Teeth from a supposed 400,000-year-old human found in Israel have presented two major problems for the evolution belief system (should the evolutionist community agree with the initial claims, published in April 20111). The find would essentially double the time Homo sapiens walked the earth and would cripple the “out of Africa” view of humanity’s spread over the earth.
The problem is not what the researchers discovered: teeth in a cave. Instead, the problem lies with the old-earth dating assumptions about unobserved events in the past.
For the creationist, Scripture clearly defines the framework of earth history, giving us the necessary historical facts that allow us to interpret the significance of human remains, like these teeth. A reasonable explanation is that this human belonged to one of the many “out of Babel” families who resettled the earth, apparently seeking shelter in caves along the way.
Photo courtesy of Israel Hershkovitz