Quantitative Easing
[Glenn Beck 3Nov10] "...[T]oday, the Fed announced
that they are going to spend — now, this is the Fed — they are going to
buy government debt. They're going to buy treasuries themselves. That's
$600 billion to government debt.
Let me show you something — when the Fed says they want to buy it, this
is an IOU. It says this is a Federal Reserve note. It's what it says, a
Federal — right at the top — Federal Reserve note. This is the Fed
promising you that they will give you a dollar — of gold. It used to be
gold or silver. Not anymore.
They are going to buy now, the Fed, $600 billion. This is what they call
quantitative easing. I know what you're thinking: I'm sure my neighbors
don't know what quantitative easing is.
Here it is, simple definition: The government buys stuff to stimulate
the economy. OK. You're now thinking that's not new for this
administration. You'd be right. But there is a difference here.
Quantitative easing of this kind, where we are buying our own debt and
printing the dollars to be able to buy that debt is really kind of the
last bag of antibiotics..." Full text:
Glenn Beck transcript
We know,
Glenn Beck throws puppies off of bridges.
What do you think of quantitative easing? Love it? Hate it? Love to say
"quantitative easing"?
Gen. 31:15.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "It's called monetization of debt..."
That too.
"...and devolves to printing more devalued money."
Guess that's why gold is up...again.
Sooner or later the fed will have to acknowledge that constantly increasing the money supply is not creating the activity they are seeking.
know that?
[Who knew?
If you were my neighbor I'd say the same thing.
Won't you be----my
"Glenn Beck (this time)
Still, we can do without the--cans in your basement--Mormon thing, am I right?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Quantitative easing is the policy that most economists back in the current circumstances. While it has inflationary affects in certain environments, it won't in this one. We are teetering on deflation, as most reputable economists note..."
"I think he's talking to you."
~ Homer Simpson
"No serious economist has any problem with QE."
By "serious" do you mean serious leftist? Gen. 31:15.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "SD, So, you think, had I been prudent, I should have passed on the 40$ Hughes net and stayed with Wild Blue at 60$?"
I'd go with
this one.
[The Fed’s “War on Wealth” and the Risk of Default
By Cliff Kincaid] "Charles Ortel, managing director of Newport Value
Partners, tells Accuracy in Media in an exclusive interview that the
Federal Reserve plan to buy $600 billion of U.S. Government securities
“borders on the criminal” because the impact will be the devaluation of
the dollar by 20 percent and the destruction of $10 trillion of
household net worth.
“Any potential benefit to GDP and incomes [from the Fed’s action] pales
in comparison to the wealth loss (in real terms) and to the damage done
to foreign investor confidence,” Ortel says.
Ortel, who has been critical of U.S. economic and monetary policy under
President Obama, fears that “investors will run faster from the dollar
and we may soon experience the sizeable pain that comes when foreign
capital rushes for the door.”
Ortel has publicly warned that the Obama Administration has been
pursuing what amounts to “destructive” policies that endanger the
American capitalist system through rising levels of government debt and
spending..." Full text
libs sure like to gamble.