Obama or God?  Who Said It?

Survey Shows More U.S. Adults Attribute Bible Verse to President Obama Than The Good Book

"NEW YORK, Nov. 27, 2009—Americans are confusing President Barack Obama's messages of hope with quotes from the Bible. A survey released today found 54 percent of U.S. adults attributed a Bible verse about caring for the poor and oppressed to celebrities, politicians, and others including Oprah, Bono, and Angelina Jolie rather than the Bible. Obama received the highest percentage of attributions." full text:

Think we need to brush up on our Bible study?

Response to comment [from a Mormon]:  "I'd say that was pretty self evident."

The Bible not the Book of Mormon (a work of fiction).

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "I think preachers need to start preaching love and peace again instead of fear and hatred."

"Knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men (2 Cor 5:11)."  Do you have a heart for the lost?  Or do you plan to hold their hand all the way to hell?

"Hate evil, love good (Amos 5:15)."

"I'm here to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted."  ~ David Jeremiah


Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Obama or God?  Who Said It?