Ok, whoever thinks
this earthquake thing is God's wrath is just an idiot
Response to comment [from other]: "If your God is a "God of Love," I don't
think he's going to send earthquakes and tsunamis to kill innocent people,
including children..."
[From Joel Rosenberg's blog] "The Lord Jesus Christ said that in the last days, "there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven….There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." (Luke 21:11,25,26) Why? To get our attention..." Full text: Joel Rosenberg's Blog: Are We Listening? God is trying to get our attention through the traumas in Japan & the Mideast.
"Joel Rosenberg is a fanatical drama queen hyping natural (and artificial) disasters to his excitable base..."
I've met Rosenberg. He's no drama queen--P66--he's a drama queen.
"Would God really kill thousands just "to get our attention"? That is outlandish
and narcissistic..."
God is good. Too bad you haven't noticed (Job 9:5–8).
"...[H]e thinks every time a Jew in Israel gets a splinter it signals the end
He believes Christ could return soon (Mt
Lk 13:3).
"...Israel has actively or passively killed thousands and thousands of Palestinians, and continue to broach international law by settling in land that is not theirs..."
The land belongs to God's chosen people. Read Judges 11.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I have Bill Koenig's book Eye To Eye, and met him at a recent prophecy seminar, so I know of what you speak..."
One of those hmm?
Kindred spirits.
"Living in California, I fully expect the big earthquake to hit here when a U.S. President finally signs off on a deal to create a Palestinian state. Not as a judgment, but as a curse."
If there's a bad decision to be made,
Obama will surely make it.
[Joel 3:2]
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [1967]
[From Islamic Threat Updates Almanac No. 1 by Victor Mordecai] "...I will never forget that two weeks before September 11th, George W. Bush signed a secret agreement with Saudi Arabia that Israel would be delivered an ultimatum by which it would be forced to return to the borders fo 1967, the Auschqitz Extermination Camp borders. Then two weeks later, God judged America. (By the way, I take this opportunity to suggest to my readers to get the book by John McTernan and Bill Koenig: "Israel: The Blessings and the Curses." The book basically researches newspaper articles reporting terrible disasters: floods, tornados, earthquakes, and terrorism that happen every time to America when it goes against God, the Bible, and Israel...)" Mordecai, Victor: Islamic Threat Updates Almanac No. 1.
This family experienced more than a splinter:
"...[S]everal Palestinian terrorists came into a home of this Jewish
family, the West Bank. They stabbed a three-month-old baby girl in
the heart, cut her throat. They stabbed her four-year-old brother in
the heart, cuts him in the throat. They stabbed the father with
another child and stabbed the mother and left them dying in blood.
And I visited the family and saw the 12-year-old girl, a sister, who
came home and saw this unbelievable massacre (Benjamin Netanyahu)."
Anti-Semitism is Satanic.
"Think through the lessons of the book of Esther...(Rosenberg)."
Joel Rosenberg: Iran, Israel, and the threat of Annihilation: Modern
Day Lessons from the Book of Esther
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "That's the part I meant: America invites God's wrath when she parts Israel's land."
Yes. I think we agree. God does not micromanage every natural disaster. We live in a fallen world. Earthquakes and tsunamis should serve as a reminder to get right with God (Job 9:6; Heb 12:26, Lk 13:5).
whoever thinks this earthquake thing is God's wrath is just an idiot