'They Have Been Cursed’: Pat Robertson Says Haiti ‘Swore a Pact to the Devil’
Could somebody
put him out to pasture?
'They Have Been Cursed’: Pat Robertson Says Haiti ‘Swore a Pact to the Devil’
Ambassadors has acquired several aircraft from various major carriers. Each
aircraft will carry 80,000 lbs. of critically needed, prescribed aid. Flights
will depart from Denver, Miami, and JFK. We are currently working with Catholic
Relief Services, Food for the Poor, LDS Charities, and Southern Command..."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Hey! You and I agree on
What a terrible thing to say.
Response to
comment [from a Christian]: "When Jesus
was asked about a tragedy in the news He responded..."
Luke 13:3 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. 4
Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think
that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 I tell
you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”
In other words.... there is no divine or supernatural explanation for tragedies
such as these. We live in a fallen world and stuff like this happens."
Yes. Sometimes our minds try to understand (Isa 55:8)--but that's not right.
Birth pangs (Mt 24:8). As floods and earthquakes increase, maybe our love can, too (Mt 25:37).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...I think Jesus' teaching (quoted by Knight above) points directly to Divine Judgment. The problem is, God's judgment in the here and now and our ideas of what God's timing should be are two different things, and this is what I think Jesus is really getting at....The case of the man born blind, given by someone else above, is also no argument that events are "random" or unplanned by God....Jesus' argument there also was that this event (the blindness) was planned by God for use in revealing Jesus as the Christ to the people of Israel and Judaea."
God does not create a man blind for the
purposes of demonstrating a miracle. That would be sick and cruel.
Obama stated that the earthquake was "cruel and incomprehensible". Perhaps this
is his way of calling God cruel.
No--that's bad theology--as Jesus said it was "I tell you no." In a fallen world
men are born blind. We have floods and earthquakes.
The world was "very good" (Ge 1:31); now it is very bad. It is a time to
remember--repent and be saved lest we "likewise perish" (Lk 13:3). As our world
winds down, we should be preparing for our eternal home.
[Pat Robertson: "I guarantee you by the
end of 1982 there is going to be a judgment on the world."] He gets free,
unlimited do-overs. And the right to judge his own success. Apparently.
These date-setters...
Do you think he cares that the atheist and the
Christian think he's a fool?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "[I]f the voodoo that exists in Haiti has nothing to do with this disaster, why even bother bringing it up?"
In the U.S. we have our own false teaching problems. I'm not going to call Haiti more wicked than our own land.
As a general rule, it's probably not best not to kick people when they are down. We can help first and address the Voodoo problem later. Throwing salt into open wounds is cruel.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Sometimes it's best to not share all of our thoughts publicly."
That's right. Especially if those
thoughts are superstitious--and he thinks they're bad! If you've ever
traveled to Haiti, the Haitians all clap and cheer when the airplane touches
It's sort of funny.
I've never seen a New York businessman clapping, cheering, and praising God for
a safe landing.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Indeed"
I hope he'll study up and next time we'll get
a biblical answer from him.
Or, I bet there's a padded room they could put him in.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Is it not possible that God was, at least, looking the other way when earthquake struck Haiti, as was the case with the Holocaust."
I think if God's eye in on the sparrow, it's on the children of Israel and the Haitians, too (Lk 12:7, Mt 23:37).
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [Ziare]
You believe he's corrupt?
http://www.sullivan-county.com/news/pat_quotes/diamonds.html. I
don't know.
Christians should be in the business of giving out the gospel.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Is it not possible that God can, at times, look away from both the children of Israel and Haiti. Or is that impossible?"
Israel is not the land of milk and honey now. They have rejected their savior. The holocaust was terrible but there will be another even worse (Matt. 24:21, 29). "...[T]he Antichrist will commence a holocaust beyond any it has previously experienced. It will be like a flood (cf. Rev. 12:15). That final desolation is vividly prefigured by the first Roman holocaust." See: Israel's Future by John MacArthur. They will recognize Christ as their savior (Zech 12:10) and God will defend them.
Can God look away? He is God. He can choose to not think of a thing. But does he look away? The prophet Jeremiah said: "[Y]our eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men (Jer 32:19)." God is active in the world. He has a plan and purpose and he's right on schedule, never too early or too late (Ro 8:28).
"How else would God punish those who are under the Ten Commandments..."
We are not under law but grace (Jn 1:17). Some teach that you can separate the law from the Ten Commandments but you cannot. Some say they live by the Sermon on the Mount but they don't know what it is (Heb 10:9-36). The law kills. It only brings man into judgment. It is the Spirit who gives life. The Holy Spirit gives us life and shows us the will of God. The cults and 'isms follow rules. The believer follows Christ (2 Cor 3:6). If men insist on living by the law they will be judged by it (McGee, Mt 5:20).
What is the Great White Throne Judgment?
How does God judge those who were raised in non-Christian cultures?
Why does God allow natural disasters, i.e. earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis?
Response to comment [from a Christian] "You said that we including you are not under laws. How liberated, from these laws, are you?"
If you break one of God's laws you are guilty of breaking them all (James 2:10). The law is a mirror. We see that we do not measure up to God's standard (Matt. 22:35–40; Rom. 13:8–10). The law was nailed to the cross (Col 2:14).
By Jesus death, the veil was torn and we enter into a
new and living way to the throne of God (Heb 10:19). I doesn't get more
liberating than that.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The 'born again' are those people who no longer have these 'veils' over their hearts."
That's right.
"Paul found that Jews who he met still had these 'veils' over their heart. Fact is, Jesus death did not remove the 'vails' which were covering their hearts or spirit simply by dying on the cross."
Yes, they rejected their savior.
"It seems that it is not automatic. One does not simply loose the 'veil' over
their heart because Jesus died on the cross. One must accomplish certain things
to looses these 'veils'."
Right. The only 'work' we can do is to believe.
"However many people believe that it is automatic. It is not."
You and I don't believe it's easy (Mt 7:14). Anyone can come to the Lord at any time if he repents of his sin and turns toward Christ. We live in the dispensation of grace. Whether Jew or Gentile, one may come to Jesus.
It's easy to be your own God. It's easy to be a drunk, a wife-beater, a fornicator, etc. Emotionalism and ritualism are easy.
It's difficult to turn from something and turn toward someone (Jn 3:19-21).
"Also it seems that anyone who discern wisdom in laws like the Ten Commandments, still have 'veils' over their hearts or spirit and are therefore not given to know Truth."
The law was a ministry of death (2 Cor 3:7)--not too
The clarity of Holy Spirit corrects human wisdom in 1
Corinthians, chapter 2.
"Therefore they cannot be Christians and are not Christians."
There is only one kind of Christian--a twice born man in a once born world.
"Do you see it this way?"
I think we see it the same way.
How long 'til they try to shut us down?
Did you catch Jonathan Morris (priest) on Fox News discussing Pat Robinson's comments? He said, "Whether we are a Catholic or a Christian or a non-believer..." (Timestamp: 3:52). Do you think he knows that Roman Catholics teach a different Jesus, a different way of salvation and a different gospel than historical biblical Christianity? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypupv7U-CMQ
Why is this effeminate, lispy "priest" Fox's go-to guy
on matters of theology?
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "People are dead, dying, starving, and digging their loved ones out from under the rubble...and we set around dividing ourselves into religious categories, pointing fingers at those that are not in our personal little alliance...Way to go people!"
A pious pagan? Interesting.
I'm only suggesting we save Morris for the pedophile segments. It's a
programming issue.
Do those collars come in rainbow colors?
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "Good come back.
Got there them that right, all y'all. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "Who is required, or who is going to be required, to perform abortions?"
I'm speaking about the future of healthcare. They call it healthcare but they don't have your health in mind. Liberals call wrong right (Isa 5:20, Eccl 10:2). You know, like the "fairness doctrine" that isn't fair and isn't doctrinally sound (Bates). "Hate crimes" like preaching Romans (Pr 27:5) which is illegal in some states, etc. The future of "health" care will not be healthy at all for the elderly, the infirm, and unborn children will it? Why do you think liberals want control of your care?
Listen to leftists like PB. You don't need to see a physical mark on their forehead, do you? Re 13:15. "You vil do as ve say." Check your God at the door if you want a job in the medical field. PB and other leftists promote Satan's agenda (Jn 10:10).
I'd think twice before checking that organ donation box on your drivers license. Give the Dr. Kevorkian-types permission and they're rip your organs out, buying and selling them, before you're dead (Re 13:16-17).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Do you think all effeminate priests are both gay and pedophiles? Or do you just make random jokes about priests being gay and pedophiles because of your contempt for Catholicism?"
I have contempt for all men who hide perverts (or just move them to Boston)--but worse--men who distort and pervert the word of God (Rev. 3:14–22). I give respect where respect is due (1 Thes 5:12).
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [Contempt for perverts and a church that hides them] "You're just a cross grumpy old man with nothing to show for himself."
You do not have contempt for the homosexual pedophiles who are--not reported to the authorities by the church, but are moved to cities where they can victimize boys all over again.
Either you did not pay attention to the scandal--or surprise surprise, you don't care.
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "Every member of said religion/church that had knowledge of this cover up should have been charged as an accomplice."
I agree and I think most Roman Catholics would agree, too.
"But, then, I have been told that some are not under the law or of the law, but answer only to God."
We are to obey civil and criminal laws (Rom. 13:1–7) but if they conflict with God's law, then of course we obey him first (Acts 5:29).
"What in the world are you talking about?"
The post that you referred to in your thread.
I have contempt for all men who hide perverts (or just move them to Boston)--but
worse--men who distort and pervert the word of God (Rev. 3:14–22). I give
respect where respect is due (1 Thes 5:12).
Proclaiming the Gospel
Have Been Cursed’: Pat Robertson Says Haiti ‘Swore a Pact to the Devil’