Retard Insults
Response to comment [from other]: "[W]e were taught early on from my father that using that word makes light of the condition and demeans those who are actually mentally retarded."
You are right of course but I think the public is tired of being told how to speak.
"You don't you have to be smart in order to be insulted?"
That's right. And we don't need smarter people, we need better people (Mt 6:33). Most people probably think they are smart (Ro 12:3).
And when asked, most people say they are good drivers.
But we know that's not true.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: ""Retard" use. You are right of course...] but that doesn't stop you I don't use the word. I don't have a problem with people who do."
I don't use the word but I don't have a problem with
people who do.
The point remains--it is leftists who promote politically correct speech. It is
leftists who wish to silence the critic. They claim to promote free speech--so
long as you agree with them and their approved speech.
Sidebar: (because your snide remarks are typical) The super-pious types love
legalism. People get tired of jumping through all your hoops. Why do you think
so many leave empty ritualism and ceremonialism.
I love when people repent of all their religion and come to Christ (Ro 1:16).
"Ritualism is nothing more than a rut, and the only difference between a rut and
a grave is the length and the depth." Chuck Smith
“When I was converted, I lost my religion.” Dr. W.I. Carroll
"Not once upon a time. Once for all time." Adrienne Rogers
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[I]s it ok to be critical of those who use insults?"
This thread discusses whether words like "retard" are
in fact insults.
Why don't you look into your own heart and see if you look down on the mentally
handicapped (Gal 3:28).
Is it a good idea to be sensitive to others? Sure. Does that mean you can (or
should) go around controlling the speech of others? I don't think so.
Response to comment [from other]: "So you are against parents teaching their children that it's wrong to demean the mentally handicapped? That explains a lot ..."
No. Your parents did a good thing. But should this model be imposed on all people? I don't think so.