New and Improved Fatwa
[From the Jerusalem Post] "...In Egypt, an
extraordinarily important fatwa has been issued by Dr. Imad Mustafa, of
al-Azhar University, the world’s most important Islamic university.
He began by stating the well-known doctrine of “defensive jihad,” that
is Muslims must go to war against infidels who attack them. Of course,
the word “attack” is often spread rather thinly to justify aggression.
But now Mustafa has publicly and explicitly come up with a new concept,
one that up until now was supposedly restricted to groups like al-Qaida:
“Then there is another type of fighting against the non- Muslims known
as offensive jihad... which is to pursue the infidels into their own
land without any aggression [on their part]..." Full text:
The Region: Revolutions, walk-outs and fatwas by Barry Rubin
Did you prefer the kinder, gentler fatwas? Where is
Non-Excluvistic? Did his
'to do' list just get longer?
Did he say he approved of that
19-year old girl whose nose and ears were cut off
for running away from her Muslim family? I must
have missed his thoughts, comments and concerns. Mt 7:16.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Let the jihadists Bring It On! I'd welcome a full-blown invasion, a Muslim version of the Crusades. I'm always game for a stand-up fight!"
You've seen too many movies glamorizing war (James 4:1, 2). Let me guess, you love Oliver Stone. :rolleyes:
Response to comment [from other]: "[I] miss the days when the soviets were our enemy, they were somewhat sane and we knew where they stood."
Yes, and they knew where we stood.
Reagan called them an
evil empire and he was right. Also, Russians wanted to live.
This enemy loves death (Ge 16:12, Jn 10:10).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[T]he application of violence is a pretty effective solution to problems. If people are afraid that you will rip out their hearts and eat them, they tend to leave you alone..."
Zec 4:6.
oh You're So Condescending
your Gall Is Never Ending
we Don't Want Nothin', Not A Thing From You
your Life Is Trite And Jaded
boring And Confiscated
if That's Your Best, Your Best Won't Do...
Response to comment [from other]: "...[T]here were much worse tyrants around. Mao, Pol Pot, Pinochet, the Argentine Junta, Myanmar's tyrants, North Korea, Papa Doc, Saddam, a buncha small-time African thugs?"
And you'll notice that genocidal movements come from the Left.
Response to comment [from other]: " The gall of Serpentdove saying
that! She sneakily admitted wanting to massacre afghan kids."
When did I say that?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Talk about a quandary sp: on the front you have a radical Mooslum invasion; on the side you have atheists and drugged up pagans with guns who are allegedly fighting on our side."
We can't use pagan heathens (Judg 7:5).