Netanyahu: Iran sanctions not working


[Netanyahu: Iran sanctions not working by Moran Azoulay] "While in Nicosia, Netanyahu...addressed the Iranian nuclear threat, saying the sanctions imposed by the international community on the Islamic Republic "are not working."

Iran is the most irresponsible force in the world, he said, claiming the sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic have not had an effect so far. According to Netanyahu, the regime in Tehran violates every
resolution and has no respect for international norms..." Full text: Netanyahu: Iran sanctions not working

Is the right?

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." ~ Wizard, the Wizard of Oz
Ob 7


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Me thinkz Netanyahoooo has an itchy trigger finger."


He's not only a Jew. He's a cowboy Jew.


Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Let me guess. You don't have a single anti-Semitic cell in your body, right?"


I think I'm more of a Zionist than you are.


How Much Land Did God Give Israel in the Abraham Land Covenant?


"If Netanyahu has an itchy trigger finger, it would have pulled the trigger a long time ago."


He may already have waited too long trying to appease people like us. Ob 7


Netanyahu: Iran sanctions not working