Obama Adding 3 Trillion to the Federal Debt
"It’s official: The Obama administration has now
borrowed $3 trillion, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.
It took from 1776, when the United States became an independent country,
until 1990, the year after the Berlin Wall fell signaling victory in the
Cold War, for the federal government to accumulate a total of $3
trillion in debt, according to the Treasury Department. It only took
from Jan. 20, 2009, the day President Barack Obama was inaugurated,
until Oct. 15, 2010, for the Obama administration to add $3 trillion to
the federal debt..." Full text:
It’s Official:
Obama Has Now Borrowed
$3 Trillion
By Terence P. Jeffrey
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "SD, are you capable of original thoughts..."
Ad hominem.
I don't know how to think.
"...spoon-fed to you by obscure news sites?"
Ad hominem.
Are you able to address the issues?
"Like honestly..."
Like, OMG......Like,
"...[W]e understand that you're incredibly biased in most everything you say..."
Like, ad hominem.
I think they're missing you in the girly group.
"...[P]eople would appreciate your presence on here a whole lot more if you actually offered opinions."
If you'd like my opinion,
just ask.
Any thoughts on 3 trillion dollars?
"At least I admit when I'm questioning someone's intelligence and belittling them..."
Now, stick to
the issues.
What do you think of 3 trillion dollars?
"...[M]y opinion on the issue is that it isn't necessarily such an issue..."
3 trillion dollars is not an issue. Thank
you for your participation. Pray tell why are you in this thread?
"...[W]hen the economy is in a slump the key to getting out of it is to encourage consumer spending again..."
Small business owners are very encouraged while
dogs are at their heels (Ps
No, that's good--
buy a big screen TV while it's still legal.
"In spending money, Obama is stimulating the economy by improving the conditions for job creation and consumer spending."
You're sold.
I'm not.
"If his plan works out, and I feel that it will, the economic upswing will result in the deficit being neutralized by economic prosperity."
Describe for us how our debt will be neutralized.
Meanwhile, back in
reality--you have no problem stealing from our children? Saddling them
with debt?
"...[T]he federal deficit for the just-finished 2010 budget year was a
little under $1.3 trillion," or "about $125 billion below the $1.42
trillion record posted for 2009. That means the government borrowed 37
cents out of every dollar it spent (7 Oct 2010)."
By the way,
he's not interested in a prospering economy. He's interested in
structural change.
Recommended Reading:
Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American
"...[O]ne has to look at the big picture."
What do you think of American exceptionalism?
"We all know it takes money to make money."
We all know that the takers take money from the makers that make money (Ex 20:15). It's all about you and your belly (Job 20:23).
"My generation that's being effected by this."
Why do you believe what this
administration is telling you?
"...[T]he purpose of these tax policies are to benefit everyone."
This is a planned destruction of America.
Obama compared himself to the brave men and women of history:
"If our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents have listened to the
cynics 50 years ago or 100 years ago or 200 years ago, we wouldn't be here
today..."--yet, he rejects Americanism.
"Health care is something that everybody needs at one point or another..."
And we have the best healthcare system in the world. The effects of his new law are already being experienced.
"...[I]t shouldn't be that difficult for those that can afford it to help out those that can't."
You expect a blessing when you steal from others? Ex 20:15.
"The funny thing is, there isn't that much of a structural change happening."
Start paying attention.
"...broadening the spectrum of those social programs"
We need to cut (Dept of Education, Dept of Energy, NPR, etc.) not broaden.
"It is our job however to take care of our own people. "
It is your job to take care of yourself (Ge 1:28). This country gives you that opportunity.
"No one complained when Bush spent billions..."
Conservatives did. Bush is responsible--so is Obama.
When you go on safari and find yourself sinking in quicksand, you don't complain
about the person who wrote the map--you're sinking! Santelli.
"People generally don't take just because it's free..."
You live on this planet, right?
Jer 17:9.
"...They take because they need it."
When people are in need, that is what the: church, family
and friends are for. Government's primary job is to protect it's citizens (Gen.
Liberty vs. Tyranny
[Why do you believe what this administration is telling you?] "Why shouldn't I?"
Guess you have itching ears (2 Ti 4:3).
"Can you prove that this is the planned destruction of America?"
Hold on to your butts.~
Ray Arnold, Jurassic Park
[US best healthcare system in the world. Feeling effects already] "This is blatantly false."
Premiums are not going up then.
Barbi' never returns to
this thread.
Wonder why?
[You expect a blessing when you steal from others? Ex 20:15.] "...[T]he issue with your beliefs is that society doesn't follow scripture as a basis."
This is why we are losing our country.
[Start paying attention] "Change is necessary."
Revival is necessary (2 Chr. 7:14, 2 Chr. 7:14; James 5:16; Ps. 34:18; Ps. 66:18; 2 Cor. 7:10; 2 Chr. 7:14; 2 Tim. 2:19; Acts 9:5, 6; Rom. 12:1, 2. This is not what we are seeing.
"New morality is just old sin." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"Why is that? Why is it such an issue for people to start off on a level playing field. For that matter, why can't we even pretend there's a level playing field? People from rich families still start out rich. People from poor families still start out poor. The only difference is that the poor people will now actually have an opportunity to achieve what the rich people once held exclusive."
You value equality. I value liberty (Ro 8:21). Stop being covetous (Mr 7:22,23, Eze 33:31; 2 Pe 2:14, Eph 5:5; Col 3:5, 1 Ti 6:10, Ec 5:10; Hab 2:5, Ps 39:6; Ec 4:8).
"...[W]hy is it an issue for some of what they don't need to go to the people that truly need it?"
Ex 20:15.
"Is it really such an issue if Obama costs the country more money now so that it can maintain prosperity later?"
In laymen's terms: this is a pipedream (Ro 3:8).
"Nobody would voluntarily stay on the bottom just so they don't have to work, and if you're too deluded to realize that, then nothing will change your mind."
Mt 15:19.
"Let me know when the church, family, or friends can pay for my family's health care."
It's all about you and your belly (Job 20:23).
[Debt Has Increased $5 Trillion Since Speaker
Pelosi Vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’ By Terence P. Jeffrey] "(CNSNews.com)
When Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) gave her inaugural address as speaker of the
House in 2007, she vowed there would be “no new deficit spending.” Since that
day, the national debt has increased by $5 trillion, according to the U.S.
Treasury Department..."
Full text
"The funny thing is that in proving my point, you actually genuinely believe that you're proving yours."
"Get in my belly!" ~ Fat Bastard.
Job 20:23.
"Ad Hominem...We can play this game all day SD."
My apologies. I did not know you were a fat bastard.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[Y]our little verses [scripture] are nothing more than the creation of man..."
Inspired Scripture http://vananne.com/inspiredscripture/
"See: Atheist. Justifying scripture with more scripture and claims that "god did it" aren't going to make a believer out of me."
Who/What "did it"?
Evolution vs. Creation http://www.vananne.com/evolutionvscreation/
"I'm familiar with the story of creation..."
Evolution is the "story". Creation is history.
"...[W]hat's more logical? Life adapts to changing environments and dominant species excel... OR... Magical space ghost waves his hand around and in 7 days creates everything that ever was and ever will be..."
"I find that there is a remarkable lack of evidence for the 'evolution of man.' (Allan) "
Smart Guy: James S. Allan, genetics http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/Area/isd/allan.asp
Smart Guy: Timothy G. Standish, biology http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/Area/isd/standish.asp
"...and then creates a whole bunch of fake evidence to make the Earth appear to be billions of years old just so people could be lead astray."
Smart Guy: Andrew Snelling, geology http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/isd/snelling.asp
Did God Create the Earth to Look “Old”? http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2008/02/22/feedback-old-age-appearance