Pedophile priests. Why does the the Catholic Church have such a wide-scale problem with them?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Myths about Priestly Pedophilia]
Love how you defend them (Jer.
9:3). To be forgiven you must
admit your sin (Rom. 2–9) and repent (Eze
Ac 17:30).
The Roman Catholic Church is corrupted and in its final states
of apostasy (Mt
2 Tim. 3:13,
Rev. 3:14–22).
They use rules and laws to control men (1
Jo 5:3). What men really need
is a savior (Ro
Ga 3:10;
Jas 2:10).
Get saved (2
Tim. 1:10). Ditch legalism (Matt.
Mk 7:8,
Mk 7:6,
7, Col.
2). Leave innocent boys alone (Lev.
1 Cor. 5:1–5,
Lev. 20:13–16).
"In the case of the "Priestly Porn" article, my primary source was a Catholic
ministry calling itself the Roman Catholic Faithful. This group, guided by
responsible Catholic priests, is concerned with what is happening in the
Catholic priesthood and trying to do something about it. They have identified
dozens of priests and at least one bishop who are/were actively involved in
posting to a web site and newsgroup created for homosexual Catholic religious.
The people at RCF have not just made vague claims of wrongdoing. No indeed. They
have provided the text of newsgroup postings and emails and even the
pornographic pictures exchanged by participating priests. In most cases, RCF has
protected the participants by editing out their names, though they do offer to
provide full details to any Catholic authority who asks for them.
One of the priests who is named is assigned to a diocese in Oklahoma. The RCF
wrote to his ordinary concerning this priest's activities on the Internet. The
diocese asked for additional information, which was provided. Whatever action
was taken to correct or discipline the priest, if any, apparently was of little
effect, for he continued his internet activities. It was when this priest wrote
that he had celebrated a Mass for a homosexual activist organization that RCF
decided to go public with his name and details. All this is available at the
Roman Catholic Faithful web site.
One of the tactics used to "defend" against the truth in my article was that of
creating a strawman to divert attention from the issue... ' Full text:
Priestly Porn
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "You dismiss the idea that an institutional and international cover-up has occurred where abuse has come to the attention of the church?
Sorry to interrupt.
When Cruciform is finished defending homosexual child rapists, could he please
also address
this institutional, international cover-up?
Thanks, carry on.
No. Good guess.
Sidebar: Is this kingdom work or are we going down another demonic wabbit trail?
Ro 14:23.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Christian rebuked Cruciform] "Nor are you in any position to judge another man's servant (and fellow Christian)..."
"...with the demonstrably slanderous and intentionally inflamatory label of "satanist." To quote St. Paul: "But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you..."
He judges you just about right.
Response to comment [from a Messianic Jew]: [Sorry to interrupt] "Don't be. The Master Yahshua never once apologized to the Satanists..."
Are you able to add one of those polls to TOL--who is more
wicked--the Satanist or the pious Catholic?
It's so hard to decide
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [He judges you right/Satanist and pious Catholic headed for hell] "You are pathetic..."
"...and that was easy to decide."
Then you won't mind taking
this test. Let us know how you do.
On what basis can Cruciform call himself a Christian? Is he still
preaching dead works?
Isa 64:6.
On what basis can you say you are headed for heaven? Does God take the
highest score? Does he grade on a curve? Are you teacher's pet?
When your
church departs from the word of God, it becomes perv-central (Rev. 3:14–22).
"The Roman Catholic system does not come from the Bible, it comes from the
mystery religions of Babylon..." (Are
Roman Catholics Saved? by John MacArthur.).
Babylon as Seen in Scripture: An Introduction to Rev 17-18
"The confessional is the modern Sodom..." Full text:
The Priest, the Woman and the Confessional by Rev.
Charles Chiniquy
Also see:
All-Seeing Eye Surveillance (DVD)
Pedophile priests. Why
does the the Catholic Church have such a wide-scale problem with them?