both a problem for evolution and a positive that supports the idea of intelligent design in living things.  

Now for the negatives. These are areas where creationists attack evidences often presented for evolution. 1) One key area has been the matter of the problems with the mechanisms of evolution (especially mutations and natural selection). 2) Another major issue is the concept that the first living cells formed by natural processes from simple organic chemicals. This is basically the idea that your ancestor was an amino acid. The staggering complexity of living cells has pointed out devastating technical problems with the evolution of life from chemicals. 3)The third main topic area in the negatives is cell biology and molecular biology. This is a subject in which there has been incredible scientific advances in recent years. 4) A fourth area creationists have addressed for years is embryology. Though the basis of the idea has been clearly disproven since the 1800's, evolutionists and often modern
textbooks still use the argument that the developing embryo goes through stages like its evolution..."  Full text: 
Introduction to Creation Biology by Wayne Spencer.

"The minute you cited this name [Ken Ham] any credibility you may have had left completely disappeared..."

Attack the issues not the man.

Response to comment [from other]:  "...How about the forces in a storm cloud during the winter? Are snow storms intelligent designers?"

A snowflake shows order as well.  You do not get order from chaos.  Clearly the world was designed (Ge 1:1). 

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Serpentdove has done the AiG Science 101 course...Remember, lying for Jesus is not a sin!"

Creationists love science.  It proves their case time and time again.  Even Darwin admitted that the fossil record was a big problem for the theory of evolution.   

Do you really think you came from a monkey?    

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "There is no way that I know of that evolution ever proposes that a Dog will ever give birth to anything that is not a Dog, or a cat not a cat, etc etc. Is that seriously what you believed was being proposed here?"

The evolutionist seriously wants you to believe that a dinosaur could become a bird. 

"...Darwin was correct about natural selection. We do observe small changes in living things. However, now that we understand more about genetics and biochemistry, we know that the process of natural selection and mutation can never form new kinds of animals and plants. They can only cause more diversity and varieties within the same kind. Dogs always reproduce dogs, cats reproduce cats, elephants reproduce elephants, apes reproduce apes . . . and humans have always reproduced humans. Period."  Full text:  Darwin's Plantation Chapter 3:  The True Origin of the Species

Response to comment [from other]:  "One of the key problems with baraminology is that it is actually not nearly as effective as standard phylogeny at making sense of what we see around us..."

"Whoops! Two or more species from one kind! Isn’t that evolution?

Some evolutionists certainly think so. After I participated in a creation-evolution debate at Texas A & M, a biology professor got up and told everyone about the flies on certain islands that used to interbreed but no longer do. They’ve become separate species, and that, he said, to a fair amount of applause, proves evolution is a fact—period!

Well, what about it? Barriers to reproduction do seem to arise among varieties that once interbred. Does that prove evolution? Or does that make it reasonable to extrapolate from such processes to real evolutionary changes from one kind to others? As I explained to the university-debate audience (also to applause), the answer is simply no, of course not. It doesn’t even come close.

Any real evolution (macroevolution) requires an expansion of the gene pool, the addition of new genes and new traits as life is supposed to move from simple beginnings to ever more varied and complex forms (“molecules to man” or “fish to philosopher”)...." Full text:  Creation: Facts of Life, Chapter 2: Darwin and Biologic Change

"What does it mean when God created the animals to reproduce “after their kind” in Genesis 1? Were these original animals the same as animals in our world today?..." Answers in Genesis.


An Initial Investigation into the Baraminology of Snakes: Order—Squamata, Suborder Serpentes

Baraminology Study Group - a collection of papers and updates on baraminological studies

Elephant Kind from Frozen in Time

Response to comment [from other]:  "So we agree that there are certain principles that underlie the world that allow self-organization? Or are you saying that an intelligent designer crafts each individual snowflake?"

God created a weather system.  Every snowflake and sun flare declares his glory.  Snow is beyond man's comprehension (Job 38:22).

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "We address your comments directly and precisely and you seem to post with the awareness of a sea slug."

Just getting rid of the slimy trail (Ps 58:8).

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Are you saying that humans cannot understand how water vapor freezes in the atmosphere to produce snow?"

Men do not fully appreciate snow (e.g. Napoleon).   

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Indeed. Many millions of human beings observe the very same world I do and claim to see all manner of supernatural/paranormal/spiritual phenomena going on: witches casting spells, angels protecting people, demons harming people, etc., etc., etc.

You may be familiar with Alvin Plantinga, a philosopher of some note, who puts forward the idea that it could be a mistake to dismiss out of hand supernatural causes for phenomena:

'...if you exclude the supernatural from science, then if the world or some phenomena within it are supernaturally caused – as most of the world's people believe – you won't be able to reach that truth scientifically. Observing methodological naturalism thus hamstrings science by precluding science from reaching what would be an enormously important truth about the world. It might be that, just as a result of this constraint, even the best science in the long run will wind up with false conclusions.'"

Exactly.  However, God gave laws regarding witchcraft (Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31).  This is a work of the flesh (Gal. 5:20). 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [Men do not fully appreciate snow]  "You are avoiding direct answers to my questions. That usually signifies that a person is being deceitful."

That's not it (Pr 26:5). 

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Did you really think that was an answer?  People do not fully appreciate mathematics...but that doesn't mean it can't be understood.  Some do not fully appreciate what a non-sequitur is (e.g. you), but that doesn't mean others can't understand it."

Some cannot hear music because the radio is not turned on.  I would suggest W.O.R.D. (A. Rogers).

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "[E]ven if Napoleon didn't fully appreciate snow doesn't mean humans cannot understand how water vapor freezes in the atmosphere to produce snow...Get it yet?"

Men can know a thing or two about snow.  God knows more (Job 38:22).  Men can know a thing or two about light.  God knows more (Job 38:19,20,24).    

"And your point is?"

God knows more (Isa 55:9).

Response to comment:  "Hawking...Creationist websites are the sewers of the internet."

Stephen Hawking says that all is irrelevant--so his opinion must be irrelevant (B. Enyart).

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  [Science and Creation] "It doesn't prove their case time and time again, because if it did, their explanations would be accepted science."

No so (Ex 23:2).

"Darwin said that the state of the fossil record, being so sparse at his time, was a problem... 150 years ago. Besides, we generally do not put a whole lot of stock in what Darwin said.."

People do put a whole lot of stock in what Darwin said, unfortunately.  This is why children shoot up their schools. 


Columbine Father Attacking Evolution, Abortion

Darwin had a problem with the fossil record because the transitional fossils had not been found.  With the passage of time, he had hoped that they would be found.  150 years later scientists are still looking-- still clinging to the hope that God did not create this world (Ge 1:1) and that they are not responsible to their creator, which enables them to live wickedly.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Darwin claimed that the fossil record (future finds) would shed better light on his ideas, which it has done."

It has shed light on his ideas as being false.  Venture a guess what the transitional animal might be for the mantis shrimp.  There is no other creature like it in the world.  "[It] possesses an amazing function to obtain food, it creates a cavity bubble underwater which collapses with such force that it produces a cracking sound of about 200 decibels, a tiny flash of light, and enough shock to stun or even kill its prey such as worms and goby fish. It is the only creature in the world with such a 'weapon' to kill its pray (, Real Science Friday)."

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "The first proponent of a theory is not the strongest or most accurate or most important by default.  It is the latest picture, based on the latest evidence, that is."

Truth does not change with the passage of time (Ge 1:1). 

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Ken Ham is obliged to say those things, make those assertions, wave his hands in the air and shout those things - he is committed that, no matter how strong the evidence against it, his version of events is correct, a priori, and will never be wrong.  Science is dependent on evidence, though, and to be a successful scientist you cannot conclude you were right and then search for the evidence.

Think of a court-room. A lawyer is a person who will use any information possible to put towards a position that he feels obliged to defend - and thus any evidence that supports his claim that comes in he shall make much of, and any evidence that refutes his claim, he will play down - doing each with no regard for the actual direction in which the evidence is pointing. Then there is the fair judge - who listens to the evidence, and concludes what is most likely based upon it, allowing the strongest one to win.

Lawyers are not permitted reign in science - as under evidence, no matter how strongly you believe a thing, if it is falsified by the evidence, it must be overturned. Science is a system in which lawyers die, and fair judges survive. It is set up to remove bias."

Christians are called witnesses not lawyers.  God does not need defending.  A Christian speaks of what he has seen (1 Jn 1:1).  It just so happens that we have the truth on our side (Ge 1:1).     

[Young Earth Creation] "It's an overarching explanation of separate natural phenomena..."

Some claim that we cannot prove things which are not measured by the five senses.  Adrienne Rogers told the story of a professor who challenged his class to prove that God did not exist.  He asked the class, "Can anyone see God?"  No one raised their hand.  "Can anyone hear God?"..."Feel God?"..."Taste God?"..."Smell God?"  No hands went up.  The professor said that there was no God. 

A smart boy stood up and asked the class, "Can anyone see the professor's brain?"  No one raised their hand.  "Can anyone hear his brain?"..."Feel it?"..."Taste it?"..."Smell it?"  No hands went up.  He said the professor had no brain.   


How Does Creationism vs. Evolution Impact How a Person Views the World?

Response to comment [from other]:  [Mutation]

"...[E]volution demands an increase in the quantity and quality of genetic information, and mutation-selection, no matter how long you wait, cannot provide it. But, both mutation and selection are very real, observable processes going on around us every day. Evolution, no, but mutation-selection, yes!..."  Full text:   Mutation-Selection in Biblical Perspective.

Response to comment [from other]:  "Ah yes, before Darwin there was no violence in the world.  No slavery.  No ethnic hatred (well except perhaps for the Crusades but they were justified)..."

Are you suggesting that men are making the world better?  God is giving man the time to see his own heart (Jer 17:9). 

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "You're blowing steam about the truth of an idea, and so trying to discredit its veracity by implicating it in the belief systems of people who did terrible things."

The theory is bad and people do terrible things because of it (e.g. racism, school shootings, etc.).

"Real science is not antithetical to religion."

Real science is not antithetical to Christianity, agreed.

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "...the fallacy of all fallacies--if you don't know everything, you know nothing. We expected to see an increase in the number of transitional fossils found..."

Yet we do not find them.  Will you wait another 150 years?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Just because there is no extant species like another species does not mean that that species did not evolve from a common ancestor. Again your logic is faulty. There are a lot of unique species alive today. This does not negate the idea of common ancestry."

Consider dugongs:

"...Despite the fact they are marine mammals and have some resemblance to dolphins and whales, dugongs are classified separately from their fellow marine mammals. Incredibly, dugongs are grouped in the same suborder as elephants (Subungulata), largely because they have some similarities in their teeth and in the position of their mammary glands (between the front flippers/legs).9

Of course humans have mammary glands in a similar position—but evolutionists do not propose a common ancestor with dugongs to explain that similarity!

Furthermore, humans have a similar heart artery arrangement (‘aortic arch’) to dugongs, which is different from elephants.10 This shows that the argument from similarity for evolution (common ancestors) is a very selective one—applied where it seems to work, otherwise ignored. Large-scale similarities are due to a common Creator, not common ancestry.

In classifying dugongs with elephants, evolutionists assume that elephants evolved from water creatures. In other words the evolutionary path would be:

sea creature → land mammal → back to the sea (supposed ancestor of elephants and dugongs) → back to the land (elephants).11

But there is no fossil evidence that dugongs and manatees are related to any creature that now—or ever—walked on land.

Furthermore, the dugong’s body and breathing method are ideal for a marine mammal, and their teeth, horny pads for crushing food, tough upper lip and bristly snout are perfectly designed for their underwater vegetarian diet. It is therefore most likely that dugongs, Steller’s sea cows and manatees all descended from a dugong-manatee kind created by God on Day 5 of Creation Week (Genesis 1:20–23)."  Full text: 
Dugongs: ‘Sirens’ of the Sea.

Response to comment [from other]:  [Mantis shrimp]  "So what does that have to do with anything? Are you suggesting that a grabbing claw couldn't evolve via natural selection to become an efficient club?"

There is nothing else like it in the animal kingdom.  But nice try.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [Evolution leads to racism, school shootings, etc.] "Different ideas impact different people differently. That does not mean that we should lie about the objective reality around us."

Believing lies is not only impractical, it is wicked: 

Ex. 23:1; Lev. 6:2–7; Lev. 19:11, 12, 16 Ex. 20:16. Job 13:4; Job 21:34; Job 27:4; Job 31:5, 6, 33; Job 36:4; Psa. 5:6, 9; Psa. 10:7; Psa. 12:2, 3; Psa. 28:3; Psa. 31:18; Psa. 34:13 1 Pet. 3:10. Psa. 36:3; Psa. 50:19, 20; Psa. 52:2–5; Psa. 55:21, 23; Psa. 58:3; Psa. 59:12; Psa. 62:4; Psa. 63:11; Psa. 101:5, 7; Psa. 109:2; Psa. 116:11; Psa. 119:29,69,163Psa. 120:2–4; Psa. 144:8, 11; Prov. 2:12–15; Prov. 3:3; Prov. 6:12, 13, 16–19; Prov. 10:9, 10, 18, 31; Prov. 11:9; Prov. 12:17, 19, 20, 22; Prov. 13:5; Prov. 14:5, 8, 25; Prov. 17:4, 7; Prov. 19:5 [v. 9.] Prov. 19:22, 28; Prov. 20:17; Prov. 21:6; Prov. 26:18, 19, 24–26, 28; Prov. 27:14; Eccl. 5:6; Isa. 28:15; Isa. 32:7; Isa. 57:11; Isa. 59:3, 4, 12, 13; Isa. 63:8; Jer. 7:8, 28; Jer. 9:3, 5, 6, 8; Jer. 12:6; Jer. 50:36; Ezek. 22:9; Hos. 4:1, 2; Obad. 7; Mic. 6:12; Nah. 3:1; Zeph. 3:13; Matt. 25:44–46; John 8:44, 45; Eph. 4:25, 29; Col. 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:9, 10; 1 Tim. 4:2; 1 Pet. 3:16; Rev. 21:8, 27; Rev. 22:15

Tell the truth (Ge 1:1).

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [God knows more than man (Isa 55:9)]  "I agree. That is why I try to learn about what He has supplied..."

He has supplied an account of the origins of the universe through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.   

"What exactly does this have to do with you?"

I've read it.

"Are you speaking for God?"

I am giving out the word of God.

"Do you know all that God knows?"


Response to comment:  "People do bad things for a lot of reasons. If there were no guns, then people could not shoot each other."

Guns fire when people pull the trigger.

"Does that mean we should get rid of guns?"

No, people should stop murdering.

[Real science is not antithetical to Christianity]  "It is only antithetical to your specific brand of Christianity. That should tell you something."

There are not versions of truth.  There is one truth (Jn 14:6).  Everything else is a lie. 

It does tell me something--you're wrong.  If you would like to be right, believe God (Ge 1:1). 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Serpentdove do you think the many Christians that accept evolution are promoting murder and racism?"

No.  Christians disagree on the origin of the universe and the age of the earth.  But Darwin's theory inevitability leads to racism and violence: 

"Did you know that Darwin studied theology, Stalin studied for the priesthood, and Hitler was a member of the Church until the day he died? Even Mao lived in China during a period of great Western missionary activity. Yet tragically, all these men rejected truth—they rejected Scripture—and that led to the greatest ethnic cleansing policies in all of history. They attempted to unnaturally select certain arbitrary characteristics that they found desirable and tried to eliminate those who appeared to be different. They used their own criteria to sift out what they thought was valuable and invaluable in the human gene pool . . . and in the process millions and millions died.

How different things might have been had these men simply believed the only source for all truth and that our common origin is from a wise and powerful Creator. They would have adopted a different, biblical philosophy for living together as one kind—just as we can, when we embrace the scientific and biblical reality that we are all “one blood...”  Full text:  Darwin's Plantation, Chapter 3 The True Origin of the Species

"I believe God created the heavens and the earth through the Big bang, stellar evolution, planetary evolution and biological evolution...Genesis is ambiguous about how God created."

I believe in a big bang too-- but it was God's voice (Ps 33:6, Heb 11:3). 


Creation/Evolution: Does It Matter What We Believe?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Genesis was not meant to be a scientific text of natural history."

The book of Genesis can be believed from the very first verse.  No scientist has proven otherwise. 

"...[Y]our distorted version of the word."

We can take the creation account literally.  Dr. Warwick Glover responded to Ken Ham when he asked a similar questions this way:     

"Dr. Warwick Glover [W.G.]: I come from a family that were perhaps Christian ‘fellow travellers’—trying to maintain a Christian ethic but not perhaps understanding why they did. I had tended towards Christianity but did have trouble with this. I had been brainwashed into believing evolution but did find it difficult to understand when I studied all the miraculous design in something like the human body. It was hard correlating my beliefs in Christianity and Darwinian evolution theory. I suppose I would say that I thought I believed in evolution, but I could never really accept it because I couldn't actually see a mechanism, and thought all the odds were so far-fetched. I was searching for a way to continue Christianity without having to compromise my science. I went through a period of a few years of reading books which were written by evolutionists but who tended to ‘can’ the theory. Then I saw an advertisement for one of the Creation Science Foundation lecture tours. You were one of the speakers Ken. I must say that I came away from that meeting and felt a fool. You said so many things which I knew from my medical training were true, but I suddenly realized that I had been brainwashed to think otherwise. From that moment—I didn’t have an ‘on the road to Damascus’ conversion, but very quickly I think—I became a much more devout Christian. I gave my life to the Lord and I’ve really devoured anything on creation science ever since. I have never found any problems in correlating Christianity with true scientific beliefs and I do spend a lot of my time discussing this with colleagues. I of course have a great opportunity to do this with patients and I see this as part of my vocation; to alert people to the true meaning of life and the true meaning of science, and what the scientific evidence represents..."  Full text:  A surgeon looks at creation:  Interview with Dr. Warwick Glover, M.B. B.S., FRACS, FRCSED

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "So I assume that you just accept everything you read over at AIG without any critical thought about their comments?"

I consider AIG a trustworthy source.

Response to comment [from other]:  "Serpentdove, have you actually even opened a single link posted by anyone else in this thread?"

Yes, no sonar proof for Nessie, baraminology, etc. 

"I have noticed that during the Darwin bicentennial there have been a lot more attacks on the man and what he believed from Creationists, as if his description of the natural order of things was supposed to be picture perfect."

I could not believe the long lines at the Darwin exhibition at the Natural History Museum in London.  The traffic wasn't the only thing backward.   

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "But evolution isn't the antithesis of [the Bible]. Way to shoot yourself in the foot..."

Of course it is: 

"The Bible teaches God is the Creator of all things.
Evolution teaches everything evolved into existence without God...

Evidence 1: The process for creation
• Evolution: Time, chance, and natural processes
• Genesis 1: “And God said”
• Psalm 33:6, 9 “By the word of the Lord…”
• Hebrews 11:3
• Conclusion: The Bible is not compatible with evolution
Evidence 2: The order of events
• Stars and the Earth
• Reptiles and birds
• The Earth and water
• Conclusion: The Bible is not compatible with evolution
Evidence 3: The cause of physical death
• Evolution: Death is a natural process existing for billions of years.
• The Bible teaches death came through one man (Romans 5:12 and 1 Corinthians
• Genesis 3:22 makes it clear that physical death was also the punishment for sin.
• Genesis 1:31; God called His creation “very good”.
• The first evidence of any death is not until after the fall.
• Plant death
• Conclusion: The Bible is not compatible with evolution.
Evidence 4: The Genesis Flood
• Evolution: The Genesis Flood was a myth or local flood.
• A worldwide flood and an old earth are not compatible.
• Biblical description of the Genesis Flood
• Mount Saint Helens
• Canyon formation and the “Little Grand Canyon” located by Mount Saint Helens
• Eastern Washington and canyon formation
• Sedimentation (liquefaction and turbidites)
• Polystrate fossils and coal formation
• Conclusion: The Bible is not compatible with evolution.
Evidence 5: The days of creation
• Evolution demands long periods of time.
• The Bible
􀂃 The Hebrew word for day (yom)
􀂃 Day used with a number
􀂃 Evening and morning
􀂃 Genesis 1:14
􀂃 Exodus 20:11
􀂃 Word usage
􀂃 Sentence structure (subject, verb, object = poetic) (verb, subject, object =
􀂃 Genealogies
􀂃 Hebrew scholars confirm the days of creation are literal days.
􀂃 Conclusion: The Bible is not compatible with evolution.
Evidence 6: The origin of life
• Evolution: Death is a natural process that has been occurring for billions of years.
• The Bible teaches a consistent message.
• Conclusion: The Bible is not compatible with evolution.
Evidence 7: Jesus and creation
• John 5:46-47; Jesus states that if you can’t believe what Moses wrote, you won’t
believe Him either.
• Matthew 23:35; Jesus teaches Abel was a real person.
• Mathew 24:37-39; Jesus teaches the Flood was a real event.
• Mark 10:6; Jesus indicates the Earth is young.
• Jesus is the Creator: John 1:1-3, Col 1:16, Heb 1:1-3, Eph 3:9
• If we let our understanding of science interpret Scripture then why do we believe the
resurrection? (The resurrection is not scientific either.)
• Conclusion: The Bible is not compatible with evolution....  Full text: 
Creation/Evolution:  Does It Matter What We Believe?

Response to comment [from other]:  "Just keep on pounding out that AIG propaganda, Serpentdove.  It's obvious you're keenly interested in both science and the truth."

Ken Ham and Ray Comfort seem to be very hated right now at the atheist sites.  They must be getting too close to the bone.  

Response to comment [from other]: [The theory of evolution leading to racism, school shootings, etc.]  "Using your analysis what should we do with Christianity? Have people never done terrible things in the name of Christianity?  Torture, slavery, murder, kidnapping, forced conversions?  It appears to me that your knowledge of history, science and logic is woeful."

Did you know that the visible church murdered Christians?  J. Vernon McGee told the story of a town that depended on their town center clock to keep their daily schedules.  But the clock began to loose time.  The men missed their train headed to work.  The kids played too long and were late for school.  That is a picture of the visible church.  They are off (Read Rev 17) and someone needs to reset the clock.      

Do you use the rationalization of an apostate Church to reject Christ?     

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "It [theory of evolution] is considered to be very strong amongst the community who is qualified to and does evaluate these things without bias..."

Are scientists who believe God's word from the first verse disqualified to have an opinion about the origin of the universe?

"...It's called science--and there's a reason that it's so pervasively popular in academic and industrial circles--it works, better than any means of investigation we've ever come up with, in advancing our understanding."

How did scientists investigate the origin of the universe?

"Science is not judged by whether or not it interferes with other a priori beliefs, it just so happens that science and Christianity can be made to be compatible with one another."

You cannot fit a square peg into a round hole.  Evolution and Creation are not compatible.

"The Bible teaches God is the Creator of all things.  Evolution teaches everything evolved into existence without God."  Full text:  Creation/Evolution:  Does It Matter What We Believe?

"You cannot say 'because I believe this, and science has concluded there is more evidence for that, then that is not real science'..." 

Bob Enyart, pastor of Denver Bible Church, has offered Jack Horner, Curator of The Museum of the Rockies, a $20,000 grant to carbon-14 date a sample from a T-Rex bone.  He will not do the test.  Why do you think that is? 

There is overwhelming evidence for young earth creation for those willing to take an unbiased, honest look at the data. 


Bob Enyart Letter to Jack Horner

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "...About 6000 years is all we can account for, that is true."

Finding the C-14 molecule everywhere (e.g. coal, methane gas, amber, petrified wood, diamonds, etc.) is proof.  These things are supposedly "millions of years" old. 


How is Carbon-14 Produced?

Response to comment [from other]:  [Comment from a Christian:  "About 6000 years is all we can account for."] "Just who is that 'we' you speak of?"

Are those who believe God's word from the first verse unqualified to study scientific data?  Do secular scientists own the pronoun "we"?  Are those who interpret the data differently considered "them"?       

Response to comment [from other]:  "Is it your position that radioactive dating is accurate?  Is it your position that C-14 dating is accurate?  Or is it your position that neither is accurate?"

C-14 dating: 

"Obviously, this works only for things which were once living. It cannot be used to date volcanic rocks, for example...carbon dating carefully applied to items from historical times can be useful. However, even with such historical calibration, archaeologists do not regard 14C dates as absolute because of frequent anomalies..." 

Other radiometric dating methods: 

"...There are various other radiometric dating methods used today to give ages of millions or billions of years for rocks. These techniques, unlike carbon dating, mostly use the relative concentrations of parent and daughter products in radioactive decay chains. For example, potassium-40 decays to argon-40; uranium-238 decays to lead-206 via other elements like radium; uranium-235 decays to lead-207; rubidium-87 decays to strontium-87; etc. These techniques are applied to igneous rocks, and are normally seen as giving the time since solidification..."   

More Evidence Something is Wrong—14C in Fossils Supposedly Millions of Years Old:

"Carbon Dating in many cases seriously embarrasses evolutionists by giving ages that are much younger than those expected from their model of early history. A specimen older than 50,000 years should have too little 14C to measure.

Laboratories that measure 14C would like a source of organic material with zero 14C to use as a blank to check that their lab procedures do not add 14C. Coal is an obvious candidate because the youngest coal is supposed to be millions of years old, and most of it is supposed to be tens or hundreds of millions of years old. Such old coal should be devoid of 14C. It isn't. No source of coal has been found that completely lacks 14C.

Fossil wood found in “Upper Permian” rock that is supposedly 250 Ma old still contained 14C.[23] Recently, a sample of wood found in rock classified as “middle Triassic,” supposedly some 230 million years old, gave a 14C date of 33,720 years, plus or minus 430 years.[24] The accompanying checks showed that the 14C date was not due to contamination and that the “date” was valid, within the standard (long ages) understanding of this dating system.

It is an unsolved mystery to evolutionists as to why coal has 14C in it,[25], or wood supposedly millions of years old still has 14C present, but it makes perfect sense in a creationist world view."  Full text: 
How Accurate are Carbon-14 and Other Radioactive Dating Methods?

Response to comment [from other]:  [Won't do the C-14 T-Rex test.  Why?]  "Perhaps for the same reason you do not weigh a 747 on my bathroom scale."

Perhaps.  Or, perhaps not.

"Pastor Enyart's understanding of science is woefully inadequate."

He sounds pretty smart to me.  Have you heard his "Real Science Friday" show?  What has he gotten wrong?  Just the facts without the ad hominem.

"Despite the standard atheistic godless evolutionary conspiracy suggested by fundies, if someone were to overturn all of science and show the world that the universe and the earth were young they would become incredibly rich just from the TV appearances..."

Just the facts without the ad hominem, please.

"...Fundies do not look at the data from an unbiased viewpoint.  Even given that, they are unable to move science, because they are wrong."

...I'm sorry, you were still going on.  Just the facts without the ad hominem please. 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "...Once they begin presenting their opinion as science; however, they are held to the same scientific standards as everyone else. No free rides for pet theories."

That's right. 

Response to comment [from other]:  "Basically, it's a waste of time and sample to C14 test something older than 60,000 years."

We shouldn't find C-14 in anything 60,000 years old.  True--but we do.

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Why is it that you will only go to Christian sources, instead of mainstream science sources?"

Years of indoctrination in the public schools isn't enough?  Liberals love to say "Keep an open mind".  By that they mean "Keep an open mind until your brain falls out and you agree with me." 

We examine the evidence and finally settle on a decision.  Scientists are supposed to keep and open mind and keep examining the evidence. 

From an informed view, I conclude that the Bible is true and that God's word can be believed from the very first verse (Ge 1:1).  I present the Christian worldview.  You get enough of "millions of years" and evolution everywhere else.

"The number of times that the various creationists quotes that you've brought up here have been shown to be factually inaccurate..."

I cannot speak to what others have brought up.  I have read a few of the old posts.  They are interesting. 

"Your sources have a pre-existing commitment to try to play down evidence against what they think happened, regardless of the physical data, and play up anything they can to get their views validated.  Unfortunately, this leads to misinformation and outright falsehoods consistently and repeatedly trotted out..."

I don't think so.  They could all be lying but that is unlikely. 


Quotes From Well Known Secular Scientists Who Show that there are Serious Problems with the Philosophy of Evolution.

"...[B]ut you wouldn't know if any of these notions were discredited years ago, because you'll never search for real science sources to see what's really going on."

Sure I would; but it's not convincing.  Too bad you discount the fact that Christians present "real science".  

"Science has an agenda that extends only to the physical evidence..."

You are right that science has an agenda.  I do not think it stops in the natural realm.    

"...The people you're turning to have an agenda that brings a bias of what they expect to find, and tries to force that data to fit that bias. This is not good science - it is the antithesis of good science."

"There are distinct religious overtones to creationism. Science is only as objective as those who participate in it, and those persons are just as subject to bias as any other field. There are those who reject creationism in favor of naturalism purely for personal "moral" reasons. In fact, this number is probably much higher than would be admitted to. Most people who reject the concepts of God do so primarily because they disagree with some perceived restriction or unfairness, despite claims to the contrary, and this is as true for those in lab coats as those in coveralls."  Full text:  Why is the Science Community so Opposed to Creationism?

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Let me get this straight. You are comfortable using, for lack of a better term and using your language, "apostate" evolutionists who do insane evil things to throw out evolutionary theory and to demonize Charlie Darwin who is not around any more, and you complain that I use the apostate Church to reject Christ? Logic much?"

That is not what I mean.  I use the term "apostate" to refer to the visible church.  Today, the church is an empty shell--just as the Bible said it would be (2 Ti 3). 

"People who do evil things using Darwin as an excuse are no different than people who do evil things using religion as an excuse."

I agree, neither has an excuse.  Teachers will receive the greater judgment (Jas 3:1).

Response to comment [from other]:  "So what? Does that throw all C-14 results out? If so why?"

You decide: 

Carbon dating
"Lets begin by looking at carbon dating. Willard Libby developed this process of testing the age of materials in the early 1950’s. Carbon dating works by measuring the amount of carbon 14 in the atmosphere and comparing it to the amount found in a dead and buried plant or animal. Carbon 14 forms as the result of the sun’s radiation hitting the atmosphere. It is radioactive which means it is unstable and decays relatively quickly as compared to more stable molecules. When C14 encounters oxygen it forms carbon dioxide. Plants breathe it in and it becomes part of the plant tissue. The amount in plants is usually very close to the amount in the atmosphere since this is the air they are using. Animals eat the plants and C14 becomes part of their tissue. The premise of carbon dating is to measure the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and comparing it to the amount found in buried plants and animals. The break down of C14 is measured in half-lives. A half-life cycle is the premise that half of the C14 molecules will break down in 5,700 years. C14 will be measurable up to 5 half lives which is roughly 30,000 years. Beyond that it is immeasurable. So if a plant or animal is found, and it has lost half its C14 molecules, it is just under 6,000 years old. If it has ¼, then it is assumed to be 12,000 years and so on up to 30,000 years. Anything beyond 30,000 years cannot be measured by carbon dating.

There are two major assumptions used in the carbon dating method. First, the rate of decay is constant throughout the C14’s lifecycle. Scientists are assuming that it didn’t begin to decay rapidly and slow down or vise-versa. The second assumption is that the atmosphere contained the same C14 content when the specimen died as it does today. We know that this is not the case. Each time the atmosphere is measured, the carbon 14 ratio goes up. This completely contradicts the evolutionary model and here is why. Evolution assumes that C14 has hit the equilibrium rate. Equilibrium is the point where the rate of decay is equal to the rate it is produced by the sun. If sunlight were to hit the earth today for the first time, C14 would immediately begin to be produced. It would be around 6,000 years before significant decay would occur. As the C14 supply slowly decays, and new molecules are produced, the C14 rate will continue to rise until equilibrium.

To put it into perspective, picture a barrel full of small holes. You are going to fill the barrel with water. As the water rises, it comes to the first set of holes and begins to leak. As the barrel continues to fill it encounters more holes. The rate of the water rising continues at a slower and slower pace as it encounters new holes until it is leaking out as fast as it is filling. That is the point of equilibrium. Picture the holes as the decay of C14 molecules. The quantity in our atmosphere will rise until there are as many decaying as there are being produced. This will occur in approximately 30,000 years (the maximum number of half-lives measurable). So if our C14 rate is still rising, this shatters the theory that the world is 4.5 billion years old but instead it dates the world between 6,000 and 30,000 years. We can’t know exactly until we hit equilibrium.

Another interesting fact about carbon dating is that of the 21,000 specimens submitted for carbon dating, 19,000 were rejected as inaccurate. If 19,000 were rejected, why were the other 2,000 considered to be accurate? They fit the evolutionary model. One of the primary gauges for validating the age of a fossil is by the age of the geologic column. The geologic column dating was established in the middle of the 1800’s. This dating system is the established system and can’t be challenged even if the evidence is compelling. Good science is to develop a theory, seek out data and see if it validates or refutes the theory. Evolution does just the opposite. The theory is declared as a fact and all the evidence is accepted or discredited based on whether it supports the evolutionary model. Instead of validating the theory by the evidence, they validate the evidence by the theory. That simply is not good science. This is founded solely on blind faith."  Full text:  In The Beginning by Dr. Walt Brown

Response to comment [from other]:  "Steady state assumptions might have been true in 1960s but neither of those assumptions are actually made in a modern C14 lab. Someone should tell AIG so they can stop propagating this inaccuracy..."

Let the reader decide:

See Also:

The C-14 molecule Has the C-14/C-12 ratio (equilibrium) always been constant?

Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "We are letting the reader decide. Carbon-14 dating does not have to disprove the Bible, but it does disprove a young earth model from a literal interpretation of Genesis. Yes, let's let the reader decide. It sure seems that most observant readers are already against your views."

C-14 does not disprove a young earth.  It confirms a young earth:

"Is the prevalent view held by the majority of scientists the only plausible way of approaching the problems of time? If the Creation/Flood scenario as indicated by the Bible is correct, then any age significantly over 6000 years would have to be incorrect. Yet Carbon dates, for example, can theoretically go back to possibly 50,000 - 70,000 years or more using the development of accelerator mass spectrometry. That is an order of magnitude of difference! How can these dates be made to agree with each other?"  Full text:  Carbon 14 Dating

"Yes, let's let the reader decide. It sure seems that most observant readers are already against your views."

Most people are wicked (Ex 23:2).  What does that prove?  God is right (Ge 1:1).  You are wrong. 

Response to comment:  "Do you actually get the principle of the law of radioactive decay, or do your creationist websites not bother with the science of it?"

Yes, that was address earlier in the thread.  Here is more on that: 

"Another problem is the conflicting dates between different methods. If two methods disagree, then at least one of them must be wrong. For example, in Australia, some wood was buried by a basalt lava flow, as can be seen from the charring. The wood was ‘dated’ by radiocarbon (14C) analysis at about 45,000 years old, but the basalt was ‘dated’ by the K-Ar method at c. 45 million years old!11 Other fossil wood from Upper Permian rock layers has been found with 14C still present. Detectable 14C would have all disintegrated if the wood were really older than 50,000 years, let alone the 250 million years that evolutionists assign to these Upper Permian rock layers.12[Update: see also Radiometric dating breakthroughs for more examples of 14C in coal and diamonds, allegedly millions of years old.]

According to the Bible’s chronology, great age cannot be the true cause of the observed isotope ratios. Anomalies like the above are good supporting evidence, but we are not yet sure of the true cause in all cases. A group of creationist Ph.D. geologists and physicists from theCreation Research Society and the Institute for Creation Research are currently working on this topic. Their aim is to find out the precise geochemical and/or geophysical causes of the observed isotope ratios.13 One promising lead is questioning Assumption 1—the initial conditions are not what the evolutionists think, but are affected, for example, by the chemistry of the rock that melted to form the magma. [Update: it turned out that Assumption 2 was the most vulnerable, with strong evidence that decay rates were much faster in the past. See the results of their experiments in Radioisotopes & the Age of the Earth volumes 1 and 2."  Full text:
  Refuting Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati Chapter 8: How Old is the Earth?

Response to comment [from other]:  [Are those who believe God's word from the first verse unqualified to study scientific data?]  "[T]o study data? [S]ure. But what does that mean? 
Do you mean qualified to evaluate their worldview based on empirical data?  No, they're not. Data are meaningless."

Data is not meaningless to the biblical creationist. 

See:  The Bias of Evolutionary Leaders:

"It is a fallacy to believe that facts speak for themselves—they are always interpreted according to a framework. The framework behind the evolutionists’ interpretation is naturalism—it is assumed that things made themselves, that no divine intervention has happened, and that God has not revealed to us knowledge about the past.

Evolution is a deduction from this assumption, and it is essentially the idea that things made themselves. It includes these unproven ideas: nothing gave rise to something at an alleged ‘big bang,’ non-living matter gave rise to life, single-celled organisms gave rise to many-celled organisms, invertebrates gave rise to vertebrates, ape-like creatures gave rise to man, non-intelligent and amoral matter gave rise to intelligence and morality, man’s yearnings gave rise to religions, etc.

Professor D.M.S. Watson, one of the leading biologists and science writers of his day, demonstrated the atheistic bias behind much evolutionary thinking when he wrote:

Evolution [is] a theory universally accepted not because it can be proven by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible..."  Full text: 
Refuting Evolution Chapter 1: Evolution & creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias.

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "...[W]hat argument would a non-creationist bring against these claims...5 cents says that right this second you haven't bothered to do much research on it."

Are you asking me to argue for the secular humanists?  I, like you perhaps, had been indoctrinated my whole live in the godless public school system which teaches evolution.  If you would like more of the secular humanist's view it is available everywhere else--in this very thread.  It is the religious view and the truth that is harder to find.    

As Ken Ham writes:  "[I]t’s hard to believe that ‘many students receive little or no exposure’ to evolution. The whole secular education system in America (and most other countries around the world) is underpinned by evolution. After reviewing a number of biology textbooks in the secular school system, we find they are all blatantly pro-evolution. It’s also hard to believe that evolution is an ‘essential concept’ in biology, because most ‘key aspects of living things’ were discovered by creationists.

For example, Louis Pasteur discovered that many diseases were caused by germs and showed that life comes only from life, Gregor Mendel discovered genetics, and Carolus Linnaeus developed the modern classification system, to name but a few creationist pioneers of modern biology [see The Creationist Basis for Modern Science]. Also, many highly qualified biological scientists of the present day do not accept evolution—their work is not affected in the slightest by whether or not fish really did turn into philosophers..."  Full text: 
 Introduction Refuting Evolution.

Evolution & Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias:

"...So it’s not a question of biased religious creationists versus objective scientific evolutionists; rather, it is the biases of the Christian religion versus the biases of the religion of secular humanism resulting in different interpretations of the same scientific data. As the anti-creationist science writer Boyce Rensberger admits:

At this point, it is necessary to reveal a little inside information about how scientists work, something the textbooks don’t usually tell you. The fact is that scientists are not really as objective and dispassionate in their work as they would like you to think. Most scientists first get their ideas about how the world works not through rigorously logical processes but through hunches and wild guesses. As individuals, they often come to believe something to be true long before they assemble the hard evidence that will convince somebody else that it is. Motivated by faith in his own ideas and a desire for acceptance by his peers, a scientist will labor for years knowing in his heart that his theory is correct but devising experiment after experiment whose results he hopes will support his position.2
It’s not really a question of who is biased, but which bias is the correct bias with which to be biased! Actually, Teaching about Evolution admits in the dialogue on pages 22–25 that science isn’t just about facts, and it is tentative, not dogmatic. But the rest of the book is dogmatic that evolution is a fact!

Professor Richard Lewontin, a geneticist (and self-proclaimed Marxist — see documentation), is a renowned champion of neo-Darwinism, and certainly one of the world’s leaders in promoting evolutionary biology. He recently wrote this very revealing comment (the italics were in the original). It illustrates the implicit philosophical bias against Genesis creation regardless of whether or not the facts support it:

We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfil many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door..."  Full text:
 Evolution & Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias .

Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Science is a limited way to study the universe, but it has hands-down the most success when it comes to producing practical results."

Practical results if you dismiss the supernatural, sure.  We come from different worldviews:

"Many evolutionists chide creationists not because of the facts, but because creationists refuse to play by the current rules of the game that exclude supernatural creation a priori.4 That it is indeed a ‘game’ was proclaimed by the evolutionary biologist Richard Dickerson:

Science is fundamentally a game. It is a game with one overriding and defining rule:

Rule #1: Let us see how far and to what extent we can explain the behavior of the physical and material universe in terms of purely physical and material causes, without invoking the supernatural.5

In practice, the ‘game’ is extended to trying to explain not just the behavior, but the origin of everything without the supernatural.

Actually, evolutionists are often not consistent with their own rules against invoking an intelligent designer. For example, when archaeologists find an arrowhead, they can tell it must have been designed, even though they haven’t seen the designer. And the whole basis of the SETI program is that a signal from outer space carrying specific information must have an intelligent source. Yet the materialistic bias of many evolutionists means that they reject an intelligent source for the literally encyclopedic information carried in every living cell.

It’s no accident that the leaders of evolutionary thought were and are ardently opposed to the notion of the Christian God as revealed in the Bible.6 Stephen Jay Gould and others have shown that Darwin’s purpose was to destroy the idea of a divine designer.7 Richard Dawkins applauds evolution because he claims that before Darwin it was impossible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist, as he says he is.8

Many atheists have claimed to be atheists precisely because of evolution. For example, the evolutionary entomologist and sociobiologist E.O. Wilson (who has an article in Teaching about Evolution on page 15) said:

As were many persons from Alabama, I was a born-again Christian. When I was fifteen, I entered the Southern Baptist Church with great fervor and interest in the fundamentalist religion; I left at seventeen when I got to the University of Alabama and heard about evolutionary theory.9
Many people do not realize that the teaching of evolution propagates an anti-biblical religion. The first two tenets of Humanist Manifesto I (1933), signed by many prominent evolutionists, are:

1.Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created.
2.Humanism believes that Man is a part of nature and has emerged as a result of a continuous process.

This is exactly what evolution teaches..."  Full text: 
Refuting Evolution Chapter 1: Evolution & Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias

"...philosophical/theological discussion, not a scientific one."

That is how the human secularist dismisses those who are religious:   

"The only way to assert that evolution and ‘religion’ are compatible is to regard ‘religion’ as having nothing to do with the real world, and being just subjective. A God who ‘created’ by evolution is, for all practical purposes, indistinguishable from no God at all.

Perhaps Teaching about Evolution is letting its guard down sometimes. For example, on page 11 it refers to the ‘explanation provided in Genesis … that God created everything in its present form over the course of six days,’ i.e., Genesis really does teach six-day creation of basic kinds, which contradicts evolution. Therefore, Teaching about Evolution is indeed claiming that evolution conflicts with Genesis, and thus with biblical Christianity, although they usually deny that they are attacking ‘religion.’ Teaching about Evolution often sets up straw men misrepresenting what creationists really do believe. Creationists do not claim that everything was created in exactly the same form as today’s creatures. Creationists believe in variation within a kind, which is totally different from the information-gaining variation required for particles-to-people evolution. This is discussed further in the next chapter.

More blatantly, Teaching about Evolution recommends many books that are very openly atheistic, like those by Richard Dawkins (p. 131).13 On page 129 it says: ‘Statements about creation … should not be regarded as reasonable alternatives to scientific explanations for the origin and evolution of life.’ Since anything not reasonable is unreasonable, Teaching about Evolution is in effect saying that believers in creation are really unreasonable and irrational. This is hardly religiously neutral, but is regarded by many religious people as an attack..."  Full text: 
Refuting Evolution Chapter 1: Evolution & Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias

Response to comment:  "'[B]iblical' creationists reject any data that contradicts their predetermined view of natural history..."

So the biblical creationist tells all lies about empirical data and the theistic evolutionist tells all truth about empirical data?    

"Evolution is the best explanation we have given only natural explanations or the empirical evidence from the material sciences. You are free to reject this conclusion based on your commitment to supernatural explanations, but please don't lie and claim that is science."

You accuse the biblical creationists as being non-scientific so that you can dismiss their interpretation of the scientific data. 

The basis of modern science: 

"Many historians, of many different religious persuasions including atheistic, have shown that modern science started to flourish only in largely Christian Europe. For example, Dr Stanley Jaki has documented how the scientific method was stillborn in all cultures apart from the Judeo-Christian culture of Europe.  These historians point out that the basis of modern science depends on the assumption that the universe was made by a rational creator. An orderly universe makes perfect sense only if it were made by an orderly Creator. But if there is no creator, or if Zeus and his gang were in charge, why should there be any order at all? So, not only is a strong Christian belief not an obstacle to science, such a belief was its very foundation. It is, therefore, fallacious to claim, as many evolutionists do, that believing in miracles means that laboratory science would be impossible. Loren Eiseley stated:

'The philosophy of experimental science … began its discoveries and made use of its methods in the faith, not the knowledge, that it was dealing with a rational universe controlled by a creator who did not act upon whim nor interfere with the forces He had set in operation … . It is surely one of the curious paradoxes of history that science, which professionally has little to do with faith, owes its origins to an act of faith that the universe can be rationally interpreted, and that science today is sustained by that assumption.  Evolutionists, including Eiseley himself, have thus abandoned the only rational justification for science. But Christians can still claim to have such a justification.'

It should thus not be surprising, although it is for many people, that most branches of modern science were founded by believers in creation. The list of creationist scientists is impressive. A sample:

Physics—Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelvin
Chemistry—Boyle, Dalton, Ramsay
Biology—Ray, Linnaeus, Mendel, Pasteur, Virchow, Agassiz
Geology—Steno, Woodward, Brewster, Buckland, Cuvier
Astronomy—Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Herschel, Maunder
Mathematics—Pascal, Leibnitz, Euler

Even today, many scientists reject particles-to-people evolution (i.e., everything made itself). The Creation Ministries International (Australia) staff scientists have published many scientific papers in their own fields. Dr Russell Humphreys, a nuclear physicist working with Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has had over 20 articles published in physics journals, while Dr John Baumgardner’s catastrophic plate tectonics theory was reported in Nature. Dr Edward Boudreaux of the University of New Orleans has published 26 articles and four books in physical chemistry. Dr Maciej Giertych, head of the Department of Genetics at the Institute of Dendrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, has published 90 papers in scientific journals. Dr Raymond Damadian invented the lifesaving medical advance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).  Dr Raymond Jones was described as one of Australia’s top scientists for his discoveries about the legume Leucaena and bacterial symbiosis with grazing animals, worth millions of dollars per year to Australia. Dr Brian Stone has won a record number of awards for excellence in engineering teaching at Australian universities...

...C.S. Lewis also pointed out that even our ability to reason would be called into question if atheistic evolution were true:

If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our thought processes are mere accidents, the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the materialists’ and astronomers’ as well as for anyone else’s. But if their thoughts, i.e., of Materialism and Astronomy are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give a correct account of all the other accidents."  Full text:
 Refuting Evolution Chapter 1: Evolution & Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "So then you agree that your science is flavored by a commitment to a literal interpretation of Genesis?"

Everyone has biases.  If scientists dismiss the possibility of the supernatural, they limit themselves.  

"So in essence what you are saying is: "A literal interpretation of Genesis is without question the correct view, and that any evidence that contradicts that model is something you will not accept."

In my view, a literal interpretation of Genesis is without question correct.  Evidence has not contradicted that truth.  

"And you wonder why the courts have decided that creationism and [intelligent design] is simply religion disguised in a thin veil of scientific sounding words."

Make no mistake--the humanist is equally committed to his religion.   

"Many humanist leaders are quite open about using the public schools to proselytize their faith. This might surprise some parents who think the schools are supposed to be free of religious indoctrination, but this quote makes it clear:

I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being. These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level—preschool day care or large state university. The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new—the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism … .

It will undoubtedly be a long, arduous, painful struggle replete with much sorrow and many tears, but humanism will emerge triumphant. It must if the family of humankind is to survive..."   Full text: 
Refuting Evolution Chapter 1: Evolution & Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias

Response to comment [from other]:  "Since Biblical creationists do no real science, they obtain their data from people who actually do the work."

People who believe the Bible can't do scientific work.  

"You cannot lie about the data--the data is the data."

Biblical creationists lie about their empirical data. 

"However when you use the data without having a sufficient background in the basic science around it, well then you are simply ignorant..."

They're knuckle-dragging, flat earthers (Job 26:7).

"When you use the data with a sufficient background, or even close to such, and you misrepresent it, well then you are a liar..."

Look at their evil mustaches!  

"...In my experience those who should know better and hold themselves out as creationists do just simply lie."

Let's get 'em!

"Well, goodness gracious, perhaps we do agree."

You will find us in our churches.  Will you be bringing pitchforks? 

Response to comment [from other]:  "How in the world is that a response to my comment?  And no, I will not bring my pitchfork. Unlike many fundy's here I am pretty easy going and like to get along with people."

Well, good.  It may come to that.  We live in a Christ-rejecting world.

"I just don't want ignorant people shoving their own particular brand of religion down my throat, or more importantly, down the throats of children."

There are not brands of religion.  There is one way to heaven (Jn 14:6) and everything else is false. 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Can you tell me how we can test for the supernatural?"

No.  The supernatural is outside the realm of science.  There are things knowable outside of what science can tell us.  The Bible should be our guide (Jn 16:13).    

[Genesis correct.  Evidence has not contradicted that truth.]  "You have demonstrated that your view is askew and unreliable."

You reject God's word so we disagree.

"Humanism and Christianity and/or evolution are not mutually exclusive. In fact there are some people who are Christians, humanists and accept evolution. If you keep letting your [young earth creation] overlords dictate reality to you, you will never see things clearly."

"It might surprise many people to realize that many church leaders do not believe their own book, the Bible. This plainly teaches that God created recently in six consecutive normal days, made things to reproduce ‘after their kind,’ and that death and suffering resulted from Adam’s sin. This is one reason why many Christians regard evolution as incompatible with Christianity...Teaching about Evolution points out that many religious people believe that ‘God used evolution’ (theistic evolution). But theistic evolution teaches that God used struggle for survival and death, the ‘last enemy’ (1 Cor. 15:26) as His means of achieving a ‘very good’ (Gen. 1:31) creation.  Biblical creationists find this objectionable.."  Full text:  Refuting Evolution Chapter 1: Evolution & Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias

Response to comment [from other]:  "Serpentdove: Do you find thinking for yourself too difficult?"

Just getting the word out (Isa 55:11).  You cannot say you haven't heard (Pr 24:12). 

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Serpentdove, you do realize that a sizable majority of those scientists you listed were writing long before the Theory of Evolution was even formulated, right?"

Right.  We were speaking of creationists in history--those who hold to God's word. 

"Not to mention that Newton, Galileo and Copernicus all got in quite serious trouble with the church for having ideas that were deemed unbiblical by Christian literalists?"

What you call Christian literalists I call apostates.  These "Christians" murdered believers in Christ.  True believers who study God's word, would learn that Job called the earth round long ago (Job 26:7). 


Reformation Timeline

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "Glaring error 55: science does not dismiss the possibility of the supernatural."

Which scientists?  The wiccans?  The ones who believe aliens live in their brains? 

Response to comment [from other]:  "Newton spent a great deal of time doing alchemy."

Newton was a Christian (Ps 19:1). 

"So you believe that you have been brainwashed by the "godless secular education system"? And now your solution is to reject everything that system had to offer?"

My solution was to find the truth (Jn 8:32). 

Response to comment:  "I am asking you to understand the arguments from their [human secularists] point of view..."

I understand their arguments.  I reject them.  If you agree with them, you would be with the majority (Ex 23:2).  If you would like to be right, you would agree with me.

Response to comment [from a wiccan]:  "You start a thread "Nessie, our underwater ally" with a picture that is obviously not a sea creature and claim it proves the existence of "The Lock Ness Monster"...... The truth is not what you wish to discover."

I do not think that the picture proves that Nessie exists.  Use the Sun rag to line your birdcage if you would like.  My point is that as a young earth creationist, I would not be as shocked as others to find a plesiosaur still in existence.  I would be shocked--just not as shocked. 

I love the truth.  Jesus is truth incarnate.

"After a few posts your true direction shows its ugly head..."

That tends to happen around TOL.  I go where the wind takes me (Jn 3:8).

"...[J]ust another individual bashing, dismissing, denigrating and declaring that anyone that does not "believe" in the same way you do are wrong, heretics, evil doers and less intelligent than you."

I like individuals.  It's humanity that disappoints (Jer 17:9). 

I am not more intelligent than you.  I went to public school.

"Just another wolf in sheep's clothing getting his kicks, But then those from Denver don't fall far from the tree, do they?"

Do you mean Littleton?  Our kids shoot up their schools here because they learn that they come from animals--so they can act as such.  "Natural Selection" was written on Eric Harris' t-shirt the day he murdered 13 people and wounded 23 others.  You know what "wounded" means don't you?  See:  Columbine Mom Kills Herself

Did they teach you evolution at Hogwarts too? 


If You Don’t Matter to God, You Don’t Matter to Anyone

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Modern day YECs either distort the evidence or lie about it to make it look like the evidence supports their views."

If I believed that all biblical creationists distorted or lied about their empirical data, I would reject their findings too.

"I did not say 'all' lies.  But they do distort the truth or make outright lies when evidence contradicts their YEC view."

If that were true, I would agree with you.  You believe that is true.  I don't.

"The model of young earth creationism is not based on empirical evidence.  It is based on a strict adherence to a predetermined interpretation of Genesis."

False.  Pretend the Bible never existed as you would prefer--the evidence still points to young earth creation.

"...particles to people evolution is not what evolution is about."

Molecules to man--however you want to put it.  

"You are conflating abiogenesis with evolution. Evolution is about the origin of species. Abiogenesis is about the origins of life."

That was a quote. 

Darwin said:  "It is mere rubbish to talk about the origin of life; one might as well talk about the origin of matter."  You'd like to talk about evolution, fine. 


Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life

"There is a small minority of scientists that reject the natural explanation of evolution. The vast majority of these people do it because of a prior commitment to a literal interpretation of Genesis."

You believe Christian scientists lie about empirical data because of their bias.  I do not believe that.  As Dennis Prager would say, "I prefer clarity to agreement." 

Response to comment:  [Which scientists?]  "Christian ones, agnostic ones, other theists? Science does not dismiss the possibility of supernatural causes (ie, never makes the claim that it is impossible). It is agnostic as to supernatural causes, as a discipline. Those scientists that do dismiss the possibility of supernatural causation are doing so as an act of personal philosophy - nothing in science dictates that belief."

Fields of science are filled with scientists coming from different worldviews.  Some reject the supernatural.  When you believe God's word from the very first verse (Ge 1:1), you get good results:   

The limits of science:

"Science does have its limits. Normal (operational) science deals only with repeatable observable processes in the present. This has indeed been very successful in understanding the world, and has led to many improvements in the quality of life. In contrast, evolution is a speculation about the unobservable and unrepeatable past. Thus the comparison in Teaching about Evolution of disbelief in evolution with disbelief in gravity and heliocentrism is highly misleading. It is also wrong to claim that denying evolution is rejecting the type of science that put men on the moon, although many evolutionary propagandists make such claims. (Actually the man behind the Apollo moon mission was the creationist rocket scientist Wernher von Braun.25)

In dealing with the past, ‘origins science’ can enable us to make educated guesses about origins. It uses the principles of causality (everything that has a beginning has a cause) and analogy (e.g., we observe that intelligence is needed to generate complex coded information in the present, so we can reasonably assume the same for the past). But the only way we can be really sure about the past is if we have a reliable eyewitness account. Evolutionists claim there is no such account, so their ideas are derived from assumptions about the past. But biblical creationists believe that Genesis is an eyewitness account of the origin of the universe and living organisms. They also believe that there is good evidence for this claim, so they reject the claim that theirs is a blind faith.

Creationists don’t pretend that any knowledge, science included, can be pursued without presuppositions (i.e., prior religious/philosophical beliefs). Creationists affirm that creation cannot ultimately be divorced from the Bible any more than evolution can ultimately be divorced from its naturalistic starting point that excludes divine creation a priori."  Full text: 
Refuting Evolution Chapter 1: Evolution & Creation, Science & Religion, Facts & Bias

Response to comment:  "Are you claiming that men are not made of molecules?"

This refers to "molecules to man evolution". 


Where Darwin Got it Right

Response to comment [from an agnostic]:  "...The science is wrong (which is where you argue against the evidence), or science does not posit the supernatural, and the supernatural is correct no matter what the physical evidence indicates.

You started with the former (where you got battered) and have switched to the latter. You can believe the bible, that's fine. You can do that. But that has nothing to do with science whatsoever."

Take a look at the empirical data  Whether you are a sinner or a saint, you should see that C-14 is appearing everywhere in places it is not supposed to exists:  

Radiocarbon Measurements
on "Dead" Carbon

0 Apparent C-14 Age + 0 0 C14/C ratio (pmc) ++ 0 Material Reference
39,700 years +- ? 0.71 +- ? * Marble Aerts-Bijma et al. 1997
41,000 +- 1400 years 0.61 +- 0.12 Foraminifera Arnold et al. 1987
41,000 +- 500 years 0.60 +- 0.04 Commercial graphite Schmidt et al. 1987
42,000 +- 600 years 0.52 +- 0.04 Whale bone Jull et al. 1986
42,000 +- 1000 years 0.51 +- 0.08 Marble Gulliksen & Thomsen 1992
43,000 +- ? years 0.5 +- ? Dolomite (dirty) Middleton et al. 1989
43,000 +- 1000 years 0.5 +- 0.1 Wood, 60 Ka Gillespie & Hedges 1984
44,000 +- 600 years 0.42 +- 0.03 Anthracite Grootes et al. 1986
44,300 +- 1500 years 0.401 +- 0.084 Foraminifera (untreated) Schleicher et al. 1998
44,800 +- 890 years 0.383 +- 0.045 Wood (charred) Snelling 1997
45,200 +- 710 years 0.358 +- 0.033 Anthracite Beukins et al. 1992
45,600 +- 830 years 0.342 +- 0.037 Wood Beukins et al. 1992
46,000 +- 2300 years 0.34 +- 0.11 Recycled graphite Arnold et al. 1987
46,000 +- 1000 years 0.32 +- 0.06 Foraminifera Gulliksen & Thomsen 1992
47,000 +- ? years 0.3 +- ? Coke Terrasi et al. 1990
47,000 +- ? years 0.3 +- ? Coal Schleicher et al. 1998
48,000 +- 600 years 0.26 +- 0.02 Marble Schmidt et al. 1987
48,700 +- 1900 years 0.2334 +- 0.061 Carbon powder McNichol et al. 1995
49,500 +- 660 years 0.211 +- 0.018 Fossil wood Beukins et al. 1990
50,000 +- 700 years 0.21 +- 0.02 Marble Schmidt et al. 1987
50,000 +- 2000 years 0.21 +- 0.06 CO2 (source?) Grootes et al. 1986
45,000 - 50,000 years 0.20 - 0.35 * (range) Anthracite Aerts-Bijma et al. 1997
50,000 +- 3000 years 0.2 +- 0.1 * Calcite Donahue et al. 1997
50,000 +- 2100 years 0.198 +- 0.060 Carbon powder McNichol et al. 1995
50,000 +- 2000 years 0.198 +- 0.060 Marble Van der Borg et al. 1997
51,000 +- 1000 years 0.18 +- 0.03 Whale bone Gulliksen & Thomsen 1992
51,000 +- 1000 years 0.18 +- 0.03 Calcite Gulliksen & Thomsen 1992
51,000 +- 400 years 0.18 +- 0.01 ** Anthracite Nelson et al. 1986
51,000 +- ? years 0.18 +- ? Recycled graphite Van der Borg et al. 1997
51,000 +- 1000 years 0.17 +- 0.03 Natural gas Guilliksen & Thomsen 1992
51,400 +- 400 years 0.166 +- 0.008 Foraminifera (treated) Schleicher et al. 1998
51,600 +- ? years 0.162 +- ? Wood Kirner et al. 1997
52,000 +- 1000 years 0.16 +- 0.03 Wood Gulliksen & Thomsen 1992
52,000 +- ? years 0.154 +- ? ** Anthracite coal Schmidt et al. 1997
52,100 +- 1200 years 0.152 +- 0.025 Wood Beukins 1990
52,700 +- 1200 years 0.142 +- 0.023 Anthracite Vogel et al. 1987
52,700 +- 1400 years 0.142 +- 0.028 CaC2 from coal Gurfinkel 1987
53,000 +- 1000 years 0.14 +- 0.02 Marble Schleicher et al. 1998
53,400 +- 500 years 0.130 +- 0.009 Graphite Gurfinkel 1987
53,500 +- 2900 years 0.128 +- 0.056 Graphite ("unknown provenance") Vogel et al. 1987
53,700 +- 3100 years 0.125 +- 0.060 Calcite Vogel et al. 1987
54,600 +- 3300 years 0.112 +- 0.057 Bituminous coal Kitagawa et al. 1993
55,000 +- 800 years 0.1 +- 0.01 Graphite (NBS) Donahue et al. 1990
55,000 +- 3000 years 0.1 +- 0.05 Petroleum, cracked Gillespie & Hedges 1984
56,000 +- 700 years 0.098 +- 0.009* Marble Schleicher et al. 1998
56,000 +- 500 years 0.092 +- 0.006 Wood Kirner et al. 1995
51,000 - 56,000 years 0.09 - 0.18 * (range) Graphite powder Aerts-Bijma et al. 1997
53,000 - 56,000 years 0.09 - 0.13 * (range) Fossil CO2 gas Aerts-Bijma et al. 1997
56,000 +- 1400 years 0.089 +- 0.017 Graphite Arnold et al. 1987
57,000 +- 1700 years 0.081 +- 0.019 Anthracite Beukins 1992
57,000 +- ? years 0.08 +- ? Natural Graphite Donahue et al. 1984
58,000 +- 500 years 0.077 +- 0.005 Natural Gas Beukins 1992
58,000 +- 900 years 0.076 +- 0.009 Marble Beukins 1992
58,000 +- ? years 0.07 +- ? Graphite Kretschmer et al. 1998
59,000 +- 1000 years 0.068 +- 0.009 Graphite (fresh surface) Schmidt et al. 1987
55,000 - 60,000 years 0.06 +- 0.11 (range) 200 Ma old graphite Nakai et al. 1984
37,600 - 59,600 years 0.060 +- 0.932 (range) Marble McNichol et al. 1995
60,000 +- ? years 0.056 +- ? Wood (selected data) Kirner et al. 1997
61,000 +- 1000 years 0.05 +- 0.01 Carbon Wild et al. 1998
61,000 +- ? years 0.05 +- ? Carbon-12 (mass sp.) Schmidt et al. 1987
62,000 - 73,000 (m 60,000) years 0.045 - 0.012 (m 0.06) Graphite Grootes et al. 1986
62,000 +- ? years 0.044 +- ? Coal Tar Farwell et al. 1984
63,000 +- ? years 0.04 +- ? * Graphite rod Aerts-Bijma et al. 1997
63,000 +- 2000 years 0.04 +- 0.01 Finnish graphite Bonani et al. 1986
63,000 +- 4000 years 0.04 +- 0.02 Graphite Van der Borg et al. 1997
64,000 +- 1000 years 0.036 +- 0.005 Graphite (air) Schmidt et al. 1987
64,000 +- 2700 years 0.033 +- 0.013 Graphite Kirner et al. 1995
65,000 +- 3300 years 0.03 +- 0.015 Carbon powder Schleicher et al 1998
65,000 +- 2000 years 0.030 +- 0.007 Graphite (air redone) Schmidt et al. 1987
65,000 +- 1500 years 0.029 +- 0.006 Graphite (argon redone) Schmidt et al. 1987
65,000 +- 2400 years 0.029 +- 0.010 Graphite (fresh surface) Schmidt et al. 1987
68,000 +- ? years 0.02 +- ? Carbon powder Pearson et al. 1998
69,000 +- 1500 years 0.019 +- 0.004 Graphite (argon) Schmidt et al. 1987
71,000 +- 4300 years 0.014 +- 0.010 CaC2 (technical grade Beukins 1993
74,000 +- ? years 0.01 +- ? ** Dolomite (clean) Middleton et al. 1989
155,000 +- 5,000 years 0. +- 0.0000004 Methane Beukins 1993
+ The Apparent C-14 Age is calculated from the pmc numbers by assuming the uniformitarian model.
(The standard 5568 year half-life for C-14 is assumed.)
The equation used in this chart is: Time = -(log(pmc/100)/log (2))*5568
The Apparent C-14 Age is added for those who might find it hard to understand the pmc numbers.
++ pmc = percent modern carbon.
[= C14/C ratio expressed as a percentage of that found in the "modern" (1850) biosphere]
* Estimated from graph.
** Lowest value of multiple dates.
This Table has been modified from its original form from Table I in Paul Giem's paper;
Carbon-14 Content of Fossil Carbon, Origins No. 51:6-30, 2001"
Carbon 14 Dating: Can Dates Fit 6000 Year Senario?

Response to comment:  " Why should I accept their picture?...They can't provide the evidence for their claims, can't win consensus...unaccountable journals, and most often do not take an ounce of notice when their ideas are discredited by the weight of the evidence...It's like talking to wall."

You do not believe the findings?   

"I do not believe that they're presenting the full picture of the pertinent issues at best."

"I have looked into their claims well enough to know they are not representing the full picture. Their best strategy is deceit through omission.  This strategy has been pointed out to snakebird enough. If he refuses to understand I believe there is some sort of mental block..."

Response to comment [from other]:

If we read the Bible as literally as you insist we should, the Bible plainly teaches that God either lies or he changes his mind:

Gen 2:17 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."

Gen 5:5 "And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died."

Read these two verses carefully. The Bible plainly teaches (2:17) that God clearly says that Adam will die " the day that thou eatest thereof...". It doesn't say "maybe" -- it says SURELY (i.e., certainly). The Bible plainly teaches (5:5) that Adam did not die " the day that thou eatest thereof...", but many years later.

So God either lied in 2:17, or God changed his mind and let Adam live. If God either lies or changes his mind, then you can't count on his promises. If you can't take God at his word -- especially when God says something will surely happen -- then your literal reading of the Bible is worthless as a source of "truth".

Either the Bible is literal, or it isn't. If it is, then God's own word is worthless, using God's own words to prove it. If you're NOT reading it literally, then you have no business asserting that the Bible teaches creation in six normal days. So how are you going to talk your way out of that?

Either way, Serpent, there are some serious questions about the stuff you're asserting as "truth". And if you aren't looking at those, then you aren't thinking. But, then, maybe that's why you nic'd yourself "serpent", eh?"

Death came to the world because of Adam's sin.  The moment Adam sinned, his body began to decay.  Like today, we see the human body is not as it should be (e.g. children dying of chronic disease).  All of creation follows the second law of thermodynamics.  As this world is winds down things get worse not better (e.g. entropy):

"...[T]he entire “creation was made subject to vanity.” The earth began to “wax old, as doth a garment” and ultimately “shall perish” (Hebrews 1:10–12). Since all flesh is made of the earth’s physical elements, it also is subject to the law of decay and death and as “grass, withereth … and falleth away” (1 Peter 1:24). It is universal experience that all things, living or non-living, eventually wear out, run down, grow old, decay, and pass into the dust.
This condition is so universal that it was formalized about a hundred years ago (by Carnot, Clausius, Kelvin, and other scientists) into a fundamental scientific law, now called the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This law states that all systems, if left to themselves, tend to become degraded or disordered. It has also been called the “law of morpholysis” (from a Greek word meaning “loosing of structure”). Physical systems, whether watches or suns, eventually wear out. Organisms grow old and die. Hereditary changes in species are caused by gene mutations (sudden random disruptions in their highly ordered genetic systems) which in many cases have resulted in deterioration or extinction of the species itself. Even apart from mutations, the deterioration of the environment has often led to species extinction.
Instead of all things being “made”—that is, organized into complex systems—as they were in Creation Week, they are now being “unmade,” becoming disorganized and simple. Instead of life and growth, there comes decay and death; instead of evolution, there is degeneration.
This, then, is the true origin of the strange law of disorder and decay, the universally applicable, all-important Second Law of Thermodynamics. Herein is the secret of all that’s wrong with the world. Man is a sinner and has brought God’s curse on the earth."
Morris, Henry M.: The Genesis Record : A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings. Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books, 1976, S. 126

After the fall of Adam, paradise was lost: 

"The last verses of this important third chapter of Genesis deal with man’s expulsion from his home in the beautiful garden of Eden. It had been prepared by God’s loving hands as the perfect home for His children, and they had rejected Him. It was no longer appropriate for them in their fallen condition. God’s justice required punishment; but, even more, His love required imposition of conditions calculated pedagogically to make them realize their lost estate and seek salvation.

Genesis 3:20:

As God pronounced the great curse, with all its aspects and implications, He had also given the even greater promise of the coming Redeemer. When Adam and Eve heard His proclamation of this “first gospel,” promising salvation in spite of their sin and the resulting curse, this time they believed God’s Word, instead of doubting and rejecting it.
Adam called his wife’s name Eve (meaning “life”) because she was the “mother of all living.” He thus indicated his faith in God’s promises, not only that they would have children but also that through this means God would send the “seed of the woman” to bring salvation. Since true faith in God’s Word always is preceded and accompanied by repentance, it is evident that Adam’s attitude had changed toward Satan and toward himself, as God had spoken to him. He was truly sorry for his grievous mistake and was willing now simply to thrust himself on God’s mercy and trust Him for salvation. No doubt, Eve also experienced the same change of heart, with also the still further reason that she now desired to follow her husband rather than to act independently of him.
The statement that Eve “was the mother of all living” was not a part of Adam’s declaration, since at that time no children had yet been born (had there been, they presumably would have been born in a sinless state, but Scripture teaches that all died “in Adam”—1 Corinthians 15:22). This statement was added later as an editorial explanatory insertion, possibly by Moses. In any case, it surely refutes the idea that there were any “pre-Adamite men” living in the world outside the garden, as some have speculated.
Another point worth noting is that Adam and Eve were not in the garden very long before their sin took place. God had commanded them to “be fruitful and multiply,” and in their initial state of fellowship and obedience, they would of course have set about immediately to follow this command.
In spite of their condemnation unto death, God promised they would indeed live long enough at least to have their children and raise them. They believed God’s word and so were saved. As “the mother of all living,” Eve has become a type of our heavenly home, “Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all” (Galatians 4:26)."
Morris, Henry M.: The Genesis Record : A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings. Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books, 1976, S. 128

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die [Gen. 2:16–17].
"It was not God’s original intention for man to die, but man is now put on probation. You see, man has a free will, and privilege always creates responsibility. This is an axiomatic statement that is true. This man who is given a free will must be given a test to determine whether he will obey God or not.
Some expositors suggest that the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was poison. On the contrary, I think it was the best fruit in the garden.
“For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Remember that man is a trinity, and he would have to die in a threefold way. Adam did not die physically until over nine hundred years after this, but God said, “In the day you eat, you shall die.” Death means separation, and Adam was separated from God spiritually the very day he ate, you may be sure of that."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 1:ix-21
And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:
And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died [Gen. 5:4–5].
"Now we start through the graveyard. Adam begat sons and daughters, “and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years”—and what happened? “And he died.”
In verse 8 we read what happened to Seth. He died. He had a son by the name of Enos, and what happened to him? In verse 11 we are told that he died. But he had a son, and Cainan was his son. And what happened to old Cainan? In verse 14 we find that he died too. He had a son, Mahalaleel, and what happened to him? In verse 17 it says he died. But he had a son, and his name was Jared, and, well, he died too (v. 20)."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 1:ix-33

Response to comment [from other]:  "[A]re you telling me that you aren't reading the Bible literally after all, in spite of all your bloviating that the Bible ought to be read literally?"

Do you believe all of the scripture to be taken literally?  None of scripture is to be taken literally?   

Pagans believe God is light (1 Jn 1:5) and worship light.  But they do not worship fire.  God is also a consuming fire (Heb 12:29).          

Roman Catholics believe God is contained in the Eucharist. They worship bread (Jn 6:48). But God is also a branch (Jer. 23:5), a stone (Eph. 2:20) and a vine (John 15:1). They don't worship those things.  Where is the consistency? 

Guess what you are going to need to be able to discern when to take the Bible literally and when not to?

Response to comment [from other]:  "If you call yourself a Biblical literalist, then you read scripture literally. Period..."

It doesn't work that way. 


Hierarchy of 16 Hermeneutics

"We will not get any truth worth the word from dishonest people like you."

Guess who you are going to need to be able to discern when to take the Bible literally and when not to?

Response to comment [from other]:  "If everybody came to exactly the same conclusion that you did, you might have a point."

I could have a point if no one came to the same conclusion (Ex 23:2). 


Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?

"Truth and honesty aren't the same thing, of course. But if Truth is the destination, honesty is either the road one travels on, or the vehicle he travels in, to get there."

I hope your day of visitation goes well (1 Pet. 2:12).  There is one faithful and true (Re 19:11, Jn 14:6). 

Your motto/slogan is a quote from Bertrand Russell:  "The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt."  The Bible teaches that there is trouble with the world and it isn't intelligence. 

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "What do you think would happen if you gave the Bible to a child who had not learned to read yet?"

Mt 18:4.

"The first paragraph says that we should not listen to sinful people over scripture. If snakebird actually believed that were the case, why is he/she even trying to teach us how to interpret scripture?"

Only the Holy Spirit can take the things of scripture and make them real to an individual (J. Vernon McGee).

Response to comment [from other]:  "[Y]ou'd have the thorny issue of why God would give 'perfect' understanding to so few people, when it is declared that God is trying to save many. So, you 'could' have a point -- but you don't....God can do anything, by definition. But what's the source of the story? The Bible? Where did the Bible get the story? From God? Who said that? The Bible? Your source for this information is highly questionable -- but only to those who think about it."

Believing God from the first verse of scripture (Ge 1:1) is pointless?  Genesis is a simple account of origins that a child could understand.  Kids come to faith easily.  It takes getting older to dismiss God.

"If intelligence (God) designed the world, he would have done a much better job of it -- unless, of course, you don't have a very high opinion of God.  From where I sit, you give God far too little credit to think he's dumb enough to create a world like this one. At least the God that makes sense to me has some brains."

The Bible teaches that sin--not intelligence, is the problem with the world.  God did do a good job at creation.  He said "It was very good" (Ge 1:31).  Now, it is not good--that is due to sin in the world.

"Who gets to decide whether or not a given revelation is coming from the 'holy spirit'...or his own imagination?  You?"

God testifies to our spirit (Ro 8:16).  A truly born again believer will have a changed life.  When the holy spirit indwells a person, he leads him into all truth (Jn 16:13).  He points to Jesus, who is the Word of God (Jn 1:1).  The Holy Spirit will never contradict the Word of God.

"And by citing some human's comment about the 'holy spirit', the information no longer has the authority of biblical scripture which, when it comes to God, is the only authoritative writing worth paying attention to. Because once you start listening to humans, you run the risk of corrupting God's word, and getting all sorts of false impressions about the nature of God."

Of course.  Don't trust me or anyone else.  Test all things against scripture (1 Thes 5:21). 

"Or haven't you noticed that humans have a virtually infinite capacity for self-delusion -- and that you're just as human as anyone else is?"

No argument here.  Scripture is our final authority.     

[Sin is the problem with the world]  "No, this isn't true...Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."  ...and God's own word proves it."

No.  God allows sin in the world but he is not responsible for it.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil. I the Lord do all these things [Isa. 45:7].
"..."And create evil”—the word evil does not mean wickedness in this instance, but rather “sorrow, difficulties, or tragedies”—those things which are the fruit of evil, the fruit of sin. This is the Old Testament way of saying, “The wages of sin is death …” (Rom. 6:23). If you indulge in sin, there will be a payday for it!
By the way, let me introduce something else at this point, since we are living in a day when it is said that good and evil are relative terms, that whatever you think is good, is good. The argument is put forth: The Bible says “Thou shalt not kill” and “Thou shalt not steal” (Exod 20:13, 15), But what is the Bible? Who should obey it? Or why should we listen to the God of the Bible?
The Lord has another very cogent argument. God says that if you indulge in sin, you will find that sin has its payday. It pays a full wage, by the way. This is what God is saying through Isaiah. God has so created the universe that when you break over the bounds that He has set, you don’t need a judge, a hangman’s noose, or an electric chair; God will take care of it.
He says, therefore, that He is the One who creates light and darkness. He is answering Zoroastrianism which worshiped the god of light. God says, “I want you to know that light is no god; I created it.”
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 3:296

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  ["Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Mt 18:4)...Only the Holy Spirit can take the things of scripture and make them real to an individual (J. Vernon McGee)."]  "I have no problem with that. I have a problem with you. I do not think you know what humility is...I agree. I just don't agree that your strategy is the result of the holy spirit or humility."

What the Lord says is fact, we should not interpret as fiction (Ge 1:1).

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Are you claiming that all the areas of scripture you claim are allegory are fictional?  Or are you just demonstrating your double standard again, that flows from your lack of humility?"

What areas of scripture?   

"You have made it clear that you interpret some areas of scripture as not literal. But you you claim when others do that then it is equivalent to claiming scripture is fictional. Do you honestly not understand?"

Some areas of scripture are to be taken figuratively; some are to be taken literally.  I gave an example of each as well as a good hermeneutic.  You can believe God's word from Ge 1:1.  The days "yom" in the creation week are to be taken as normal 24-hour days (יוֹם yom; a prim. root; day).

"I disagree with your methodology. But that is irrelevant, to your claim that I think allegory is the same as fiction. Please stop blowing smoke."

I don't accuse you of that.  We differ on "millions of years" and a six day creation week.  It is not a salvation issue but it does affect one's worldview.  Jesus said that in John 5:47 that we must believe the writings of Moses to be right.  Believing the lie of evolution has consequences. 

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "So, you look at the world and see supernatural forces and entities at work in it at all times and in all places?  How about giving some examples of such things that you yourself have witnessed?  But these laws do not address whether witchcraft and magic are real, that they actually function.  Are you prepared to claim that things like voodoo or the evil eye actually do the things they are alleged to do?"

My pastor used to be involved in Wicca.  Jesus rescued him.  Today, he is a great Bible teacher.  

"magic and divination, means by which humans attempt to secure for themselves some action or information from superhuman powers. Magic is an attempt by human beings to compel a divinity, by the use of physical means, to do what they wish that divinity to do. Divination is an attempt to secure information, also by the use of physical means, about matters and events that are currently hidden or that lie in the future. The word ‘magus,’ from which the word ‘magic’ is derived, came originally from Persia, where it designated a priestly class. From there, it spread to all nations in the Mediterranean world. Magical practices are as old as the written records of humanity, and, in the world of the Bible, they can be found in ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greek documents. Although a systematic presentation of the theory of magic did not appear in the Greco-Roman literature until the third and fourth centuries of the Christian era, the general principles upon which the practice of magic was based were more or less accepted by all. These principles may be summarized briefly as follows:
A host of intermediary beings called demons exist between gods and humans. Depending on their proximity to the gods, demons possess divine power in diminishing measures. Those closest to the gods have bodies of air; those closest to humans, bodies of steam or water. Because of this descending order, the unity of the cosmos can be preserved. Otherwise, human and divine would be irreparably separated and no communication between the two would be possible. Everything is connected through the demons who mediate between the divine and the material. Magic rests upon the belief that by getting hold of demons in physical objects, the divinity can be influenced. The magician’s art is to find out which material (metal, herb, animal, etc.) contains which divinity and to what degree. By using the element or combinations of elements containing a particular divinity in its purest form, a sympathetic relationship with the divinity will be established. If, however, elements offensive to a divinity are used, the result will be antipathetic. Thus magic can achieve either blessing or curse. The magician knows the secret and knows how to use it in the correct way with the best results.
Magic and the Biblical World: Because of the pervasive presence in the biblical world of magical beliefs and practices, one should not be surprised that such practices seeped into the lives of the Israelites and the early Christians. Even where magic was not intended, the need to speak about divine-human contact inevitably made use of the same vocabulary and concepts used in magic.
The most awesome power seemed to rest in the name of a divinity, because the name and its bearer were in the closest relationship to each other. The name of God, YHWH, was, therefore, never pronounced (Exod. 3:13-15). Jesus ‘has a name inscribed which no one knows but himself’ (Rev. 19:12). The divine name could invoke blessing and drive away evil, so baptism in the early church was administered ‘in the name’ of God and Jesus (Matt. 28:19), and healings were accomplished in Jesus’ name (Acts 3:6).
It was believed that great power rested in those holy men who were in close proximity to God. Physical contact with such a person would have beneficial consequences. Thus Elijah could heal the son of the widow of Zarephath by stretching ‘himself upon the child three times’ (1 Kings 17:17-24). The same miracle was repeated by Elisha with the son of the Shunamite (2 Kings 4:31-37). Jesus touched the hand of Peter’s mother-in-law and she was healed (Matt. 8:14-15); he touched the eyes of the blind men and they received their sight (Matt. 9:29). The Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands; this was the secret the magician Simon wished to learn (Acts 8:9-24). Anything in connection with such holy men absorbed and transmitted a portion of their power. Elijah’s mantle parted the waters of the Jordan, and when Elisha put it on, Elijah’s spirit rested on him (2 Kings 2:8-15). The garment of Jesus radiated and transmitted healing power (Mark 5:28-29), as did the handkerchiefs and aprons that people carried away from the body of Paul (Acts 19:11-12). Some believers even attributed beneficial properties to the shadow of Peter (Acts 5:15).
Of course, contact with ‘unclean’ objects would have a negative effect; hence the many purificatory rites. Purification was achieved by the use of the correct rites and materials, among which particular power was attributed to blood (Lev. 14:25), water (Lev. 15:5), fire (Num. 31:23), but also to hyssop, scarlet thread, and many other agents (Ps. 51:7; Num. 19:18; Lev. 14:4). Since demonology is an integral part of the theory of magic, the biblical references to demons and exorcisms will reflect this kind of understanding.
Magic could be practiced on various levels. Accordingly, the Bible uses several words to refer to this occupation. On the highest level were the ‘Magi,’ the ‘wise men,’ of Matthew 2 and the ‘Chaldeans’ of Daniel 1 and 2 who had priestly functions. Daniel was made ‘chief of the magicians’ because ‘the spirit of the holy gods…light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him…’ (Dan. 5:11). On the lowest level were the ‘imposters’ (2 Tim. 3:13) who played their tricks as do circus magicians today. Between these were the sorcerers, enchanters, and charmers who could cast spells and knew how to use herbs, potions, and drugs.
One of the earliest references to magic is the confrontation between Moses and the Egyptian magicians (Exod. 8:5-9:12). In the plains of Moab, Balak offered a great amount of money to Balaam to put a curse on the Israelites (Num. 22); curse and blessing are also in Deborah’s song (Judg. 5). In the scapegoat ritual, by laying his hands upon the head of the goat, Aaron transmitted the people’s sins to the animal (Lev. 16:2-22). Near the land of Edom, a bronze serpent made by Moses and placed on a pole was instrumental in saving the lives of the people (Num. 21:4-9; 2 Kings 18:4; cf. John 3:14-15).
Methods of Divination: With divination, in contrast to magic, one does not seek to alter the course of events, only to learn about them. The ancient world developed many devices by which the veil of secrecy covering future events could be lifted. Oracles, such as the Pythia in Delphi, the oak trees of Dodona, or the Memnon of Thebes, were media chosen by the gods through which direct messages came. The future could also be divined by interpreting the signs that the gods sent, such as the flight of birds, eating habits of chickens, and the condition of the entrails, especially the liver, of sacrificial animals (such divination was practiced in the recently excavated city of Mari on the upper Euphrates, but see also Ezek. 21:21). Calling up the dead (necromancy) has survived to our day, as has the interpretation of dreams, which were believed to be major vehicles by which the gods sent messages. The casting of lots to determine the will of the gods was practiced all through the recorded history of humankind. So we read that God appeared to Abraham at the oak tree of Moreh (Gen. 12:6-7) and that the flight of arrows foretold a victory to King Joash (2 Kings 13:14-19). Saul resorted to necromancy when ‘the Lord did not answer him, either by dreams, or by Urim, or by prophets,’ and he had to consult the medium of Endor to bring up Samuel for him (1 Sam. 28). Joseph interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh (Gen. 41); Daniel those of Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 2, 4). Joseph, husband of Mary, received messages in dreams (Matt. 1:20-21; 2:13), as did the wise men (Matt. 2:12), and Pilate’s wife (Matt. 27:13).
This selection of references does not exhaust the importance of dreams, to which we may add visions (e.g., the vision of Samuel in the Temple, 1 Sam. 3; Peter’s vision in Acts 10) which were so widespread that the word is used in the rsv more than one hundred times. During the early history of Israel, it was an accepted practice to ‘inquire of the Lord’ (Judg. 1:1-2; 1 Sam. 10:22). This expression implies an oracle (similar to Delphi in Greece) where a question could be asked and a reply given by God through a medium. The Urim and Thummim (or ephod) were also oracular media, but answers were restricted to ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (1 Sam. 23:9-12; 30:7-8; Num. 27:21). The same results could be gained by casting lots (Lev. 16:8; Num. 26:55-56), and the ot preserves stories that show the same thing was done by Phoenicians (Jon. 1:7), Persians (Esther 9:24-26), and Romans (Matt. 27:35). The last reference to this sort of divination in the nt comes from the time when the eleven apostles replaced Judas with Matthias by praying and casting lots (Acts 1:26).
In spite of this seeming popularity, however, both magic and divination were strongly opposed in both ot and nt (Isa. 8:19; 44:25; 47:12-15; Deut. 18:10-12; Acts 8:9-24; 13:6-11; 19:13-20; Rev. 21:8; 22:15). The Bible teaches that humans have direct access to God, and the nt especially emphasizes that the role of demons and other intermediaries was made superfluous by Jesus Christ."
rsv Revised Standard Version
ot Old Testament
nt New Testament
Achtemeier, P. J., Harper & Row, P., & Society of Biblical Literature. (1985). Harper's Bible dictionary. Includes index. (1st ed.) (594). San Francisco: Harper & Row.

Response to comment [from] a wiccan:  "Serpent thinks he understands Witch Craft!"

As Dr. J. Vernon McGee used to say, "Witches have been here for a long time.  Now, they just say it.  They would use amulets and pray for people to get well, as if there was any merit with the Lord.  They are false prophets."  

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "That people practiced divination and other such things is no indication that such things actually worked.  You understand that distinction, don't you

Yes, I understand the distinction.  People can sure spend a lifetime spinning their wheels and doing nothing.  I know of a big wheel spinning and working--and coming right on schedule.   

And the sound of the cherubim’s wings was heard even to the outer court, as the voice of the Almighty God when he speaketh.
And it came to pass, that when he had commanded the man clothed with linen, saying, Take fire from between the wheels, from between the cherubims; then he went in, and stood beside the wheels.
And one cherub stretched forth his hand from between the cherubims unto the fire that was between the cherubims, and took thereof, and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linen: who took it, and went out.
And there appeared in the cherubims the form of a man’s hand under their wings [Ezek. 10:5–8].
"[T]]his “hand” denotes the activity of God in performing certain things. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork [actually, fingerwork]” (Ps. 19:1). The universe is the fingerwork of God, but God’s work in His redemption of man was greater than that in creation. Isaiah said, “Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?” (Isa. 53:1, italics mine). He used His bared arm. The only way that I can understand the work of God is to use terms with which I am acquainted. I use my fingers to do certain things, my hands to do other tasks, and my arms to do even heavier tasks. The greatest thing God has done is to perform the wonderful redemptive love act at the cross of Christ—that was His bared arm; but when God created the universe He just used His fingers, or, as John Wesley put it: “God created the universe and didn’t even half try.” Ezekiel says here that the hand of God is moving in judgment."
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (3:461-462). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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