Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Just earlier today, our Community
Organizer and Chief said ISIS is contained:
Obama: ISIS is not getting 'stronger', we have 'contained' them Response to comment [from a Christian]: "They should have banned hand guns."
CNN Uses Paris Bloodbath to Push Gun Control Lk
Left and the Attack on Paris
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Chancellor Merkel orders shutdown of
websites critical of the Muslim invasion of Germany.
Link" Michael Savage says she should be brought up on war
crime charges.
JV team
Dreams of my
two Muslim fathers.
"Liberty, fraternity, equality...those are values that
we share." ~ Barack Obama
"We're going to have to change our traditions, our
~ Michelle Obama
The American Trinity
by Dennis Prager
Obama is late for moment of silence as the rest of the G20 leaders hold somber
observance to mourn Paris attacks
Cameron: Not good enough to say Islam is religion of peace then deny any
extremism connection