A question about God

"The only way for him [God] to truly be omnipresent would be for him to be both the space around matter and the matter itself as well."

Welcome.  That is not the only way to be omnipresent.  Sometimes we pour Greek pagan ideas into words like "omnipresent". 

"He must also be creation itself to be omnipresent."

God is the creator.  We are the creation.  Why does he have to be in the substance that he created to rule and reign?  Jn 4:24.

"Omnipotent...[T]here is no other separate force to appose you)."

The human heart opposed him everyday (Jer 17:9).  Which is stronger?  God's love or the wickedness of the human heart? 

God has a permissive will (e.g. allowing men to rebel) and a determined will (e.g. what will happen if they exercise their rebellion).


Does God Elect Everyone?

A question about God