Our difference


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...The Five Distinctives: On today's program Bob Enyart distinguishes, among Christian congregations, what characterizes Denver Bible Church."


"We are open dispensational theonomists with an attitude!*" ~ Pastor Bob


*Pastor Bob believes that the church began in Acts 9 when Paul got saved.  Others (including this author) believe that the church began in Acts 2 with the pouring out of the Holy Spirit.  We agree that Israel is not in the body of Christ.


Act 1:

    The Old Testament

    God the Father on display

Act 2:

    Jesus walked the earth

    God the Son on display

Act 3:

    The church began

    God the Holy Spirit on display. Beltz.


Response to comment [from a Christian] "I'm going to be good...I'm going to be good...repeats to self..."


You aren't good. Ro 3:12, Jer 17:9


Our difference