Ohio High School Shooting: what can we learn from this tragedy?


Response to comment [from other]: "...[E]ventually we have to ask ourselves why the hell this keeps happening so that the next shooting may be prevented if at all possible."


Pr 8:36 Columbine Dad Expressing About His Sons Murder


Get your kids out of the public schools!

Kids need to be instructed in the ways of God (De 31:12,13; Pr 22:6).

[Wait for God's Peace Colossians 3:15-17 In Touch Magazine] "Many believers use a sense of peace as a sign for determining the will of God in their lives. However, this may not be enough evidence to verify that our decision lines up with the Lord's plans. Whose peace are we experiencing? Sometimes our sense of tranquility can be attributed to our own satisfaction with the choice we have made.

Today's passage talks about letting "the peace of Christ rule in your hearts" (v. 15). This kind of settledness originates from Christ and is the umpire that judges whether your decisions fit with God's will. The word peace means to be bound or woven together in harmony and oneness. So to have God's peace about a matter means your decision must be aligned with His will. The only way to determine this is by comparing your thoughts and choices with His Word. Are you thinking the same way He dos? Did you make your decision using scriptural principles on your own human understanding?

One of the reasons we often make choices without the guidance of Scripture is because we want a quicker method for finding an answer. The Lord doesn't just pour His thoughts into our brain without our cooperation. He mold us gradually, day by day, as we read the Word and let is truths sink into our mind...Building steadily over time is the only way to internalize a foundation of God's truth. With His instructions as your basis, you can make decisions with confidence, knowing you are following His will. Then you'll have a sense of oneness with the Lord, and His peace will guard you way."


Ohio High School Shooting: what can we learn from this tragedy?