Robed Muslim clerics kicked off U.S. flight
[Robed Muslim clerics kicked off U.S. flight after pilot refuses to take off with them (and they were en route to conference on Islamophobia) By Daily Mail Reporter] "Two Muslim religious leaders were asked to leave a commercial airliner in Memphis - and were told it was because the pilot refused to fly with them aboard.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Looks like authority coupled with ignorance were more than sufficient to the task.
What do you mean? The captain is responsible for the safely of the aircraft. If he believes the men are dangerous, they must go.
"I mean the captain had obvious authority (the men were removed) and he exercised it in support of nothing more than an ignorant fear (the men in question were not actually posing a threat to anyone)."
So one is ignorant if they believe the Bible? We are not to welcome other gods to our own destruction (Jer 7:6). We are to put idolaters (those who worship the moon, etc.) to death (Deut 17:2-5). The Bible does not say, give them an airline ticket, pillow, and banky.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You may not of realized this but the book of Deuteronomy is Not the law of the land."
It's not the law in this land. Should it be? Is God's law null and void? Mt 5:18.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Muslim religious fanatics and American airplanes have a bad history."
Clash of civilizations.
Response to comment [from other]: "So SD thinks we should put Muslims to death then. What a beacon of light she is...."
Do you believe man can rule and reign?
"What's that got to do with anything?"
The answer is no--he cannot. You've already lost your country. We are not interested in losing ours (Jer 7:6, Deut 17:2-5).
Response to comment [from other]: "The point being made is that whilst it may not be technically illegal to make false allegations as you are, it doesn't make it right, which it most certainly isn't. Not that anyone expects you to suddenly develop a conscience or anything..."
Are you still talking to me? I've left the thread.
"You're still here? It's over!" ~ Ferris Bueller
By the way, when you say something that is true, you are ok with the law. Don't worry bunny. One day when
their masks are removed, you'll see who they are.
(Ga 5:9, 2 Tim. 3:8, Eph. 4:14, 2 Tim. 4:3, 4).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Are you a Christian or are you not? I wish you would make up your mind...This was written by Jews..."
The law is for the lawless (Mt 5:17, Ga 2:19). What would you like to do with the lawless?
"...[I]n 1994 and after three years in Seminary studying Jewish, Christian and Islamic texts, it all of a sudden became clear to me that the Islamic war against Israel was also a war against the US, the entire Christian world and even against all of humanity. I have been dedicating the last sixteen years of my life to spreading this information, information that is buried by the media in the West and often even in Israel.
The Israeli Government lead in most part by secular people whether they are from the Labor Party or the Likud fail to understand that this is a war of religion and are therefore unable to deal with the root problem and existential threat to Israel. For them, this is a war about Palestinian rights, creating a Palestinian state, refugees, settlements, boarders, Jerusalem, economics or petroleum. But it is none of these. The war is a war of religion, a war between God, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God of the Jews and Christians and Allah, the satanic god of Islam who seeks the demise of the Jews and the Christians (pg. 1561-157, Lipkin)."
"...[S]urely the trinity would be considered idolatry..."
The trinity is taught in the Old and New Testament (Ge 1:1, Mt 3:16,17; 28:19; Ro 8:9; 1Co 12:3-6; 2Co 13:14; Eph 4:4-6; 1Pe 1:2; Jude 1:20,21; Re 1:4,5).
"This was written for Jews and not for the entire world..."
You have :CRASH: a better plan and program for mankind? Submit your ten preferences.
"This was not written to the United States..."
Doing a fine job, are we? :rolleyes:
"...[S]o that we could put people to death who disagree with SD."
We die to ourselves (Col 2:12).
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16, Mk 16:15). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
Response to comment [from other]: "Fire that pilot."
Response to comment [from other]: "I don't even know why you care what the pilot thinks, serpentdove."
I have no doubt he had a good reason for removing these men. There is an elevated threat now.
"The case for Islamophobia has been made."
I suggest you think through these ideas before they get us all killed. Our cultures are incompatible.
"Why aren't you talking to us about the little kids, getting their porno scans put up on facebook by TSA pervs, getting radiated, getting molested as 6 year old tiny little girls and boys by perfect strangers..."
We've discussed that. If you insist on being politically correct, you'll lose your country (Jer 7:6, Deut 17:2-5).
"Do you think then that it should be official policy of the United States to execute all Muslims?"
I do not rule and reign. There is a
dictator coming. When he does, I approve of his methods (Mt
Mr 13:32).
In our country people have freedom of religion. They are free to worship their
pagan moon god. Christians do not get the same privilege in
their lands.
“Islam is a religion, political system and military strategy (William Federer)."
Recommended reading:
Islamic Conquest-Past & Present (DVD series) Wiliam J.
Response to comment [from other]: "So you approve of the eventual execution of all Muslims across the entire planet? Do you extend it one step further and approve of the execution of all Non-Christians across the entire planet?"
We share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Mk 16:15). God is not willing that any should perish (2 Pe 3:9, Jn 14:6). Are you asking if I believe in and approve of the doctrine of hell? 2 Th 1:9.
Response to comment [from other]: "And that 'good news' includes stating that 'idolaters' should be 'put to death'?"
The good news is Christ died for you (Ro
10:13). He is not willing
that any perish (2
Pe 3:9,
Jn 14:6).
Muslims are being saved every day (Mk
"What else were you getting at if not advocating executing Muslims?"
Kill zem. Kill zem all.
"It wasn't my country to lose fruitcake..."
Is that
you pictured to the left of the "Islam will dominate
the world" sign?
"If you think America is yours then you've just shot yourself in the foot once again..."
"It's my island." ~ Stephen, Braveheart
"...What you also mean by lost is anyone's guess..."
I think
that corpse under Westminster Abbey has infected the
whole of your land.
"Do you think Muslims should be executed as 'idolaters' or not?"
When? Now? 2 Cor 6:2.
I would prefer Muslims, like all people, receive their Lord and savior (Deut 30:19).
"Do you think that Muslims should be executed as idolaters, yes or no?"
prefer sharing the gospel with
(1Co 9:17).
Response to comment [from other]: "His reason was that they might make other passengers "uncomfortable.""
do not have all of the facts. There is a reason why passengers were made
uncomfortable with
these people. They have been known to test airline procedures (taking pictures
of the plane, sitting in a different seat, saying loving things like "Allahu
akbar" [our pagan moon god is greater than your God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob])--that kind of stuff. I'm have no doubt that the captain made the right
"If he's not fired, I hope the pilot/twit is permanently scheduled to work on flights to and from Muslim countries..."
Josh 24:15.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[Y]ou are now making me uncomfortable."
He's on the wrong side of the battle (Josh
24:15). I bet zoo-animal is one of those hairy
feet, sandal wearing guys that props those nasty traps up against the bulkhead.
Laura Ingraham talks about them all of the time on her radio program. I wouldn't
want to fly with him either.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You make me very uncomfortable. That should not get you thrown off a plane though."
If that's true, bring it to the crew.
"They were probably uncomfortable due to fear mongering..."
What do you mean by fear mongering? Did you notice those buildings coming down on 9/11? We must stay vigilant against this threat to humanity.
"..[P]retty much a situation similar to that of Rosa Parks in other words. It all smells of disgusting xenophobia..."
You equate so-called race with religious ideology?
Moses was married to a black woman by the way (Ex.
Bible believing Christians know that we are one blood and one race--the human
race (Ac
17:26). What do you believe? Do you think we
can from monkeys?
Certain people groups developed at different rates than
other people groups?
"Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are a part of Islam as well..."
"Muslims believe that Ishmael should be included in the prophetic line, yet it
is clear from the Bible (and a certain aya in the Qur'an, S. 29:27) that there
was only one line which God would work through, and that was the line of
Isaac..." Vid:
Which is the True Prophetic Line: Ishmael or Isaac?
Response to comment [from other]: "You just can't answer a straight question can you? What's the matter? Was it not clear enough? A bit too subtle to penetrate whatever passes for your brain?...I'll ask again..."
Ask away (2 Ti 3:7).
"Shut up, Mr. Burton! You were not brought upon this world to get it!" ~
Lo Pan
Response to comment [from other]: "Oooooh, watch out for anyone with hairy feet and sandals folks, they're obviously terrorists! I'm still not convinced anyone can possibly be this darn stupid."
Strawman. It is not my position that we profile based on hairy feet.
Hairy backs are a better indicator anyway.
"...You're the last person here to lecture about truth you dumb little troll..."
It sounds like you're not convinced.
[Who Were the Amorites? by Craig Meyer] "...On
several occasions God reiterated His promise to give Abraham a land "flowing
with milk and honey." Yet the godly patriarch did not inherit the land in his
time because "the iniquity of the Amorites [was] not yet full" (Gen. 15:16).
Here we see the grace and longsuffering of Jehovah even toward those who were
not His covenant people. I refer the reader to this insightful observation on
Gen. 15:16 from the commentary of Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown:
"The statement implies
that there is a progress in the course of sin and vice among nations as well as
with individuals, and that, although it be long permitted, by the tolerant
spirit of the Divine
government, to go on with impunity, it will at length reach a culminating point,
where, in the retributions of a righteous Providence, the punishment of the
sinner, even in this world, is inevitable."
In closing, I believe that we can learn at least three lessons from the
First, we must never worship their gods. Only the one, true, living God is
worthy of our adoration--impotent idols cannot compete with the omnipotent I AM.
Second, we must never become so intoxicated with human strength that we forget
the Divine power that can drive us to our knees (Dan. 4:28-37), yea, even unto
oblivion's dust (Matt. 23:12; 25:41,46; Jas. 4:8-10,12a).
Third, we must remember that God gives both men and nations time and opportunity
to repent of their sin (cf. Rev. 2:20-21). The Amorite nation despised God's
goodness and longsuffering by refusing to repent of their sin (cf. Rom. 2:4);
the Lord's judgment upon them was most severe. Anyone who imitates their
rebellion will one day "lift up his eyes in torment" and eternally regret it
(Rom. 2:5; Matt. 10:28; Rev. 2:22-23)..." Full text:
Who Were
the Amorites?
"I've noticed that not only does Serpent Dingbat link everything to her own website, (already known) she also makes some convenient "edits" and completely misquotes people..."
few housekeeping items:
Quotes on my site are correct. If you find an error, please let me know.
By the way, you may falsely accuse today but the chance to do even that will end
(Re 12:10).
"...[E]xplore the mangling of other folks posts..."
Recommended Reading (English 101):
Little Brown Handbook
Response to comment [from other]: "Hm, yeah, that's very bizarre. I didn't realize it extended to that level of bizarre. Reposting TOL threads, but with edits and omissions. Huh."
A few housekeeping items:
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I think it is quite remarkable how zoo seems to really care about Muslim clerics and his dog..."
Just an aside. I think it's
interesting that Graniteheart's avatar is a dog and like a dog he tries to
fight for dominance by way of supposed moral high ground (Jn 10:10).
He's selling
vomit (2 Pe 2:22).
Response to comment [from other]: "In regards to SD and Joey...Kooky monsters."
I do not care to discuss Joey
when he is not here but
I have a few things I'd like to ask him when he returns.
"Chances are he is here in some guise or other. Anyone else getting rep comments from Tiffany Cumbo...?"
Some TOLers questioned his beliefs. We can talk about it when/if he comes back.
"You'll have a hard job considering he's got a permanent ban..."
That's a shame.
Response to comment [from other]: "Your whole
site's an 'error'...Quotes there are not 'correct'..."
Quotes are exact. If
you find an error, let me know.
you love the site if you agreed with the content?
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "SD has way too much free time on her hands!"
3,949 posts later--looks like
you do, too.
Not bringin' much light though (Jn 3:19).
Response to comment [from other]: "["It's my island." ~ Stephen, Braveheart] I thought it was God's?"
I'm proud of you!
You found an error. North American is not an island.
Have I told you what an adorable bunny you are?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "just give me your guess as to what percent of the Muslim clerics do not preach hate in their mosques..."
Mosques need to be bugged.
"But how do we do it without the liberals finding out?"
They love and adore
this ideology. If we must live with the satanic disease known as Islam, the
least we can do is protect ourselves.
Response to comment [from other]: "You don't quote people properly on here..."
The quotes are exact.
"Here's an error SD. It's called"
That is the name of the site.
I'm sure you won't bore TOLers with every error you find. On second thought,
I'm not so sure.
"No, they aren't. You're too dishonest to quote people correctly on here never mind your own site..."
Are you going to repeat
yourself 400 more times?
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Since when do pilots even see who is boarding their plane?"
They don't have to. If there
is a disturbance, they are advised.
Response to comment [from other]: "These passengers had already been cleared through security."
You think there are"What "threat" had this pilot perceived exactly?"
Those facts aren't given.
"It seems to be common consensus that this berk of a pilot didn't have any viable reason to deny these people a flight. The airport management evidently felt the same as well..."
You don't know that. Do you decide right from wrong based on a common consensus? Ex 23:2.
So far there ain't any unless you can provide it? Nice """"new"""""avatar by the way
My Toby Keith?
"...[W]hat a surprise you edited my post and gave no actual response to the core content!"
I agree with you.
We need more facts.
There are certainly other airline dealings going on today
suggested we welcome these people (Jer
Deut 17:2-5).
You weren't for killing zem...killing zem all.
Response to comment [from other]: "Can you see the difference? By omitting certain words, you change the context of what the person was saying..."
A few housekeeping items:
The quotes are exact at the site. The meaning remains the same. The only
changes that I make are minor typos (e.g. your misspelling of the word
"omitting" [typo from TM quote] in the previous post).
I'm sorry you're paranoid.
Are you going to submit 400 more samples at TOL? If you have a concern,
email the webmaster at the appropriate site.
Or, you could meet with CheeseWiz and zoo-animal at a coffee shop--see
if you can't pow wow to find a way to shut it down altogether (
the Left loves to silence the critic). Gather up the Sodomites and the
atheists. Do a "community organizing" sort of thing.
Response to comment [from
other]: "You've just attributed
a quote to me that was actually stated by Thunders Muse doofus..."
Your quote in the previous post of TM.
I make minor edits to typos. When I edit a
quote, the original meaning is maintained. What you accuse me of
doing is something that Barbie does on a regular basis. I do not.
Read through the entire site if you'd like. You will quickly see
that this is true.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Firstly, it was me who actually wrote that part you quoted..."
AB quoted you in the
previous post.
"So what if I spelled that word incorrectly, my point was spot on."
"An 'exact' quote is just
that...exactly what the person said. Not your interpretation of what
they said, nor a watered down quote to make you look good."
The use of ellipses is common. It would be
unethical to change the meaning of the text being edited. Barbi does
this on a regular basis. I do not.
"My spelling error, you mean."
I am not
concerned with your spelling error. That is why I edit typos rather
than making use of [sic].
"I wonder if you've ever misquoted Knight?"
"I still don't get this whole 'left' 'right' thing. Isn't there more to life that what hand someone writes with?"
Move over
Sophocles (Ingraham).
Eccl 10:2.
Tactics of the Left
"...[T]hanks for being so loving..."
Thanks for being so
"But I actually said the words you quoted. Even if AB did quote me in his reply, he didn't actually say those words...I did. That's called misquoting."
You're right. I agree
with you. I've revised it: [typo from TM quote]. He could have
clarified with [sic]. I wouldn't have noticed but for my spell
check. This is all so fascinating.
[I am not concerned with your spelling error. That is why I edit typos rather than making use of [sic].] "Then why bring it up?"
One must be vewy clear with rabbit.
"...[A] person possibly worth getting to know...but how can I possibly know that when you push people away with this reasoning, I'm not entirely sure you even believe is true."
I'm sorry. I was
being snarky. Please forgive me.
I do believe what I say. If bunny didn't believe that, he'd be even
more concerned.
He's got us going down
satanic bunny trails talking about jots and tittles. I may be wrong
about the signature issue; nonetheless, it's an excellent exercise
to find out who is of God and who is not.
Response to comment [from other]: "It was amusingly ironic SD..."
You are easily amused.
"Even inadvertently it seems you can't help but misquote folk..."
I copy and then paste the
quote so that it is exact. I use brackets ([ ]) to indicate a
grammatical change or a change so that the quote makes sense.
"You do not just make 'minor edits to typos'...
Let the reader decide.
You have
examples that go back to 2008.
"You butcher the meaning and context..."
No I
don't. Let the reader decide.
Yes you do. TM's just
provided one such example. Let the reader decide indeed...
Not so. I call him meathead for a reason.
And Jimmy likes Elaine.
Let the reader decide.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[W]e both wear glasses and drink out of a cup..."
Does water
slip out the side ever?
"What am I supposed to take from this?"
just teasing you.
I'm sure that you drink out of a cup just fine.
Response to comment [from other]: "Actually I drink out of a vase..."
I knew you were a potted plant.
Response to comment [from other]: "...It is not "exact" when you've snipped 70% out SD."
I am being kind when I say
that you're only 30% interesting. I'm sorry you come across as
ridiculous. Your name is removed, thankfully. You should be grateful
that I have a short memory.
Get saved and I'll delete all of your most profound
"...Nobody here believes your dumb allegations for a start..."
Then you are 100% happy.
"...[M]isquoting folk out of context is your standard MO."
A direct quote is not a misquote.
"TM's just provided one such example."
I appreciate that.
If there are any errors here at TOL or on my site, by all means point it
out. I know you will not bog TOL down issues related to my site.
bunny trail here is an attempt to margainize me.
"13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." ~
Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals.
"Barbarian could care less what you call him..."
Barbarian is not to be taken
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Has anyone here, who would by virtue of familiarity with persons and posts, ever actually sided with your reading?"
Appeal to Popularity (Ad Populum).
"I've never seen it...though I've seen a few who
thought you either knew better or should or had some difficulty to
account for your conclusions..."
Is it still legal to
"I don't find any substantive support for your posits regarding other members here and allegations of sock puppet accounts..."
Have you debated
these people? How often has your position differed from theirs?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I am
pretty sure she votes Republican."
No chryso'. I am
presently registered: Constitution Party. When they are
living and breathing biblically, I support them.
[Supporting the Consitution Party when they are biblically sound] "[T]hat makes you completely irrelevant..."
"How wude." ~ Jar Jar Binks
[Submitting errors] "If you appreciated it you'd do something about it."
If you have an error to
report, send a message. If you are merely interested in ad hominem
attacks, you will find a place in my
spam folder. Either way, state your concern once and move on.
"You've effectively marginalized yourself SD..."
It was a fine attempt.
Attack issues
not people.
[Barbarian] "I'm sure he'll have good reason to state what he did..."
I'm sure you're sure (Mt
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "A contrario. That was a question, meant to illustrate a certain deficiency you recognize by virtue of your response. You want a helpful bit of Latin?"
No, I like English. You think highly of yourself, don't you? Ro 12:3. :think:
"...AB and kmo and I differ pretty markedly on religious matters, given AB is a Universalist..."
That's convenient.
Is universalism / universal salvation biblical? If Jesus died for the
sins of the entire world, does that mean that everyone in the world is
"...[A]nd kmo is less than settled on the deity of Christ..."
I've noticed.
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
"Haven't spent much time on religion with PB, though we've discussed politics often enough...Why do you ask?"
I believe you'd to have debated them...on...and on to begin to recognize their patterns of argument and style.
Response to comment [from other]: "What's the point in linking to a site criticizing universalism when TH is the one who holds a position against it?"
For any other universalist who might stop by.
"Accusing TH of 'thinking highly of himself' when you're the one who baldly asserts unsubstantiated allegations..."
I support my claims with the
word of God (Ps. 119:142, 151, 160). He supports his claims with
legalese (Eccl 5:3).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "How is AB's Universalism convenient?"
You claim to be a Christian.
Any word for him besides legalese (Eccl 5:3)?
It's convenient to believe you'll go to heaven no matter what you
belief--no matter what you do. The apostle Paul said, "Do not be
deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of
God (1 Co 6:9-10)."
Would you explain the meaning of "do not be deceived" for us? You're a
Any loophole there?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "AB isn't a Satanist."
Satanic bunny trails. We have an enemy who tries to destroy the testimony of believers.
[Signature] "Well, why not change it and save yourself a whole heap of 'repeat posts'?"
People should know when the are speaking with an antichrist. Also, the exercise reveals Leftist tactics.
"Wouldn't you rather have this whole issue dropped and actually debate important issues?"
It's fair to ask questions about editing rules, I suppose. I'm not his English/Writing teacher (thank God :rolleyes:). You asked questions about legalities, yourself. I believe I am within all legal boundaries.
[Who is of God/Who is not] "...Are you so convinced that you have it so right..."
I am convinced that PB et al, Kmo, etc. do not have biblical worldviews.
"...that you can determine who is of God and who is not?"
I have a good idea based on their statements. Only God knows who is saved and who is not.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Given that your system of God's rule would effectively be involved in executing over 70% of the global population, all of them."
You believe
all systems of government are better than God's rule and reign. I
don't. We disagree (Jer 7:6, Deut 17:2-5).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Some people might accuse you of the same thing."
People accuse me of all sorts of things--plagiarist, liar, sexist, Islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, bigot (Prager) ...
"Wouldn't you rather have this whole thing dropped?"
I can't answer every charge. Some minor issues I'll address and then move on. We live in a lost and dying world (Lu 2:10,11,31,32).
[Make believers] "...[I]f you are going to assume that about every person who has a differing opinion to yours, you'll be condemning most of humanity..."
Jn 3:18.
"...[Y]our opinion is that these people aren't saved based on posts made on TOL. An opinion is very different from fact."
Isn't that what we are here to discuss?
Response to comment [from other]: "Big deal. Doesn't give you the right to accuse them of having sock accounts and broadcasting it as if it's "fact". There's nothing moral about that."
I broadcast my opinion. It's a community service.
A few housekeeping items:
Even if I wanted to change my signature, I get the error codes "BB code url is not allowed." and "BB code size is not allowed." Maybe I'm grandfathered in. See what you've done. Now you've ruined lovely signatures for everyone by all
your complaining.
"What 'statements'? Those that don't go along with YEC or any other fundamentalist doctrine?"
That is one indication of something amiss.
Response to comment [from other]: "You know what, SD? I don't believe the yawn...I don't think you brush any of this off as easily as you pretend to do."
Abbreviation () for "fallacious argument".
It's true, after speaking with P66, it's
a crying game moment.
"The problem here SD, is that you haven't actually addressed any of the issues...When asked, your answer is always 'let the reader decide'. That's not discussing anything, that avoiding the issue."
You must have missed the previous 400 posts.
Response to comment [from other]: "I've just changed my sig with no problems at all..."
You do not have a link.
Hello out there. Hello out there. I said, "I'm special." Bun', you were going on and on about how I have a signature with a link and how easy it is to change it? I don't see a link on your signature. Why is that?
Have you, zoo-animal and Wiz (new best friend) been up to something?
Response to comment [from other]: "I don't have a link in my sig because I've no need of one SD. I've used links elsewhere and have had no difficulty in altering them..."
Prove it. Put a link on your own signature.
"...[S]o why you're having trouble I've no idea...."
I'm not having trouble. I tested a minor change and it no longer works. I think it is not allowed anymore because of all your complaining.
"...One easy way to change it..."
Not interested. It serves its purpose.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [I'm special] "...[T]hat explains a lot."
Response to comment [from other]: "If your sig wasn't 'allowed' anymore you'd have been given notification to remove it SD..."
Is this what upsets you? You've been so persuasive in the past.
"So why even make "minor touches" then if you were going to do nothing about it anyway?"
I'm not sure why I get the new error code. It's fine how it is. You do not care if others are deceived. I do (Eph 5:11).
Response to comment [from other]: "...[A]ttempt to deceive others..."
You're are repeating yourself again.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Serpentdove, could you please share the line of reasoning that leads you to conclude I am a 'Leftist'? Because I cannot think of a single issue on which I am left of center by modern US standards. In point of fact, I am the single most reactionary person I have ever met in person, and almost certainly make the top 10 of most reactionary people I've interacted with online."
Nice to meet you. Your sin might be getting the best of you.
De 9:7; Jos 1:18.
Response to comment [from other]: "Will you please tell your alter ego PB that I said hi..."
You're so perceptive today. "My sperm cells are mine (Gamera)."
You're one to talk. . Noguru quote: “Perhaps Snakebird has never had anyone in her life interested in, well you know, intimacy...”
"You're like summer vacation--no class." ~ Fat Albert