Petition for Town Heretic To Be Made Moderator
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Alexandros quote: Out of curiosity, have you guys ever had an atheist mod?] "Trad just nominated one."
An antichrist nominating an antichrist (2
Pe 2:1).
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness
in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they
might be saved [2
Thess. 2:10].
"He will do this “with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that
perish.” Why?—“because they received not the love of the truth, that they might
be saved.” I do believe that the gospel is going to go out to the ends of the
earth. It may even be the church that accomplishes this. I think it is
penetrating pretty well today by radio into areas where individuals cannot go.
But there will be those who hear and refuse to receive the truth." McGee, J. V.
(1991). Vol. 49: Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 and 2 Thessalonians)
(electronic ed.) (124). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6).
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
[Ten Tests of
Integrity] "Psalm 15 lists ten marks of integrity. How does your life compare?
The person of integrity…
• walks uprightly. What is your basic ethical commitment? Are you out to honor
the Lord or to serve yourself?
• works righteousness. What is the end result of your work? Are you promoting
good in the world—or evil?
• speaks the truth. Are you in the habit of telling “little white lies” when it
is necessary or convenient?
• does not backbite. Do you tear down others behind their back?
• does no evil to a neighbor. What is your policy on office politics? Do you
believe in “doing unto others before they do unto you”?
• does not take up a reproach against a friend. How loyal are you? When everyone
is down on a colleague, do you jump on the bandwagon, or do you offer support
and seek fair play?
• honors those who fear the Lord, not the ungodly. What is the character of your
best friends? What is their attitude toward God and the things of the Lord?
• keeps his word, even when it is costly. Are you trustworthy and reliable? Is
your word your bond, or is there always a question whether you will follow
• does not practice usury. Do you make it harder or easier for poor people to
gain the resources necessary to support themselves?
• does not take bribes. What would it take to get you to compromise your
integrity?" Thomas Nelson Publishers. (2001). What does the Bible say about...
The ultimate A to Z resource fully illustrated. Nelson's A to Z series (225).
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: [God-haters, ACW quote: Trad just nominated one.]
He makes you
[Watchmen Who Don’t Watch] "Even as Isaiah spoke of God’s
salvation that would be available to all people (Is.
56:1–8), he warned about a group of blind
watchmen who would be found sleeping on the job (Is.
In ancient Israel, watchtowers were erected in fields, pastures, and vineyards
to enable watchmen to keep a lookout for wild animals, thieves, and other
hazards. The security of the crops, animals, or property depended on these
watchmen, so the blind watchmen described by Isaiah were not only derelict, they
were dangerous.
Who were these sightless guards? They may have been the numerous false prophets
and religious leaders of Isaiah’s day, along with rulers and government
officials who were foolish, incompetent, lazy, greedy, or irresponsible.
However, the denunciation of derelict watchmen may also refer prophetically to
the corrupt leaders of Jesus’ day, who stood staunchly opposed to God’s Son (Matt.
Whoever these leaders are, they stand condemned before God, having failed in
their responsibilities. It is a warning to those of us in leadership
today—especially in positions of spiritual leadership—to stay alert, keeping an
eye out not for our own gain or personal welfare, but for that of the people
among whom God has placed us to serve." Thomas Nelson Publishers. (2001). What
does the Bible say about... The ultimate A to Z resource fully illustrated.
Nelson's A to Z series (242). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.