Regulating Child Killing
good laws end in: "...and then you can gas the Jew," "...and then you can lynch
the black," or "...and then you can kill the baby"? Enyart.
[Abortion restrictions pass Texas House, gain votes since Wendy Davis filibuster
Twitchy] "It was Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis’ nearly 11-hour filibuster against
new abortion restrictions that brought national attention to Texas’ debate over
late-term abortion, but her efforts didn’t sway many votes in the state House,
at least in her direction. GOP consultant Matt Mackowiak and others noted that
the legislation actually picked up a few votes..." Full text:
Abortion restrictions pass Texas House, gain votes since Wendy Davis filibuster
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "No but in this life you sometimes have to settle with less bad laws and keep on fighting..."
Ps 119:3, NLT
Focus on the Strategy Bob Enyart