Pro Homo Pres
[Obama Records Pro-Gay Video Message for Youth by
Michael W. Chapman] "( – In a video message posted at the
White House Web site for the “It Gets Better Project,” President Barack
Obama decries the bullying of gay youth and says that homosexual youth
should know there are “caring adults who can help” and that, in time,
“things will get better.”
“I don’t know what it’s like to be picked on for being gay,” says
President Obama in the video, which is also posted on the It Gets Better
Project on YouTube. “But I do know what it’s like to grow up feeling
that sometimes you don’t belong. It’s tough...”
Full text:
Obama Records Pro-Gay Video Message for Youth
Christian, are you a bully for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Homosexuality is: Forbidden (Lev. 18:22), Considered an abomination (1
Kin. 14:24), Punishment (Lev. 20:13), Unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).
Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nelson's Quick Reference Topical Bible Index.
Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995 (Nelson's Quick
Reference), S. 293
Response to comment [from other]: "Good for him. Bullying is something which should not be tolerated."
Should government stop Christians from saying homosexuality is wrong?
Obama administration calls those who are have a "Christian identity" or
who consider themselves "Constitution defenders" terrorists (Re
Joint Terrorism Task Force Guide
Response to comment [from other]: "So, bullying homosexuals is ok? Is that your message?"
Do you consider sharing the gospel bullying?
Nope. Christians are entitled to the same free speech as the rest of society so those that are fixated on the topic can say what they like as long as there's no bullying involved..."
You support free speech.
Are you sure you're not my evil twin?
Response to comment [from other]: [Do you consider sharing the gospel bullying?] "No, and I'm sure that Obama doesn't either."
Response to comment [from other]: [Support free speech] "When did I ever give you the impression that I didn't?"
You didn't.
"We'd both have cause for concern if we were related SD..."
Now that you mention it, I am concerned--we agree on something?
"Obviously the time continuum has been disrupted,
creating a new temporal event sequence resulting in this alternate
~ Doc Brown, Back to the Future Pt II
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "...Although most religious conservatives who "disapprove" of homosexuality don't deliberately try to cause bullying or harassment of gay people, their religious rhetoric does contribute to homophobia and maltreatment of gay people,and it's just plain wrong..."
This is where
they're headed.
Re 13:11-17.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Homos do not consider Obama to be pro-homo. They don't consider the democratic party to be pro-homo either. They are, in fact, currently outraged that no one in politics seems to be."
I know they are attempting to
control Facebook.
"Democrat[s], and Obama specifically, don't care about the homo vote. They're after the liberal and democratic vote with this stuff. Which ticks homos off to no end."
I think
he knows he's got them regardless. They huff and puff and flame about
wanting attention--but in the end who else can the vote for--a
Response to comment [from other]: "If you're going to identify who or what the beast of the earth in Revelation 13 is, you've at least got to start another thread so that we can discuss it to great lengths."
This is a Satanic system forming (Re 13:11-17). You don't believe the Bible--read the tea leaves.
"That's all I have to say about that." ~ Forrest Gump
Response to comment [from : "I am frequently baffled by those who respond with totally irrelevant scripture references..."
I suppose it is totally irrelevant when you're
totally clueless (1 Cor 2:14).
Prophecy Puzzle
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "You really do not understand this verse do you?"
As a reminder, your "friend" here is no friend. Number 1 on [URL=""]Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List )[/URL]
Surer than the sun rising tomorrow--he's coming (Acts
1:11) and you will be judged (Joel 3:12–14).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Serpendove hasn't the foggiest notion about the meaning of the passage. Using that reference only displays delusion. It is like asking someone if it is sunny or cloudy today and them responding, "The walls need painted.""
Shaka, when the walls fell
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Beware of your pride."
It's good to check and recheck that each day
(Prov. 26:12).
"I have been a born-again Christian for 30 years and am a retired deacon."
Are you a Catholic or a Christian? Do you trust religion or do you trust Christ? 1 Jn 5:12.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You'd be surprised how many homos are voting Republican this time heard it here first..."
Because Obama hasn't responded to their every
heart's desire (
lust [1
Tim. 6:9] not love)?
Some think this bully talk lately is about furthering the homosexual
agenda: "Defining “sexual orientation” as a constitutionally suspect
class would make it easier under the legal framework of equal protection
for same-sex marriage to become a national reality..."
The Immutability of Sexual Orientation
Blacks should be offended that skin color is equated with deviant
"The point of this story is that the Christians came from about every denomination imaginable...What is common in all these situations is that all of the Christians there, and in the other above mentioned events, found we had more in common with each other than we did with our own home congregations...labels do not define the individual."
God can't use the wicked (Col. 1:21). He uses saints not ain'ts.
[Blacks should be offended that skin color is equated with deviant behavior.] "Why? They understand what it is like being attacked because of a prejudice."
You choose to be a Sodomite
(Lev. 18:22).
You do not choose your skin color.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "God condemned Sodom for its greed and mistreatment of the poor..."
They were haughty and committed abomination
before Me (Eze 16:50). Homosexuality is: Forbidden (Lev. 18:22),
Considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), Punishment (Lev. 20:13),
Unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nelson's Quick
Reference Topical Bible Index. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson
Publishers, 1995 (Nelson's Quick Reference), S. 293