Most of philosophy is people chasing real rabbit with an imaginary fox. Ec 6:12
"Psychology is theology personalized." ~ Tim Keller
"What does it mean for four years to spend trying to get a doctorate in philosophy from a secular university? It's really simple. I spent four years in a dark room, blind folded, looking for a black cat that was not there." ~ Michael Youssef link
Next to knowing is knowing where to find out.
"When your name is mentioned in heaven, what do they say?" ~ Michael Youssef He 12:1
"God's most prominent attribute is His holiness. You don't hear the angels saying "Love, Love, Love". You hear the angels saying "Holy, Holy, Holy" (Re 4:8)." ~ Charles Stanley
“The sign of strength is a holy life.” 1 Thess 2:10 ~ J. Vernon McGee
“If we were as afraid of sin as we are of the subject of holiness today.” 1 Thess 2:10 ~ J. Vernon McGee
“If you’re not living a sanctified, set apart life
you can’t teach others to live a sanctified, set apart life.” ~ Adrian
Rogers Titus 2:12, He 10:14, 1 Pe 1:15
"He paid a debt he did not owe because I had a debt I could not pay." ~ Adrian Rogers 1 Pet. 1:18, 19
"If there were more hellfire preachers, there would be less hell in the community." ~ Adrian Rogers Acts 20:25-27
"This isn't just nice. This is necessary." ~ Arian Rogers Ro 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9, 10:13
"One of the first lessons we must learn in reading the Bible is to distinguish between that which is written to us and that which is written for us. Not all the Bible is directed to us, but all the Bible is for us." ~ J. Vernon McGee 2 Ti 3:16
difference between a chestnut horse and a horse chestnut is--one is a horse
and one is a nut." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"Obeying Jesus is not negotiable if you want to call yourself a true Christian...Unless you're willing to obey Jesus, it's all talk." Lk 6:46 ~ Michael Youssef
"Not everyone who's going to church is going to heaven....Not everyone who calls themselves a Christian will make it to heaven." ~ Michael Youssef Re 21:8
“Wise builders are the ones who follow Christ. Foolish builders are the ones who follow their own instincts, desires and ideas. They both hear God’s words. Some hear it and obey. Others hear it and disobey.” Mt 7:24-27 ~ Michael Youssef
“Ongoing obedience is essential for ongoing instruction.” Mt 28:10 ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
“There is no more powerful delusion than self-delusion.” ~ Michael Youssef 1 Jn 2:4
“Deception is wrong information or being deceived. Delusion comes from God. God takes away the ability for one to even recognize the truth.” ~ Jimmy Evans
"There's no such thing as a happy, disobedient Christian." ~ Adrian Rogers
If you marry a child of the devil, you can expect to have trouble with your father-in-law (2 Co 6:14).
"Like father like son." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 8:44
“Evil hangs its own gallows.” ~ Jonathan Cahn Esth 7:10
“There are no illegitimate children—just illegitimate parents.” ~ Adrian Rogers Deut. 23:2
Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed (Prov 27:5).
"Love is an emotion that leads to action." ~ Darrell Fergsuon Mt 22:39, 1 Co 13:8
"Love loves loving."1 Jn 3:14 ~ Darrell Ferguson
"The greatest enemy to true love is selfishness...Self love destroys true love." 2 Ti 3:1-5 ~ Daryl Ferguson
"The opposite of selfishness is love." ~ Darrell Ferguson 1 Co 13:8
is wickedness if it has the wrong object." ~ Daryl Ferguson Ex 20:17
"You cannot repudiate as dark and ugly what you love (Jn 3:20 )." ~ John Piper
Lust is self gratification at the expense of another (Ex 20:17). Love is self donation for the good of another (1 Co 13:1-8).
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it." ~ Patrick Henry Jn 8:32
“It’s not tomorrow in the sky by and by—it’s now.” ~ Patrick Winfrey
“You can think whatever you want; but, you can only know the truth.” ~ Zane Mackler
“Knowledge is the awareness of truth.” ~ Bob Enyart
“Time is the beginning and endless, present, continuous, irreversible, future to past, dimension of change.” Bob Enyart link
"I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a conspiracy analyst." ~ Gore Vidal
"Time and truth go hand in hand and eventually the reality became known ." ~ John MacArthur 2 Ti 4:10, Jas 4:4
"Sin is the glory of God not honored, the holiness of God not reverenced, the greatness of God not admired, the power of God not praised, the truth of God not sought, the wisdom of God not esteemed, the beauty of God not treasured, the goodness of God not savored, the faithfulness of God not trusted, the promises of God not believed, the commandments of God not obeyed, the justice of God not respected, the wrath of God not feared, the grace of God not cherished, the presence of God not prized, the person of God not loved." ~ John Piper Ro 1:18–32
“If you’re not faithful, don’t talk about faith.” ~ Jonathan Cahn Mt 24:12
"Justice denied is justice delayed." ~ Bob Enyart Is 14:9
"Payday someday." ~ Adrian Rogers Re 21:8
"In our culture we have experienced the death of outrage. There is no outrage over sin. There is only outrage toward one who speaks out against sin unashamedly." - Bob Enyart
"If you can sin, you're not God's child. You can fool everybody else but you can't fool him." ~ J. Vernon McGee Heb 12:5-8
"I believe in the assurance of the believer, and I believe in the non-assurance of the make believer." J. Vernon McGee
"Love is a feeling that compels action." 1 Co 13:1-13 ~ Daryl Ferguson
Love is giving you what you need not what you
"It's feed my sheep not pet my lambs." ~ Darrell Ferguson Ezek. 3:17–27
"Not all professors are possessors." ~ Adrian Rogers Mt 7:21
“I believe in the eternal security of the believer and in the insecurity of the make-believer.” ~ J. Vernon McGee
"The only kind of life God gives is eternal life." ~ J. Vernon McGee Jn 17:2
How do you anger a conservative? You tell him a lie. How do you anger a liberal? You tell him the truth. ~ Doug Haggman, paraphrased Jer 5:31
"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Pr 8:9, Jn 7:7, 14:6
"If the foundation is not trustworthy, than the house is not trustworthy." Mt 7:26 ~ Bob Enyart
"Hatred is settled anger." Eph 4:31 - Michael Youssef
"There can be no mercy without truth." ~ Adrian Rogers Ps 85:10
"Mercy is compassion--helping someone in need." Mt 5:7 ~ John MacArthur
"Mercy flows out of love." ~ John MacArthur
"Mercy offers relief from punishment. Grace offers pardon for the crime." ~ John MacArthur
"Mercy says--no hell. Grace says--heaven." ~ John MacArthur
"Mercy says I pity you. Grace says I pardon you." ~ John MacArthur
"He will be merciful but only when truth has been dealt with." ~ John Mac Arthur
"Mercy is more than forgiveness, less than love, different than grace and one with justice." ~ John MacArthur
"The merciful [man] not only hears the insults of evil men but his heart reaches out the very same evil men in compassion." ~ John MacArthur
"Balaam--he wanted to die like the righteous. He just didn't want to live like the righteous." ~ John MacArthur
“If you take part of the truth, and try to make that part of the truth, all of the truth, then that part of the truth becomes an untruth.” ~ Adrian Rogers
"License is rejection of
God's code of conduct."
James MacDonald Jud 4
“Anybody who puts a question mark after the word of God is doing the work of Satan." ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 3:1
"If you’re a member of a church that doubts the word of God, you need to saturate that church with your absence.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 3:1
“Beware of the pretended devotion of superficial religion.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ac 5:1-11
“Beware of premeditated deception.” ~ Adrian Rogers
Ac 5:1-11
“There’s a kind of faith that never really comes and bows the knee to Jesus Christ….It is the superficial faith of false religion. There are thousands of churches that are filled with superficial Christians.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ac 18:17-24
“Repent and be converted. That’s your business.” ~ J. Vernon McGee Jn 6:29, Ac 8:22, 9:35, 15:3
“Your part was repentance.
God’s part was regeneration.” ~ Alistair Begg Eph 2:5, 4:22
“The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell.” ― William Booth
“If you’ve had an encounter with an angel, how do you know you haven’t had an encounter with the devil himself?” ~ Adrian Rogers 2 Co 11:14
"The Word of God with the Spirit of God makes a child of God." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"God uniquely shaped each one of us differently from each other and God did this for a reason." Michael Youssef
"You can't keep Him from loving you....When you put up an umbrella of sin, the sunshine of God's love sure won't fall on you. But it's still there for you.” ~ J. Vernon McGee
"The greatest sin is sinning against love." ~ J. Vernon McGee
“Spiritual patience is the inner power to bear injuries without meltdown.” ~ Tim Keller Lk 21:19, 1 Co 13:4
He must be Lord of all if he is to be Lord at all. Lk 6:46
"If evil doesn't bother you--you're evil." ~ Darrell Ferguson
"Everyone always complains about evil but nobody every does anything about it except add more of their own." ~ Daryl Fergsuon Mt 8:32
"This book will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this book." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"A hog has never said 'I need a bath'." ~ Adrian Rogers
"We are not the moral majority. We are the Master's minority. If we were part of the many, there'd be something wrong with us." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 15:18, Phil 4:8, Eph 6:12, Jas 1:20
"Freedom is not doing what you want; it is doing what you ought." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Did you know that those people who are talking the most about freedom--I'm talking about the new morality...they talk more about freedom and have less of it. The bible calls them the servants of sin...They say they're free but Satan says jump and they say how high? They are slaves to their lust. They are slaves to their passion. They are slaves to their temper. They are slaves to their impulses--but Jesus sets us free." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 8:34 link
“You don’t know God by Bible study.” ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 14:21
"Mediation gives you knowledge about God. Obedience gives you knowledge of God." ~ Adrian Rogers
"As there was one way into the garden there is one way out of the garden. The one way into the garden was obedience to the word of God. The one way out of the garden is disobedience to the word of God. One way each way." ~ Michael Youssef
"Procrastination and disobedience are two sides of the same coin-- sin."
2 Co 6:2 ~ Adrian Rogers
Come to Jesus not for what he can do for you but for what he has done for you. Ro 5:8
Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.
Jesus spoke of Christianity as a banquet--never as a picnic. Lk 14:17
"Never doubt in the dark what you learned in the light." ~ Adrian
"You are worth the blood of Christ." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"If you get it wrong about Jesus, it doesn't matter what you get right." Jn 1:1 ~ Adrian Rogers
"I can preach truth. Only he can teach truth." Jn 16:13 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Anything I can talk you into someone else can talk you out of." 1 Jn 4:1 ~ Adrian Rogers
The acid of grief tests the coin of belief.
"You need: love, something to do, and hope. You can get all three in Jesus (Rogers)." ~ Adrian Rogers
If God is not just, God is not good.
"When he sends you to hell for the sin that you wished to hold to yourself, he will be a just God." ~ John MacArthur
"Law without penalty is only advice." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Faith comes out of the heart not the head." ~ Adrian Rogers Heb 3:12
"One of these days the dam of God's mercy will give way to his justice." ~ Adrian Rogers De 32:4; Isa 45:21
"He'll be your Savior or he'll be your judge." ~ Adrian Rogers
“When we ignore the reality of sin, we rob the gospel of its power.” ~ Alistair Begg
"God does not tolerate sin. He judges it." ~ John MacArthur
"The justice system is now just a system." ~ Bob Enyart Eze 33:17,20
"A fugitive is running away from home. A vagabond has no home. A stranger is away from home--but a pilgrim is headed home. We're pilgrims. We are headed home." ~ Adrian Rogers Heb 11:13
"We give out the word of God. What men do with it is their business." ~ J. Vernon McGee Ac 20:20
"God will hold you responsible for what you hear and he'll hold you responsible for what you would have heard had you listened." ~ Adrian Rogers Isa 55:11, Eze 2:5
"God does business with those who mean business." ~ Adrian Rogers
"We live by promises not by explanations." ~
Adrian Rogers
"The Holy Spirit convicts. The devil accuses." ~ Adrian Rogers Re 12:10
"Why would you need a Savior if you're not convicted of sin?" ~ Michael Youssef Lk 5:31
Jealousy is God's love protecting itself. 2 Co 11
"Envy hates grace." Mt 20:1-16 ~ Darrell Ferguson
Lord beats a lot of barnacles off our hull.
"Singleness of purpose is the greatest secret of spiritual prosperity." ~ Bishop Rile link
"Hell was created for the devil and his angels. If you go, you are an intruder." ~ Adrian Rogers Mt 25:41
"Even in Hell, a man cannot be consistent to his non-Christian presuppositions." ~ Francis A. Schaeffer, The God Who is There
doors of hell are locked on the inside"
The Problem of Pain
by C.S. Lewis
"If you only are born once, you will die twice. If you're only born once and die twice, you'll wish you'd never been born at all. But if you're born twice, you can only die once." ~ Adrian Rogers, paraphrased 1 Pe 1:23, Jn 6:63, Phil 2:16
"The world perverts and inverts the word of God."
~ Adrian Rogers
"Tolerate is no longer a word. Tolerate means celebrate." ~ Dennis Prager Lev. 18:22, 20:13, 1 Kin. 14:24, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27
"'Your religion is just as good as mine,' is just about true because they're all no good." ~ Adrian Rogers
"New morality is just old sin." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"New world order is old disorder (Ac 15:18)." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Today we have the new morality. It's not new and it's not moral." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Reforming Hollywood? It would be easier to run a soda shop in hell than to reform Hollywood."~ Adrian Rogers
"These actresses with faces like angels and morals like alley cats are becoming the entertainment in America today and people are having that filth piped right into their living room." Jn 4:17 ~ Adrian Rogers
"External adornment without any internal beauty equals ugliness. You
can put a gold ring on a pig. It doesn't make the pig beautiful.
It just makes the gold ugly." ~ Darrell Ferguson Pr 11:22
“There’s a difference between falling in the mud and wallowing in the mud.” ~ Sharon Johnson 2 Pe 2:22
"Sin has its thrills but it doesn't have its joys. Sin thrills then it kills. It fascinates then it assassinates." ~ Adrian Rogers Jas 1:15
"Man's own
religion usually descends to the fleshly life to which they themselves
practice." ~ Jim Andrews .
"The world does not hate the baby Jesus. The world does not hate the Jesus who fed the multitudes. The world does not hate the Jesus who healed the sick. The world hates the Jesus who testifies of it that it's works are evil." ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 37:3, Heb 4:15
"People join churches like they join a country club like they're doing God a favor. They have never seen themselves as sinners in the sight of a righteous and holy God." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 16:7–11
"A man's religion will rise no higher than his concept of God." ~ Adrian Rogers
"You can laugh your way into hell but you can't laugh your way out." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Americans United for Separation of Church and
~ Laura Ingraham
"Most people die by 30 but we don't bury them 'til 65 or so." ~ Mark Twain Eze 20:18
“When man repents of sin, God repents of judgment.” ~ Adrian Rogers Is 58:6
"Repentance is not where you visit. Repentance is where you live." ~ James MacDonald 2 Co 7:9
"When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package." ~ John Ruskin Ps 73:6
"You cannot enjoy what you have not earned." Ps. 128:2 ~ Dennis Prager
"Satan wants to deceive you; that he might debauch you; that he might destroy you; that he might damn you." ~ Adrian Rogers
"The devil's more orthodox than some theologians I know." ~ Adrian Rogers Mk 1:24
"You can tell a man's character by what makes him
angry." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Government is the opiate of the people." ~ Dennis
"If God doesn't punish America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." ~ Billy Graham
Peter Drucker was asked if he was a Christian. He answered, "That's for you to tell me." Mt 7:20
"They can't human life in the womb but they look
for it in outer space."
~ Adrian Rogers
"Faith is believing whatever the evidence points to. It's a rational thing to do ." Ge 1:1, Mt 18:6 ~ Daryl Ferguson
"All people are precious in the sight of God and if you haven't learned that, you not have learned anything--not even the rudiments of Christianity." Jas. 2:3 - Adrian Rogers
"In a New Testament church everybody is somebody when Jesus Christ is Lord." Jas 2:3 - Adrian Rogers
future is as bright as the promises of God." - Adoniram Judson
"Libertarian = immoral conservative." ~ Bob Enyart
“It may be a secret sin on earth, but it is open scandal in heaven.” ~ Lewis Sperry Chafer
Darkness is offended by the light. Jn 3:19
"We will be judged according to the truth that we've known, the opportunity we had, and what we did with that opportunity." 1 Pe 4:5 ~ Charles Stanley
“Not only is it God’s nature to pardon sin, it is also God’s nature to punish sin….If we confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. But if we don’t, he is faithful and just to judge our sins….Oh, both the goodness and the severity of God!...It is in God’s nature to punish if we refuse to be pardoned….God allows a man to choose whether he will be blessed or cursed.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ps. 31:19, Deut. 32:4
“Jesus was not a girl.” ~ Bob Enyart
"If you have a desire
for truth, you'll be given more truth. But if you don't have a desire
for truth, even that which you seem to have will be taken away from you." ~
Adrian Rogers
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Jn 9:39
"Light refused increases darkness." ~ Adrian Rogers 2 Thess 2:9-12, Jn 3:19-21
"He's like a man that bought a boomerang and threw it away so hard that he killed himself." ~ Adrian Rogers Ro 2:15, Ps 19:1, Ro 1:20, 2 Thess 2:9-12
"It is so hard to believe because it is so hard to obey." - Soren Kierkegaard
"They can't find Jesus for the same reason that a
thief can't find a police officer." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 7:17
If you want to increase your faith you must consent to the testing of your faith.
“Testing separates the talk from the walk.” ~
Jonathan Cahn
"If you were arrested for being a Christian, would
there be enough evidence to convict you?"
J. Vernon McGee
“Is your mug shot on the wanted posters in the
post office in Hell?” ~ Jonathan Cahn
God is comfortable with sinners--not sin--sinners. ~ David Jeremiah
"Guilt tries to get rid of itself not sin." ~ Jim
will take you farther than you ever expected to go; it will keep you longer
than you ever intended to stay, and it will cost you more than you ever
expected to pay." ~ Deeper Still Event Series
Lord, help me to cooperate with you so you don't
have to operate on me.
"Do you have a Bible that matches your life or a life that matches your Bible?" Ro 8 ~ Adrian Rogers
your possessions." Ro 7 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Stop trying. Start trusting." Ro 8 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Quit crying. Start praising." Ro 8 ~ Adrian Rogers
"There's heaven in the sweet by and by but there is to be victory in the nasty now and now." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Some people have enough dust on their bibles to write damnation on it." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Ministry is not safe. It's a battle." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
"The closer you get to the line of fire, the greater the battle will be." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
"Money talks. It says goodbye." ~ Adrian
Rogers Mt 6:11
To whom little is not enough nothing is enough. Eccl 5:10
"Either homosexuality or Christianity will be in the closet." ~ Bob Enyart
"My definition of a man?--Someone who takes care of a family." ~ Dennis Prager Gen. 2:18–24
"You are not honoring your parents when you are not honoring their marriage. You are not honoring your parents when you are not honoring your own marriage." ~ Dr. Joseph Webb
“First people deceive themselves. Then, they are able to deceive others.” ~ Michael Youssef
“If Satan can get you…to debate any of the issues
that are settled in the word of God, he’s two-thirds of the way
through—you’re a dead duck.” ~ Michael Youssef
"God doesn't say let's make a deal. God says this is the deal." ~ Patrick Winfrey
“Do the things that break the heart of Jesus break yours?” ~ Adrian Rogers
"To try to put a marriage together without the Lord is to have no source of peace...The meaning of peace? Righteousness. The menace to peace? Sin. The maker of peace? God." ~ John MacArthur Isa 9:6, Mt 5:9
"A marriage is not primarily a duet but a holy
~ Adrian Rogers
1 Pe 3:7, KJV
"There's a way to escape. Sometimes it's two legs and a hard run." Ge 39:9 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Being a square keeps you from going around in circles." ~ J Vernon McGee
"You cannot separate what you say from what you
believe." Lk 6:45 ~ Michael Youssef
"If you're not as close to God as you used to be, someone has moved and it wasn't God." ~ Tom Clayton Col 1:20 link
devil offers high wages just but he pays in counterfeit money." ~ Adrian
Rogers Pr 20:17, KJV
"Sin that used to slink down the back alley now struts in the street." Lk 17:28 ~ Adrian Rogers link
"Satan has no happy old people. He always gives the best first and the worst last." Pr 20:17 ~ Adrian Rogers
"True conviction causes brokenness that causes you not only to be broken over your sins but to be broken from your sin." ~ Adrian Rogers 2 Co 7:10 link
"There can be no happiness apart from holiness." ~ Michael Youssef
"Every time you say no to Jesus Christ, it makes it that much harder for you to say yes to Jesus Christ." ~ Adrian Rogers Heb 3:7-8
"One day your heart can get so hard that you will so insult the Holy Spirit that he won't speak to you any longer...One day he'll knock his last knock. One day he'll speak his last voice. One day he'll call his last call and then he won't speak to you anymore. And that's when the lights go out on the road to hell." ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 6:3
"Sometimes we must comfort the afflicted and
afflict the comfortable." ~ David Jeremiah
"No one buys soap from a dirty man." ~ Darrell Ferguson Mt 18, 1 Pe 3:15
"There are pleasures and there are
treasures. You're going to have to choose one of the two." ~ Adrian
"He is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord and God. You must make a choice." ~
C.S. Lewis
"You are free to choose. You are not free not to choose. No choice is a choice. You are free to choose but you are not free to choose the consequences of that choice." ~ Adrian Rogers
can't be the land of the free if you're not the home of the brave." ~ "Newt"
"Babies cannot eat meat but some adults like
milk." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"Repetition is the mother of pedagogy." ~ Dennis Prager
[Retirement and death] “Many have made adequate preparation. Many have not gone beyond that—no preparation for the endless ages of eternity—only for a few fleeting moments of time.” ~ J. Vernon McGee Jas 4:14
you reject the Creator, you worship the Creation (Ro 1:23)." ~ Bob Enyart
"Humanist--a nice word for atheist." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Faith is not a leap in the dark. It is a step in the light (Heb
11:1)." ~ Adrian Rogers
"An egotist has "I" trouble. He's full of self." ~ Adrian Rogers Pr 13:10
"Superstition is believing something for no good reason (e.g. believing something without reasoning)." ~ Darrell Ferguson Jn 4:22
"'He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat shattered glass." ~ Eric Fiedler
"If you have a talking faith that is not a walking
faith, you have a mocking faith." ~ Jim Andrews
is belief with legs on." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Faith is believing and trusting." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
"There are so many today, yes I'm serving him but I'm going something else also--and I consider the something else very important. Well, then you don't consider serving him to be very important. The thing that I have learned in the ministry is this--that if you're going to serve the Lord Jesus, you've got to give him everything--and if you don't give him everything, you haven't given him anything." ~ J. Vernon McGee Lk 9:62
"A slave serves because he has to. An employee serves because he needs
to. A son serves because he wants to. I'm all three." ~
Adrian Rogers
"Where the spirit is Lord, there is liberty." Ro 5:12-21 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Liberty is responsibility assumed." ~ Adrian Rogers Pr 14:34
"Government will grow in direct proportion to the weakness of the character of the people." Pr 14:34 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Liberty will last only as long as character and responsibility last." Pr 14:34 ~ Adrian Rogers
"If you want to know what's wrong with America, look in the mirror." Pr 14:34 ~ Adrian Rogers
"There's nothing wrong with the mirror. There's something wrong with your face." "Michael Youssef Jas 1:23-25
"Genuine believers are sensitive to sin." ~ Michael Yousef Is 6:5, Ro 7:24
"The first generation generates. The second generation speculates and the third generation dissipates. We are living in the age of that third generation." Pr 14:34 ~ Adrian Rogers
"America is not a cow to be milked. It's a watchdog to be fed." Ro 13 ~ Adrian Rogers
"What we have is a Constitution written by people of character for people of character." 2 Chron 7:14 ~ Adrian Rogers
"You'll never convince me that God ordained government and told his people to stay out of it. If he did, who does that leave to run it?" ~ Adrian Rogers
"If you'll get your eye off
that saint you've been praying to and onto the living Lord Jesus, you can be
saved." ~ Tonilee Adamson
"Men aren't too bad to be saved; they're too good to be saved." ~ Adrian Rogers Luke 16:14, 15
“Salvation is not a reward for the righteous. It is a gift for the guilty.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 6:8, Eph 2:9
“Noah wasn’t saved by being fruitful. He was fruitful because he’d been saved.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 1:28, Eph 2:10
do not need a faith plus works. You need a faith that works." ~ Jim
"You don't need a savior. You need a sympathizer." ~ John MacArthur Mk 2:17
"They rejected the diagnosis so they rejected the cure." ~ John MacArthur Jn 8:45
“If you think works end when you’re saved, you’re just wrong my friend; and, there’s something wrong if you don’t work—that’s all James is talking about. He’s talking about the works of faith not works of law—works of faith. “ Jas 2:18 ~ J. Vernon McGee
"It's not your sweat. It's his blood." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Holiness is not the way to Christ. Christ is the way to holiness." ~ Adrian Rogers
"The gospel--not man seeking God. God seeking man." ~ David Jeremiah Ro 3:11
A text taken out of context becomes pretext.
All a dead person can do is dead works. ~ Adrian
Ps 115:17
"Faith alone saves. But the faith that saves is not alone." ~ John Calvin
"This is the issue with mankind--they don't want you to tell them about consequences." ~ Charles Stanley link
"Heaven is not for good people and hell for bad people. Heaven is for those who have trusted Christ." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub Eph 2:8-9
spoke about the root of faith (Eph 2:8). James spoke about the fruit
of faith (Jm 2:17-18)." ~ Adrian Rogers
“The Lord Jesus says, Paul says, James says, John says if you really are
saved, it’s gonna show. Believing leads to behaving and if you don’t
behave, you’re not saved.” ~ J. Vernon McGee 2 Co 13:5
If you have no fruit, look for a wound. If
you have fruit look for a prune.Jn
"The fruit always matches the tree." ~ Daryl Ferguson Lk 6:15-20
"It's not about our works, it's all about Jesus working in us (Phil 2:13)." ~ Star R. Scott
your religion has not changed your life, you'd better change your religion."
~ Adrian Rogers
"You are not saved by your works. You work
because you're saved." ~ Adrian Rogers
"You are not saved by the plan of salvation. You are saved by the man of salvation." ~ Adrian Rogers
If you were not strangers of the world, the hounds
would not bark at you. Heb 11:13
"Ravenous wolves don't just come to steal, kill and destroy. They want every last morsel of meat off the bone of their pray." ~ Daryl Ferguson Mt 7:15
"Irritants makes the pearl." ~ David Jeremiah Jas 1:4
Trouble-- the acid that tests the genuineness of your faith.
"Your plan B--could it be God's plan A?" ~ J D Chandler
It came to pass. It didn't come to stay.
Faith is like film. It is developed in the dark.
In the Bible there are correcting storms and there are perfecting storms. Jonah, Mt 14
"We don't need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We need to consider the character of God at the end." ~ Darrell Ferguson
is living God's will each day. Failure is succeeding in the wrong
things." ~ Adrian Rogers
"It has well been said that whatever a man does without God, he will either fail miserably or succeed even more miserably." Ex 33:3 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Someone else's blessing is not your loss." ~ Adrian Rogers Ro 13:13
"When you educate without the Holy Spirit, you
only get a clever devil." ~ Adrian Rogers
you choose sin the baggage that comes with it is error." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Unbelief is the baggage of sin." ~ Adrian Rogers Heb 3:7-8
"Truth--you use it or you loose it." ~ Adrian Rogers Heb 3:12
"First they would not believe. Then, they could not believe." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 12:37-39, Heb 6:4-6, Ge 6:3, Ro 1:24, 26, 28; Heb 3:15 link
Some men's dogmatism is grown up puppyism.
"There are some things we shouldn't be
dogmatic about. There are other things that we should be bulldogmaitc
about." ~ Adrian Rogers
"It's easier to cool down a zealot than it is to warm up a corpse." ~ Adrian Rogers
“A fanatic—someone who has lost his way and doubles his speed.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ro 10:2–3a
"A Christian with a witness in his heart is never
at the mercy of a man with an argument in his mouth (1 Jn 5:10)." ~
Adrian Rogers
supporters had more PhDs than hardhats." ~ Dennis Prager
You can dig a ditch so straight and true even God
can see it through.
"The thought is the father of the deed. You sow a thought you reap a deed. You sow a deed you reap a habit. You sow a habit you reap a character. It all begins with the thought life." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 8:44
possible to be a PhD and an S.O.B.
"PhD - Phenomenal dud." ~ Adrian Rogers
opposite of truth is not error. It's sin." ~ Adrian Rogers Ro 1:18
"Jesus didn't have an itch that the devil could scratch." Jas 1:13, Jn 1:1, Heb 4:14 ~ Adrian Rogers
"If you choose not to walk with the Lord, nothing is more frustrating than being around people who do." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub Ro 8:31
"The hottest part of hell is reserved for those who having examined God's precious stone and disallowed it--those who having seen God's precious Son--slight him and reject the Lord Jesus Christ." ~ Adrian Rogers Lk 12:47, Mt 10:20-24
"You can build on him (1 Cor. 10:4) or stumble on
him (1 Pet. 2:8). He'll be a stepping stone (Ps 18:2) or stumbling
stone (1 Cor 1:23, Luke 20:18)." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Either you will be under the blood or you will place the blood under you." ~ Adrian Rogers
"The gospel is simple if you believe it and it's offensive if you don't." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
“Any church that denies [the gospel of Jesus Christ], any church that ignores this, any church that belittles this, any church that is indifferent to this—it is not the church of Jesus Christ.” ~ Michael Youssef
"What Jesus will do with you is determined on what you will do with him." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 3:36
"Law excludes. Grace includes." ~ Adrian Rogers, The Book of Ruth
"Men study science as god not the God of science."
~ Adrian Rogers
"You can look at a monkey and see that there is
more than a five percent difference in DNA." ~ Bob Enyart
"I heard a woman call her husband theory not deary because he didn't work. The theory of evolution doesn't work." ~ Adrian Rogers link
"It takes more faith to believe in Darwin's monkey theory than it does to believe God's word." ~ Adrian Rogers
“It is not about your
race. It’s about the race. It’s not about your skin tone.
It’s about your sin tone.” Sharon Johnson Ac 17:26
"Nature forms us. Sin deforms us. Education informs us. Society reforms us. But Christ transforms us." ~ Adrian Rogers
"When a scientist says he believes the Bible--that doesn't give me anymore more faith in the Bible that gives me more faith in the scientist." ~ Adrian Rogers
"If Genesis 3 is a myth then John 3 is a farce. You must be born again." ~ Adrian Rogers
"You believe God (revelation) or you believe man (speculation)." J. Vernon McGee
"Knowledge is proud that she knows so much; Wisdom is humble that she knows no more." ~ Cowper Jas 4:4
"Frogs turn into princes, we call that a fairy
tale in a book. Tadpoles turn into frogs, we call that science in a lab."
~ Adrian Rogers
spent a lot of time trying to come to grips with my doubts when suddenly I
realized I had better come to grips with what I believe
(Eph 5:9)."
~ Tom Skinner
"Why does the Bible say keep on being filled? Because we leak." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub Eph 5:18
"The church is harmed more by the termites on the
inside than it is by the woodpeckers on the outside." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"Don't think of the church as Jesus sitting as the president. Jesus is the head of the church." ~ Adrian Rogers Eph 2:6
"What the world calls diversity God calls
perversity." ~ Adrian Rogers
we were more grateful, we would have more to be grateful for." ~ Jim Elliot
Joy is the flag that is flown in the heart when
the master is in residence.
"Worship is all that I am responding to all that he is." ~ Adrian Rogers
"The law is for the lawless." 1 Ti 1:9 ~ J. Vernon McGee
"You don't regulate morality. You regulate immorality." ~ Adrian Rogers
"An attitude of rebellion is very closely akin to an action of rebellion." ~ Adrian Rogers
“You slap him in the face the same way a little girl slaps him in the face. She can only slap him because he is holding her up.” ~ Tim Keller
is what is written on your tombstone. Character is what the angels say about
you." ~ David Jeremiah
"Holiness is to the spiritual life what health is to the physical life." ~ J. Vernon McGee
you think man has messed up the world wait until you see what Jesus is going
to do with it. This planet was made disposable by sin." ~ John
me who you keep company with and I'll tell you who you are.
"People say when you get saved you ought to get rid of your old friends. When you start confessing Christ, they'll get rid of you." ~ Adrian Rogers
False friends are like our shadow--keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade.
“Friendship is one mind in two bodies.” ~ Mencius
"Whoever is not being a friend of God is being an enemy of mine." ~ Jim Andrews
"People will say ugly things about you, but the important thing is to make sure the criticisms are not true." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"Is God carrying you or are you carrying God?" ~ J. Vernon McGee
"First the man molds the idol. Then, the idol molds the man." ~ Adrian Rogers
[Tim Keller commentary paraphrasing] “If there’s anything too valuable to give me, don’t come.” ~ Tim Keller Mt 13:45-46, Jn 12:7–8
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." ~ Jim Elliot
“You cannot shack up with another God and think you’re a Christian.” ~ Paul Begley
popular thing is to have a little sermonette given by a preacherette to
Christianettes." ~ J. Vernon McGee
Are you practicing Churchianity or Christianity?
"Some sermons don’t have enough gospel in them to make soup for a sick grasshopper (paraphrased, Spurgeon)." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"The gospel is not sprinkling rose water on dead
leaves. It transforms lives." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"God does not take in dirty laundry. He
takes in dirty sinners." ~ J. Vernon McGee
only cure for a wicked and deceitful heart is a heart transplant (Ez.
36:26)." Mike Gendron
"Ritualism is nothing more than a rut and the only
difference between a rut and a grave is the length and the depth." ~ Chuck
"Religion kills. Jesus gives life." ~ Michael Youssef
"Religion will damn you faster than anything else if it's false religion or if it's true religion in the wrong way because religion gives you a place to hide and think you're spiritual." 2 Co 11:14 ~ John MacArthur
"Holiness is not the way to Christ. Christ is the way to holiness." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Some people say, 'Well you know, I'm looking for a religion that suits me.' You'd better find one that suits God." Jud 11 ~ Adrian Rogers link
"Cain rose up against Abel and slew him--oh, the conflict of their worship. Did you know dear friends that false religion is one of the meanest things on this globe? Did you know that people don't need religion. They need to turn from religion to Jesus Christ...It was the religious crown that crucified Jesus." ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 4:5, 8, Eph 2:8-9, Jud 11 ~ Adrian Rogers link
"...We are sinners by birth, sinners by nature, sinners by choice, sinners by practice, sinners under judgment--all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Ro 3:23 ~ The Blood Atonement Adrian Rogers link
"Depravity...the apostle John says if you deny you have it, the word of God isn't even in you." ~ David Jeremiah 1 Jn 1:8 link
“When I was converted, I lost my religion.” --Dr. W.I. Carroll
"The more legalistic a person is, the less spiritual he is." ~ Michael Youssef
"There is no one so bad they cannot be saved and there is no one so good they need not be saved." Heb 11:31 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Ever notice how people want to argue denominationalism rather than talk about salvation?" ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 4:20
"Thank God we don't have to choose between enthusiastic heresy or lifeless orthodoxy." Jn 4:20 ~ Adrian Rogers
"They had the heat without light or light without heat--to fry in fanaticism or to freeze in formalism but neither one of them knew the truth of what it is to worship." Jn 4:20 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Is your life supernatural or is your life superficial?" ~ Adrian Rogers
“Idolatrous worship of self is the religion of hell." --David Jeremiah
"Relationship is the difference between grace and law." ~ Charles Stanley
"Not once upon a time. Once for all time." Jn 19:30 ~ Adrian Rogers
"Jesus loves you but he will live without you." Mt 12:32 ~ J. Vernon McGee
"We either crucify or crown Jesus by our lives." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"I am more afraid of the profanity of the sanctuary than I am of the profanity of the street." ~ G. Campbell Morgan
"Do-gooders--if they'd only do good." ~ J.
Vernon McGee
"You are never more than 180° away from pleasing God." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
"The faith that will not lead to confession will not lead to heaven." Ro 1:16 ~ Adrian Rogers
"We're called "nuts"
we're secured to a solid bolt." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Wise men are still coming to Him." ~
J. Vernon McGee
"If you have not found Jesus in the Bible, you
have not been searching." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"What's the most important
thing in all the universe?
Relationships." ~ Bob Enyart
wise person said that some people get into marriage for the same reason a
tick gets on a dog: for what he can get out of it. The only problem is that
in marriage there are two ticks and no dog. Your contentment is to be found
in the Lord Jesus Christ." ~ Adrian Rogers
“I can remember when air was clean and adultery was dirty.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ex 20:14
"This book will clean you up--if you'll let it clean you up." Ps 119:9, Jn 17:17 ~ J. Vernon McGee
“The blood of Messiah cleanses us from all sin; but, it cannot cleanse us from the one sin of not allowing the blood to cleanse us.” He 10:26 ~ Jonathan Cahn
"Adultery is an act of treason. It hurts every one of us." ~ Adrian Rogers Deut 22:22, Pr 13:34
"From the schoolhouse to the courthouse, this nation has rejected God." ~ Michael Youssef
“…When they write the epitaph for America—unless we
repent—they’ll have to say this was the sin [adultery] that brought this
nation down.” ~ Adrian Rogers
“The enemy of the home is the enemy of the nation.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ex 20:14
“People who treat sex lightly always treat other people lightly.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ex 20:14
“Safe sex? Sin is never safe.” ~ Alistair Begg
“Adultery is a sin against the Lord. Sin against the self? Yes. Against the home? Yes. Against the church? Yes. Against the nation? Yes….Adultery is a sin against almighty God. It is a clenched fist in the face of God.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ex 20:14 Ps 51:4
"A covetous person is an ungrateful person." ~ Michael Youssef link
"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that
struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It
is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Eccl 1:2 ~ William Shakespeare
days of our years are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they be
eighty years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut
off, and we fly away (Ps. 90:10, NASB)."
Life is like grass: it's sewn, it's grown, it's blown, it's gone.
"You cannot have a 'come in Savior' and a 'stay
out Lord' (Ro 14:9)." ~ Adrian Rogers
"They aren't thinking about the
sweet by and by. Their concern is about the nasty now and now." Php
3:17-4:1 ~ Adrian Rogers
"You know what sinners do? They sin. You might as well get used to it." ~ Adrian Rogers Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
"It's that narrowness that offends the sinner because the sinner wants to hold on to his sin." Mt 7:13 ~ John MacArthur
"We want to use God as a spare tire not the driving wheel." ~ Adrian Rogers
"The great sin of the average Christian is ignorance of the word of God." ~ J. Vernon McGee
"Your attitude toward the word of God is your attitude toward Jesus (Ps 37:4)." ~ David Jeremiah
The will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot keep you. Mt 14:22-33
"He's moved heaven and hell to get to the door of your heart but he'll never crash the door." ~ J. Vernon McGee Mt 19:22
"He said 'come'. It's your move." Mt 11:28 ~ Adrian Rogers
"You supply the will God supplies the
power--willpower." ~ Adrian Rogers
Universalism--the religion for those who believe in nothing.
"Better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved telling a lie." ~ Adrian Rogers
"It is better to tell the truth that hurts and heals than to tell a lie that comforts and then kills." ~ Adrian Rogers Eccl 7:5, Pr 27:6
"Better to be divided by truth than united in error." ~ Adrian Rogers
"I'd rather be called cruel for being kind than be called kind for being cruel." ~ Robert Lee
"Salt irritates--even when it's healing." ~ Adrian Rogers Mt 5:13-16
"What buttered their bread determined their conduct." ~ Adrian Rogers Ac 19:24-25
"The most vital nerve in the human body is the one that runs from the heart to the pocketbook." ~ Adrian Rogers Ac 19:24-25
"Sometimes the church needs division. Without division they cannot have multiplication." ~ Woodrow Kroll, Jude 16
“We haven’t worn tinfoil for years. We wear aluminum now.” ~ Lionel Jn 8:32
"Ever notice, the ones who deny the holocaust are usually the same ones who
want to repeat it?" ~ Dennis Prager
Joy is a rainbow over tears.
won't give you a road map. He'll give you a glory cloud (Ne 9:19)." ~
Adrian Rogers
Peace = adequate resources
"Peace is never accomplished through passivity." Phil 4:4-7 ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
"Meekness = bridled power." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
“Power is synonymous with purity.” Phil 4:8 ~ J. Vernon McGee
Prayer is humility and dependency on God.
"Prayer pulls the rope below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God." ~ Charles Spurgeon
"Jesus saves from the guttermost to the uppermost." ~ Michael Youssef
“First you won’t repent. Then, you can’t repent.” ~ Adrian Rogers Ro 1:28
"Pretending to repent is more dangerous than not repenting at all." ~ Michael Youssef Ac 14
“If you’ve never met the devil it’s because you and the devil have been going in the same direction. You turn around—you’ll meet him head on.” ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 8:44
“If the devil’s after you, it’s a sign of life.” ~ Adrian Rogers
"God will not honor counterfeit confessions at the bank of heaven." ~ Adrian Rogers Ex 9:27, 34
"Sometimes we smile at a child that's afraid of the dark. I think more ridiculous is a man or woman afraid of the light." ~ Adrian Rogers Jn 3:19
"Pain is God's megaphone." ~ C.S. Lewis
"If you don't get born twice, you're going to rue the day that you were born at all." ~ Adrian Rogers Mt 26:24
"You don't have to get drunk to be relevant to a drunk." ~ Michael Youssef
"If the devil keeps trying to remind you of his past--remind him of his future." ~ Darrell Ferguson
The flesh is a good servant but a bad master.
"Feminists aren't feminine." ~ Jo Scott
"When I speak from the word of God, I speak with the authority of any apostle or prophet." ~ Adrian Rogers
"Find a woman that has character--not one who is a character." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub
"Adam's rib. Satan's fib. Women's lib." ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 3:1
"If you don't believe in wearing fur, take it up with God." ~ Adrian Rogers Ge 3:21, 1:28
"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child." ~ King Lear, Shakespeare Ro 1:21
"The future is assured. It's just the past that keeps changing." ~ Russian joke
"Don't tell me worrying does no good. Most of the things I worry about never happen." ~ Adrian Rogers Ps 37:8
"What can one be but frivolous about serious things? Without frivolity they are simply too tremendous." ~ G.K. Chesterton 2 Cor 5:11
"Do right. Risk the consequences." ~ Bob Enyart
"It's not good to be on the front line and then forget that you're in a war." ~ Daryl Ferguson 2 Co 10:4
"They won't shut up, let up, or back up. His people confess." ~ Adrian Rogers Ac 4:20
"The task is not yours to complete, but neither are you free to desist from it." ~ Pirke Avot 2:21
"You talk about what you love." ~ Jeff Schwarzentraub Ac 28:31
"God uniquely shaped each one of us differently from each other and God did this for a reason." Michael Youssef link
"If God can use Balaam's donkey. He can use you, too." Nu 22:28 ~ David Jeremiah link
"God took a risk when he made man. It was worth it...God made a creature with the capacity for depravity that he might have a creature with the capacity for devotion." ~ Adrian Rogers link
The history of the world is summed up in three words: creation, desecration and re-creation. Generation, degeneration and regeneration. God made it perfect. Sin ruined it. Jesus came...the second Adam--the last Adam that we might be made back as we were." ~ Adrian Rogers link
"We live in a generation of unblushables." ~ Adrian Rogers Jer 6:15 link
"Man constantly wants to make an alibi for sin. Man wants to believe that he is ill but not evil. He is sick but not sinful. He is weak but not wicked." ~ Adrian Rogers link
"Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the serpent and the serpent didn't have a leg to stand on. Everybody is being blamed but nobody is saying, "It's me. It's me. It's me oh Lord." Ps 139:23, Pr 28:13 ~ Adrian Rogers link
"The greater the size of government, the less you are free." Ge 11:2 ~ Adrian Rogers link
"There is no comparison between mans' wisdom and God's wisdom--not even close. Say on his path...You can have human wisdom and you can absolutely destroy your life. You can have godly wisdom and survive any and every circumstance." ~ Charles Stanley
"When Jesus Christ comes I don't want him to find
his tithe in my pocket. Whiskey in my cabinet. Pornography in my
book shelves. Hatred in my heart. I want to be blameless." ~
Adrian Rogers
"We taught this generation self-esteem not self-control. When you always do what you want, you will be a wreck....If you eat what you want, if you have sex with whom you want, if you take what you want, if you sleep all you want, if you drink all you's can't be happy. Saying no to yourself is indispensable to happiness." ~ Dennis Prager
“Covetousness is
lusting for what you must not have” ~ Bob Enyart