POTUS seeking 'ass to kick'
"President Obama goes on with Matt Lauer and says some
pretty amazing things about the oil spill - including that he was 'down there'
working on the problem a month ago while the 'talking heads' weren't paying
attention and that he's ready to kick some *** now. Aside from being oh-so
presidential, what else is wrong with this picture?...[Glenn Beck staff
writer]...Glenn Beck: POTUS seeking '*** to kick' ...GLENN: 'Okay. I want to
play the audio that is so unpresidential that I've never heard a president say
this. And it's odd. It just doesn't feel right. And the press is all saying,
"Well, he's just trying to show passion." No. No, he's not. That is a
misunderstanding on what these — who these people are and who the president is
keeping at bay.'"
Glenn Beck: POTUS seeking 'ass
to kick'. Audio Available.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[H]ave you noticed that your threads are not getting many replies?"
Your point?