Obama Leaves "By their Creator" Out of Declaration of Independence
[From DrudgeReport] Obama Leaves "By their Creator" Out of
Declaration of Independence at
Hispanic Caucus Speech
Also see:
Top 20
Pro-Socialism Sound Bites of
Obama, Advisors & Allies
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Not a politically smart move, especially in front of Hispanics."
He could have gotten it right. It
was in his teleprompter. There was a pause and he opted to
omit it.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Well at least we now know he's not a Muslim..."
Does it matter? "My mother [an atheist
was one of the most spiritual people I knew... (
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [Typical of atheist/liberal/moral relativists, you spend all of your time defending the sodomite lifestyle...] "Not at all."
Ever make moral demands on the people you
defend? Heb. 8:10.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "That has nothing to do with anything--which is typical of your posts."
Are you speaking about Arthur NoBrain's
gender confusion
or the speech?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I think the gender-confused in question is ASC who, through his/her nonsensical ramblings, has given us reasonable cause to believe that he/she could be male, female, or neither, with no definitive indication."
This is what NoBrain finds important?
Perhaps, he/she/it could discuss principles not people.
Probably not.
Response to comment [from other]: "You must have forgotten what your signature line contains."
A few housekeeping items:
My signature is for your benefit (your welcome) so that I do not
have to continue repeating myself. I was banned for that
if you recall?
Response to comment [from other]: "I'm not the one who's gender confused. Unless amnesia has set in I'm not the one going around telling folk they're a woman, and then telling folk they're not gay by inferring they've slept with someone's wife."
I'm not familiar with your history with said person. Why don't you stick to the issues in the future?
Response to comment [from other]: "I'm a 'he' SD."
I figured you were male but all I've got
yellow to go on.
It doesn't matter.
Response to comment [from other]: [Reason for ban from Knight: 'Enough already! The next ban will be much longer. Please stop making threads based from the Answers In Genesis website.'] "You're welcome."
I was banned twice if you recall. By all means, let's make the discussion about me. :yawn: It must be too painful to be wrong all of the time (Mt 7:26).
[Banned twice] "Indeed you were. For the same thing."
No, if you recall--the tattle tale
reported my linking to the same article twice. If you'd
have believed me the first time, these things would not be
necessary. Knight does not want me posting any more AIG
material. Fair enough. It's his site, his choice
(1 Cor. 15:24–28). YEC just so happens to be where
rages (Eph 6:12) and AIG is an important site.
Why are you still talking about this?
Response to comment [from other]: "Your signature is the same bunch of lies..."
You believe that. I do not.
Do you need a tissue?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Then get familiar with the kind of people you defend in the future. Helps make you look less clueless."
Thing is, Graniteheart. That's hard to do
when you're banned. I was out while you were getting to know
him. Then, when I returned, I believe he was banned.
Maybe you God-haters could have an intervention with
Knight. We know how he loves you so.
Hos 3:1.
Why, do you think I'll like him? Hope so (Matt.
Mark 3:35;
Luke 8:21).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "It's a troll that
claims to be female, a cop, against homosexuality, against
immorality, and against pornography. It also claims to sleep
with Granite's wife.
Serpentdove....it's a troll. Don't fall for it. It's here to
make Christians look bad and it tripped itself up badly in the
TMI. Ok, well until we get into some
discussions, just stop sounding like Hannibal Lector's friend.
"It puts the lotion on its skin..."
Response to comment [from other]: "You've been back from your ban for weeks now and spend more than enough time in the politics section to see what's going on..."
I'm starting to think there's no pleasing
you No'B.
Do you think I like discussing
the creature (Amadeus)? I'd rather debate people vs. baking soda
(New Answers Book 3, pg. 267). But alas, I am left with little
"And if for some reason you've actually missed aSC's gaffes then why even comment on it until you're actually informed?"
Now I'm commenting on not commenting.
Do you live in a padded, white room?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Stupid, feeble excuse. You've been back for a while, and ASC has been up to no good since your return."
I'm not speaking with this person right now. If he's an antichrist, I'm sure we'll get to it.
Response to comment [from other]: "If serpentdove could only comment on what she is informed about..."
You attempt to silence the critic
(Rev. 12:10. Job 1:6; Zech. 3:1)
then ask for a comment?
I don't blame you. You cannot win the arguments.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: Many of the people you're struggling with already know that [there is a God and we are responsible to him].
Agreed. They knowingly reject him (Alate_One,
PlastikBuddah/Gamera, etc.).
Understand the spirit of antichrist [1
Jn 4:2-6].
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [If antichrist we'll get to it.] "I doubt it. Birds of a feather."
Proof please.
Spend less time attemtping to discredit people and more time on the issue at
...Movin' on
"He was referring to things ASC has said, dimwit."
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Ah, ASeattleCrazy and serpent, a real meeting of the minds...."
Does he fail: the Jesus test, the gospel test, and the
fruit test like you? 1 Jn 4:2-6.
Jesus test, Gospel Test, Fruit Test
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Spend less time attempting to discredit people and more time on the issue at hand."
You discredit yourself, you baiting half-brained trolling little jerk. Ignore list.
Response to comment [from other]: "Well, a meeting of something anyway..."
How do we agree? How do we disagree?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Hannibal's friend] "Huh?"
I'm teasing.
We've been doing these
movie quotes.
Response to comment [from other]: "...assertions in your sig..."
I suppose you'd have to disagree with PB, Kmo, AO, etc.
to notice.
You've got
your own link.
Carry on...
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Ignore"
Didn't you promise to ignore me once before?
Can Satanists keep their word?
Response to comment [from other]: "...If someone stands on a soapbox condemning homosexuality, and then infers that they've slept with another man's wife while claiming to be a woman then I'd say they've made themselves an issue intentionally or otherwise. And when you've got rid of the lies in your sig you'll be in a position to *lecture* about sticking to issues instead of people."
I see. You're being petty.
We know you'd like my signature to go away.
Tactics of the Left: Silence the Critic
The God-haters have won. AIG has been removed from the
You're still not happy?
What more can we do for you No'B?
We just want to bring a smile to your face.
"...[W]hy are you commenting on something you blatantly know nothing about?"
Comment...don't comment...dialogue...don't
dialogue...make up your mind.
Response to comment [from other] "...[Y]ou'd have to make an argument..."
Didn't you work to put an end to that?
Tactics of the Left: Silence the Critic
You now like the sources I quote? Want the info to come
back do you?
"Reading and spelling need some work..."
Spelling is of course the main
Ever care to discuss issues?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Given a few of the declarations you've made..."
Their words?
My comments on their words are accurate.
"That wasn't a victory for God haters. You can make any of the points in your own words..."
True. However, I will not be able to provide links to the best sources (e.g. doctors in their respective fields) to support my arguments; touché.
"...[I]t has nothing to do with a triumph of evil..."
In the end, they know there's a God and they are responsible to him (Gen. 3:12, Mt. 27:24, Ex. 32:21–24, Acts 17:30, 31; Jn 3:18–20). If they want truth, they can find it (Jn 14:6).
"Many of the people you're struggling with already know that [there is a God and we are responsible to him]."
Agreed. They knowingly reject him (Alate_One,
PlastikBuddah/Gamera, etc.).
Understand the spirit of antichrist [1
Jn 4:2-6].
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
Response to comment [from other]: "I've just recently debated with PB where we had alternate viewpoints."
And this makes PB a Christian?
You're not going to be able to discern until you become a
Christian. "...[A]bility to distinguish between true and false
Cor. 12:10; cf.
14:29 and
1 Thess. 5:19-21);
...being distinguishable from the faith ‘reckoned as
righteousness’ (Rom.
4:5)..." Achtemeier, Paul J. ;
Harper & Row, Publishers ; Society of Biblical Literature:
Harper's Bible Dictionary. 1st ed. San Francisco : Harper & Row,
1985, S. 990
"Just to reiterate you are allowed to post links which if you had any nounce you'd have realized...."
Clarify please.
A few housekeeping items:
I provide links from my own site, citing the source. As far as I know, this is still permitted. If it's not, you'll know where to find me. :banned:
"You're a joke SD. A silly little troll."
Don't be like that Arthur Brain.
"I've got zero interest in accessing a link from your own
site either."
I know that.
"Is Knight a God hater?"
I don't think so. We disagree.
Christians can love the Lord and have different opinions.
He runs TOL not me--you're still not happy?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Can they, Serpent:duh:? That's a very interesting statement for someone who feels they can amputate others from the Body based on their own opinion."
Who cares about my opinion. :idunno: What does God say? Differing with someone about a policy issue is quite different from: murdering children, defending homosexuals, and promoting a humanistic worldview. You claim to love the Lord and undermine his teachings daily.
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "...[I]nterpretation of the gospel"
Then you proudly share your "interpretation" of the
Bible from cover to cover? How do you differ from PB on the following
Are you a pro-abort?
[Re: pro-abortion (requiring nurses to provide the "morning after pill" against
their will)]
PB: "Religious freedom doesn't cover the "freedom" not to do your job...If
the law requires that this service be offered to rape victims than you can bet
it most certainly is a conflict." http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2245585#poststop
PB: "[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed
to do when you were hired." http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2246238#poststop
PB: "When they signed up for the job they agreed to do those things which the
job requires- in this case dispensing emergency contraception to rape victims.
Don't like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the
religious affiliation of the hospital providing services." http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2246131#poststop
[Will not answer: Should we amend the Constitution for the personhood of unborn
children? If an employer attempted to say that nurses must distribute chemical
weapons for the purposes of killing children, should that be ruled
unconstitutional?] http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2322945#poststop
Are you pro-homosexual?
[Re: homosexuality]
SD: Are you in support of or opposed to homosexuality?
PB: "I am pro-equality and so is the constitution of this great nation-- if you
don't like it, I'm sure you can find a border..."
PB: "Not being anti-gay doesn't make someone pro-homosexual." http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2322106&highlight=constant#post2322106
[Will not answer the following: Is homosexuality an abomination? (1 Kin. 14:24).
Did God made us male and female? (Mt 19:4). Is is disgusting to God to act
differently than we were created? (Deut 22:5).] http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2322945#poststop
Are you a humanist?
[Re: young earth creation/materialism]
PB: "I won't apologize for loving truth...Hiding behind a book won't change
reality...[P]eople come to associate Christianity...with anti-science dogma and
superstition." http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2308914#post2308914
[Did we evolve from monkeys? (Ge 1:26, Jas 3:9)]
PB: "[W]e share a common ancestor [with monkeys]." http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2308928#post2308928
[So a monkey was not created a monkey and a man was not created a man? Man
became a man over millions of years through the process of evolution?]
PB: "That is what the evidence indicates..." http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2308941#post2308941
[Did God create the world in six literal days? (Ex 20:11; 31:17)]
PB: "Nope." http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2308928#post2308928
[What hermeneutic do you use to oppose a six normal day creation? (Ex. 20:11;
PB: "The use of mythic imagery and symbolism, particularly combined with the
scientific evidence, show that Genesis is not meant to a literal, historical
revelation but an allegorical presentation containing spiritual truth...I use
reason and evidence..."
PB: [What reason does scripture give you to spiritualize Genesis? Ex 20:11; 31:17. Do you spiritualize the resurrection of Jesus, too?] "Reason is indeed the reason. If the world is not what a literal reading of Genesis describes then it is either false or simply not meant to be read literally...Why do you make it your life's mission to make people NOT believe it? Why do you want to put His lamp under a bushel and portray His followers as sideshow freaks and uneducated six-fingered yokels?" http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2346555#poststop
"I didn't realize you got the job of Grand Inquisitor."
You are not proud of your positions?
"So if I understand you correctly you've created a test to determine who is a Christian and who isn't. Fascinating."
It might be helpful to articulate your sin. See how easy it is to say/write what you believe (Jn 3:21).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Sharing personal information] "I wouldn't give someone like you the time of day, let alone tell you one detail about my life."
Good call.
"(CNSNews.com) – For the second time in little over a
month, President Barack Obama stripped the word “Creator” from the Declaration
of Independence when giving a speech..." Full text:
Obama Strips the ‘Creator’ from Declaration of Independence — Again
"I can assure you the
president believes in [not God] the Declaration of
Independence [as long as it's "living and breathing" which means
Response to comment [from other]: "Indeed. Possible responses could
be either a) "President Obama firmly stands by the principles of the Declaration
of Independence. He believes that all persons are born free, equal, and entitled
to life and the pursuit of happiness..."
We're talking
Robert Gibbs.
You expected a William F. Buckley type response?
"...He is also strong supporter of separation of Church and State"
By this do you mean freedom of religion?
"[G]overnment should remain religiously neutral."
Christians founded this nation. You'd like to abandon the values that made us great? 1 Tim. 4:12.
"They did not found it on the Bible..."
I see you went to public school.
Freedom Ribbon
[Attended public schools] "Indeed. In Bellevue, WA. no less! And then to a public community college in Seattle."
I'm teasing you.
I attended public schools, too (you can tell by my many typos
"That doesn't change the facts: The founding fathers were personally religious (most of them, at least) but they DID establish a secular, representative republic instead of the theocracy you so badly seem to want."
That's correct--a secular, representative republic and a religious people. The founders also knew we would fail without God (which we happen to be doing now).
"They hoped the people would remain religious."
They wanted us to succeed (Ps
We are in an economic civil war. Hopefully, it will remain peaceful.
"We did things with our freedom that the founders didn't expect and probably wouldn't approve of. But that's OK, because that's in part why we have freedom..."
We are free to obey God.
Jn 8:34,
Eccl 10:2.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Adams"
Samuel Adams: "Is it not high time for the
people of this country explicitly to declare, whether they will
be freemen or slaves? It is an important question which ought to
be decided. It concerns us more than anything in this life. The
salvation of our souls is interested in the event. For wherever
tyranny is establish’d, immorality of every kind comes in like a
torrent. It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people
to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where
virtue and knowledge prevail. The religion and public liberty of
a people are intimately connected; their interest are
interwoven, they cannot subsist separately; and therefore they
rise and fall together. For this reason, it is always
observable, that those who are combined to destroy the people’s
liberties, practice every art to poison their morals. How
greatly then does it concern us, at all events, to put a stop to
the progress of tyranny.”
Thomas Jefferson: "...in the year of our
Lord Christ." Full text: Thomas Jefferson Document
You've got a
God-hating president and you're still not happy?
You must re-write history as well?
"A fine quote but I was referring to Samuel's cousin."
This is the text of President John Adams'
March 23, 1798 national Fasting and Prayer proclamation...By the
President of the United States of America...A Proclamation...As
the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially
depend on the protection and blessing of Almighty God; and the
national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an
indispensable duty which the people owe to Him, but a duty whose
natural influence is favorable to the promotion of that morality
and piety, without which social happiness cannot exist, nor the
blessings of a free government be enjoyed..."
Full text
Also see:
Founders as Christian
"I'm aware."
Yet, you did not offer the quote (Eph 6:12).
"Adams' words speak for themselves."
Thank you.
Now, go hate God all by yourself.
Re 22:11.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Gender of Satanist's wife/aSeattleConserv gives his gender] "Your turn atheist."
I won't pay for
this but I'll pay for this.
"Did you enjoy watching the video, at any rate, SD?"
I tried but it won't play.
Leaves "By their Creator" Out of Declaration of Independence