Non-elect infants who
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[T]his question is impossible to answer..."
Eze 18:20
"It's impossible to stick a piano up your
nose, it's just impossible." ~ Steve Martin
"But yet again, you seem to have determined what sin is all by yourself."
Who cares what I say? What does God say?
What is the definition of sin?
Response to comment [from other]: [Eze 18:20] "What you are saying is women should just have abortions. This will guarantee your child to heaven."
"I don't have an answer to the OP question."
You go to hell for
your own sin--not the sins of Adam (Eze
Every person is chosen by God (Jn
Every person is given the opportunity to
respond to God (Ps
Does God Elect Everyone?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Fancy swapping Jesus for a God with no form, no attributes, no identity."
God is love (1
Jn 4:16).
If you'd like to be one of his "elect,"
you can be (Ac
Ro 8:28 J. Vernon
Response to comment [from other]: "Aborted babies had the opportunity to respond to God?"
People are responsible
for the sins that they have committed
Deut 32:4).
Response to comment [from other]: "I am beginning to see a pattern here. Calvinist are from Scripture and Armenianism is from their experiences."
They're both wrong.
God does not see a future that does not yet
Battle Royale X: Open Theism: Does God Know
Your Entire Future?
By Bob Enyart
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Calvinism comes from a man-made belief system which must change the character and intent of God, in order to give itself any credence! Calvinists, misinterpret/misrepresent Scripture to fit their false doctrine!"
Their ideas come from
Greek pagan thought
not scripture. God is good and just (Ps
Deut 32:4,
Re 15:3).
Predestination and Will
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "By one man sin and death entered the world. The reason babies die is because they have imputed sin."
Given the opportunity, they will sin (Ro 5:17).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I would answer all infants who die along with all aborted babies, along with all children and mentally challenged go immediately to heaven as they have not reached a point of accountability."
Not to mention the
fact that they have not sinned yet
God is not an unjust judge (Ps
Deut 32:4,
Re 15:3).
"I would use two supports for this. The
first being the instance where David was
confident in a reunion with his infant
child, unless somehow David thought the
child went to hell Nd he would eventually
join him there. The second support I would
use, and consider the best support for a
'point of accountability' is
John 9:41, if you were blind you would
not be guilty of sin, but now that you claim
you can see your guilt remains.
There is a reason why I don't sit down by
the tub side of a new placed infant and
preach the Gospel, it is because they
clearly do not and cannot understand and
John 9:41 along with understanding the
character of God and some common sense, I
would strongly say YES all infants who die
go to heaven."
"Your question asked whether a non elect infant would go to heaven. I would have to reply saying there could be no such thing as a non elect infant going to heaven. I would leave it to God's sovereignty and say there is no such thing as a non elect infant who goes to heaven."
God chooses all men (Jn
3:16). Men
must choose him back (Ro