Pope John Paul II self-flagellated to get closer to Jesus
"Pope John Paul II used to beat himself with a belt and
sleep on a bare floor to bring himself closer to Christ, a book published
Wednesday says.
The late pope had a particular belt for self-flagellation and brought it with
him to his summer residence, according to the book, "Why he is a Saint: The True
story of John Paul II."
I have a better idea.
Repent. Be saved. Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30, Re 2:5,16; 3:3.
Understand what real repentance means.
Proclaiming the Gospel Newsletter Vol 18 No. 4
Catholics need to repent. Come to God on his terms--as a sinner (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30, Re 2:5,16; 3:3). Understand what true repentance is.
Proclaiming the Gospel Newsletter Vol 18 No. 4
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "But I chastise my body, and bring it into subjection: lest perhaps, when I have preached to others, I myself should become a castaway." - some guy named Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:27
Did you already discuss this? I'm sorry. Maybe we should move on to ridiculous item number 12,234,233:
Purgatory Project Says It Aids
Souls Suffering in Flames
In Rome, there is a church called the Church
of the Suffering Souls that has a small museum
called the Holy Souls Museum. In it
are relics, prayer books and clothing that
were supposedly touched by holy souls
who were allowed to leave purgatory and
return to their family or religious clergy and
beg them for Masses and prayers.
There is now a Purgatory Project that says
it exists to provide aid for the souls in purgatory
(www.purgatoryproject.com). Their
website says that anyone can help those
who are suffering by registering the names
of people who have died. The goal is to get
all registered souls released from purgatory
as quickly as possible. Those souls which
are not released immediately are still helped
as they are elevated to a greater degree of
purification and will have to endure less suffering
in purgatory.
The main benefit the souls will receive is
the priceless value of hundreds of Masses
being said each year for "all souls registered
in the Purgatory Project." You are invited
to join in with fasting and Mass intentions
to the extent you are able. Your own
prayers and offerings are very important for
the success of the prayers the Purgatory
Project offers for your registered souls. The
more prayer power the Purgatory Project can
gather the better!
You can register as many souls as you wish.
A few people have registered several thousand
souls. But the main thing is that any
and all souls are welcome! They are all infinitely
valuable and worthwhile to Our Lord
who shed His Precious Blood for each of
them. There is a firm and holy intention of
continuing the Purgatory Project for many
years to come. Please come back often - and
fast and pray with us as you are able - this is
very holy and important work and we are
totally committed to it." Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries.
My apologies. What
else are those quacks doing? Let's see......I
think you've already seen the Pope kissing the Koran. How
Praying Before Remains of
Pope Remits Sins
Pope Benedict XVI announced a special plenary
indulgence for those who pray before
the remains of 13th century pope, St.
Celestine V during the 800th anniversary of
his birth. His remains will be on pilgrimage
during the year so that the faithful can receive
the indulgence. Celestine V is remembered
for promulgating a pardon for sins. He
decided that those who confessed and were
sincerely repentant, and visited the Basilica
of Santa Maria di Collemaggio would receive
the remission of sins and the absolution of
punishment. Until then, a plenary indulgence
was only granted to those who went to the
Holy Land as crusaders. (Zenit.org, 8/26/09. Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries)
They have no interest in the truth so let's just observe how they defend these absurd things.
Ever so sorry. I'd hate to waste your time. Perhaps you'd like to comment on:
Learn From Mary
Pope Benedict XVI is encouraging Catholics
to learn from the Blessed Virgin how to
follow the Holy Spirit with docility and recognize
His voice in daily life. He gave the
message at a Marian celebration after reciting
the Rosary at the Grotto of Our Lady of
Lourdes. "The great Feast of Pentecost invites
us to meditate upon the relationship
between the Holy Spirit and Mary, a very
close, privileged, indissoluble relationship,"
the pontiff affirmed. He continued: "Mary's
immaculate heart, in perfect consonance with
the divine Son, is the temple of the Spirit of
truth, where every word and every event are
kept in faith, hope and charity." The pontiff
affirmed that in "Mary's school we too learn
to recognize the Holy Spirit's presence in our
life, to listen to his inspirations and to follow
them with docility." He expressed the hope
that Catholics will "walk with Mary according
to the Spirit." (Zenit.org, 5/31/09). Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries.
Mary's heart is truth now.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Her soul doth magnify the Lord. That's in the Bible somewhere too. Not that you care."
Somewhere hmm?
I care that people believe the truth. Does it matter to you that your religion teaches doctrines which are not biblical? Or do you love their lies? (Eze 13:19). How many examples do you need?
Here's another:
Mary Enabled God to Enter
Mary's "yes" is the door through which God
was able to enter the world to become man.
So it is that Mary is truly and profoundly
involved in the Mystery of the Incarnation,
of our salvation. The Gospel tells us that
John took his mother Mary "to his own
home." But the Greek text is far deeper, far
richer. We could translate it: He took Mary
into his inner life, his inner being, into the
depths of his being. The Second Vatican
Council invites priests to look to Mary as
the perfect model for their existence, invoking
her as "Mother of the supreme and eternal
Priest, as Queen of Apostles, and as Protectress
of their ministry." The Council continues,
"priests should always venerate and
love her, with a filial devotion and worship."
Mary loves them for two reasons: because
they are more like Jesus, the supreme love of
her heart, and because, like her, they are committed
to the mission of proclaiming, bearing
witness to and giving Christ to the world.
The Holy Curé d'Ars states, "Jesus Christ,
after giving us all that he could give us,
wanted further to make us heirs to his most
precious possession, that is, his Holy
Mother." (Zenit.org, 8/27/09)
Now Mary is the door.
Get your eye off Mary.
Get your eye on Jesus (John 10:7, 9).
The arrogance of man will be brought low and the pride of men
humbled; the LORD alone will be exalted in that day, and the
idols will totally disappear.
-- Isaiah 2:17-18
Stop changing the truth of God into a lie (Ro 1:25; Isa 44:20).
No Mary Worship http://www.vananne.com/culttoasters/No%20Mary%20Worship.htm
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Sounds rather wacky. Makes me thankful I don't have such wacky beliefs."
The atheist and the biblical Christian agree.
It is supposed to make you thankful that you do not have such
wacky beliefs.
wants you to throw the baby out with the bath water.
See your legacy Roman Catholics?
At any rate, the baby grew up. He sits at the right hand of the Father.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [The apostle Paul] "You were there?"
Were you? I can't get that song out of my head--
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith
And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game
I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the Czar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain...
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I suppose you thought you had some point in posting this?"
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [YouTube cover of Sympathy for the Devil]
Thanks Spitfire. Oh by the way, you're
drooling--that's the most embarrassing drool I've ever seen.
I didn't want you to embarrass yourself.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "If you think Paul is crazy, take that up with him."
The apostle Paul thought it would be crazy for people to point to him (1 Cor 3:7). A Christian will point to Christ never himself. Ask yourself: Does Rome point to Rome or to Jesus? Do priests point to themselves for forgiveness of sin or to Jesus?
No Papal Authority http://www.vananne.com/culttoasters/No%20Papal%20Authority.htm
No Mediator http://www.vananne.com/culttoasters/No%20Mediator.htm
No Idolatry & False Teaching http://www.vananne.com/culttoasters/No%20Idolitry%20False%20Teaching.htm
Shall I go on?
Worship of Eucharist Unites
Thousands of Catholics approached Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament in the Basilica of
St. Mary Major during the age-old tradition
of the 40 Hours Devotion. Although not all
of the ambassadors are Catholic, prayer
brings them to find a "common point among
all religions. During the Pope's traditional celebration
of the feast of the Body of Christ,
dozens of groups and religious communities
spent an hour of adoration at the basilica.
Monsignor Adriano Pancelli declared:
"The Eucharist is the living rock of the
Church. It's about adoring the Blessed Sacrament
and feeling that the Lord is present.
The most sublime, most high, most true and
effective mystery." (Zenit.org, 6/9/09)
Now the Eucharist is the living rock.
A wafer, Peter...who cares?
(1 Cor. 10:4).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "That atheists don't approve of our beliefs? Why should that bother me? Frankly, I'm glad they're on your side and not mine, if that's indeed the case."
No heart for the lost, hmm?
It was the mission of the Lord, but who cares about all that.
:idunno: Luke 15:4–6. And you say you have his spirit?
1 Jn 4:3.
"You know how they say there's a way that, to man, seems right..."
Careful. If you know this verse and continue in your idolatry, you only earn yourself a hotter place in hell (James 5:3).
Responsibility according to privilege:
Ezek. 18:1–30; Ezek. 33:1–19; Matt. 10:11–15 Luke 9:5; 10:10–15. Matt. 11:20–24; Matt. 12:41, 42 Luke 11:31, 32. Matt. 23:31–35 Luke 11:49–51. Matt. 25:14–30 Luke 19:12–27. Mark 6:11; Luke 13:6–9; Luke 21:1–4; John 3:18, 19; John 12:48; John 15:22, 24; Acts 17:30, 31; Rom. 12:3, 6–8; Eph. 4:7; 1 Tim. 6:20Responsibility according to opportunity and works:
Gen. 4:7; Job 34:11; Prov. 11:31; Prov. 12:14; Prov. 24:11, 12 Psa. 62:12; 2 Tim. 4:14. Isa. 3:10, 11; Isa. 5:15, 16; Isa. 24:2; Isa. 59:18; Jer. 17:10, 11; Jer. 32:19; Ezek. 7:3, 4, 27; Ezek. 9:4–6; Ezek. 16:59; Ezek. 18:4 [vs. 5–9.] Ezek. 18:19–32; Ezek. 33:18–20; Ezek. 39:24; Hos. 4:9 Hos. 12:2. Amos 3:2; Zech. 1:6; Matt. 10:14, 15 Matt. 11:24; Mark 6:11; Luke 9:5; 10:12–15. Matt. 12:37; Matt. 23:14 Luke 20:47. Mark 14:21; Luke 11:49, 50 v. 51.; Luke 12:47, 48 [See parable of the vineyard, Isa. 5:1–6. Of the farmer, Isa. 28:24–28. Of the wicked tenant farmers, Matt. 21:33–36. Of the talents, Matt. 25:14–30.]Luke 13:6–9; Luke 19:12–27; Luke 21:1–4; John 3:19, 20; John 5:45; John 9:41; John 12:48; John 15:22, 24; Rom. 2:5–12, 27; 1 Cor. 3:8, 13–15 v. 12.; 1 Cor. 4:5; 2 Cor. 2:15, 16; 2 Cor. 11:15; Gal. 6:5–10; Eph. 6:7, 8; Col. 3:25; 1 Tim. 1:13; Heb. 2:2, 3; Heb. 10:26–30; Heb. 12:25; Jas. 2:12, 13; 1 Pet. 1:17; 2 Pet. 2:20, 21; Rev. 2:23; Rev. 20:12, 13
Response to comment [from
a Catholic]: [I have a better idea.
Repent. Be saved] "Of course, this
merely engages in the False Dilemma Fallacy,
a false "either/or."
Of course you remove
the biblical references.
That is what you people do after all.
Let me just plug those back in for those
interested in truth: Eze 18:30-32; Ac
17:30, Re 2:5,16; 3:3.
"The soul that sinneth, it shall die (Ezek. 18:20)." That's pretty much either/or, yes.
"God commands all men everywhere to repent (Ac 17:30)." That's sort of either live or die, too...
"[R]epent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent (Re 2:5)." If I sat in a brothel week after week, I suppose I'd want that verse to go away, too.
"...will fight against them with the sword of My mouth (Re 2:16)." Not good. hold fast and crepent.
"...hold fast and
crepent. Therefore if you will not
watch, I will come upon you eas a thief,
and you will not know what hour I will come
upon you (Re 3:3)." Still selling that
repent thing. You may want to know him
in good standing before you try to flash him
a charming smile
thinkin' out loud here
Response to comment
[from a Catholic]: "Wow, "you
people"---the typical watchword of the
Ad hominem.
forgot: sexist, Islamophobic,
xenophobic, homophobic and racist. "Pick the
Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and
Polarize It." Saul Alinsky.
Wow, "false dilemma fallacy". You get to
choose your behavior (idolatry [Ex 20:2,3],
perversion of the word of God, false
teaching [2 Cor 4:2], making merchandise of
people [2 Pe 2:3], etc.). You do not get to
choose the consequences (Hos 4:6).
"You people"...'have different
authorities,...believe different
gospels,...worship different Christs,...are
led by different spirits and we are on
different path...to eternity. Compare this
with the unity the apostle Paul described
with those who are in one body and one
Spirit, with one hope; one Lord, one faith,
one baptism, on God and Father of all who is
over all and through all and in all (Eph
...According to many Reformers, Satan's
crown jewel is the Roman Catholic religion.
It is his most seductive and deceptive form
of counterfeit Christianity in the world.
Granted, there are many other apostate
churches, but none compare in the size,
power, influence and wealth to the apostate
church headquartered in Rome. The problem
most Catholics have is they have been
indoctrinated from birth with the lie that
they belong to the one true Church. By
believing this lie, they have no incentive
to read God's word and therefore they cannot
discern truth from error. I pray you will
ask God to reveal His truth to you as you
abide in His Word (Proclaiming the Gospel,
Vol 18 no. 4)." http://www.pro-gospel.org/x2/pdf/Vol18No4.pdf
Beautification of Hitler's Pope
"The question of whether the Pope Pius XII
did all in his power to fight the effects of
Holocaust is still an open wound. This has
caused Pope Benedict to slow down the
of Pope Pius' beatification pending further
research. Several Jewish groups have
protested the intention to beatify the pope,
who they say did not stand up to Adolf
as Jews were being deported to and killed in
concentration camps. Pope Pius has been
particularly criticized in Italy for not
come to the Jewish ghetto in Rome when
more than 1,000 Jews were rounded up and
deported by Nazi troops in October 1943."
(CNS, 6/17/09)
Wow, what nice people.
"[S]eprentdove...[has]...forgotten;...tried to live gospel..."
Did you have a point
to make?
I'm sorry. This was not about me. This was
about sharing the truth of the gospel
with others.
"Sleeping on the floor gave me a bad cold so I had to revert to just giving up my pillow, and that for just an hour or two. A small spiritual sacrifice of love to bring to the altar- we do not approach our Beloved without a gift!"
You bring the gift of giving up a pillow? Are we talking feathers or down?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "You people" is an ad hominem.
I thought it was
You people who
"...have different authorities,...believe
different gospels,...worship different
Christs,...are led by different spirits and
we are on different path...to eternity.
Compare this with the unity the apostle Paul
described with those who are in one body and
one Spirit, with one hope; one Lord, one
faith, one baptism, on God and Father of all
who is over all and through all and in all
(Eph 4:4-6)...
...According to many Reformers, Satan's
crown jewel is the Roman Catholic religion.
It is his most seductive and deceptive form
of counterfeit Christianity in the world.
Granted, there are many other apostate
churches, but none compare in the size,
power, influence and wealth to the apostate
church headquartered in Rome. The problem
most Catholics have is they have been
indoctrinated from birth with the lie that
they belong to the one true Church. By
believing this lie, they have no incentive
to read God's word and therefore they cannot
discern truth from error. I pray you will
ask God to reveal His truth to you as you
abide in His Word (Proclaiming the Gospel,
Vol 18 no. 4)."
The Bible is a very black and white book. You saved...you lost. You righteous...you wicked.
The righteous described:
Described: Ex. 33:16; 1 Sam. 13:14; Ezra 10:3; Psa. 1:1–3; Psa. 4:3; Psa. 15:1–5; Psa. 24:3–5; Psa. 37:26, 30, 31; Psa. 64:10; Psa. 84:7; Psa. 87:5, 6; Psa. 112:1–10; Psa. 119:1–3; Prov. 2:9–12; Prov. 4:18; Prov. 13:5; Prov. 25:26; Isa. 33:15, 16; Isa. 51:1; Isa. 54:13; Isa. 60:21; Isa. 62:12; Isa. 63:8; Jer. 31:12–14, 33, 34; Ezek. 18:5–9; Ezek. 44:9; Zech. 3:2, 7, 8; Matt. 5:3–10, 13–16; Matt. 7:16–20, 24–27; Matt. 12:50; Matt. 13:23, 38; Luke 6:45; Luke 18:16, 17 Matt. 19:14; Mark 10:14, 15. John 3:21; John 8:31, 32, 39, 42, 47; John 10:4, 5, 27; John 13:35; John 15:14; Acts 2:38, 47; Acts 8:36, 37; Acts 10:47; Acts 11:23, 24; Acts 18:7, 8; Rom. 1:6, 7; Rom. 6:1–23; Rom. 8:5, 6, 9, 14–16, 29, 35–39; Rom. 9:8; Rom. 15:14; Rom. 16:19; 1 Cor. 1:2, 26, 27, 30; 1 Cor. 2:12, 13; 1 Cor. 6:9–11; 1 Cor. 15:48, 49; 2 Cor. 1:12; 2 Cor. 4:1, 2; 2 Cor. 5:17, 21; Gal. 5:22–26; Eph. 1:1, 4–7; Eph. 2:1, 4–6, 10, 13, 14, 19–22; Eph. 3:17–19; Eph. 4:13–16, 22–32; Eph. 5:8; Phil. 2:15; Phil. 3:3, 7–11; Phil. 4:8; Col. 1:9–13; Col. 2:7; Col. 3:3; 1 Thess. 1:3; 1 Thess. 5:4, 5, 27; 2 Tim. 2:19, 21–25; Philem. 5, 6; Heb. 3:1, 6; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9, 10; 1 Pet. 4:1, 2; 2 Pet. 1:1; 1 John 2:3, 5, 6, 12–15; 1 John 3:2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 18, 19; 1 John 4:7; 1 John 5:1; 2 John 9; Rev. 1:6; Rev. 14:4, 5; Rev. 17:14The wicked described:
"Unfortunately, you've moved from one logical error to another: now you've committed four Straw Man Fallacies."
"The question of whether the Pope Pius XII
did all in his power to fight the effects of
Holocaust is still an open wound. This has
caused Pope Benedict to slow down the
of Pope Pius' beatification pending further
research. Several Jewish groups have
protested the intention to beatify the pope,
who they say did not stand up to Adolf
as Jews were being deported to and killed in
concentration camps. Pope Pius has been
particularly criticized in Italy for not
come to the Jewish ghetto in Rome when
more than 1,000 Jews were rounded up and
deported by troops in October 1943."
(CNS, 6/17/09)]
Straw man?
Don't Roman Catholics follow that "straw
man"? (Your words not mine).
Pope Accuses Nazis
of Playing God
"Pope Benedict XVI said, "The Nazi concentration
camps, like all death camps, can be
considered extreme symbols of evil, of the
hell that opens on earth when man forgets
God and takes his place, usurping the right
to decide what is good and what is bad, to
give life and death." The pope said that while
the Nazi death machine was an extreme example
of what happens when people think
they can play God, "this sad phenomenon is
not limited to the concentration camps." He
said, "There are philosophies and ideologies,
but also ways of thinking and acting,
that exalt freedom as the only principle for
human beings, making them think they are
gods and the final judges of what is good
and bad." (CNS, 8/10/09)
Roman Catholics teach
that the Pope is infallible and Jesus'
representation on earth--kind of an oopsie
for an infallible man.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Yeah you don't seem that much less loony."
I try (1 Pe 2:11).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[T]his about your understanding of [the gospel]. You mock others who don't believe exactly as you do."
Truth is truth
independent from me. Who cares what I
What God thinks is all-important. And
what does God think? What does God say
about idolaters and an apostate church?
like anyone you know?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "What about the One Foundation, Christ [1 Cor 3:11]."
One foundation is Christ.
[Re 21:14]
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [I thought it was clarifying.] "Your mistake."
"Apparently, you have no idea what a Straw Man Fallacy is."
It's sort of logic 101, isn't it? You did not answer the question of making an idol of this "straw man" (that you were working on in this case...but it was sort of a flop, don't you think? :hammer:). By the way, if you passed a literal straw man by, would you bow down and worship him too? And who would have more wisdom? But I digress.
"[Y]ou'll need to explain exactly how the Catholic doctrine of papal infallibility is in nay way inconsistent with Christian truth."
Is papal infallibility Biblical? Is the Pope infallible when he makes proclamations ex cathedra?
Is apostolic succession Biblical? Was the authority of the Apostles passed on to their successors?
Also see:
Is the Pope the Vicar of Christ? Is the Roman Catholic Pope the replacement for Jesus on the earth?
Hypothetically, if the Pope but a big "O" for Obama on the Eucharist, would you continue to bow down to it?
Catholics and Protestants
Growing Closer
"A candidate for the World Council of
Churches' top post spoke optimistically
about the potential for churches to overcome
their differences. During an interview,
Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit of the Church of Norway
noted how Catholics and Protestants
have grown closer than ever before, and said
he believes a shared communion will one day
be possible. He said he hopes Protestants
and Catholics can work out their differences
and worship together. Describing itself as
the "broadest and most inclusive" organization
of the modern ecumenical movement,
the WCC is an ecumenical fellowship of 349
Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican and other
churches representing more than 560 million
Christians in over 110 countries." (The Christian
Post, 8/18/09)
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Who cares what serpentdove thinks that God thinks?"
That old
Paraphrased notes: How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson:
Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean. We take literally the stuff that was intended to be taken literally and we take figuratively the stuff that was intended to be taken figuratively. We take the Bible literally unless it gives us reason not to, for example, if it would not make sense. Give God the courtesy that you would give anyone in communication.
A chair, for example, can be an object that you sit on or it may be used as a verb--to chair a group. The meaning comes from the person speaking. A dictionary can give us a semantic range of ideas. It is easy to know what something means by its context.
The wicked of course pervert the word of God. A verse does not mean what you want it to mean, it means what it means. If I tell you to "Put something in the trunk." You know that I do not mean "Put something in the trunk (of an elephant)."
We gain the meaning of biblical passages by understanding what the word meant at that time. "Quantum" in the past referred to an amount--a quantum leap, for example. Today, it means more--the smallest quantity of radiant energy, for example.
Instead of arguing "Who cares what [someone] thinks?" It might be a more appropriate question to ask: Which hermeneutic is correct? Which teaching is credible?
"[I]t sounds like a Protestant anti-Catholic misrepresentation (Straw Man Fallacy) of actual Catholic belief and teaching."
Protestants are not anti-Catholic. They are anti-false teaching.
In fact, Mike Gendron was Catholic of over 34 years. It would only discredit him to misrepresent the teachings of Roman Catholicism. He reaches out to Roman Catholics everyday in his ministry. Catholics never seem to get beyond: "You are a Catholic-basher." If you are willing to take an honest look at the truth of scripture and consider the claims of Christ, you can be born into his true church.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Catholics do not in any way "worship" the pope, statues, icons, or anything other than God."
I wonder why all of those people are bowing (excuse me--bending over in a prayer posture) in Catholic Churches.
"From these articles...[there is]...nothing contrary to the...Catholic doctrine of papal infallibility."
If you
pull the
there is
in the
"[T]he early Christian Church held to the infallibility of the Bishop of Rome, and the Church has continued to do so right down to our own day."
You and I pour different meanings into "the church" (Eph 1:23; Col 1:24). Christians trust Christ (Song 7:10) not men.
[That old chestnut/Straw man] "Dismissing it, unfortunately, will not make it go away."
Are you still speaking about the meaning of a straw man fallacy? Sorry, I had to move on because you're...well, you love fallacies so much--you are committing the fallacy of repetition. Repeating yourself does not make your claim more true.
on (or I
am at
but you
are free
to stay
there if
A few housekeeping items: If I think I've addressed an issue sufficiently. I do not respond to it again generally, unless it seems to be a case of cataracts (Ps 13:3). Disagree. Fine. Let the reader decide.
"[T]ens-of-thousands of competing Protestant denominations and sects..."
Do you all get the same talking points?
The church is a "called out body". Addressed earlier.
"...all differing with one another over even central doctrines of the faith..."
A departure from historical, biblical Christianity puts said group into the kingdom of the cults not the kingdom of Christ.
"How, precisely, do I "know" this? What if you did intend me to put something in an elephant's trunk, or in a steamer trunk, or in the trunk of a tree?"
in those
us to
The Holy
us to
"[Protestants use their]...own supposed authority to decide and to dictate "what the Bible means.""
No prophecy is of any private interpretation (2Pe 1:20).
"Anti-Catholic," that is, opposed to the institution and teachings of the Catholic Church. Are you, then, not opposed to these things?"
I am opposed to any cult or 'ism that perverts the teaching of the Bible.
[Mike Gendron] "...[P]ainting Catholicism as he does is definitely more favorable to his readers, who are opposed to the Catholic faith to begin with."
His readers are Protestant and Catholic. Some love him. Some hate him (Ga 4:16).
[If you are willing to take an honest look at the truth of scripture and consider the claims of Christ, you can be born into his true church.] "Of course, I could very well say the same to you, yes?"
We can go from death to life (Jn 3:7). We cannot go from live to death once in Christ (Jn 10:28). The only life that God gives is eternal. When we repent of our sins and receive Christ as our savior, truth resides in us (Jn 14:6). So, to answer your question--no. Can a butterfly become a caterpillar again?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "When you finally discover that you cannot divorce your own bias from your understanding of God you will begin to understand Him better."
You sound like a non-trinitarian. Is this so?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Catholics do not "bow down TO images..."
Yes, Catholics say this. Why don't you just stop bowing down to images? Ex 20:5; De 5:9.
"Papal infallibility is a doctrine which is entirely consistent with Christian teaching..."
We disagree on the meaning of "Christian". A born-again Christian is the only Christian there is (Jn 3:7).
[Lk 10:16]
Priest Justifies Shoplifting
"Father Tim Jones, parish priest of St.
Lawrence and St. Hilda in York, England, said
in a sermon that stealing from large national
chains was sometimes the best option many
vulnerable people had. He said: "I have never
said it is OK to steal, but bigger companies
suffer less harm from shoplifting than smaller
businesses." And he accused the larger businesses
of contributing a pitiful amount to
charity. Talking about the situations of certain
vulnerable people, Fr. Jones told his congregation
on Sunday: "My advice, as a Christian
priest, is to shoplift. I do not offer such
advice because I think that stealing is a good
thing, or because I think it is harmless, for it
is neither. I would ask them not to take any
more than they need." He added: "Let my
words not be misrepresented as a simplistic
call for people to shoplift." The observation
that shoplifting is the best option that some
people are left with is a grim indictment of
who we are." (irishexaminer.com, 12/22/09)
Response to comment [from other]: "[Y]ou've got the room for criticizing other people's avatars and calling them "slutty ma'am" with that stupid dopey smiley face you have as one is anyone's guess, although it does fit you in certain ways I suppose."
...Answering in kind. I hope she's interested in elevating the conversation now. But, you never know.
"...with that stupid dopey smiley face you have as one is anyone's guess, although it does fit you in certain ways I suppose."
Hey, I can't help that I have bucked teeth.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Perhaps...just perhaps, John Paul II was bringing suffering upon himself so that he might better understand the sufferings of Christ for His beloved..."
I doubt it.
"Have you ever fasted?"
"Do you consider fasting to be a sinful activity?"
No. Fasting is scriptural (Isa 58:6,7).
I do consider it sinful for the Pope to lead people to hell. Roman Catholics teach: a different Jesus, a different gospel, a different way of salvation than historical, biblical Christianity.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[W]hy don't you spend more time teaching your version? [of Jesus, gospel, salvation]."
Anything but getting the word of God out, right? There are not "versions" of Jesus, the gospel, and the way of salvation (Jn 14:6).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Given that Catholics do not bow "TO" images, your comment simply doesn't apply in their case."
You attend a Roman Catholic Church and have never seen this (e.g. stations of the cross)?
Moving on...
I wonder why there are so many prayer books to saints also? Why do you think that is? Why are children encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church to memorize prayers to "the saints" (biblically, anyone found in Christ is a saint [Acts 9:32, 41]). Ho 3:1 Ex 32:4-6; Ps 106:19,20.
[1 Ti 3:1, Mt 16:18-19]
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I have a question: Was there any other intent for starting this thread, other than a hateful desire to debase Catholics?
We get it, really.
You love sitting with the wicked. Ps. 26:5. Why do you keep boasting
about your compromise?
Maybe you and Bybee can go out for tea and raisin cakes? You two are so lovely (Hos 3:1).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Funny point...These groups
were Catholic, but because of their movement away from Catholic authority (among
some other things) were convicted as heretics and many were burned.
Then, here comes a Pope who follows in their footsteps... the bloody
footsteps of heretics and [P]rotestants..."
Would it be funny for worship of the Eucharist to be imposed by the sword of Islam?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Christianity has an even bigger sword."
Got that right (James 1:12).
"...What does this have to do with anything I said?"
Just looking ahead (Re 2:10).
John Paul II self-flagellated to get closer to Jesus