Question for climate change believers
You don't believe that climate changes, Dooku?
"Proof please."
Lick your finger and stick it up in the air. Climate changes.
"I'm doing it. Can you guess which finger it is?"
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [finger] "The wet one?"
Is climate change man-made?
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease (Ge 8:22).”
Does your concern for carbon emissions keep you up at night?
"If you think man has messed up the world wait until you see what Jesus is going to do with it. This planet was made disposable by sin." ~ John MacArthur
[California, the Sinking Ship… Article by Dennis Prager about the State in Which He Lives] "OK, riddle fans, here’s a toughie: What’s the difference between California voters and the passengers on the Titanic?
The passengers on the Titanic didn’t vote to hit the iceberg.
Most Americans understand that California is sinking. What is almost incredible is that it has voted to sink.
On Election Day, 2010 Californians voted Democrats into every statewide position (one is still undecided). This is the party that singlehandedly has brought one of the world’s greatest economies to near ruin. There may well be historical parallels to what Californians did — but I cannot think of any.
...Californians voted to retain a law that was described by George Will as one “that preposterously aims to cool the planet by requiring a 30 percent reduction of carbon emissions by 2020.”
That law will ensure that California taxes energy use more than any other state. That, in turn, is guaranteed to increase unemployment and the cost of living in the state — one more reason businesses and productive individuals are leaving, but rarely moving, into California.
Environmentalist true believers have free reign in California. They have convinced a majority of the state’s voters to believe the increasingly absurd notion that human carbon dioxide emission is heating up the planet to temperatures so high that humanity and the earth will suffer cataclysmic consequences.
To return to our Titanic metaphor, the great difference between that ill-fated ship’s crew and California’s crew (its voters and the California Democratic Party) is that the Titanic’s crew did everything possible to avoid hitting the iceberg; California’s crew did everything possible to hit it. Perhaps they believe global warming will melt it before they get there...”Full text: California, the Sinking Ship by Dennis Prager
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Is global warming caused by man?] "Partially, according to our best scientific research. But science of course is scary to you."
Why would science be scary to me? There are plenty of scientists who disagree with you by the way.
Human-Caused Global Warming Slight So Far by Michael Oard
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Hooray. The world is gonna burn anyway, so let's just get the party started now!"
Man can subdue the earth without worshipping it (Ge 1:28).
Creation and conservation
"Man can also take up environmental issues without worshipping the earth."
Great. Let me who do not
worship dirt take care of the plant.
They're more competent (Ac 17:29; Ro 1:21-23).
[Earth Day/Good Friday] My Father God is bigger than your your mother earth.
Ro 1:21-22.