No Person Can Come to Christ by Their Own Will

beloved57 View Post
No person can come to Christ by their own freewill!
Do you mean will?  The Bible will begin to make sense to you when you come to Christ (2 Pe 2:1). 

"The natural man cannot receive the things of God. Why not? Because they are foolishness to him. If you are not a Christian, my friend, what I am saying seems foolish to you. If it doesn’t, there is something wrong with you or there is something wrong with me—one of us is wrong. God says the natural man finds the preaching of the Cross of Christ for salvation foolish. It simply does not make sense to him…” McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 Corinthians) (electronic ed., Vol. 44). Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23). 

As a reminder Beloved 57 is number on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in the 'Jesus is not God' people (Jehovah’s Witness) category. 

No Person Can Come to Christ by Their Own Will