Questions For Conservatives


Response to comment [from a Christian]:

"1. Why do so many conservatives care so much more about the rights and feelings of a developing fetus that hasn't even become fully cognizant, yet, than they do about the rights and feelings of the mother who may have become impregnated by a violent traumatic assault, or even forced incest?

2. Why do so many conservatives automatically prefer the recourse of violence? For example, conservatives are typically the most hawkish when it comes to declaring war or supporting increased military spending for armaments, on capital punishment even for crimes that didn't involve death, and on the use of deadly force in defense of property?

3. Why do so many conservatives automatically side with business interests regarding any issue where the profit motive conflicts with the safety, treatment, or wages of employees, with environmental issues, with governmental oversight, and regarding lawsuits and litigation?

4 a. Why do so many conservatives support a "winner-take-all" ideology in both politics and economics rather than a more social/humanist ideology. I am especially puzzled about this regarding religious conservatives. Why do so many conservatives want there to be winners and losers in life, and want those 'losers' to suffer for it?

- b. Why do so many conservatives prefer competition between people rather than cooperation?

5. Why do so many conservatives automatically assume that everything the government does is either wrong, bad, dishonest or evil? The fact is that if we eliminated government we would immediately fall into a state of lawless chaos that would result in the suffering a deaths of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Even most bad governments are better than none at all. Yet it seems most conservatives want as little government as possible.

Do any of you see a common thread running through these general observations that might help identify a 'conservative essence, or nature'?"


Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


The Plot (an overview of the Bible) by Bob Enyart



Questions For Conservatives