Perverting God's Grace
Response to comment [from other]: "Todays false teachers have taken what God unconditionally bestows freely and Sovereignty upon some [ the election of grace Rom 11:5] and proclaim that it [Grace] is offered to all..This is absolutely false!"
God has always had a remnant. Today, Jews are still coming to the Lord (Ro 11:5).
"If grace is something offered to all, it has lost its main distinction."
There are many "saints" who sound like the Pharisee
praying "God, I thank You that I am not like other men—extortioners, unjust,
adulterers, or even as this tax collector (Lk 18:11)."
They sound like they might shout, "worthy am I". God's grace is big
enough for everyone. We are not worthy; yet we are included in God's plan.
"...[If its up to the sinner to either accept it or reject it, then ones accepting it and others rejecting it, then it becomes a meritorious act of mine..."
We may accept God's gracious gift and still have no merit of our own at all. We are not heroes when we humble ourselves before the Lord. He is.
"...[C]ontrary to the nature of grace, I now have ground[s] for boasting."
We have made the right decision but we still have no grounds for boasting. We are still dung--just snow-covered dung. We are positionally declared righteous before the father though we have no righteousness of our own. It is Jesus' merit not ours.
"If some refuse and reject grace offered, and I [or others] receive it, then it's because I have more sense then they do, or my heart is...softer than theirs, or I was less obstinate, less sinful..."
Sin is exceedingly sinful (MacArthur)--yours, mine, everyone's. When we appreciate the sinfulness of our sin, we appreciate God's grace.
[1 Cor 4:7]
J. Vernon McGee said: "Do you have a gift? You may have a very outstanding gift, but you have nothing to boast about, because God gave it to you. You are not the originator of your gift. We ought to thank God for our gifts."
"[T]oday, [false teaching] is a result of not teaching scripturally the true doctrines of grace...This is perverting the [g]race of God."
Perverting God's grace is believing that we somehow deserved his gift (Ro 5:8). Be willing to desire what the Lord desires--for others to be saved (2 Pet 3:9).
"You're a prime example of one who perverts grace, but that's your fate by God. [T]hat's too bad for you..."[H]ate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies (Ps 139:22)."
Lil' ol' me? Why do you quote the Psalm of a man with a heart for the lost? David had great concern for Absalom. "Although Absalom, David’s firstborn betrayed and humiliated him David always treated Absalom as a son. He never gave any of his men the order to kill Absalom, only to bring him back alive. We would do well to learn not to kill our enemies when we have the upper hand against them. Treat them as we would our own son, with mercy." Lessons from David and Absalom: Dealing with Conspirators, Haters and Conflict
"Shut up stupid (Ps 139)."
I know you!
You serve soup at the corner deli
don't you ? My apologies.
Response to comment [from Buddhist]: [Rom 5]
Why is a Buddhist quoting the Bible? You need to know the author. He's the teacher.