Ronald L. Dart and Herbert W. Armstrong


[Letter from JK]:  "...[Ronald] Dart has made his way into Evangelical radio because not know where he is coming from. He denies the Trinity, The Born again experience, hell, and many other Christian teachings. He has now been cancelled from over twenty-three [Christian] stations, due to his unorthodox teachings. One of his attacks on the Trinity can be found here.

...Notice many of these other off-shoots of Herbert W. Armstrong. Many of these also have been cancelled from Christian stations. It's a sad state of affairs when Christian owners of stations air these programs, such a KLTT [in Denver], which is owned by Crawford Broadcasting. Mr Crawford has been warned by leading scholars concerning airing Dart and other Armstrong off-shoots. Crawford even airs an JW'S program in OR, which you know is a cult..."


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "...[D]o you claim your religion and beliefs are the one and only and none else should be allowed?"


Truth is truth independent from me (Ac 5:29, Mt 15:9). Who cares what I say? What has God said?



Ronald L. Dart and Herbert W. Armstrong