Obama Names Transgender Appointee to Commerce Department
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "...[M]ay have been good at his job."
You do not think it's a good idea to shun men who dress up in women's clothing? (Deut 22:5). The Bible says don't do it. You say no problem? How deep into depravity are you willing to sink our country?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "This
strikes me as a big "so what". She's in a position where being "transgendered"
would make no difference at all."
Surprise, surprise. The "Christian" could care less
what God has to say (Deut 22:5). He is not a "she". He was born
male. He will always be male. He is to act as such. Vomitorium please.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You realize that in ancient Rome homosexuality was accepted as normal, the society was extremely perverse even by today's standards..."
Sounds like San Fransicko (Savage).
"Its not the job of Christians to police government."
It's the job of of Christians to tell the truth (Prov 31:9).
"[A]dmonishments...yet we find none [in scripture]..."
No, no rebuke for those Corinthians
(1 Cor 6:9).
"We must look after our churches and brothers and sisters, admonish them, rebuke them, not secular society."
Do you have a mirror nearby?
"Our job in secular society is to bring people to Christ, then we deal with whatever perversions they may have. Then we do not overlook perversion."
2,163 post later, you were getting to it,
right? (Prov 31:9).
...feather problem.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "When does being part of God's kingdom have anything to do with being in secular government?"
We are to be salt and light (Mt 5:13-16). What do you suggest? All Christians stay home and shut up?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Don't patronize the rest of the world by pretending it's your job to choose what risks are acceptable and which aren't. Adults can make their own decisions [homosexuality, transgender, etc.]- and with level heads and simple precautions many of the risks can be alleviated- something your all-nothing-approach conveniently ignores."
Always the first out of the shoot to defend the
sexually perverse. Your unwillingness to judge wickedness should disrupt
your fellowship (1 Cor. 5:9–11). Does your church have a pig trough
outside nearby that you could worship in? I can't imagine Christians
wanting to sit near you...
"When you figure out what an ad hom actually is, we'll talk."
You did it. You formed a sentence without an ad
You inserted a claim (can't back it up)--but that is an improvement!
[Word of God] "People trying to force it on others do."
God does not force himself on anyone. He is healthy (Enyart). We give out the word of God. What people do with it is their business.
"Gays are human..."
Who said they were not?
"...capable of love and devotion like any heterosexual."
Homosexuals are capable of loving their mommies, their friends, their brothers and sister, etc. There is no sexual love outside the context of marriage (Gen. 1:27, 28; Gen. 2:24, 25). There is lust. There is using one another. There is no love. God does not fill a rebellious heart with love and joy.
What the world calls "diversity" God calls "perversity". Adrienne Rogers
Homicide detectives know immediately when they come upon a crime scene where a Sodomite has been involved. It is more gruesome and violent. All that God says leads to life. All that the liberal says leads to death (Jn 10:10).
"You don't know much about liberalism, do you?"
A few housekeeping items: Not classical liberalism. I am a classical liberal. Liberals must change their name identification every few years so as not to be found out for what they are (progressive which is regressive, etc.). I use "liberal" as a general term for leftist (Eccl 10:2).
"This is about adults in a secular society."
This is about protecting God's law in our nation which was founded in Judeo-Christian values and ethics. We know you'd like our culture to be secular. It did not originate as such (which is why liberals attempt to change history)--anything to get God out of the way.
We pray he stays and does not listen to the wicked.
"You are...not to force [homosexuals] to live in accordance with your version of it."
Homosexuality is a crime (Lev. 18:22). Whether societies turn their backs on God as you would prefer--that is another issue. I prefer God's rule and reign. You prefer godlessness.
The liberal notion of tolerance is not a virtue. It is like telling the homosexual "You smell. I'll tolerate you." (Enyart). Liberals believe they are being kind but they are not.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Stay home, shut up] "They come up to you and ask, "what's different about you".
Does this work?
Do people ask you why you're odd?
"Run for office...make sure you are not a hypocrite...if you do mess up, admit to it immediately."
"Don't be a hypocrite". This is good. I'm taking notes....
"There's a big difference between doing those things and advocating for laws against homosexual behavior and cross dressing."
So, just getting back to that whole "stay home, shut up" thing. Now it's "don't stay home"--"do things" but still "shut up"?
We have:
1. Don't be a hypocrite.
2. Do things.
3. Shut up?
This is your Christian plan? (Mk 16:15).
...feather problem.
"I said nothing at all like "stay at home and shut up"."
Oh good. I'm happy to be wrong. When you suggested that Christians should not "[be] advocating for laws against homosexual behavior and cross dressing," that would of course be anti-Christian. Christians are to open their mouths and judge rightly (Prov 31:9).
Laws come from God. Men discover them. Christians are to encourage a return to God and his word. When a nation turns from God, it is to their own peril (Enyart). See Deut 28.
You wouldn't want to loose God's hand of blessing now would you? Great Briton has. You'd like us to be next?
"Do you still not know what a pterosaur is or are you continually playing stupid on purpose?"
Scientific American admits creationists hit a sore spot: Need for a ‘new paradigm’ in bird evolution.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Christians should not "[be] advocating for laws against homosexual behavior and cross dressing," that would of course be anti-Christian.] "I've said it is perverse. And what more do you want?"
Tell others the truth (Pr 31:9). Stop rebuking Christians for obeying Jesus (Mark 6:17, 18). The gospel is the Bible from cover to cover (Ro 1:16).
...And solve your feather problem.
"Oh yes, Bob is equal to scripture now..."
Ad hominem. Truth is truth independent from him.
Enyart has a motto: "Do right, risk the consequences". Who hates you because of Jesus? "All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Ti 3:12)." "The world hates you (Jn 15:18." I did not say that. Jesus did. If no one knows you are a Christian, you probably aren't (Geraci).
"We have plenty of laws already against all kinds of sin yet people do them anyway."
"God is comfortable with sinners--not sin--sinners." David Jeremiah
"You cannot legislate people to be Christians. You can't legislate them to be moral."
We keep up the fight (1 Ti 6:12, Deut 28). :box: God gives men free will.
"God does not take in dirty laundry. He takes in dirty sinners." J. Vernon McGee
"Pterosaurs are not birds they are not related to birds."
...You also have a giraffe problem.
The Neck of the Giraffe by Francis Hitching
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The economic environment...JFK..."
It's ok. Obama got his chance to say "The
buck stops with me."
He's a handsome man
regular white JFK.
Never let a good crisis go to waste. The buck didn't really stop with
him--blame the CIA and FBI to one day control by interpol--but that's beside the
point. Do not look at that man behind the curtain.
"[N]ow, is that one be something other than WASP. In other words, the new qualification is to be a woman (by any means possible), non-Christian, and/or non-Caucasian."
And they call us racists. The Bible says
we are one race--the human race (Ac 17:26). When filling out application
forms for jobs/school, etc. trace your roots back to Noah and his sons.
There's got to be a black or Indian in there somewhere.
Hate the people who owned slaves and took Indian lands, not their descendants
(Deut 24:16).
Tired of working for "the man" yet? God help you
if you're a white in America.
Life is all right in Am-er-ica," "If you're all black in Am-er-ica...
Obama Names Transgender
Appointee to Commerce Department