Raising Children
to comment [from other]: "Do we cause the ruin of our children by negative examples and
outdated traditions and the like? How should we raise them? Should
we let them raise themselves? Will you explain your views?"
If you allow kids to raise themselves you get animal farm. They need to know the Bible before they hit the evil road. Prepare them and protect them. The world loves to argue "We want our hands on your kids." Politicians are working toward that. They want to indoctrinate your kids so that they think just like them.
Children are a gift from God (Ge 33:5; Ps 127:3), not the "mistake" that liberals call them. They should be brought to Christ while they are young (Mr 10:13-16). It is probably harder to get saved when you are older when cynicism can set in. Most people do not challenge their own views--good or bad. Kids should be grounded in the Lord early (Pr 22:6) and prayed for (1Sa 1:10,11; Lu 1:13).