Rabbis: 'Flotilla Clash Similar to Gog and Magog Prophesy'
[Rabbis: 'Flotilla Clash Similar to Gog and Magog Prophesy'
by Joel Rosenberg] "Rabbis: 'Flotilla Clash
Similar to Gog and Magog Prophesy.' As you might expect, it caught my attention
right away. Excerpts:
* "The Rabbinical Council of Judea and Samaria issued a statement Thursday in
which it said that the results of the incident in which Israel intercepted a
flotilla trying to break the naval blockade of Gaza seem like the Biblical
description of "the beginning of the Gog and Magog process where the world is
against us, but which ends with the third and final redemption….
* "The Council was formed by Rabbi Zalman Melamed of Beit El and includes
leading religious Zionist rabbis who are the spiritual leaders of communities in
Judea and Samaria….
* "'Gog and Magog' is a reference is to chapters 38 and 39 in the book of
Ezekiel, a part of which is read on the intermediate Sabbath of Sukkot
(Tabernacles). These chapters describe a vision of a war where the world is
united against Israel that will precede the final redemption of Israel and the
world. The prophecy's symbolism involves a prince called Gog of Magog, leader of
Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, who leads a coalition that includes Persia (Iran),
Cush, Phut, Gomer, and Beit Togarmah against Israel. There are various opinions
regarding the modern identity of these nations."
There is growing interest in the Ezekiel prophecies and whether they could play
out in our lifetime. I believe it is still too early to say anything
definitively. But I agree that current events are strikingly consistent with the
prophecies and I believe it is possible that we could see these events unfold
soon. The mention of "Gomer" in Ezekiel, for example, refers to the
modern-day State of Turkey which will be an enemy of Israel and part of a
Russian-Iranian alliance against the Jewish state. I'm not saying the prophecy
will necessarily come to pass soon, but I can't rule out that possibility. We've
never seen a convergence of geopolitical and spiritual events so consistent with
Ezekiel 38-39 in history like we are seeing today. We need to be prayerful,
sober, alert and prepared..."
'Flotilla Clash Similar to Gog and Magog Prophesy
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Islamic countries will perceive that we are against Israel, which in politics makes us Israel's enemy. Sad."
It was really nice of
the U.S. to join the U.N. Security Council in condemning Israel.
Rabbis: 'Flotilla Clash
Similar to Gog and Magog Prophesy'